May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 689: : It is proud to be written in textbooks!

   Looking at the weather sister's figure that had been smashed into pieces, Gintoki blinked and tentatively said, "Um... what is that?"

   "Trash, right?" Jiang Cheng replied casually.

   Xiaoyu shook his head: "No, it seems to be anchor Yuno's figure."

   "Ah... isn't it? Although this boss is quite a jerk, but his interest is pretty good." Yin Shit pulled the corner of his mouth forcibly.

   "What's a good interest?" Jiang Cheng showed a weird expression, curled the corner of his mouth and said, "It's obviously a very strange interest, right?"

   "What do you know about anchor Yuno!" Gintoki exclaimed angrily.

   "No, Opie is too small, his face is just like that, his personality...very bad, and it's a second-hand item." Jiang Cheng replied naturally, "No matter how you look at it, people who like this kind of woman are idiots."

   "Master Jiang Cheng, Master Yinshi is an idiot, please don't forget this kind of thing." Xiaoyu answered very timely.

   Jiang Cheng smiled and apologized: "Sorry, Yinshi, I almost forgot this precondition. I apologize to you."

   "You two will be killed, believe it or not?!" Yin Shi directly exploded his hair and roared with white eyes, and then said to Xiaoyu: "It's enough, just continue with the state just now! Hurry up!"

   "Okay." Xiaoyu nodded, and then shouted to the window in front of him: "Is the next one here?"

"That..." A girl in some kind of female religious costume sat down in front of the window and said directly and slowly: "Actually, I married the earth from a distant universe, but my husband is a jerk. , Do not work hard, and there is no source of income at home, stingy, suspicious, smelly of feet and feces."

   "Hey," Yin Shi pulled aside Jiang Cheng and asked quietly, "Isn't this the **** boss just now? It's definitely the **** boss, right?"

   "Huh?" Jiang Cheng was puzzled, and then replied: "No, no, no, Yin Shi, just now that was the **** boss, and this one was the asshole, it's different."

   "As a result, I was really angry last time, and scribbled on his face while he was asleep," the religious woman continued, "As a result, the mop suddenly flew over."

   "Is this the mop just now?" Yin Shi pointed to the small window and said to Jiang Cheng, "Sure enough, that **** boss was just a **** bitch, right?"

   "Calm down, Yin Shi." Jiang Cheng comforted, "You know that anyone may have a mop that suddenly flies over, and I also have kunai that often suddenly flies over. It's basically the same."

   "You're too big! Only your house will have something like Kuwu suddenly flying in!"

   The female believer continued: "As a result, after I broke the mop, half of the pole was inserted into the figure, and the other half was inserted into the asshole."

   Yin Shi whispered to Xiang Jiangcheng: "Hey? Is it okay? Is it okay for the **** **** to smash him?"

   "But he didn't notice, he was sleeping all the time, so let him go."

   "No, shouldn't this be eternal sleep, right?" Yin Shi pointed to the window and said to Jiang Cheng.

   "Calm down, this time..." Jiang Cheng put his hands together and closed his eyes, "Amen."

  Gin Shishi said, "Although it is suitable for this kind of time, is there something wrong?"

   "Machine Lady, can I be forgiven for my sins?" The female believer put her hands together and asked.

   Xiaoyu turned around and asked, "Is this murder?"

   "No, it's not!" Gintoki narrowed his eyes slightly, and replied with a serious expression, "This is just kicking the baba on the ground to the side of the road, so that the streets of Edo can also be a little cleaner and tidy."

  The knowing Xiaoyu closed his eyes again and folded his hands: "God is very pleased, and I will definitely bless you."

   "Really?" There was a hint of joy in the female believer's voice, "He is still stuck in a mop, is that okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, just let it plug in. This is what he is carrying..." Yin Shi raised his eyebrows and said indifferently, but the next moment he suddenly noticed the half of the mop inserted between his thighs, with an expression. Suddenly it solidified a little, "...the cross."

   "Ah, that's great, Amen." With that, the female believer left the seat and left the confessional with a relaxed and happy mood.

  At this time, Jiang Cheng suddenly noticed something, and when he looked at Yin with a black face, he asked, "Hey, what's the matter with you? Is it okay?"

   "Huh? What?" When he had secretly pulled out the mop and hid it behind the silver, he asked in a cold sweat, "It's okay, I'm completely okay."

   "Hey? Is Chrysanthemum okay?" Jiang Cheng then asked.

   "It's okay! It's very smooth this morning! Hemorrhoids and constipation are completely non-existent!"

   "Really?" Jiang Cheng looked puzzled, and then stretched his finger to the back of Yinshi, "But is it really okay to have a mop in there?"

   "Hey? Mop!" Yin Shizuo was startled.

   "Sir Yinshi," Xiaoyu said at this time, "I found it was inserted when I saw you today. I am still thinking about whether or not to complain because it has been inserted very deeply."

   "Hey? Is that so?" Gin Shiki asked with dodgy eyes, cold sweat on his face.

   "But because Lord Jiang Cheng, who was also discovered, didn't complain, so I didn't complain either."

   "Hmm." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"Ahahaha, isn't this what you are talking about?" Yinshi took out the half of the mop hidden behind him with a haha, and explained with a smile: "This is the other one, not the one inserted. It came out of the chrysanthemum."

   said, Yin Shi touched the back of his head again, haha: "I accidentally ate it as fried noodles yesterday, hahaha..."

   "It turned out to be like this." Xiaoyu nodded to express understanding.

"Yeah! Don't misunderstand you two!" Yin Shi nodded quickly, and then solemnly reminded: "I said you two. This is not the mop that appeared in the confession just now. It has nothing to do with that. Relationship!"

   "Of course I know that kind of thing." Xiaoyu replied.

   "Why are you panicking?" Jiang Chengban squinted his eyes with a look of disdain.

   "I want you to take care of it! No road race!" Yin Shibai yelled, and then comforted himself in his heart: [Yes, it doesn't matter! Everyone likes Yuno anchor! The mop is also, everyone will accidentally insert it into the chrysanthemum once or twice! This idiot will definitely be inserted into that kind of place sometimes!

   So it is absolutely impossible to be the two of them. Although the chin does give people a sense of deja vu, the human chin is similar except for Inoki! It's fine! My Yuno anchor must be safe and sound! My chrysanthemum must also be safe and sound! I think too much! I must think too much! 】

   Just after comforting himself in his heart, Gin Shizuo suddenly heard the voice of Kagura from the alley behind him.

   "Hey? Haven't found your uncle yet, Aru? Yueyue?"

   Kagura, who had just taken off the Christian costume in his hand, asked Yue Yong who had just met.

   "Ah," Yueyong nodded lightly in response, and then faintly replied: "But...the shooting permission has just been obtained in the confessional. When you see it, you are allowed to shoot directly."

   [Fruit... Is it really you? ! Yueyue! Jiang Cheng clenched his fist and thought in his heart, "What is the permission to shoot!" What the **** are you doing in the confession room! 】

   "Hey." Yin Shi patted Jiang Cheng on the shoulder, then grabbed Jiang Cheng's clothes and threw Jiang Cheng out with all his strength.

   "You bastard!" Jiang Cheng in the air scolded, and then... it was gone.

   Listening to the whistling sound of Kuwubaikong and Jiang Cheng's screams and the last rustling of suspected dragging the corpse from behind, Yin Shi folded his hands and said silently...


  【It’s great, so that you can do nothing for him. Okay, just forget the things just now. Change your mood and continue to make money is the right way! There are so many customers in such a short time, so it's really easy to earn so much, hehe, lucky and lucky! 】

   Before I was overjoyed, Yin Shi suddenly noticed that the next guest’s hairy chin... was a bit too familiar...


   The next day, in the morning.


   Peng Peng!

"I said you, why smashed all my games!" Jiang Cheng on the dining table smashed the dining table heavily and exclaimed angrily: "Give me some enough! Stinky woman! Those old ones are already Don’t worry if you’re tired of playing, I’ve only played the first chapter of that new one! Have you ever considered the game?!"

   "Are you still in the mood for the game?" Harita twitched at the corner of her eyes.

"Don't underestimate the game! Smelly kid!" Jiang Cheng spit out, then raised his hands, closed his eyes, hummed and said: "Then simply use a woman as a metaphor for the game. Zhang Game is like a woman, so just playing the first chapter is equivalent to just doing the foreplay, and then the topic! The fun is behind! But that is to say, you are such a kid. I don't understand."

   Ririn smiled and said, "In other words, every game is a completely different woman."

"Yes, that's right," Jiang Cheng nodded, and then went on to say to himself: "You must know that the GC of each game is different, and the requirements for meeting the GC plot are also different, and the time of the GC plot in the game is also different. It's not the same, and this point is similar to a woman."

   Hirota smiled and praised: "You really are a scumbag, Jiang Chengsang. According to your remarks, can you just throw away the tired game (woman)?"

   "What silly thing to say?" Jiang Cheng was surprised, and then waved his hand. "No, I usually take the games I'm tired of playing to second-hand stores to recycle."

   Haru twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "I always feel...very pitiful. If I get tired of playing, I will be sold to Yoshihara or something."

"Yoshihara? What are you talking about? Is there a shop where Yoshihara recycles second-hand games?" Jiang Cheng was puzzled, but he suddenly reacted. His aura flashed up an index finger and said, "Oh! That's how it is! Lun and Yueyue feel that they are second-hand..."




   Looking at Jiang Cheng who was still spraying blood on the table, Haruta's forehead slowly showed several black lines, but before he had time to complain, he was suddenly attracted by a piece of news on the TV on the side.

"Let’s look at today’s headlines. His Majesty Tokugawa Shigeru, the general of the conqueror, went missing yesterday. His whereabouts are unknown. There has been a private visit by His Majesty Shigeru before. The senior officer of the Matsudaira Katurihu police station who assisted in this matter still denies himself. All connections to the case. He insisted that all of these were crimes committed by the suspect, Gintoki Sakata, who was detained for obstructing the execution of official duties.”

"Oh! Yinsang... Yinsang actually killed the general!" Qingtai exclaimed, with little stars all over her eyes, and then pointed to the TV and said: "Mom! Sister Yueyong! Take a look at Brother Jiang Cheng! That Yinsang actually did such a big thing! It's amazing! It's completely different from a certain nit!"

   "That's right," Hirin said with a smile, narrowing his eyes, "Men will grow up, but I didn't expect Yinsang to grow to this level. It really scared me."

   Yueyong nodded silently: "Indeed, it is completely different from a certain Nit who is almost 700 chapters and still has no growth."

   "Hey, can this really be said to be growth?" Jiang Cheng resurrected silently, "Is there something wrong?"

"Of course, it's such a big deal after all." Qing Tai nodded and said, and then showed some emotion. "Yeah, yeah, it seems that you will see Yinsang's name in the textbook soon. That's it. I really envy it."

   "Hey, is this kind of thing really worthy of envy?" Jiang Cheng said again, "because this kind of thing is written in the textbook is really enviable? Is your head okay? Is it really okay? Haru-ta-kun?"

"No matter what it is, it is great to write it in a textbook." Qingta replied with a pouting mouth. It's not worth mentioning!"

   "It's nothing compared to nothing." Yue Yong shook his head and sighed softly.

   "Hey!" Jiang Cheng reminded.

   Hirin said with a smile: "Sorry, Jiang Chengsang, don't be discouraged. There is no comparison between people, so please don't take it to heart. Hey~"

   Jiang Cheng silently replied: "No, although you are really comforting me, but what you said is really making me a little uncomfortable. And why do you want to sigh in the end? Why do you want to sigh?"

   "Enough, Jiang Chengsang, Nit...just Nit."

   Jiang Cheng directly exploded his hair: "Why look at me with that kind of compassionate eyes! On purpose? Are you definitely on purpose?! Bastards!"

   "Sun wheel, stop talking." Yue Yong glanced at the sun wheel and said aloud.

   "Hey! You guys give me a little bit more than enough!"



   Jiang Cheng, carrying the game he just bought, is walking slowly on the way back to Yoshihara.

   However, when I walked to the bank of a river somewhere, I suddenly saw a group of strange guys lying on the bank...


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