Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2683: Aftermath

"I said we should temporarily truce?" Robertson didn't want to take his life in vain, and offered to stop fighting temporarily.

Pan Yuguo looked at the rapidly approaching meteorite and thought that Robertson's proposal was feasible: "Yes, we will fight again later!"

The two separated and moved their friendly forces in different directions. Because of their separate pilots, the meteorite did not cause any damage in the end. It smashed into the ground and sent a strong shock wave. The shock wave spread from the inside to the outside and knocked down a large area of ​​mecha. .

The pilots of the Saint Gama Empire were on their way to escape. The vibration from under their feet made them unable to control their mechas. Many mechas staggered and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the enemies outside stopped attacking. , No more hits.

The pilots of the Saint Gama Empire felt the goodwill of the Quran God Republic. They knew that if the enemy continued to attack, they would definitely be dead, so they all bowed to the peripheral enemies after they got up and thanked them for letting them survive.

"These guys are quite polite. It's okay that we let them go, but how things will develop..." Promises twitched the corners of his mouth slightly. He didn't know whether his decision was right or wrong. Today’s war has endless possibilities.

"Whatever you do, you will be over!" Lang Ba was simpler and more straightforward. He stretched out the steel claws equipped with both hands, leading the team and rushing upwards, "Follow me and give these enemies again. I'll go down!"

A lot of pilots yelled and rushed up with Lang Ba. They promised to feel a lot easier after watching. Yeah, why bother to consider the right or wrong of the previous choices. They just need to do what they should do later. So he also raised his beam rifle to provide cover for Lang Ba and his team from the rear: "Others shoot with me to cover them from entering the enemy camp!"

The aftermath of the meteorite is not over yet, and there are constant fluctuations from the ground. All the mechas fighting on the ground are affected. It depends on who has better driving skills and can control the fuselage. Everything is shaken down again. None of the mechas can live for a few seconds.

The two sides started fighting again, but the morale had clearly come to the side of the Quran God Republic, because they were the subjects who took the initiative to fight. The Saint Gama empire pilots surrounded by them had not yet emerged from the psychological shadows and could not perform the most. Good level.

At this time, they need to have a backbone to boost their morale, but Griffin has been trapped by Chen Feng’s burst of light beams, and he can stop Chen Feng’s and Hongshuibin’s cooperation is already very good, where there is leisure Take care of the status of other people.

Due to the hard work of Hongbin, the two survived for five minutes without danger. In the almost time when the meteorite fell, Chen Feng's beam cage was completely formed. With the violent impact of the meteorite fall, Chen Feng threw the beam cage towards him. Griffin.

The violent vibration from behind made Griffin nervous for a while. He was very worried that the mecha troops of the Qur'an God Republic would take the opportunity to launch a fierce attack and kill the pilots of the Saint Gama Empire affected by the impact. He turned his head and looked at it. Only after the lap did he let his heart down, the opponent still had a better conscience and did not take advantage of the chaos to attack, and his pilot was able to escape the deadliest crisis.

It was precisely because Griffin went to check the encounters of other mechas that he could not stop Chen Feng from displaying the beam cage. When he turned around, the beam cage was already controlled by Chen Feng and was thrown over by Hong Bin. One block can't be avoided at all.

Even if he was enveloped by the beam of light again, Griffin did not panic at all. Although Chen Feng's stunt was extremely powerful, it was not impossible to limit it. Griffin's extremely calm destruction of the beam of light, no matter what. Lift off.

Griffin didn’t fly into the sky, resulting in a lot less angle at which Chen Feng could attack. He couldn’t pose any threat from below. He couldn’t let the floating cannon shoot from the ground. Even if the floating cannon could fly down, the beam couldn’t hit it. .

And Griffin stays on the ground to fight another advantage, that is, it restricts the play of Flood Bin. The Falcon in the "Candle Light Youying" variant form can only exert its power to the greatest extent in the air. Flood Bin on the ground It is difficult to use it well.

Griffin quickly resolved the two strengths of Chen Feng and Hongshuibin, preventing them from maximizing their abilities, and Griffin himself was not greatly affected. Become the most profitable party.

But even though Griffin had won favorable conditions for himself, it was difficult to move forward in front of the formed beam cage. Even if Chen Feng could not launch an offensive from below, it would be difficult to deal with the beams rushing from other directions.

Griffin kept smashing the beams with two guns, but Chen Feng was able to replenish the beams soon, and he could even shoot more. Shuhuibin next to him was also familiar with the road, making up for attacks in the gaps Chen Feng did not take care of. .

Griffin could not break free from the beam cage. Occasionally, he was about to succeed but was intercepted by Hongbin. Chen Feng controlled the beam and stuck it up again. Griffin could only helplessly be covered again. Look for a breakthrough again.

At this point in the battle, even if Griffin is reluctant to admit it, he must recognize the reality: once Chen Feng and Hongshuibin can fully demonstrate their respective strengths, it will be difficult for him to gain the upper hand alone.

Griffin’s arrogance does not allow him to ask for help. Even if Chen Feng and Shuibin join forces to attack him alone, he only wants to defeat them by his own strength: "You are getting better and better, but Don't think that you can beat me!"

After the voice fell, Griffin began to output with all his strength. He had already deliberately adapted to the changes of the new double guns. Basically, he could not be much different from the original. Numerous beams of light rushed out from the muzzle, and then matched the front light. Expand defense.

The number of beams in the beam cage is extremely large, but there is still a certain distance from breaking through Griffin’s defenses. The beams were intercepted and destroyed by Griffin after they flew to Griffin’s side. It can be said that a single beam of water failed to pass the special machine that hit him. .

At this time, Hongbin’s performance is very important. When the beam cage is difficult to work, he once again speeds up to Griffin’s side, using different types of characteristics to harass Griffin’s defense, sometimes using Double draw swords for a fierce attack.

It may not be difficult for Griffin to be troubled by Flood Bin alone, but the ghost of Flood Bin attacked when he was interspersed in the beam cage, and he could always attack when Griffin was the most difficult, invisibly increasing his power. .

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