Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2431: Different opinions

In addition, many islands have been breached and all the facilities on them have been destroyed. Reconstruction will take a lot of effort. In fact, in addition to occupying the islands of the Pacific Ocean, the Quran God Republic is in a wasteful state. Xing stage.

After counting the remaining number of my mechas, there are still nearly 13,000. All the top pilots survived. The mood of the Saint Gama empire pilots improved slightly. The effect of this active attack seems to be ok. , Killing at least 9,000 mechas of the opponent at the cost of 7,000 mechas, it is not a failure.

The only problem is that we have not been able to occupy the islands we have. It will be very troublesome to attack from the Pacific in the future. The Qur'an God Republic will definitely continue to strengthen the defense of all islands, and it will become more difficult to capture.

The Secretary of the Military Department asked the commander to fly to Griffin to express his gratitude, because he was not good at talking during the low tide just now. After all, he gave the order to retreat, and his words could easily arouse the revulsion of the pilots and change the situation. It's worse.

Now Griffin has successfully reversed the emotions of the pilots, leading them to realize that they have not failed in today’s battle, and the Minister of the Army has the opportunity to speak up. After thanking Griffin, he said to the whole army: "Everyone. Don’t just care about the immediate gains and losses. Our actions today have dealt a heavy blow to the enemy, and we have already achieved the effects we planned to achieve. Then the retreat was also approved by the president, so don’t feel wronged in your hearts. We will do it again in the future. Attacked."

Griffin calmed the pilots’ emotions, and the words of the Secretary of the Military Department were easily heard by them. They flew calmly and did not show much opposition. A turmoil that might have occurred due to failure dissipated. invisible.

In fact, to be honest, the President and the Secretary of the Military Department are not very satisfied with today’s results, but in terms of the development trend on the battlefield, if they don’t retreat, they will probably vomit all the results they obtained before, and it’s best to accept them when they are good select.

After the Minister of Military Department transmitted his opinions back, the president hesitated for a while and asked the opinions of others around him, but no one came out to answer, embarrassing him for a long time.

"You are all the highest-level leaders of our country. Why don't you say anything when the matter comes? Can't you answer whether you should retreat or not?" The president is very angry. The country raises these people not for decoration, the critical moment It has to work.

The people present were the leaders of the various departments of the Saint Gama Empire. They should have provided advice to the president. After seeing the president go crazy, they looked at each other a few times, and finally someone came out and replied: "I think it’s time to retreat, according to Intelligence shows that the mechas in the Qur'an God Republic have begun to be deployed. If we can't win in a short time, it will be in trouble."

This person is the Minister of the Intelligence Department. He can be regarded as the person who knows the battlefield best among the people here. He knows the difficulties encountered by the frontline troops best. From a rational point of view, retreat is the only choice. What will happen if you continue to fight? Expected.

"I am opposed to it. After planning for such a long time, several islands have not been occupied and they must be returned to each other. Do you know how much resources and time it will take to rebuild 7,000 mechas? I am afraid that we will not be able to organize today. It's an action of the same scale!" The Minister of Finance stood up and opposed. He firmly stated that he must not give up unless he achieves his goal.

The Minister of Finance raised a lot of funds for the operation of today’s campaign. Without his strong support, the Saint Gama Empire would not be able to form such a large army of mechas. He has lost more than ten kilograms for this event, so he suggested Very important.

These two people took the lead in expressing their suggestions, and the remaining people were automatically divided into two factions. One faction supported the military minister who said he would take the initiative to evacuate when he still had an advantage.

The two factions expressed their opinions and made the entire conference room very noisy. The president's head was very loud. He just wanted to ask everyone for their opinions instead of asking them to bargain at the vegetable market.

The president suddenly stood up and patted the table with a palm, and roared: "Stop arguing! The frontline soldiers are still fighting **** battles, but what are you doing here?! If you want to quarrel, just give me out to quarrel, don’t affect your decision!"

After being drunk by the president, the noise finally subsided, but neither of the two factions were convinced. They stared at each other and panted. They both thought they were right and would express their opinions again whenever they had the opportunity.

From a different point of view, the Saint Gama Empire allowed the mecha army to retreat or not to retreat. The purpose of the people present was for the good of the country, so the president did not hold them accountable for the noisy, but asked everyone to calm down slowly. Say.

It is a pity that the two sides have not been able to reach a consensus. The Minister of Intelligence always insists that it is the most beneficial to receive what is good, and the Minister of Finance feels that the early investment cannot be wasted, and the country will no longer have the strong combat power it is today.

Neither faction could persuade each other, so the president was still unable to make a decision, but the war would not be stopped because of their dispute. The mechas of both sides fell one after another on the battlefield, and unexpected changes took place.

In the end, the military minister on the front line came back with the latest news, saying that Griffin was injured in the battle, and the condition of the special plane is not very good, which may affect the subsequent battles, and there is an unknown source on the battlefield. The morale of the pilots was greatly suppressed, and if they did not make a decision, they would soon collapse on a large scale.

It was heard that even Griffin was injured, and the Saint Gama Empire was still arguing and all the high-level leaders lost their voices. The root of their fearlessness came from Griffin, the most powerful God of War, no matter what enemy he was facing. The performance was impeccable all the time, helping the Saint Gama Empire to tide over one difficulty after another, how could it accidentally be injured today?

There is also that creature that is too large to be seen. Is this the secret weapon of the Quran God Republic? Everyone asked the Minister of Military to send back the scene footage to see if it was really as amazing as he said.

The Minister of Military Department was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly passed back the useful information and videos collected by the commander. The sound of cold air in the meeting room kept one after another. No one had ever seen such a large and powerful creature. We can't blame the soldiers on the front line for losing. Confidence, they can't stand it just by looking at the back.

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