Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2419: Counterattack

After the fierce battle with Griffin, Chen Feng and Hongshuibin's special planes were very expensive, and it was not good news for the battle to be carried out for a while.

Griffin turned his head to look at the area where the two mecha armies were fighting. The pilots of both sides were fighting forgotten. Although the Saint Gama Empire had a numerical advantage, it did not show signs of victory. The enemy's tenacity far exceeded His imagination.

"The Republic of the Qur'an God is indeed the country that successfully withstood our attack in the First World Mech War. It will definitely not be able to withstand the impact of nearly 20,000 mechas in other countries." Griffin recalled the first World Mech. The scene of the Great War of A, this country was also stuck in the offensive pace of the Saint Gama Empire, resulting in their inability to be targeted by other countries. After falling into the quagmire of the war, they were under tremendous pressure on all sides, and finally had to retreat End the war.

After many years, the country that once forced itself to retreat has once again stood on the opposite side. The two sides have been in a stalemate for so long. Griffin has a vaguely bad premonition, it is difficult for them to be blocked today.

At the beginning, the strength of the Saint Gama Empire was ranked first in the world, but now the power gap between the two countries is very small. The young powerhouses of the Qur'an God Republic are emerging one after another. Griffin is even a little frightened, perhaps their potential is better than himself. .

The strongest country in the past had to rely on quantitative advantages to win. This was a tragedy for the Saint Gama Empire, and for Griffin, he also had to be careful about Chen Feng’s and Hung Hung Bin’s combination. May lose all the game.

Griffin put his two guns in front of him in a defensive posture. For so many years, he has always been on the offensive side. He never said that he would defend against the opponent’s offense. Although he was frustrated, he had to do so. .

Both Chen Feng and Hongshuibin are very unique, and they can maximize their power after the two are combined. Griffin is not sure to ensure that he is safe and sound, so he needs to be prepared in advance to prevent possible crises at any time.

Although Griffin made a defensive posture, Chen Feng and Hongbin were also very cautious. In terms of personal strength, neither of them could compare to each other. If they feel they have an advantage, they will rush forward. .

In the end, Chen Feng sounded the horn of attack. His floating artillery floated in every corner of the battlefield and could attack Griffin from different directions first. No matter what, the beam of light in the air could not stop. This was his greatest support.

Griffin moves in a small area in the air, dodges those light beams that are not threatening, and then intercepts all the beams that are chasing him or changing the attack direction of other beams, forming the best results with the least cost .

In order to destroy the surrounding ace pilots as soon as possible, Chen Feng always kept the floating guns in a high-intensity attack rhythm, and finally pushed back the opponent and quickly continued to fight Griffin. There was no time to take back the floating guns to replenish energy, so at this moment The energy consumption of the floating artillery that was still attacking was close to one-third, and he didn't dare to attack too hard to lose the ability to respond.

However, at this moment Chen Feng's attack was only as a harassment. The real protagonist was in Hongbin. He drove the "Candle Light Youying" in the form of a falcon to Griffin quickly, trying to use the impact of speed to knock the opponent away.

Faced with the impact of Flood Bin, Griffin can no longer simply dodge in place. If he fails to deal with the impact of Flood Bin, Chen Feng's continued attack will definitely make him suffer, so Griffin starts the thruster. Fly without rules.

After all, there are no rules to follow, especially in the face of the extremely powerful dynamic vision of Hsu Bin, Griffin's actions were completely observed by him, and he silently adjusted the angle of the impact of "Candle Light Youying", Hsu Bin wanted to play One big ticket.

Griffin felt the danger instinctively, but he still believed that with his own strength he would not be afraid of the impact of Hongbin. After all, the synchronization rate of the other party was only 98. There was a difference between the two, and he should pay more attention to Chen Feng.

It was precisely because of this kind of thinking that Griffin lost the opportunity to get rid of the flood bin, and saw "Candle Light Youying" quickly rushed to Griffin, first slapped the opponent with his wings, not only temporarily holding Griffin, but also It also covers his sight.

The wings of "Candle Light Youying" are very wide, especially under the special control of Hongshuibin, the range of dancing is very large. Griffin can hardly see the outside scene, so he can't see where Chen Feng's attack will come from. Response time is much reduced.

Being troubled by Hung Bin, Griffin made a rare mistake and was hit by a beam of light on the fuselage. This beam also hit Griffin on the back under Chen Feng’s deliberate control, almost destroying its thruster, leaving it behind. A small hole was made.

As the special plane shivered, Griffin's sense of anxiety became stronger and stronger. The two young war gods on the opposite side appeared to be very organized in the battle. Each of their attacks had a purpose. Just from the previous attack. What they want to destroy is the propeller on which they fly. If the propeller is damaged above the vast ocean, it is equivalent to losing the ability to move.

In previous battles, it’s not that no one wanted to destroy Griffin’s thrusters, but those people were either not strong enough to get around him, or Griffin seized the opportunity to fight back when they shot. In short, Griffin Never hit.

Today’s Chen Feng hit the thruster is the first time Griffin has become the God of War. This makes Griffin very alert. After the two opposing teams join forces, they are qualified to break their wrists with him. If they fall into the other’s rhythm It is difficult for him to get out of his body.

Since Hongbin had spared no effort to block his sight, Griffin decided to speed up his action and hit him hard. Now Chen Feng’s floating artillery energy has dropped significantly. Griffin estimated that Chen Feng would not waste precious energy for the floating artillery to participate. Defensive, so he has a great chance of hitting Hung Hung Bin severely. When Hung Hung Bin withdraws from the battlefield, he will be able to solve Chen Feng.

After Griffin made up his mind, he launched a fierce attack on Hung Hwa Bin. Hung Hwa Bin’s situation suddenly became very difficult. He could no longer engage in large-scale battles, otherwise it would be easy for Griffin to find flaws. He cautiously "Candle Light Youying" switched back to human form, using the flexible and versatile ability of human form to resist the opponent's attack. Although it looked a bit miserable, it could withstand it.

When Hongshuibin insisted, Chen Feng spared no effort to fully explode his attack power. Just like Griffin thought, he did not defend against the precious energy anyway. Instead, he was all right to the output, just to fight right. Offensive.

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