May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 666: : It is a sword that needs good maintenance!

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Xinbahao frowned and asked, "Then what should we do?"

"Well, leave it to the government." As he said, Yin raised his chin and closed his eyes, his expression gradually showing a bit of dignity, "First of all, the most important question in front of us is... how to use the toilet? How to do?!"

Looking at the silver that is really thoughtful on his face, Xin Ba Haw broke his mouth directly, spitting wildly: "It doesn't matter at all!"

"No, this is the most important thing right now, Xin Ba Hao." Jiang Zi hugged his hands and said with a humming and closed eyes. What the **** is the bathroom? Am I the same as declaring war with PTA? Although it is force majeure, I still feel a little worried."

"To be honest, Jiang Chengsang, before worrying about PTA, it's better for you to care about your bladder first." Xin Ba Hao pushed the glasses Ji on the bridge of his nose and silently returned.

"Who is Jiang Chengsang?" Jiang Zi snorted again, then held up a record that he didn't know where he found, and said, "Now please call me Miss."

A Miao looked at Jiang Zi on the side, nodded and said, "Indeed, if Jiang is going to the bathroom, it is indeed a bit bad in every sense."

"Who is the sauce?!" Jiang Zi shouted with blank eyes.

"In short, that's it." Yin Zi held up his hands, nodded, and analyzed it by himself, "Before the problem is solved, we must pretend to be a little feminine, and now we must first learn how to go to the toilet properly. Otherwise, it is absolutely necessary. When I go to the toilet, I find that someone uses the toilet in the wrong way, so I can teach him the correct way to go to the toilet."

"Enough of you!" Xin Ba Hao clenched his fists and spit out loudly, "How much do you want to talk about the topic of going to the toilet!"

Jiang Zi stood up and shouted in a sharp voice: "It's okay for you, but it's the most important thing for us!"

"Yes!" Yinzi nodded, and then looked at Shibingwei with a serious expression, "I just asked, how to urinate to be feminine?"

"What do you mean...what?" Shibingbei was a little stuck, and his face was slightly flushed, "just...just come here normally."

"How about ordinary?" Yinzi asked reluctantly, "Then do you know what a manly way of urinating?"

Shibingwei turned his face silently, and said forcefully, "Why do you care if there is femininity in the toilet? I told you everything, just a normal one."

"Hey, are you underestimating the way you go to the toilet?" Jiang Zi was unhappy, holding up his hands to retort, "You must know that when a man goes to the toilet, it is the most important time to show a man's skills! "

"You wait for me! Because it's too bad, so stop it quickly!" Xin Ba Haw raised his hand and shouted to stop.

"Listen well, Shibingwei!" Standing on the sofa, Jiang Zi, holding his hand serious, continued, "Every man has his own way of going to the toilet! Which hand is used to hold it? How far is it from the urinal? , Angle, how many shakes do you need to shake after the end? Do you know these things?!"

Xin Ba Hao burst into blue veins, and frantically complained, "I know you are tall! These are all trivial things!"

"Men, men go to the toilet... do you still have so much knowledge?" Shibingwei's expression gradually showed a little dignity.

"Don't believe it so quickly!" Xin Ba Hao vomited again.

"You should have heard of it, right? Nine...ten soldiers guard." Jiang Zi snorted softly, and said again: "There is another sword theory of men. That's right! The toilet is the battlefield! This is a metaphor. You should understand, right?!"

"It's you!" Xin Ba Haw frantically complained.

"So, the toilet is the battlefield, and there is the sword." Shibei murmured with a solemn expression while pinching his chin, " is indeed very important to use the sword correctly and efficiently. If so... Does the sword still need to be maintained?"

"Yes," Yinzi nodded, and then sighed lightly with one hand on his cheek and looked out the window with a melancholy expression, "Normally, men need maintenance twice a week, but I should never have it again. Chance."

"Twice? I came here three times." Jiang Zi said in surprise.

Yinzi shrugged and said helplessly: "You don't know the economic situation of the House of Everything. Twice a week is already the limit."

"Protect...maintenance?!" Shibingbei's pupils quaked, and the cold sweat on his face appeared drop by drop. " really need to maintain their swords all the time!"

Xin Ba Haw hurriedly said: "Hey, it's true? Did you really believe it? Did you really believe these two idiots?"

"Also..." Jiang Zi raised his head and gestured to the Xin Ba Chi who was on the side, "The consequences of not maintaining it are like the Xin Ba Chi."

"What's the meaning of the new eight chicks?!" The new eight chicks immediately became unhappy.

"Is the consequences so serious?!" Shihbei was shocked again and showed a serious expression on his face.

"Does it have to make people so hot?! You give me enough, bastards!"

"Um... do you want to go to a beauty salon for maintenance?" Kagura Dun asked, raising his hand.

"You can't use it." Jiang Zi spoke without hesitation, then took out a few discount coupons from his arms and stuffed them into the hands of A Miao and Shibingwei, respectively, chuckled and spoke again: "You are welcome, take it. Go and use it. They are all men's beauty salons that care for swords."

"Who is a man?! Bastard!" A Miao's expression instantly resembled the incarnation of a devil, and a bitterly fist hit Jiang Zi's stomach, "Also, this is just a discount coupon for Yoshihara!"

"Calm down! A Miao!" Jiang Zi shouted, "If I don't like it, I have discount coupons for other shops!"

Three minutes later, ignoring Jiang Zi, who had fallen into a coma, Ah Miao took the discount coupon in Shibingwei's hand and tore it to pieces.

"Really." A Miao complained, "It's all because Chen told Miss Yinzi that it was so pretentious, I almost believed it."

"No, as long as a person with a normal head doesn't believe it, right?" Xin Ba Hao murmured silently.

"Actually, I suddenly thought of some father," A Miao explained. "When my father was still alive, he would sneak out two nights a week."

"Stop talking! Stop talking about this kind of thing!" Xin Ba Haw hurriedly stopped, "That's just for socializing! It's just going out to socialize!"

"But, when I asked my father what he was doing, he said he was going to maintain his sword."

"Yes! He just went to the knife shop to maintain his real sword! So stop talking!"

"The knife shop... even opened at night..." A Miao murmured.

Shibingwei said quickly: "Miao, believe me, I will never go to that kind of shop! No matter it is a real knife shop or any other shop, I will not go!"

"Of course I believe you, Mr. Jubei." Ah Miao said with a smile.

"Hey, why do you want to assure my sister?" Xin Ba Haw said in an annoyed manner, "You said you don't take advantage of the fire to rob me!"

"Cut!" Yin Zi sipped his cheek, "In the end, I still haven't learned the feminine way to go to the toilet. It's over, the future of the earth is completely over."

"Your head is finished first!" Xin Ba Hao vomited angrily, "Don't just enter the abandon mode for me!"

"Then you tell me!" Yinzi retorted violently, patting the table, "how on earth should I go to the bathroom? This feeling?"

next moment…

A Miao who stood up, folded his hands and smiled and said, "Sorry, let's go to the toilet first~"

After that, A Miao turned and walked to the side, and Yinzi smiled and followed like a good high school bestie.

"Hey, shushing guidance has started, idiot." Yinzi picked up Jiangzi, who was still lying on the back of the sofa.

"Hush, guide?" Jiang Zi raised his head and let out a suspicion, then looked at Ah Miao who was walking in the front with a look of disgust, "Why should I be guided by a man like that..."


"It hurts!" Jiang Zi cried out painfully while holding his head.

"Who is a man?" A Miaopi looked at Jiang Zi with a smile.

"Sorry, eldest sister." Jiang Zi bowed his head to apologize, "Please teach me the correct way to hush!"


"Miao~~" Good girlfriend Yinzi went online again, and whispered in the ears of the two of them, "Who do you think fits your appetite better?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Zi and A Miao looked back at the same time.

"Anyway, that man with glasses frustrated is spared~ I don't know what he is thinking about with pink glasses or something~"

Seeing the same teasing look in Jiang Zi's trio turned their heads, Xin Ba Hao's face instantly burst into blue veins, and said with blank eyes, "That part is completely irrelevant! Is it because Mao has become the same as in friendship?!"

"Hey! You guy!" The Shibingbei who reacted pressed on Yinzi's shoulder, "Do you want to go to the bathroom with Ah Miao in the chaos?"

"No way!" Yinzi turned around, UU reading www. naturally argued, "I am a girl now! And I have to ask all kinds of questions about how to go to the bathroom! Right?"

"I mean." Jiang Zi nodded.

By the way, due to the problem of the plane, Jiang Zi only leaves the country above his forehead, but don't worry, the slogan is well marked. On Jiang Zi's head, the slogan "Jiang Cheng ♀↓" is well marked.

Xin Ba Hao stretched out his hand and pointed to Yin Zi and Jiang Zi's slogan: "What kind of perversion are you two want to play with my sister! There will definitely be unsightly pictures!"

"There is no way..." Kagura Dun stood up, and continued with a low and strong baritone, "I'll teach you."

"Then there will be even more unsightly pictures!" Xin Ba Hao vomited again.

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