Chapter 37

It turned out to be a vampire

When Robin followed the girl to appear in the alley, what happened next was not unexpected at all, after all, the other party gave himself the same feeling as if he had been before, the process of seducing those punks was exactly the same, all pretended to “It seems that there are competitors in this block, but fortunately New York is big enough, here is to give this girl.” ”

But when he saw the girl in front of him, directly breaking the other party’s arm, Robin’s heart couldn’t help trembling, although he sighed that the other party’s heart was cruel and strong, but Robin didn’t think too much, after all, in this world of superheroes and supervillains, there are a few guys who are more powerful than ordinary people, and it will not be difficult to accept.

Just when Robin sighed, the next scene made him feel 10 points of nausea in his heart! I saw that at the bottom of the building, when the girl broke the arms of the two punks, she opened her mouth directly without caring about the screams of the other party, and two canine teeth were exposed in it!

Immediately, she bit it up, biting the other party’s neck fiercely, and suddenly a large cloud of blood spurted out and scattered on the surrounding ground! “Is this a vampire?!” After seeing the other party’s action, the first thought reflected in Robin’s mind was: Could this woman be a vampire!? In the Marvel world, there are naturally vampires, and Robin in his previous life has also watched the Blade Warrior series of movies, although the whole article is full of Blade various costumes 13 expressions and movements, but I have to say that as an action movie, he is still quite successful.

As if to confirm Robin’s conjecture, after absorbing the blood of the first punk, the woman directly threw the corpse that had turned into a withered body aside, and then walked in front of the other person with a hideous face! “Don’t come, don’t come you monster!” After seeing what happened to his companion before, this little gangster was directly frightened and a little insane, and couldn’t help moving his body back, wanting to open the distance between him and this woman! He really regrets 10 points now, why is he full and has nothing to do? Isn’t it safer to come to someone’s trouble, spend a few dollars to find a random vent!

However, the woman directly ignored the other party’s screams, still walked in front of the other party unhurriedly, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, my movements are fast, you won’t be in pain for too long!” Saying that, he directly stretched out his arm and put it on his neck, repeating the previous action again. Not long after, another dry corpse was born!

After throwing the dried corpse aside, the woman’s talent slowly closed her eyes and put her teeth away, only to see his motionless pestle there, as if enjoying something.

“It’s disgusting, when did New York have vampires!” Looking at the two murders in front of him, Robin also suddenly felt that his stomach twitched a little, although he robbed the robbers for so long, but he did not really hurt any of the other party’s one-time lives, after all, these ordinary criminals, leave the law to punish, there is no need to be nosy, unless it is those who are really vicious, or will bring disaster to the world, Robin will not hesitate to end the other party’s life, which is probably Robin’s bottom line.

Just as Robin was thinking about how to deal with the vampire below, the other party actually opened his eyes first, looked in her direction, and a weird smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “Hehe, the taste of blood of these two stinky men just now is really disgusting, but I sent me a little Shota, really thank you!” ”

After seeing the other party’s eyes, Robin suddenly felt that his disguise skills were too poor, and he was discovered so quickly” Although he was discovered, Robin did not have any nervous feelings, after all, he was not an ordinary person! Moreover, he was also thinking about how to deal with this vampire before, since the other party has discovered himself, then directly arrest the other party to see if it is a real vampire, if so, then kill it!

It’s completely different from the attitude towards mutants, after all, it’s just humans, even if they have powerful abilities, but the essence is still the same, but vampires are different, they feed on humans, so they can’t be considered the same kind at all!

After the other party found Robin, he could no longer resist the temptation of blood, and climbed up directly from the wall, although not as flexible as Spider-Man, but the speed is not slow, as vampires, although they do not have any special abilities, but ordinary people in strength and speed are much stronger, otherwise how can they break people’s arms with a casual fold?

(End of this chapter).

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