May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 711: : Performing their duties is actually the best state of this society!

One day, in a modern high-rise office in Edo with a large "Toukibiunko" sign.

"Ha—?! Let Kagura-chan be an idol?! And still form a group with Atong?!"

After listening to the words of Mrs. Simenshi, Simentong’s mother and agent, who was sitting at the desk in front of him, Xin Bahao made such a suspicion of life.

"Are you crazy? What bad idea do you think? Is this still supporting Atongjiang's office all the way?!"

When faced with things related to Atongjiang, Xin Ba Hao is always very excited and full of passion.

Ms. Simenshi lightly touched her shoulders and replied with a little surprise: "I was also taken aback. I didn't expect that the scouts brought me the little girl who had taken care of us before."

"But it's worthy of being our scout, very discerning." Atong-chan, who was standing next to her mother in a cute yellow kimono, said with a smile, and then looked towards sitting on the sofa squinting Doudou's eyes while she was picking. Kagura in the nostril, "I think Kagura-chan is totally idol-like, no matter her appearance or fair skin, she can be called a beautiful girl. She also possesses the qualities of a foreign artist, and most importantly, she has a style in whatever she does."

Xin Ba Hao retorted without hesitation: "Will there be idols who can pick up their noses?!"

"Idols also pick noses, like me..."

"I can't pick it!" Xin Ba Haw frowned and interrupted A Tong Jiang with his nostrils upright. "For A Tong Jiang, there is no booger or anything! The nostrils are filled with pink heart-shaped dreams. With hope!"

"No... what you said is not as good as booger." Altong murmured silently.

"Now is the heyday of group idols. If you don't do anything, Atong will be eliminated by the times." With that, Ms. Temple City looked at the poster or project on the wall and went on. Explained: "So we designed a limited-time combination of Temple Gate. "Who is your partner?" project. Let Ah Tong and the mysterious passers-by form a group to inspire Ah Tong's new charm, and at the same time, discover the newcomer's plan to make both of them very popular. "

"What about digging!" Xinba Haw reached out and pointed at Kagura, who was still picking her nose behind her, and argued with excitement, "No matter how much you dig in this mine, you can only dig out your nose!"

"Although it is still booger now, but as long as it is carefully tempered, it cannot be said that it will become a booger that is harder than a diamond."

"Should the result be booger?!"

"Anyway, Ah Tong needs an unexpected partner. Please wish us a helping hand."

"Please calm down! Do you want the efforts of Atongchan so far to be in vain? This child is not selling the material of his dreams at all, but a sad woman created to destroy a man's dream..."

Standing up, Kagura squinted his peasy eyes and bounced the golden booger that had just been dug out on his little finger to Xinba Hae, preventing him from continuing.


By the way, the impact force directly smashed his head into the wall on the side.

After doing all this, Kagura blew his pinky very easily.

"Awesome! What is this?" Simen City was so startled that he couldn't help standing up.

Kagura looked upset: "Don't think you can talk nonsense if I don't speak, my nose is harder than diamonds Aru."

"This can be used in the celebrity secret meeting, mother!" Atong-chan said excitedly, and then came to Kagura with excitement, "show it again and let me see."

But at this moment, Jiang Cheng, who was sitting on the sidelines from beginning to end, not knowing whether he heard it or not, stood up and stood in front of Atong. At the same time, Gintoki, who was also sitting on the sofa from beginning to end, also got up and came to Kagura. Behind him took Kagura's shoulders.

"Wait," after Jiang Cheng yawned, he drew out his ears and spoke with some impatiently: "Anyway, I can understand roughly. In short, it is to let this little girl be like Kagura in the future. Call my uncle in the next day? Hey, don't be kidding, a girl like this is enough for me, I don't want to have one hurts!"

The fist in Yin Shi's hand in a white suit and glasses stopped Jiang Cheng from continuing.

"What are you doing!" Jiang Cheng turned around and exclaimed angrily.

"You didn't listen to anything at all! You didn't listen to a word at all, right! Otherwise, how did you hear this meaning?!" Gin Shizuo said with a burst of blue veins, and then cleared his hands. Cleared his throat, "Anyway, leave it to me to get in. I'm better at this aspect than you. You can just be the president who is only responsible for signing."

"President? Hey? Me? What president?" Jiang Cheng looked unclear.

"Anyway," Yin Shi looked at the Atong sauce and Temple store in front of him with a serious expression.

"Hey? Office? Goods?" Atong-chan looked surprised.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Cheng still looked puzzled.

"Hey, hey, is this Alzheimer's disease? President? Did you forget? President?" Gintoki glanced at Jiang Cheng lightly, and patted Kagura on the shoulder at the same time, "This child was brought up by us." My idol, when it comes to potential, no one can help but admit that this kid is a wizard beyond Ah Tong."

Xin Ba Haw, who had just pulled his head out of the wall, twitched his mouth and said, "That Yin Sang, Jiang Chengsang hasn't figured out the situation at all..."

"Don't worry, even this kind of foolish president will understand as long as he sees real money."



In the dance studio, Jiang Cheng, who was forcibly changed into a blue suit, held his hands, squinted his eyes, hugged his hands and leaned against the wall boredly watching Kagura and Atung-chan, who were doing dance moves under the guidance of the teacher.

On the side, standing Temple Gate, Yin Shi, and Xin Ba Chi with an expression of constipation.

Gintoki said, "Then the president, it's okay as a co-production."

"Hey, no problem, Producer Bantian." Temple City responded.

Xin Ba Hao's eyes are densely black lines now: "Hey? Is this a producer? It's just a rip-off."

Jiang Cheng pointed to himself and asked, "Um... I seem to be the president too, what should I do?"

"It seems that what you said is true," said Kagura, who ignored Xin Ba Hao and Jiang Cheng, looking at Kagura who made one movement after another with ease. In other words, they are far above the Atong sauce."

Jiang Cheng pointed at himself and said, "Hey? Have I been ignored? Have I been ignored deliberately?"

Ignoring Jiang Cheng, Yin Shi nodded: "Yes, about this, no idol in the universe can win her, right? Guidance Shimura."

"Huh? I'm the instructor?" Xin Ba Haw asked, twitching the corner of his eyes.

The temple market nodded calmly: "That kind of appearance coupled with that kind of outstanding performance, it seems that an incredible idol is about to be born, right? Manager Shimura?"

"Huh? Am I a coach or an agent?"

Jiang Cheng frowned and said helplessly: "Are you still ignoring me? Hello? Hello? Hello?"

Yinshi went on to say: "The key is how to package and launch them."

"I'll leave it to the producer for this." Simen shrugged his shoulders and continued naturally, "If you want to inspire Atong's new charm, you must also innovate in your planning. You should be fine, right?"

"Ah, don't worry about this, we have experts in idolology, don't we? Idol House King?"

Xin Ba Hao reminded him expressionlessly: "Um, sorry, can you fix my position?"

Temple City slowly turned around: "I'm waiting to see your abilities, produced by Sakata, Shimura [BEEP——]."

"It's still a pervert in the end!!" Xin Ba Chi screamed frantically.

"Then... the president," said, the temple market blushed inexplicably, and said with a dodging look at Jiang Cheng, "We should also find a quiet place to have a brief chat, and we heard that our situation is pretty good. Isn’t it similar? One is a daughter and the other is a niece, both of whom are the only relatives in this world (earth). I think we should have a lot of common languages."

"No, I remember that there is still a dad in that girl's prison?" Jiang Cheng said, pointing to Atong sauce.

"It's okay, those things are already in the past."

Yin Shig glanced at Jiang Cheng and said, "Go ahead, president, this is the job of the president, talks with the other's president or something. As for the other trivial matters, leave it to me and Shimura. [Beep— —】Come and sit down. All you need to do is simply have a cup of tea, simply have a meal and talk about the homework, and finally find a hotel simply [BEEP——] It’s ok, simple? "

"Simplicity! What does it mean to send [BEEP——]?!" Xin Ba Hao exclaimed with blue veins and white eyes. !"

Jiang Cheng supported his chin and nodded, " is the job of the president. It feels really hard."

"Don't just believe it so easily!"

"In short, since it is what Kagura wants to do, then as a young uncle, I will definitely support it. Even if it is to sacrifice something, I will cheer! Goodbye!"

With that said, Jiang Cheng took the shoulders of the temple market and stepped directly outside.

"Speaking of various reasons, is it okay for the foreplay to be longer? Is it OK with your mouth?"

Listening to the silence of Jiang Cheng's words in the distance, the entire half of Xin Ba Hao's face began to twitch.

"What you want is this kind of sacrifice consciousness," Yin Shi nodded affirmatively, and then looked at Kagura and Atung-chan, "Then take advantage of the two presidents [Beep——] [Beep——] [BEEP——] We have to take advantage of the limited time to be in this money tree."

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