Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2428: imitate

The big fish observes the battle between the two mechas from underwater. Whenever there is a Saint Gama Empire mech that is far away from the other mechas, it will once again throw the fish tail, and shoot it into pieces with lightning speed. .

In fact, the lethality of the big fish is not too strong. It does not take many shots in battle, but every time it takes shots, it will cause very amazing visual effects. Its existence makes the Saint Gama Empire pilots become more and more afraid of themselves. Become the next goal.

In order to avoid becoming the target of being shot, the Saint Gama Empire pilots are all rooted on the ground. If they are not necessary, they are absolutely unwilling to take off, which increases the chance of being attacked by enemy aircraft and makes the battle more difficult.

The mechas of both sides are fighting on the island, and Griffin and Chen Feng's battle has also entered a white-hot stage. Both sides have displayed their strong stunts. Chen Feng is not inferior to Griffin in shooting skills, mainly attacking. The power is weaker.

Most of the beams shot by Chen Feng were destroyed by Griffin, but he couldn't stand his many weapons. The number of beams in the air was still slowly increasing, and the embryonic form of the beam cage was emerging under Chen Feng's delicate control.

Griffin suffered from not having enough weapons. He was not able to control so many weapons at the same time like Chen Feng. It was very difficult to handle from a distance. He had a faint feeling that he would and Chen Feng continue to fight in the current way. Both lose out.

Griffin is the strongest pilot. He certainly didn't want to be injured with Chen Feng. He took the lead in trying to change the rhythm, controlling the special plane to move quickly in the air to avoid Chen Feng's lock, and at the same time increase the intensity of destroying the beam.

The power of the two guns in Griffin's hands remained the same, even under the premise of energy shortage, they still played a role. While advancing, they destroyed all the beams on this side, destroying the prototype of the beam cage formed by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was not discouraged. He was facing Griffin alone now, and he certainly couldn't compare with the time when Hong Bin was there. The beam cage couldn't be formed normally. The main thing was whether he could withstand Griffin's charge.

Griffin seemed to be moving smoothly, but he could not ignore the problem with the propeller behind him. Several times he felt the vibration of the special plane when he changed directions rapidly. If it weren't for his excellent driving skills, he might have been affected by the surroundings. The beam hits.

Chen Feng also noticed Griffin's anomaly. It seemed that the effect of destroying his thrusters was very effective, so he controlled a large number of beams to surround Griffin's inconvenient mobility and continued to look for opportunities to attack his thrusters.

Griffin couldn't escape the chase of the beam, so he had to use two guns to destroy the beam chasing from the rear. Finally, Chen Feng broke some of them and threw a bunch of them, like being caught in an endless ocean. No matter how they can solve the threat .

But Griffin did not allow Chen Feng to aggressively attack his own weakness. He was still approaching Chen Feng while dealing with the rear threat. His goal was always to defeat Chen Feng and then to solve Hongbin and the others.

The battle on the main battlefield is developing in a direction that is beneficial to him. Chen Feng did not want to let Griffin pass. He controlled the "World Breaking" to slowly move to the side in an attempt to widen the distance from Griffin, but because there was still a distance from Griffin. For many mechas of the Saint Gama Empire, he can choose a single direction, and he can only fly to the edge of the enemy mecha army.

Therefore, Griffin can easily determine Chen Feng’s course of action. He rushed Chen Feng to the direction of Saint Gama Empire, so that Chen Feng could not get other people’s assistance in time. Once he was caught, he would have plenty of time. Launch a continuous attack.

It’s not that Chen Feng didn’t know Griffin’s intentions, but he had no other choice. It was more dangerous to break into the enemy’s camp, so he first told Hung Hung Bin to be ready to assist himself: "The Gun God is forcing me to fight him. Yes I may need your help."

"Okay, I will try to get as close to you as possible. You can rest assured to fight." Hongshui Bin said that he would lean towards Chen Feng as much as possible. Now the Saint Gama Empire's mecha can't catch up with his speed, Hongshui Bin is among them. The shuttle movement is still very smooth.

With Hongshuibin as a helping hand, Chen Feng was even more confident. He began to slow down and waited for Hongbin to approach. Griffin hurriedly accelerated the speed when he saw it. He couldn't wait until the two met before catching up with Chen Feng. It will be very difficult.

Chen Feng's full interception could not stop Griffin's approach. This was still in the case of damage to the opponent’s thruster. If Griffin was in his heyday, he would be caught up faster. Chen Feng secretly reminded himself that he must Beware of the opponent's uprising.

Sure enough, immediately after Griffin approached, he raised his two guns and launched a fierce attack. His attack was extremely smooth without any delay. Although Chen Feng also switched the beam rifle mode to fight fiercely, he always felt that he was suppressed without rhythm.

The whole process of the battle was dominated by Griffin. Chen Feng thought that he was already very capable in close combat after transforming the beam rifle, but it was difficult to play against Griffin. It can be seen that Hong Bin had previously How difficult.

When thinking of Hong Bin, Chen Feng thought of the biggest feature of "Candle Light Youying", that is, the ability to be flexible, fast and changeable. Now Griffin’s thrusters happen to have a problem. Can he imitate Hong Bin’s battle? How to fight?

After thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help thinking about it. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that this idea was possible. So he used a floating cannon to change the trajectory of the "World Breaking" action. After a few attempts, there was a bit of flood. Look like.

Chen Feng's ability to imitate is very strong. Otherwise, he would not be able to learn Griffin's double-gun fighting technique as his own. He and Hongshui Bin often train together to better understand each other's characteristics, so it becomes easier to imitate.

Griffin felt that Chen Feng in front of him seemed to be a different person. The complete change in fighting style made him a little caught off guard, but Griffin reacted very quickly and quickly changed the attacking rhythm, continuing to suppress Chen Feng.

As Chen Feng became more and more proficient in imitating Hong Bin's imitation, Griffin's repressive power began to slowly decrease, and Chen Feng in front of him became extremely slippery and changed his direction from time to time, which made him unsatisfactory. The thruster pressure doubles.

Griffin didn't dare to follow Chen Feng in intense sports, so he was gradually thrown off by Chen Feng. The two guns that were about to be used lost the target that could be attacked. It was difficult to have too much other than to follow Chen Feng and swipe in the air. Give play to opportunities.

Chen Feng bought a lot of time for himself, but don’t forget that while he dodged, the surrounding floating guns did not relax their attacks on Griffin at all, and continued to damage their thrusters, causing the opponent’s mobility to be greatly affected. Hinder.

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