May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 497: : Some nouns can also be used as adjectives!

   Looking at the newsletter editing page on the communicator in his hand, ten minutes passed, Jiang Cheng still didn't think about what kind of newsletter should be edited and sent over.

   Jiang Cheng quite self-deprecatingly smiled and shook his head slightly, finally put the communicator back in his arms, and leaned against the bench with his hands and face up.

What Jiang Cheng didn't know was that at the corner of the corridor just a few meters away from the rescue room, Yue Yong was holding his hand and leaning quietly against the wall.

   "Well, you are the patient's boyfriend?" The fat head nurse walked out of the emergency room and said to Jiang Cheng.

   "Hey, give me nonsense and make you pork belly." Jiang Cheng stood up and reminded him blankly.

   "In short, your, your friend is out of danger, and can now be transferred to the general ward." The head nurse said, "Try not to, stimulate his anus."

"Hey, I said it's not that kind of relationship!" Jiang Cheng's face suddenly burst into blue veins, and his eyes were white. "He is just constipation! Constipation is enough to stay in the toilet for four hours! Follow me It doesn't matter at all! I just lent him the toilet!"

   "Well, anyway, if you have constipation, remember to let him eat more bananas. Maybe lubricate it in advance..."

   "Wait, what does it mean to lubricate in advance? What do you mean? In the end, do you still think that we are in that kind of relationship? Do you want to die? Fat woman? Ah? Do you want me to make a roasted pork belly and feed it to a stray cat? Ah?"


   At seven o'clock in the morning, the sky had been completely bright, and Quan Zang, who was transferred to the hospital bed and dressed in hospital gowns, woke up leisurely.

   "Oh, it seems that I was lucky. I didn't hang up because of excessive blood loss." Jiang Cheng, who was sitting on a chair against the wall and looking at a jump, said without raising his head.

   "Just a little bit," Quan Zang hooked his mouth, "I have seen my dead father beckoning to me across the river. If I didn't dislike him too much, I'm afraid I would have passed."

"Isn't the past good?" Jiang Cheng replied casually while looking at the jump in his hand, "You can reunite with your father. And this method of death feels unexpectedly suitable for you. Constipation causes hemorrhoids. Attacks, unbearable pain and excessive blood loss and death, tusk tusk, it is not the way of ordinary people to die, and only elite ninjas like you like the Royal Court can be worthy of."

"It's true," Quan Zang couldn't help but smiled, "It sounds like it will make people remember the way to die for a lifetime. Although it is really not like a ninja's way of death, if it really comes to the end of life On that day, I really hope that I will be the end of my life in this way."

   "Really?" Jiang Cheng responded casually, still lowering his head and looking at the jump in his hand, "If that's the case, I might laugh out loud at the funeral. Doesn't that matter?"

   "Please bear with me, because I'm afraid I can't help but laugh with you. In the end, I will be very embarrassed because of the shock of the guests and the funeral."

"Sorry, I can't help but not laugh. If you want not to laugh, you have to not invite me, but I don’t think it’s possible, because the chance to laugh at you will last a lifetime. Once, I won’t let it go so easily."

As he said, Jiang Cheng threw the jump in his hand to the whole Tibet, and stood up at the same time, "If you want to not embarrass yourself, you can eat a few bananas on the bedside every day. Also, the last one of the jump. I haven't read the page yet, remember to pay me back after reading it. Goodbye."

"What a weird person," Quan Zang sat up, opened the jump in his hand, and gently hooked the corner of his mouth. "Whoever lends the manga to others without reading the last page, I'm still the first I saw such a person once."

   Jiang Cheng did not reply, but stood at the door of the ward and gently raised his hand behind him as a response, and then started to leave without looking back.


   A few days later, everything is in the house.

   "The recent uncle is so strange Aru." Kagura sat on the sofa holding his hands and closed his eyes with a slightly solemn expression.

"Isn't it because of the end of the scam?" Xin Ba Haw, who was cleaning with a vacuum cleaner while wearing a headscarf, said without raising his head. "Explain in advance. If you do that kind of thing for the second time, it will make readers hate it. Yes, there will be fewer and fewer readers."

"OTAKU is all very strange," Yin Shi, who was lying on the other side of the sofa, said casually while flipping over the jump. "It's just like the new Bajiao every day of three hundred and sixty-five days a year. "

After listening, Xin Ba Hao stopped his movements and pushed the expressionless spit on the face of the glasses: "Hey, what is New Ba Hao? It is very new Ba Hao? What is the new Ba Hao? An adjective? A noun? "

"Calm down, New Eight Chis." Kagura said, then nodded and explained to himself, "Nouns or adjectives have nothing to do with Aru. To give a simple example, it's like Yinjiang Yiyi. Three hundred and sixty-five days in the year are very silver sauce Aru."

   "Oh! I get it!" Xin Ba Hao held his hands and knocked, "It means that Yin Sang is a natural roll of dead fish eyes with no energy for three hundred and sixty-five days a year, is that right?!"

   "Hey, pick your salary, a new Bajia who is very new for three hundred and sixty-five days a year." Yin Shig glanced at the Xin Bajia faintly.

   "If you change to the new eight chicks, it is equivalent to the new eight chicks being the disgusting virgin glasses Alu who is in estrus for three hundred and sixty-five days a year!"

   "Hey! What the **** do you take me for!" Xin Ba Hao exclaimed angrily with his eyes blank.

   "But having said that, my brother-in-law is really weird Aru recently."

   "Don't ignore me!!"

"The ladies of Baihua also said that my uncle was a little abnormal recently, Aru," Kagura continued on his own. "It was said that he was supporting a man whose chrysanthemum was still bleeding from the room late at night. After I went to the hospital, it became a little weird after I went back the next day Aru."

   "Um... I always feel that I heard something terrible," Xin Baji said silently, "I'll confirm it again, is it really supporting a man who is still bleeding from the room?"

"Enough, New Eight." Yin Shi sat up, raised his hands and stopped with some seriousness, "After all, it is inconvenient for us to ask so much about this kind of privacy orientation. But I didn't expect Jiang. Cheng that guy is not only a cosmic person, a goddess, but now even a man..."

   Gintoki hadn't finished speaking, he suddenly rolled his eyes and fell straight down to the table.

Seeing Yin Shih lying on the table twitching constantly and obviously lost consciousness, as well as the three-point kunai on the back of Yin Shi's head, the entire half of Xin Ba Hao's face began to twitch. stand up.

   "Yueyue!" Kagura shouted in surprise in the direction of the entrance.

   "Ah." Yueyong held the cigarette stick in one hand and raised his hand in the other as a response.

   "I'm going to make tea!" Xin Ba Ji hurriedly walked to the side of the kitchen.

   "No, no, I just need your assistance for a little something." Yue Yong said lightly, "I'll leave after speaking."

   Hearing the sound, both Kagura and Shin Baji looked at Yueyong with some doubts at the same time.


   The next day, early morning.


   "Hey, get up and patrol."

"Ah, Yueyue..." Jiang Cheng rubbed his eyes and yawned, but he never opened his eyes. "Let me sleep for a while. Yesterday’s game was played too late. Today is a day off. Right... Please ZZZ..."

   "There is a very important celebration today, which is only once a year."

   "I'm not interested..." Jiang Cheng turned to the side under the quilt, and screamed again, "ZZZZ..."

  噗! (No piercing sound) Bare—— (bleeding sound)

   "Hey! What kind of celebration is this!" Jiang Cheng pulled off the kunai from his head, and sat up and shouted angrily, "What kind of celebration will see blood early in the morning?!"

   But just after finishing talking, Jiang Cheng suddenly noticed something. He looked at Yueyong, who was wearing a black cheongsam embroidered with maple leaves and the same style as the yukata before, "Hey? Yueyue, your clothes..."

   "Jiang Cheng sama!" A group of Baihua members who also wore cheongsam pushed open the door of the room and walked in, "Today is CHINA Clothing Day! Get up and go on a date with us!"

  "CHINA Clothing Day?" Jiang Cheng let out a puzzled cry.

"Isn't it said that you can drink casually on CHINA clothing days?" Yin Shizuo, wearing a gown similar to the original kimono style, walked over, standing at the gate of Jiang Cheng's little finger, digging his nostrils and staring at the dead fish eyes with no energy. The voice of the rotten canned dead fish, "I came here in this shameful dress because of this."

   said so, Gintoki's right side is still exposed.

   "Uncle! Get up soon Alu!" Kagura, who didn't know when to arrive, pointed at Jiang Cheng with an umbrella, and shouted with one hand on his hips and his face seriously, "The festival has begun Alu!"

"Jiang Chengsang, you are the only one left." Xin Ba Hao, who also wears a blue and white gown, pointed to the sun wheel, who was wearing a cheongsam and sitting in a wheelchair, and Ah Miao and Qing, who were all in China clothes behind him. Tai, Jiubei, Space Captain Fake Afa, Elizabeth, Little Ape, Sogo and others.

   "You..." Jiang Cheng opened his eyes unconsciously.

"I didn't read the last page either." Quan Zang in a blue gown leaned against the window, raised his hand and threw the jump in his hand at Jiang Cheng. "Although it's a pity that I can't see the ending, it feels like a reverie. The unexpected is not bad."

"you guys……"

  "Hurry Yue Yong put Jiang Cheng in the cabinet when he came back from the hospital, and threw the clean light blue gown to Jiang Cheng.

   "That...Although I am really moved, but...Don't you think I am embarrassed?" Jiang Cheng muttered, looking at the long gown in his hand, "Are you going to watch me change clothes?"


"Sister Jianghua, I tried the clothes. Although they really fit well, I still like the clothes I'm used to. But it's good to wear them once in a while. Once a year is good, I will be with everyone. Accessories jpg.」

   The attached photo is a group photo of Jiang Cheng and the others at the evening cocktail party on [CHINA Clothing Day].


   One day, Yoshihara.

   "Uncle, is your birthday on October 9th Aru?" Kagura asked.

   "Ah, it should be." Jiang Cheng responded casually.


   "I don't know the exact date, it just happens to have a deep memory of that day."


   "Because I met your mother that day, and... a bald boy."

   (Jiang Cheng’s Birthday, End)


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