Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2413: volley

Delayed time allows Griffin to quickly rush to the pilots, as long as they are not hit by a fatal blow, they can relaunch their offensive under Griffin's protection, which greatly increases their ability to continue fighting.

Robertson was once exhausted by this tactic to the point of failure. He couldn’t get rid of Griffin every time and attack the ace pilot. When he rushed past, the opponent only defended but didn’t fight back. After attacking for a while, Griffin returned before the opponent shot down. He had no choice but to escape from Griffin.

Although the opponent’s strategy was simple but effective, Chen Feng decided to pull the remaining floating guns out to fight, at least to strengthen the threat of Hongbin’s attack: "Shuibin, you continue to attack, I will control the floating cannon to cooperate with you, always Create opportunities!"

"No? You don't want to keep the floating cannons to maintain their mobility. Will it be dangerous to let them escape from the "World Breaking"?" Hongshui Bin persuaded Chen Feng not to do this, and he was going to try the effect of the impact alone.

Chen Feng did not give Hongbin a chance to refuse, and the three floating guns that had not been used were directly lifted up and flew out: "Passive defense will always fail. In contrast, I prefer to use offense to gain an advantage. That's it. Decided!"

The floating cannons have flown to his side. Hongshui Bin sighed and had to do it. He drove the "Candle Light Youying" and then rushed to a modified machine. There was harassment from the floating cannon. This modified machine had a small dodge space, and finally He was caught head-on by Hongbin.

After a torn, the modified machine was dismantled by Hongbin, and the enemy was killed for the first time: "I succeeded!"

It was the first time to see blood on the battlefield. The death of the friendly army made the Saint Gama Empire's ace pilots feel the threat of death. Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin were far stronger than Robertson and others. If they didn't raise their vigilance, they might all end up in the same way.

"Get up! Both of them are gods of war, and they can't be defended casually!" Griffin reminded the pilots to gather together, "You gather together to defend, first He's forced to retreat!"

The pilots assembled in accordance with Griffin’s instructions, and the nineteen modified aircraft together took out the milking smashing into the flood bin, and the flood bin crossed the dense fire and slammed into the shield on the front. The impact caused him to lean back.

Griffin had already shot his horse behind Hongbin, and the two guns went straight to Hongbin’s upper body. Thanks to Hongbin’s flexible and changeable ability, he forcibly turned around and avoided the beam, but wanted to attack others. The pilot is no longer possible.

Hung Hung Bin lost the opportunity to attack, but Chen Feng's side was free. He seized the opportunity to control the floating guns to attack with all their strength. The burst of beams instantly enveloped all the surrounding modified machines, and their armor was smashed. ring.

If Griffin hadn’t come back to rescue as soon as the situation was bad, I’m afraid that these modified aircraft would have fallen into Chen Feng’s fierce attack. What he worries most is that Chen Feng and Hongshuibin separately raid other pilots. Just grabbed his weakness.

"Switch to the defensive state, I will deal with them!" Griffin made arrangements for this, and asked the surrounding pilots to pay attention to protect themselves, and only he would chase Chen Feng and Hong Bin. After the two were separated, it was not him. opponent.

The target Griffin chose to pursue was Chen Feng. As most of the floating artillery was used for offensive purposes, the mobility of the "world-breaking" was reduced a lot. When he was being pursued, he appeared to have more than enough energy and lacked strength. Soon Griffin chased him up.

The two struggled in the air for a while, and Chen Feng heard the sirens one after another. Griffin was invincible in a suitable environment. He controlled the floating artillery to fly back to assist in the fight, but it was difficult for him to miss the opportunity. Pull back the previous disadvantages.

It is impossible for Hongshui Bin to watch Chen Feng be defeated. It is difficult for other pilots to defend him in a short time. So he gave up his plan to attack them and came back to rescue Chen Feng. The two teamed up to fight Griffin. They are evenly matched.

Griffin dragged Chen Feng and Hongshuibin, and the other pilots were able to attack again. Various weapons were aimed at the two of them, making them extremely uncomfortable. They had to avoid the periphery while dealing with Griffin. The attack is extremely difficult.

Commander Ma noticed the situation on Chen Feng's side. Although other battles were also very difficult, he ordered the two gun emplacements on the warship island to help Chen Feng resolve the predicament: "Adjust the two emplacements to help them drive away the surrounding enemies. machine."

For the Qur'an God Republic, Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin are two people who must not be involved in accidents. Their battle results will also affect the entire battlefield to a great extent. Therefore, Commander Ma must ensure that they are safe from Griffin. Rout.

The two turrets moved after hearing the sound, and quickly aimed at the mechas surrounding the trio team, locked the most central position and launched the artillery bombardment, forcing them to disperse and avoid, resulting in a drop in attack firepower and much deterrence.

The reduction in the surrounding obstacles allowed Chen Feng to have more room to play. He took the opportunity to pull away and use all weapons to launch a fierce shot at Griffin. He also reminded Hung Hung Bin to drag the opponent: "Shui Bin blocked him, I don't believe he can Can stop my salvo!"

In the past, Chen Feng never dared to say that, but now he can. After the synchronization rate breaks through to 99, he is not afraid of Griffin only in terms of attack power. The "world-breaking" tailored by You Jia has the best in the world. With a strong offensive power, even Griffin has to be prepared, and a little carelessness will leave countless wounds on his body.

Hung Hung Bin tried hard to entangle Griffin. In order to prevent the opponent from breaking free, he didn't even have time to use double-drawing swordsmanship. He used both hands and feet to move together. He used all kinds of moves that Griffin had never seen before. Griffin was held back.

Looking at the moves that dazzled him and almost couldn't cope with it, Griffin realized that Hongbin had also become stronger, and the opponent was no longer bound by the fixed combat mode, and was creating a unique unique skill.

Hongshuibin’s efforts helped Chen Feng gain precious time. The two beam rifles, nine floating cannons and the two miniature beam cannons on his shoulders were all aimed at Griffin, and they were launched unreservedly when Hongbin gave up neutral. attack.

Light beams from different directions and different angles rushed towards Griffin. Griffin attached great importance to it. He shook the two guns with all his strength and tried to intercept part of the beam first. However, Chen Feng shot too many beams at the same time. Destroyed one half of it.

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