Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2421: Cross one hand

Fortunately, even though Chen Feng was in an offensive state, he still did not relax his vigilance against his surroundings. When the mecha was about to charge to his side, he violently accelerated and flew upward for a short distance, just to avoid the spear in the opponent's hand.

While avoiding the opponent's attack, Chen Feng had already recognized his identity: it was Robertson who had just been repelled by the promise!

Robertson was about to leave the battlefield, but he looked up at Griffin again, and happened to see Griffin blocked in action. Now he has become Griffin’s fan, and he immediately flew in the mech. come back.

"Never let the'spear god' have an accident!" Robertson thought so. He grabbed the spear with his left arm and went straight to Chen Feng.

In order to avoid Robertson’s attention, Griffin seized the opportunity to smash all the surrounding beams, then swish a few shots to force the flood bin back, and even chased the flood bin continuously to attack. "You Ying" left a wound on her body.

In just five seconds, Griffin quickly reversed the situation, not only resolved his own crisis, but also transferred the crisis to Hongbin. From the passive side to the active side, this is the strength of the strongest pilot!

Roberson was fierce, but he couldn't use his strength in the current state of "Lucifer". Chen Feng saw that he was just astonishing, so he drew out his beam rifle and stabbed him with a single shot, and then went to support Hong Bin.

Robertson wanted to hold Chen Feng very much, but after being stabbed by Chen Feng, "Lucifer" even started flying. If he didn't know how to advance or retreat before harassing Chen Feng, Chen Feng might send him directly to the west.

Now Chen Feng could not take care of other aspects in order to support Hongbin. Robertson hurriedly rushed to the sea to hide himself. The sea water poured in from the gap that Chen Feng had just pierced, causing him to move very slowly and basically lost his combat ability.

"Fortunately, I didn't have a chance to continue fighting, otherwise I might never go back." Robertson wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and he suddenly felt lucky. If Chen Feng had been more aggressive just now, he would still be unable to escape even if he hid in the sea.

Not to mention Robertson turned around and flew towards the Saint Gama Empire, and Chen Feng also succeeded in accepting Hongshuibin to help him retreat to his side. Griffin had already learned the power of the two new tactics, and he dared not rush forward. Down.

The confrontation between the two sides resumed, but Chen Feng's confidence has become very sufficient. The process just now proved that their tactics can be successful. Even if they fight again, they can still plunge Griffin into a crisis like just now.

Griffin checked the damage of the thrusters and found that two of the four thrusters behind him had serious failures. The remaining two thrusters could hardly keep him in the top battle for too long. Fighting down is not a good choice.

Therefore, Griffin decided not to take action for the time being, and first stabilize Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin. He raised his two guns and aimed them at the two respectively. At this distance, he could use his superb shooting skills to stop the opponent's actions a bit.

Griffin wants to delay time, but Chen Feng does not want to. The third wave of Mechas of the Saint Gama Empire has appeared in the distance. If they are allowed to break into the battlefield, the Guran God Republic will definitely not be able to resist it, so he cannot waste time. it's here.

Griffin didn't want the two to pass through. He held a beam rifle to lock their way forward: "Stay in place. I won't let you pass here. Today, our Saint Gama Empire will definitely win!"

"If it were before, we would definitely not be able to pass, but now it is not what it used to be. We are the more advantageous party. If you continue to fight, it is you who will be dangerous!" Hongbin thinks Griffin is alarmist. The other party has the final say.

"No time, let's do it, we have to hurry up to help the frontal battlefield!" Chen Feng patted Hong Hsu Bin to stop him from having to talk to Griffin. Since it turns out that their new tactics are effective, then hurry up. Break the opponent.

"Candle Light Youying" once again grabbed the shoulders of "World Breaking", and Hong Bin spread his wings and flew towards Griffin with Chen Feng. The expression on Griffin's face was very ugly, because he really couldn't help it. Crack the two tactics.

If Robertson hadn't rushed to help, perhaps Griffin's situation would have been much worse at the moment, but Griffin didn't want to flee before fighting, so he still tried to attack the fast approaching Flood Bin with his double guns.

Flood Bin is very fast, and Chen Feng can also control the floating artillery to intercept Griffin's attack. The beams of the two sides fought fiercely in the air. In the end, Chen Feng's many weapons occupied the advantage and completely destroyed Griffin's beam.

After the interception failed, Griffin would be in danger if he did not retreat. He reluctantly shook his head and began to retreat, while moving while keeping the two guns constantly shooting. Even when retreating, he would not relax his vigilance and would not give Chen Feng and the flood. Bin has too much room to play.

Being hindered by Griffin, Honghong Bin couldn't rush forward. He grabbed Chen Feng across the air and changed directions one after another, making sure that no light beam hit him, and smoothly advanced thousands of meters.

When Chen Feng and Hongshuibin chased them to a distance of nearly 10,000 meters, they were blocked by a black army of mechas. Griffin did not simply retreat. He took the initiative to quote them to the third wave of reinforcements. Gather large forces to defeat them.

"It's just right, I'm fighting with them, I can't let them pass!" Hongshui Bin's fighting spirit is overwhelming. Since even Griffin can repel, why would they lose to these ordinary pilots? Lose your helmet and remove your armor!

"Be steady, don't be impulsive, and don't be shot by them!" Chen Feng told Hongshuibin not to be paralyzed. With so many mechas on the opposite side, it would be difficult to get out of the quagmire after being hit, and drag would be dragged to death by them.

Before Chen Feng’s words were over, the Saint Gama Empire’s mechas launched the first round of salvos under Griffin’s command. Fortunately, Hongshuibin increased his vigilance after hearing Chen Feng’s reminder, and saw that the other party took up weapons to fight Be sure to grab Chen Feng and pull the distance.

Leaving most of the attacks behind him, Hongbin used a flexible steering to avoid the beam of overtaking, ensuring that he and Chen Feng are in good health and Chen Feng did not create an attack space: "Their formation is in chaos, you can launch an attack! "

Of course, Chen Feng would not miss the opportunity. After being taken away from the danger zone by Hongshuibin, he set about attacking. The beam rifle and the floating gun fired beams one after another to hit the enemy aircraft chasing ahead, and shot down dozens of them in less than a while.

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