Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 202: Lineup for the rest of your life

  Chapter 202 The lineup for a lifetime

  They not only underestimated Ning Xi, but they underestimated it ridiculously!

  The press conference at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning in the prosperous world will be like a time bomb to them. Anything can happen.

  Xinghui’s press conference has just ended, and there is such a big move on the Shengshi side, and it is even doubtful that this was originally planned.

  At present, even the navy can’t reverse public opinion, and there are overwhelmingly waiting for tomorrow’s press conference. It is estimated that the city’s media will be there tomorrow.

  Ning Xueluo's trapped beast walked back and forth in a pile of smashed fragments, "What exactly is the press conference on the Shengshi side? Can't you hear any news?"

Chang Li shook her head, "I have tried all kinds of methods. About Ning Xi, only a few high-level people within Shengshi knew about it. Others didn't hear anything about it. Just like us, I saw Lu Jingli's Weibo. I know, there is no way to inquire!"

   "What about Lin Zhizhi? Didn't she repost Ning Xi's Weibo? Obviously she is Ning Xi's agent! She must know everything!"

Chang Li saw that Ning Xueluo had obviously begun to be confused, and said helplessly, "When Lin Zhizhi was still carrying Leng Manyun, we fought very hard, and we grabbed the role from her. Now I want to take her from her. How is it possible to snoop on the news there?"

  Ning Xueluo was furious, "This is not okay, that’s not okay, shouldn't you just sit and wait for dawn?"

  Chang Li wanted to reply, there is really no other way besides just sitting and waiting.

Ning Xueluo drank the remaining half a cup of wine on the coffee table, and a sharp light flashed in her eyes, "That hillbilly! What if you really enter the prosperous world? So what if you have the prosperous world to support you! I think you can sit back and relax in the prosperous world. Yet?"

Seeing this, Cui Caijing hurriedly took the opportunity to be obedient, "Yes, Sister Xueluo, as long as the stains are still there, she will not be able to hold her head up in front of you for a lifetime! Besides, she will definitely have an inside story in this prosperous world, and there will be some in the future. I have a chance to pull her pigtails! For a person like her, Sheng Shi will be exhausted by her one day..."


  The next morning, the banquet hall of the Pearl Hotel.

  All the reporters and media are ready, eagerly waiting for today's protagonist to appear.

  There hasn’t been such a big news in the entertainment industry for a long time.

  I feel that any hot spot today can make headlines.

  In addition to the reporters at the scene, all the people who followed this incident also stood by the television and computer waiting to watch the live broadcast.

  At nine o'clock exactly, people from the prosperous world took their seats one after another.

  In the middle is Ning Xi. Ning Xi sits on the left hand side of Lin Zhizhi, on the right hand side is the lawyer Chen Jing, on both sides are the public relations director Liang Feixing, and Lu Jingli.

  This lineup alone has murdered countless films of reporters at the scene.

"My god, my dog, Ning Xi's agent is really Lin Zhizhi! This is a disguised announcement that Leng Manyun is going to retire. It is true! What does Sheng Shi mean for Ning Xi to arrange Lin Zhizhi as an agent? Do you want her to be Leng Manyun's successor?"

   "How does the man on Ning Xi's right look familiar? Isn't this Chen Jing, the lawyer in the major economic case some time ago?"

   "And Liang Feixing actually attended the press conference in person..."

   "What is Liang Feixing? The general manager Lu Jingli is here, okay!"

   "Damn! This lineup! It's amazing! The Lifetime Series!"

   "Isn't it! Do you think which of the prosperous artists will have this kind of ostentation at the press conference?"


  (End of this chapter)

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