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"Demonic energy! Demonic path!"

Black energy filled the air behind Will, condensing into a hideous and terrifying demon with evil charm, especially those blood-filled eyes. Just one glance at them would make people fall into the abyss of despair, with all kinds of negative thoughts and trembling hearts!

"this...This is...magic...devil!"

"One-Sword Style: Pride of the Seven Deadly Sins!"

While Alec was distracted, Will flashed past him, leaving a wound on his body, and part of the demonic energy penetrated into the wound.

"I can't even give you one hand for a brat like you!"

Alec's attitude suddenly changed, he became extremely arrogant, and even put one hand behind his back, not taking Will seriously!


Will flashed by again, adding another wound to his body!

Alec covered his bleeding left shoulder, his eyes full of fear:"What on earth did you just do?"

"The reason why I underestimated the enemy is because of arrogance!"

This is Will's seven deadly sins of magic, using magic energy to affect the enemy's emotions and put them into various negative states! Unfortunately, it is not perfect enough. People with strong wills can wake up quickly, and their attack power is slightly insufficient! However, sometimes, a moment of opportunity is enough!

The seven deadly sins have two modes, one for the enemy and one for yourself!

"Next up...Gluttony!"


This time Alec blocked Will's attack, but it was useless! The evil spirit spread over the sword, climbed up his arm, penetrated into his body, and devoured his physical strength! His stomach gurgled and he felt his physical strength draining away quickly. Alec was really scared at this time!

"Devil, you are the real devil!"

Erza was also stunned. The teacher's way was too scary! The masters could not afford to be careless in the fight. This kind of magic that could change the enemy's emotions was basically a foul. No wonder it was called the magic way!

""Secret: Sword of Light!"

Alec waved his hand, and three huge energy swords shone at him, one of which went straight for Erza! While Will was helping her to block the attack, he threw the Sword of Glory in his hand and jumped up himself.

"Flying the sword!"

When Will came to his senses, the guy had already whizzed away on the holy sword!

"Holy shit!!!"

Isn't this the flying sword in the world of cultivating immortals? Is this also possible?

"But you want to run away like this? How can it be so easy?"

Will picked up Erza, spread his wings, and chased after her!

One was flying with a sword, using magic! The other had wings, soaring purely on instinct! It was only a matter of time before Alec was caught up!

Two hours later, one was still chasing the other....

"Teacher, how about you let me go and chase me with all your strength?"

"No, he can't hold on for long!

However, as he passed by various familiar scenes and terrains, the color became more and more strange! As expected, Alec finally rushed towards a luxurious and solemn building complex and landed in a square. It was the headquarters of the Council!

But for the one who wanted to kill him, no place could stop him!

"Who is it?"

As Alec landed, a team of guards patrolling nearby ran over!

"it's me!"

"It turned out to be Sir Alex, one of the Holy Ten!"

"Someone wants to kill me, help me stop him!"


The guard thought that maybe he had heard it wrong, or maybe Alec had said it wrong? You are a Saint Ten, the top combat force on the continent, and you want someone to kill you? Haha!

"Sir Alec, please don't joke!"

"How can I have time to joke with you? If I wasn't being hunted, why would I come here to ask you for help?"

Alec felt his face turn red, but for the sake of his life, what did this little face matter?

"So who are you talking about?"

"It's me!"

Will also landed and put Erza down!

"Wait for me here, it'll be right there!"

"But teacher, this is..."

"It doesn't matter! The teacher will never let the person who wants to kill you live, no matter who comes!"


At this time, Alec had already hidden behind the guards, looking at Will with a smug look on his face,"I don't believe you dare to do anything here?"


"Stop! Otherwise we will regard you as an intruder!"

The guards have to be afraid of someone who can chase the Holy Ten everywhere!

""Get out of the way!"

Will waved his hand, and a wall of fire surrounded the guards and separated them from Alec!

"Just stay inside and you'll be fine!"

Alec's face changed drastically and he turned and ran! Doesn't this guy know where this is? How dare he do this?

"A Saint Ten who can only run away, what kind of person is that? It's better to deal with you as soon as possible, otherwise there will be more people in the way!"

The commotion here has aroused the alarm of the entire Council, and support is coming from all directions. Will doesn't want to argue with the people in the Council!

"Everything in the universe will be reduced to ashes! The blade is like fire!"

The surging pillar of fire rose to the sky, forming a spectacle in the council. The scorching temperature made the people who came sweat profusely, and they were uneasy. Who on earth came here to make a fuss?

As Will walked out of the pillar of fire, the flames also gathered back to the blade to form a torch, pulling a long line of fire, and shot towards Alec!


With a loud shout, a man blocked Will's way forward. It was Danny, who had retreated to the second line and lived in semi-seclusion. However, when he saw who the person was, he gave up the idea of intercepting him. That was a suicidal act!

"It’s Lord Will. What are you doing?"

"Danny, it's none of your business, get out of the way!"


Danny became more and more frightened as he watched Will pass by him. It had only been a short time since they last met, but he had really become stronger!

"Boy, this is the Council, you will commit a big crime!"

Looking at the main building of the Council right in front of me, as long as I enter there, there are members of the Council, this boy can't kill me in front of them, right? But when I turned around, I saw Will getting closer and closer, and I was scared to death!

"I don’t care whether you have committed a crime or not, I just want to kill you!"


A flaming blade quickly broke through the air!

Looking at the main building so close, Alec secretly hated it and could only turn around to resist!

""Secret: Divine Sword Opens the Sky!"

Alec swung the energy giant sword and slashed at the flames!

But he underestimated the power of this move, and the energy giant sword was slashed past, passing over his wrists, bringing up two broken arms and the Holy Sword of Glory, cutting through half of the high-rise building and disappearing into the sky!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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