Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1043: Reverse victory

Chevanov wanted to let reinforcements from the ice city join the main battlefield to help their front move forward, but was rejected by Tchaikonov. They were the strongest mecha unit in the ancient Soviet empire. The arrogance that belongs to them, how can they see enemies who are inferior to them.

In terms of rank, Tchaikonov is higher than Chevanov. He is the commander-in-chief of the ice city. He is equivalent to the commander-in-chief of the military in the ancient Soviet Empire. Chevanov has no way to change his Decide

Tchaikonov's goal is very clear, that is, to fight against the feared creation organization mechas. He felt that only these enemies who were stronger than most people could make the pilots of Ice City give full play to their strength.

This is indeed the case. When the mecha troops of the European Union were generally unable to stop them, it was the mechas of the Genesis Organization that firmly guarded their lines of defense and did not completely collapse the main battlefield.

The ice city reinforcements arrived at just the right time. After Tchaikonov expressed his attitude with Chevanov, Chevanov handed over the hardest bone to Tchaikonov. Tchaikonov was overjoyed. He came here to prove that the pilots of the Ice City are better than the pilots of the Creation Organization. This is a golden opportunity.

Chevanov allowed Tchaikonov to play freely. Tchaikonov led his men into the battlefield and rushed directly in the direction of the creation organization. A new battle was about to start.

Chevanov allowed all the surrounding friendly forces to disperse, leaving enough space for Tchaikonov and the others to march. The reinforcements from the Ice City quickly collided with the mecha troops of the Creation Organization, and it was indeed a thunder. Earthhuo, both sides are very powerful, and fierce fighting broke out just after contact, and the Mecha of the Creation Organization began to show casualties at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, the ice city's mecha also suffered huge damage, but they didn't care. They paid more attention to defeating the genesis organization mech to prove to the world that they were the stronger side.

At this moment, Yun Yang was completely covered by Nangong Mengdie’s heavy beam blocking gun, and the mechas sent by Zheng Zhirong and Nangong Phantom were all killed by strict defense. There is no time to take care of other genesis organization mechas. Things.

The people appointed by the Anonymous to command the mechs of the Creation Organization were at a loss for the current dilemma. Originally, the pilots of the Creation Organization were not afraid of death, and even if they were defeated, they could blew themselves to death with the enemy. Controlling the mecha and flying up, it doesn't matter whether you blew yourself up or not, as long as they fight happily by themselves, they can kill the enemy in front of them.

The mechas of the ancient Soviet Empire are all covered with thick armor, and the mechas of the Ice City are even more extreme in this regard. They are a lot stronger than the mechas in the St. Petersburg base, and the strong armor is enough to resist. Most of the power of self-detonation has greatly reduced the power of the Genesis Mecha's desperate fight, thus gaining more advantages.

Seeing that even the strongest creation organization line of defense was shaken, the European Union command hurriedly contacted the Anonymous who was still fighting his promise: "Anonymous, the situation of your Creation Organization seems not so good. You'd better come back and help."

"I know, I will rush back as soon as possible!" The Anonymous ended the communication with him impatiently, his attention now is all on the promise in front of him, and he just wants to kill him as soon as possible.

After fighting the promise for a short period of time, Wuming was surprised to find that he could not suppress the promise during the battle. It turned out that after the promise entered the demigod state, his performance would become worse and worse over time. He wanted to take advantage of this. Smash the promise and kill it.

This is the reason why the Anonymous will be willing to leave the main battlefield and come to a deserted place with the promise, because only here can the Anonymous perform without being hindered by the outside world, so as to avoid the incident of Chen Feng joining the battle group last time.

However, after fighting for so long today, the promise has not shown any loss of ability, and the posture of "Dark Night" is still alive and there is a fight back and forth between "Dark Night" and the Anonymous, both of them remain in the strongest demigod state for the second half of the moment. There is no break.

The longer the fight, the more Wuming felt that his backlash became more and more severe. If he did not withdraw from the demigod state, he would suffer serious damage, which made him totally unacceptable. Why did he promise to hold on for so long today? In the past, all the people who quit the demigod state were promises.

The Anonymous was unwilling to show fatigue in front of the promise, and continued to fight in the state of a demigod. The giant sword in the hands of "Undead" was infinitely powerful, leaving one wound after another on "Dark Night".

The promise is not to be a vegetarian, otherwise, he won't be named the strongest demigod pilot in the world. If it weren't for the dark wounds in the body, it is still unknown who will win the battle against the Wuming under the same conditions.

So although the "Undead" caused a lot of damage to "Dark Night", the beam rifle and beam sword used by "Dark Night" also caused a lot of damage to the "Undead". The armor of the "Undead" has been damaged in many places. At first it looked majestic.

The Anonymous persisted for another five minutes, and finally couldn't bear the backlash from his body. He asked with a hoarse voice to promise: "Why? Why are you able to stay in a demigod state for so long today? Shouldn't your dark injuries have occurred long ago? "

"Hey~ Do you want me to tell you the answer? But I don’t tell you, unless you can beat me, why should I tell you~" Xu promise winked at Wuming, how could he easily answer questions for the enemy? Take the opportunity to provoke the nerves of the anonymous, and continue to influence the enemy's thinking.

The reason why he promised to be in such a good condition today is that he stayed in the St. Petersburg base for a few days of meditation to adjust his body, and was treated by the doctor brought by Jin Buhuan. He took the most suitable prescription for him to resolve the hidden injuries in his body. A lot of it, thereby delaying the time and intensity of the dark injury outbreak, and can maintain a longer demigod state.

That prescription has been promised to be regarded as a treasure, and its curative effect is very good. He also promised to take some from time to time in the future, so as to continue to eradicate the hidden wounds remaining in the body, thus becoming the real strongest demigod pilot.

The Anonymous could not take the promise, but he began to decline from the most prosperous state. Persisting in the demigod state for too long caused him a serious burden. He could no longer continue, and finally reduced the synchronization rate to 97 and took the lead in exiting the demigod state. Instead, fight at a normal level.

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