Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1062: Make a fool of yourself

The European Union aircraft king pilot was surprised to find that it seemed that the consumption of his special aircraft shield was faster than he had imagined. If he didn't get out quickly, he would even lose his right arm.

Hong Hung Bin was still staring at him, and the European Union pilot emperor didn't dare to change his direction, so he could only retreat vertically and continued to be attacked by a huge beam of light for several seconds.

In just a few seconds, the shield on the right arm of the special plane could no longer hold on. It was completely melted by the attack under the ultra-high temperature. Not to mention the unprotected right arm. Two seconds passed. You can see the various parts under the armor.

The right arm of the special plane was broken and lost most of its functions, so I can't hesitate anymore! The European Union aircraft king pilots had no choice but to swallow the bitter fruit of the third defeat, and flew back to the base camp and flew quickly.

Once again successfully repelled the European Union’s King Pilot, Chen Feng’s six couldn’t help cheering, and repeatedly defeated powerful enemies, proving that their combat effectiveness had reached a relatively high level. They can continue to cooperate and fight, and they can definitely board the top of the world's battlefield.

Of course, the self-improvement still cannot be slackened. They can't fight together forever. There will always be times when they face powerful enemies alone. It is the eternal truth to make themselves become.

Chen Feng once again repelled the European Union’s Mech King pilots, but the Genesis Mech that broke in from the outside was overwhelming. They successfully rushed into the area close to the battle between the two major forces, and they will come out to meet them. The mech forces converged in one place.

Instead of intercepting these mechas from afar, Chen Feng and the others scattered to the side of the mecha units of the Ancient Godlan Republic to help, and together they attacked the enemies gushing from the European Union base camp.

This is mainly what Jin Buhuan meant. He did not want to consume too much combat power to stop the reinforcements of the Creation Organization, because now that the purpose of the Anonymous and Saint Gama Empire is known, then don’t interfere too much to prevent them from planning. If it fails, switch to other actions, so the Ancient Godlan Republic will have to redeploy defensive measures.

The unknown is harder to prevent than the known, so Jin Buhuan would rather allow the European Union to successfully obtain reinforcements and extend the battle time again, rather than ending the war with the European Union, and ordered all the mechas of the Qur'an Republic Pay attention to protect your own safety. If the enemy wants to reunite, let them reunite.

Jin Buhuan brought all the troops from the Northern Military Region. These people believed in Jin Buhuan’s orders, and there was no objection. They all followed his will and slowed down the attack frequency, which also changed the intrusion of the Genesis Mecha. It's easier.

Chevanov gave Jin Buhuan a suspicious look. As the commander of the army, he could immediately see the passive negligence of the mecha units of the Koran Republic. Why did Jin Buhuan make the mecha of the Genesis Organization easy Breakthrough? This is what he didn't understand.

The mecha units of the Ancient Gods and Blue Republics are not high in fighting desire. The mecha units of the ancient Soviet Empire cannot prevent the enemy’s confluence. Although the mechas from the Ice City volunteered to intercept the invading mechas, the ones at the St. Petersburg base The mecha could not stop the enemies surging from the European Union base camp, but let them successfully merge together.

Seeing that the mechas invaded by the Genesis organization successfully contacted their own mecha forces, the European Union command room was thunderous and cheered. Like a big victory, with these 500 powerful mechas joining, they at least no longer need to Worried that the base camp will be breached in a short time.

With their cheers, the marble table in the center of the command room suddenly shattered into many pieces and collapsed on the ground, leaving a group of representatives of various countries looking at each other not knowing what happened.

It turned out that Anonymous was extremely upset in the command room. When he slapped a palm on the marble table, he used his internal force angrily to shatter the internal mechanism of the table. Once it was stimulated by external vibrations, it would completely collapse. He pointed at the representatives of various countries with a little color.

The representatives of these countries cheered loudly due to their excitement, which caused the marble tabletop to vibrate, so it completely broke apart, and the shattered gravel was scattered with many people, all of them embarrassed.

This also slightly shocked the representatives of these countries, reminding them that what they just accused was the leader of the Creation Organization, a demon who kills people without blinking. It is easy to kill them, and the country behind them will not be affected by a few of them. Go to the creation organization.

Thinking of this, the national representatives shuddered and warned themselves to stay away from the Anonymous, and not to provoke him easily. The Anonymous's warning has been very effective.

The two sides successfully merged into one place. The European Union command immediately ordered a retreat. He was unwilling to continue fighting in such a chaotic battlefield. That would be a huge drain on both sides and make the situation even more unpredictable. If it turns into In a large-scale battle, it is very likely that the ultimate winner of this battlefield will be determined today.

The commander of the European Union had no idea. Even if he joined the new force of 500 mechas, it was still very difficult to defeat the coalition forces of the Ancient Soviet Empire and the Ancient Shenlan Republic with their power. His original goal was to hold on to the base camp. Then look for opportunities to change the situation.

The Anonymous thought the same as him. He instigated European countries to form an alliance to attack the ancient Soviet empire, not for one of them to win, but for them to be trapped in this war and have no time to clone themselves, let alone in a short time. The winner is decided within.

Therefore, after receiving the Mecha of the Creation Organization that broke in from the periphery, the Anonymous didn't want to continue fighting with the St. Petersburg base. He flicked his promise and ordered the Mecha of the Creation Organization to begin a collective retreat.

The mechas of the Genesis Organization are about to retreat, and the mechas of the European Union have no reason to stay dead. Under the command of the two forces, they escaped from the battle and retreated steadily, and steadily returned to the base camp.

The ice city’s mecha wanted to chase again, but was hit by a round of fire from the European Union’s base camp, and almost put himself on the road of chasing, making Tchaikonov yelling in fright. Called them back.

The mecha troops of the Ancient Gods and Lantern Republics did not participate in the pursuit, and everyone was quite safe. They watched the ice city mecha from behind quietly, promising and even a little bit to laugh. Tchaikonov really steals the chicken and does not turn back. Put rice.

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