May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 99: :Gui: Don't let the sword in your hand lose its direction!

   "Huh? Why do you want to encourage him?" Jiang Cheng was a little unsure, "I'm also educating in disguise. Let him know that sometimes, no matter how hard you work, it's useless!"

   "He doesn't need to touch that dark philosophy!" Xin Ba Ji spit out again.

"Huh, it's still exactly the same as before, then let me come!" Gui said and walked out. "To deal with children is exactly the same as treating dogs and cats! You have to gently stroke... Stand up, Xiao Samurai! Did you just give up like this?! I'll be your opponent!"

   At this time, Haruta was pulled out of the floor by Yue Yong, and finally woke up leisurely after several rounds of heart resuscitation.

   "Forget it, you won't get anything if you win anyway," Haruta said with a small mouth.

"No! I have prepared two kinds of rewards for you!" As he said, Gui took out two vouchers, "The 5,000 yuan course and 10,000 yuan course voucher for the training of the Yi Zhishi! The 5,000 yuan course is three days. For those who are quick to fight against the barbarians, 10,000 yuan is basically the same as 5,000 yuan, but you can get an extra 5,000 yuan!"

   "Then why don't you just set five thousand yuan at the beginning!" Haruta exclaimed.

   "Huh, are you afraid? My conditions are the same as Jiang Cheng's! As long as you touch the corner of your clothes, you can give all of these to you!" Gui said, holding the sword.

   "Really? Although five thousand yuan is not much, it is still a sum of money anyway, and..." This person looked dull, he must be easy to deal with! Haruta silently added the second half sentence in her heart.

   "You are not allowed to use weapons!" Haruta exclaimed.

   "Don't worry, I won't draw a knife to a child!" As he said, Gui took off his knife and threw it at Elizabeth.


   "Then, start!" Ah Miao acted as the referee again.

   It's no different from the previous game, except that Haruta's opponent was replaced by Katsura.


   Katsura also did not panic at all, but reached into his arms and took out a round metal object, then got up and jumped up, turned a somersault, and jumped behind Haruta.

   At this time Haruta was lost in thought looking at the time bomb that was about to explode with only one second left in his hand.

   Boom! ! !

"Cannian, it's only a little too close." Gui sighed and shook his head, "but it's already very good. I believe it will be even better after my teaching! So, these two course vouchers still belong to you. ! Your hard work touched me! So! Let’s fight together for the new dawn of Japan! Little samurai!"

   Just when Gui burst into tears and impassioned, Xin Ba Ji took the lead in kicking over Gui with a flying kick.

   "Do you use a bomb to deal with a child?! Didn't you say that weapons are not allowed?! You are murder!" Xin Baji scolded as he stepped on it.

"Xin Bahao Jun, Qiaodou sack!" Gui wiped the blood from his face and turned his head to retort, "That's not a weapon! It's just a bomb! As an excellent barbarians, this kind of mistake shouldn't be made. ! So, I also give you two additional course vouchers, and I will teach you the concept of weapons in the next class!"

   "Who is going to learn that kind of stuff!" Xin Ba Hao roared, "Also, before that, can you please Baidu the concept of weapons! Enrich your brain!"

"No way, then I'll be the only one!" Yueyong said slowly, watching Harita who was turned into an explosive head lifted by Kagura, "My test will be very simple! Even Harita can relax. passed!"

   "I don't think it should work..." Jiang Cheng curled his lips and spit out in a low voice. After all, according to this urine, it is impossible for Qingtai not to be pierced by Kuwu Wu...

   "I'm optimistic," Yueyong took out a few kunai with both hands. "Next I will throw a lot of kunai at you. As long as you can block one with the sword in your hand, you will win!"

   "It doesn't make sense at all! If you don't block all of it, it doesn't make sense at all! The rest will be stuck on your body!" Xin Bajia vomited.

   "That! It's started!" Yue Yong shouted and threw all the kunai in his hand, and the direction was Harita, who was still bewildered just standing up.

The result is……


   "Sure enough, your cultivation is still not enough..." Yue Yong said with a light sigh, "You can't even stop a kunai."

"How could it be blocked!" Xinba Haw helped Haruta bandage while vomiting, "Also, doctor Sunrin, do you care? Haruta-kun has been wounded all over, and it seems that his self-confidence has been hit to the bottom. As a mother, shouldn't Haruta-kun be encouraged at this time?"

   "If you want to give up because of this setback, doesn't it also mean that he is not suitable for swordsmanship?" Hirinawa replied with a smile.

"Even so, but..." Shinba Haw said, remembering the scene when he was reprimanded by his father and sister when he was a child because he was too hard to practice swordsmanship. Different!"

"Cut," Jiang Cheng cut with disdain, "What's the difference? I always use the excuse that the times have changed. The bloggers also disliked Naruto's old-fashioned perseverance and teamwork, but it's not. Still licking his face after the Datongmu Peach-style copy, saying that he understands perseverance and teamwork?"

   "No need to cite examples in other works!" Xin Baji retorted.

"There is nothing different, maybe the times have really changed, but people are always the same." Jiang Cheng continued, "Although I really don't know that you want to learn swordsmanship, if it's just a whim, I would advise you to do so. Stop it, that's it for you."

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng turned around and walked out.

"How could this be..." Xin Ba Hao murmured, and then Xiang Qingtai smiled comfortingly, "It doesn't matter, after all, you are still young. It is normal that you can't get a copy under Jiang Chengsang's hands. The guy has been on the battlefield since he was very young! So don't be discouraged!"

"Forget it, don't comfort me." Harita looked at the practice bamboo sword in her hand and said with some relief, "It turns out that I was just to show off to the classmates, and I didn't think so much about other things. Keep going. The practice is just because I hate mom's nagging on the weekend. I understand it. So, it’s okay, New Mynah."


"But, even so, I won't give up the practice of swordsmanship! Because I have a new goal! I must get a copy in the hands of Brother Jiang Cheng! I must be admired by that person! No matter how long it takes! Absolutely! "There was an inexplicable flame in Harita's eyes, "So! Please increase your training! New Mynah! A Miao!"

   "Nice expression!" A Miao praised, "Then it's as you wish! You can't be absent for a day during the winter vacation!"


   "It's really a great goal~" Gui lightly chuckled, "You know, there are not many in the whole world that can hold a copy in his hand. I mean if he gets serious."

   "Hey? Really? Is that waste wood otaku really that strong?" Haruta asked three times in a row.

"But I think you can do it, because the sword in your hand already has a direction." After that, Gui turned and walked towards the door, but stopped when he reached the door, "Don't lose your sword. Direction." After speaking, Gui finally walked out.

   "It's so hard to understand~" Harita looked up to the sky with a long sigh.

   Everyone present laughed after hearing it.

   Only Yueyong is still thinking about what Jiang Cheng said today,


"Now, where is the direction you are seeing?" Gui asked aloud, "I never knew, maybe we saw the same direction at first, but now where is the direction your eyes are staring at? Thinking about it now, we did choose different directions at that time. You are different from me, Yinshi and Takasugi. You..."

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng turned his head and took off his earphones, "Sorry, did you say something just now? I happened to be listening to the CD from Miss Baihua just now. But it's really good, sometimes excited and sometimes moaning. , I can't think of this..."

   Jiang Cheng was chopped down by the expressionless Gui drew his sword before he finished speaking.

   "You **** occasionally listen to people talking!" Gui roared, "and what kind of [BEEP——] CD is that! What sound was recorded!"

Jiang Cheng explained as he ran, "Although I don't know what you have misunderstood, this is just a collection of Sakai Izumi's works! It is definitely not the kind of thing you imagined! Speaking of what you think about all day what?!"

"Who did you think in his head was the scene of [BEEP——] after [BEEP——] and finally [BEEP——]!" Gui scolded while chasing and no one said yes. That kind of thing! You said it yourself! "Jiang Cheng retorted, "Speaking of which, do you think about that all day?" ! Then do you want to stay in Yoshiwara instead of me! "

   Hearing these words, Gui stopped, lowered his head and said intermittently, " it okay?"


"This is the new Night King I found for Yoshihara! Welcome everyone!" Jiang Cheng said, pointing to the fainted Gui Mian Xiang Yueyong who was bleeding from the side, "Although it seems a little unreliable, I believe he must Will become a qualified Night King!"

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng was the first to applaud.

   "I think he will die from excessive blood loss before he becomes the Night King..." Yue Yong vomited expressionlessly, "What the **** is this guy making in his brain? I'm a bit too excited!"

"Don't worry, Yueyong Hall!" Gui got up and wiped his unstoppable nosebleeds and continued, somewhat weak, "Although my body may not be as good as Jiang Cheng! But! I will try my best to implement the creed of my life. !"

   "Then try the crony bar first!" Yue Yong nodded and said, "Yoshiwara is the most common one at this time, and at least it has to stand up to it."

   "!" Gui's eyes were bloodshot, and his nosebleeds gushing out again and looked like a high-pressure water pump. Finally, he fainted.

   "Sure enough, it doesn't work. How could a man who can't stand this level become the night king of Yoshihara." Yueyong said with a light sigh.

   "Hey! Wig! Wake up!" Jiang Cheng kept shouting. However, Gui was immersed in the fantasy and fainted happily. No matter how Jiang Cheng shouted, he didn't respond...


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