Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2454: Deserve it

Chen Feng beats Hongshui Bin many times every day and feels very refreshed. In Langya Mecha Academy, there is no pilot with similar strength to him like Hongshui Bin, so he can’t let Hongshui Bin go: "My right leg is still a few months away. I can't do much physical training during this period of recovery. If you don't accompany me to practice simulation combat, I will definitely fall inevitably."

Pilots do not advance or retreat. Every pilot is trying his best to make himself stronger. Chen Feng, as the most powerful pilot in the Saint Gama Empire, is even more so. He always urges himself not to relax, otherwise forever Can't keep up with Griffin.

If you want to defeat the Saint Gama Empire, you must first solve the problem of Griffin. Hong Bin is very clear about Chen Feng's considerations, so he did not refuse Chen Feng to stay with him to train, even if every simulation battle ended in failure. No complaints.

The days of saturating training made the two feel a little tired. Just as news came from Marco Wei that those who had colluded with the Saint Gama Empire had confessed to the crime, the two decided to go to the military headquarters together to see who was hurting them. .

Since Wang Yongzhang confessed all the crimes, he stayed silently in the cell. His wife was proven innocent and was released by Commander Ma, but she was unwilling to leave her husband and son. Commander Ma looked at her pitifully and agreed. In response to her request, an extra room was set aside for her in the military headquarters, and she was allowed to visit prison when conditions permit.

Whenever Wang Yongzhang saw his wife appear, he would be very excited. He was very grateful to Commander Ma for keeping his promise. He was obsessed and obsessed step by step to an irretrievable point. No matter what, he should not unite with outsiders to harm his compatriots.

Wang Yongzhang really regretted it. He told Commander Ma all the channels he knew that could connect with the Saint Gama Empire. Commander Ma smashed them all along the way, and once again dealt a heavy blow to the secrets of the Saint Gama Empire. power.

The spies in the Qur'an God Republic had already been cleaned up. Now the hard-worked channels have been destroyed. It is difficult for the Saint Gama Empire to set off storms. The confrontation between the two countries is gradually turning to confrontation on the surface.

When Chen Feng saw Wang Yongzhang, the other party was being transferred to the judiciary. Now Wang Yongzhang's crimes such as treason with the enemy and the use of power for personal gain have been very clear, and the law needs to be used to give him the most fair trial.

Wang Yongzhang recognized Chen Feng as soon as he saw him. This young and powerful God of War was exactly the goal of the Saint Gama Empire. When he helped that group of people lurking, he studied Chen Feng’s deeds. After studying, the more he felt Chen Feng's extraordinary.

Perhaps this kind of Chen Feng could really lead the Gulan God Republic to the final victory. Wang Yongzhang couldn't help but think like this. He walked a few steps to Chen Feng and bent down deeply: "Sorry, I am confused. I shouldn't help the enemy."

"You are sorry not only for me, but also for the innocent people who suffered. One of your mistakes has plunged many families into darkness, and you are inexcusable!" Chen Feng will not forgive Wang Yongzhang for the scene after the attack that day. Vividly, so many students and passers-by died tragically because of Wang Yongzhang's collaborating with enemies, and this kind of death is not regrettable.

Wang Yongzhang knew that he had made a big mistake. He did not ask Chen Feng to forgive him. He just apologized to make himself feel more at ease: "I know my sins. Fortunately, you have not suffered too serious injuries. Please be sure to defeat Saint Gama in the future. empire!"

"That's natural. Everything we do is to win." Hongshui Bin replied for Chen Feng. They never stopped working hard and believed that the day when the Saint Gama Empire was defeated would not be too long.

Wang Hongwei next to him will also be transferred to the judicial department. He saw his father for the first time after many days, and he stayed in tears: "Dad, I have explained everything that I know, we will be fine, right? "

"You will be fine. Replace all the debts that should be paid. Remember, in the future, you will be upright and steadfast, and don't make your mother sad anymore." Wang Yongzhang looked at his son lovingly and wanted to touch his head. But he was stuck in handcuffs and couldn't reach it.

People are about to die. Wang Yongzhang knows that he can’t escape justice. He hopes that his son can learn from this incident and will not do anything as confused as him in the future. Be nice to your mother.

Wang Yongzhang’s wife has been with them all the time, and after hearing her husband’s words, she burst into tears: “Don’t worry, Lao Wang, our son is very smart. He will definitely get better and better. Don’t worry about us.”

"Well, I believe him too!" Wang Yongzhang knew that he would not live long. He still had a lot to say to his son. He should hurry up and pass on all his experience to Wang Hongwei. Fortunately, they had to take the same car to get off. Talk for a while.

Seeing Wang Yongzhang’s family being picked up by the judiciary’s vehicle, Hongshuibin’s thoughts were all transferred to Ma Kewei next to him. What he likes to do now is to stay with Ma Kewei every day, if it weren’t for Chen Fengqiang to leave him long ago came back.

"I'm back~ I will stay in the military department next." Hong Bin ran to Ma Kewei and held the opponent's hand, saying that the matter at Langya Mecha Academy has been processed, and he will return to the military department to accompany him. Around her.

Ma Kewei is naturally happy that Hongshuibin can stay by her side, but she is more concerned about whether it will drag Hongshuibin: "I heard that you and Chen Feng's training effect is very good, don't you want to achieve a breakthrough in synchronization rate, no? Continue training with him?"

"Synchronization rate breakthroughs are hard to come by. I don't have the feeling of approaching a breakthrough. I guess no amount of training will help much before reaching this stage." Hong Bin shrugged and made a breakthrough for him. It's still very far away. "Besides, I can conduct remote simulation warfare training with Chen Feng on the Internet. Now that technology is so advanced, it will not have much impact."

Since Chen Feng had already arrived at the military headquarters, he naturally wanted to meet Commander Ma with Hongshuibin. They led him to Commander Ma’s office under Ma Kewei, and once again entered this very familiar place.

Commander Ma was studying the waters around the Pacific Ocean. He was fully focused on not noticing anyone entering. Chen Feng and Hongshuibin didn’t want to disturb his thoughts and stayed with him. Only Ma Kewei didn’t care as much as they did. Cough: "Ahem, father, Chen Fei and Shui Bin are here, didn't you say that you want to chat with them, you can do it now."

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