Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1487: Hard fight

Faced with the same attack again, the Anonymous was angry and regretted. Chen Feng's control was so proficient that he hadn't done so less in the past. He just hit the muzzle with his head and he couldn't defend it.

The Anonymous didn't let the "dead" bear the attack of the light beam anymore. He was still able to move the light beam targeted by Chen Feng's precise calculations. Although the movement speed had decreased, it was absolutely safe.

The Anonymous was slowed down by Chen Feng enough to promise enough time to respond. He turned over and stood in the path of the Anonymous once again: "It's been a lot to be defeated by you once, now your weapon Not complete, what else can you do?"

"I forgot to tell you, all I did was prepared for you!" Before the promise, the Wumingshi suddenly laughed coldly. Since the promise must stand in front of him, we should deal with him before going. Cooking Chen Feng, although his weapons have been worn out, they are nothing in the overall situation.

Promise is always firmly in front of him, Wumingshi gathers his mind to deal with this opponent seriously, if he focuses on Chen Feng again, he may be promised to find the flaws, in the case of "dead" is not the best state The next is very bad.

Wuming used the last wide sword in his hand to slash left and right, and the attack that contained all his anger and skill made Xu a little hurried at first, but because of Chen Feng behind him, he could not retreat, which was really troublesome.

The Anonymous smoothly caused trouble to Promise. Since the broad sword in his hand was separated from the giant sword, it was not so cumbersome and convenient to use. The vastly changed fighting style gave the Anonymous a lot of opportunities.

The Anonymous offensive that got the opportunity became more and more bitter. He knew that he couldn't hold on for too long. He had to do everything he needed to do before the demigod state began to decline. Otherwise, his situation would only get worse.

The state of Anonymous's explosion surprised Xu Xu. This enemy seems to have made progress recently, and several attacks are just like magical strokes. If it weren't for his twelve points of attention, he might have really succeeded.

He promised to focus his battle on defense. His driving skills would be better than that of Anonymous. As long as he played steadily and steadily, he wouldn't be able to make a big basket. The enemies that Anonymous had fought over the years were too weak, which led to his failure Hone your skills well and become the crux of the promise that cannot be defeated.

The two had fought against each other countless times, and Chen Feng's eyes were lost behind him, and even the frequency of attacks with the floating artillery dropped. He had to re-examine the situation to find a new angle of attack, in order to help promise to defeat the Wuming with a final word.

The Anonymous broke out the most powerful offensive so far, but it was unable to smoothly cause effective damage to the promised. The remaining energy of the "dead" could not last too long, and the battle was gradually drawing to a close to the end of the duel.

He promised that he would not use the unique double-gun fighting technique of the "Gun God". With his weaker melee combat and Wuming's duel, even if the strength is stronger, it is not easy to play. May appear.

Chen Feng definitely wanted to help promise. After observing the battle, he once again used his many weapons to shoot at the back of the Anonymous, using the dead corner behind the Anonymous to make him look after the head and the tail, and perfectly cooperated to trap the Anonymous in place. Not only can't start acting as you want, but also getting out and leaving is a problem.

Here is the deal with Xu. The Anonymous has not forgotten his idea of ​​killing Chen Feng. After being harassed by Chen Feng’s attack, he slowly moved in the direction where Chen Feng is, as long as he can successfully cut Chen Feng. Killing will wash away the pain of today's eradication of the Creation Organization.

He promised to always prevent the Anonymous from leaving himself to Chen Feng, and staying next to the Anonymous, the Ancient Godlan Republic was about to win the war of extermination, but he couldn't make a mistake and drop the chain at the last minute.

The Anonymous could not get any benefits in the promise, so he shifted the target to Chen Feng. Anyway, one of the two masters and disciples must bear the price, and the dignity of the demigod pilot cannot be violated!

Promise felt the change in the direction of Anonymous's attention, and promptly warned: "You kid, step back, you are too close now!"

Since the battle between the two demigod pilots was very fierce, Chen Feng had to concentrate on keeping up with their movements, thus neglecting to keep the distance, and only realized that the Anonymous was about to approach him when he promised to remind him.

Chen Feng, who had awakened, wanted to retreat, but the Anonymous would make him easy to escape. Wasn't he trying so long to be able to attack Chen Feng and vent all the grievances he had experienced since the war.

Regardless of the beam sword that stabbed him at his promise, Anonymous turned on all the thrusters behind him and quickly approached Chen Feng who was retreating.

After the promise was missed, he secretly said a bad cry, and immediately urged "Dark Night" to try to chase Anonymous. In public or private, he couldn't let the Anonymous get what he wanted.

Chen Feng always guarded the Anonymous, because he knew that the other party would want to kill him, and would attack him desperately if he had the opportunity, so he used the floating cannon to create an area covered by the beam of light in front of him. Breaking in will take a huge blow.

The red-eyed Anonymous didn't seem to see the beam array in front of him, and generally plunged into it, protecting the fuselage with the last broad sword in his hand. The left-hand pile driver has been loaded, and the target is pointed at the waist and abdomen. Place.

The Wuming's decisiveness left Chen Feng at a loss. He could not be faster than the opponent. As long as the Anonymous didn't care about the price, he could not stop the opponent from approaching.

Chen Feng had already felt the hurricane caused by the proximity of the Anonymous. At this time, he had one last way: all the miniature beam cannons carried by the "World Breaking" fired again, not giving the Anonymous a chance to attack him frontally.

The Anonymous was pitted by these beam cannons twice. With his adjustment ability, he couldn't plant it on it three times in a row. When Chen Feng just made a move, he controlled the "dead" to sink suddenly, rubbing all the beams on his head and moving on.

Seeing that the Anonymous was unstoppable, Chen Feng's steady center of gravity began to prepare to deal with the shock. As long as he could take the blow, then the promise from the back would be able to come and rescue him.

The Piledriver on the Anonymous’s left hand had already quenched his thirst. After fighting for a long time, it hadn’t been turned on. Now he has finally caught Chen Feng’s goal. He decided to give it a little bit of color to see, what is called a demigod pilot. It should be destructive.

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