May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 503: : Christmas Eve without Santa Claus... or Christmas Eve!

"Isn't it still a U.S. drama in the end?!" Yin Shibai yelled.

"Give me more than enough! Bastard!" The owner of Xinghai Fang cursed with a burst of veins, and then pointed to himself.

"Please think about it again, Sir Jiang Cheng." Jiu Bingwei said, "Although the minced meat pie is very close, it is not!"

"Hey, where did you get close?" Yin Shi murmured silently.

"That, I said," Jiang Cheng got up again, patted the dust on his body like an okay person, and said helplessly to the three of them, "When it comes to Christmas, it was originally a holiday from Western countries. Right? No matter how I think about it, there are only turkey and mince pies in American TV series."

"No! There is one last decisive existence!" the three of them replied at the same time.

"...No, I really can't remember." Jiang Cheng closed his eyes and frowned and thought for a long time before opening his eyes and saying this.

"Give me a second thought! Use your brain full of barren brain cells!" Yin Shi pointed to himself and said to Jiang Cheng.

"Don't give up! As long as you don't give up, you can definitely think of it!" Xinghai Fang pointed to himself at the same time, "Even that kind of head can think of, it's very simple! The answer lies in this yard!"

"Yes! Your Excellency Jiang Cheng!" Jiu Bingwei pointed to himself and echoed loudly.

"Hey, did you think of anything?" Jiang Cheng asked everyone in the house.

"I don't know Alu." Kagura, who was still acting like a baby in Jianghua's arms, replied casually.

"Boiled eggs." A Miao squinted her eyes to show a smile, and at the same time raised an index finger.

"Christmas card..." Harita, who was squatting on the ground holding her legs and looking depressed, muttered as she looked at the card in front of her.

"Is it this?" Yue Yong asked, pointing to the two barrels of lubricating fluid that appeared on the sidelines.

"Haruta's full score test paper." Hirina said with a smile.

"Sister-in-law who can put me at ease." Jiang Hua said softly.

"Atong sauce!" Xin Ba Hao took over.

"Miss A Miao!" Jiu Bingwei interrupted and came in.

"Christmas with my wife and daughter." The master of Xinghaifang raised his hand and said.

"Achu..." Hasegawa, who was already drunk, lay on the ground and took the sentence.

"Jiang Chengsama's [BEEP——]!" a group of Baihua members replied.

"It's not right! It's not right at all!" Gin Shizuo screamed frantically, "It has become your own wish from the test paper! The wish from the glasses is a bit bad! It seems that it is still A wife who ran away from home with some sunglasses! Hey! Give me enough, you bastards! It's definitely on purpose!"

After that, Yin Shi looked at Jiu Bingwei and Xinghai Fangzhu who were aside, "Hey, why did you two also participate in the topic just now? Are you idiots? You are asking questions, right!"

"Well, for me, Christmas Eve without Miss A Miao really can't be called Christmas Eve." Jiu Biewei replied solemnly.

"Shut up for me!" Yin Shi yelled frantically.

"Well, the reassuring sister-in-law and Christmas Eve with his wife and daughter I agree with the two answers." The master of Xinghaifang raised his hand and said in his heart: [This answer is really good! As long as there is a sister-in-law, that **** can definitely give up on Jianghua! 】

"Shut up for me too!" Yin Shih roared with a fierce face and eyes bursting with blue veins and white eyes.

"Ahahahaha! It seems that you are all embarrassed to say that name!" The voice of a gorilla stalker came from the wall.

"You are...!" Jiang Cheng's pupils shrank slightly.

Immediately afterwards, everyone turned their heads and looked over at the same time, and saw Kondo, who was carrying a gift bag in cos Santa Claus, standing on the fence.

"Ah, it's a gorilla." Jiang Cheng squinted Doudou's eyes, and filled his words blankly.

"Indeed, it's Alu the orangutan." Kagura nodded in agreement.

"Undoubtedly, it's the orangutan, the orangutan in Santa Claus clothes." A Miao nodded and said, and then made a puzzled expression, "but why is the orangutan on the wall of my house? Why is it dressed like that? Clothes?"

"Probably... I was attracted by the scent of bananas on the dining table." Jiu Bingwei nodded and pinched his chin, analyzing himself.

"Indeed, there is only this possibility." The owner of Xinghaifang murmured analysis, "The possibility of a gorilla suddenly appearing on Christmas Eve can only be this."

"Hey, hurry up and give it the banana. This child seems to be hungry and can't stand it anymore." Yin Shi said to the people in the house with a serious expression on his face.

"Hey! It's so rude, you bastards!" Kondo sneered frantically, "Why just follow the topic of the orangutans like that! Nope! Although there is a very subtle similarity, it is not!"

"No, that's not a subtle similarity anymore, but a complete similarity." Jiang Cheng spit out expressionlessly.

"My name is Elder Monkey Birthday!" Kondo continued, "Unfortunately, I was not attracted by the aroma of bananas, but by the smell of female monkeys here! Three of you Those who don't have the courage to say the answer should leave early! From now on this is the forest exclusively for my monkey birthday elders! I will never allow the female monkeys in this forest!"

"Who is the mother monkey!" A Miao's face suddenly burst into blue veins, and she cursed with white eyes and gritted teeth.

"Miss A Miao!" Kondo was energized in an instant, and shouted impassionedly, "A brand new page for a tryst with me, even in midsummer, it will become a holy night! As long as you need it, I will be your exclusive Santa Claus for 365 days Tonight must be more than a holy night, yes! Tonight will be a holy night for you and me..."

Before finishing talking, a huge lavender package rushed from behind Kondo, and slammed Kondo's back into the yard together with Kondo.

Kondo's screams were mixed with the loud noise of the landing.

"That... I'm really sorry," the little ape's voice came out of the squirming lavender package, "Is Yinsang here? I haven't found it after looking for it for a long time..."

As he said, Xiao Yuan got his head out of the bag, "I want to give him a gift, where did I go?"

"Well, my friend actually saw him in **** just now." Jiang Cheng said casually, "If you want to find him, please trouble yourself to die, you can probably meet him in Santuchuan."

"Thank you, I'll go now..." The little ape reacted before he finished speaking, and said angrily, "How could it be possible! Bastard!"

"You guys are really annoying..." Jiang Cheng sighed, "You go to other people's parties one by one, what do you want to do?"

"Of course it's Santa Claus!" Several people said in unison.

"Huh? Santa Claus?" Jiang Cheng stared at the people with a weird look, "Why do you want to be that kind of disgusting old man?"

"Of course it is..."

Before Kondo finished speaking, Jiang Cheng interrupted again.

"Okay, needless to say," Jiang Cheng said indifferently, waving his hand, "I don't want to know the boring reason, but there is one thing I hope you understand..."

Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes with a smile on his face, and then said lightly: "If we spoil our party atmosphere here again, I will really kill you."

[Murderish? The owner of Xinghai Fang frowned and thought in his heart, [It is really amazing, I have never seen this kind of substantive murderousness for so many years...but...]

"Yoshihara’s, I believe no one of us has ever wanted to spoil the atmosphere of the party," Kondo raised his hand and said seriously, "It should be the opposite. Each of us wants to do it. The party adds to the atmosphere!"

"Yes! Christmas Eve without Santa Claus is not Christmas Eve at all!" Xinghai Fang said.

"There is only one real Santa Claus who can join the party!" Yin Shi's face showed full seriousness.

"That's it! Please make a choice!" Jiu Bingwei took over.

"No, I don't want to participate in your party, I just came to give Yinsang a gift." Xiao Yuan said, "And can you hand in Yinsang sooner, because the whole fruit is underneath, so it's very cold... "

Before Xiao Yuan had finished speaking, Yin Shi directly kicked and kicked Xiao Yuan together with the package that wrapped her into the small pool on the side.

The sound of falling into the water also contained the screams of the little apes.

"Of course, the real Santa Claus is me!" Yin Shi pointed to himself confidently.

"I won't make any concessions!" said Jiu Bingwei, "I am the Santa Claus who can bring happiness to Ah Miao...No, old man Jiu Bing!"

"It's me!" Kondo said, holding his hand, "I am the Santa Claus who wants to be brought happiness by Miss A Miao!"

"No, if you say that, my sister is Santa Claus..." Xin Ba Haw said silently.

"In this, this party only needs a Santa Claus..." The corner of Xinghaifang's mouth raised with serious seriousness on his face.

"No, we don't need it." Jiang Cheng said casually.

"Hey? What did you just say?" Xinghai Fang's expression was obviously stagnant.

"I mean our party doesn't need Santa Claus at all." Jiang Cheng shrugged and said, "Invite that kind of old man to participate, and the whole party will get old-fashioned."

"Old age? No! I hate it!" A Miao said disgustedly.

"To me today, my younger uncle is the real Santa Aru, so the stinky old man doesn't need Aru at all." Kagura said.

"Yes, today Jiang Chengsang is already a full-fledged Santa Claus," Xin Ba Ha looked at the handshake coupon in his hand with joy, "Thank you, old man Jiang Dan!"

"Wine is the real Santa Claus!" the drunken Hasegawa shouted bluntly, "He is the real Santa Claus who can make me forget everything and make me a dream!"

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