May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 476: : Lack of love experience is also an important reason for relationship problems!

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"I'm leaving now..." Jiang Cheng just turned around and left.

"It's useless, Lord Jiang Cheng," Wai Daomaru turned around and reminded, "Even if you run away now, they will still find you afterwards. After they drop Lord Kriste from the weather forecast sister's seat, get down. The one who wants revenge is you. Now is an opportunity, if you join hands with Seimei-sama..."

"Cut!" Jiang Cheng cut his face with disdain, "Anyway, I understand why that **** brother called me a benefactor, but accidentally got into something more troublesome. Really...Hey, Kagura, Xin Ba Hao, why are you so far away from me? Are you worried about being implicated?"

"No, no, no, it just feels a bit crowded." Xin Ba Haha said haha.

"Yes, yes, it's just a bit crowded, Aru." Kagura raised his hands and nodded seriously lied, "It's definitely not because of fear of being implicated by my uncle!"

"No way," Jiang Cheng moved his neck and pulled out the umbrella around his waist. "If you want the matter to be completely over, you can only get rid of that family. Hey, the little girl with horns on her head, Come on, let's go to the next door a little bit... destroy a door."

"Hi! Mr. Jiang Cheng!" After responding, Wai Daomaru pulled out the huge mace behind him.

"Wait, wait!" Xin Ba Haw stopped Jiang Cheng quickly, "You two calm down! Not to that level! There must be other ways! Don't make this kind of joke that is not funny at all. Jiang Chengsang!"

"No, I'm not kidding," Jiang Cheng squinted, raised an index finger and said with a smile: "I hate this feeling of being stared at all the time. Why don't we just end this grievance now? ."

"Calm down!!" Xin Ba Haw tried desperately to stop, "That kind of murderer speaks quickly and stop!"

At the same time, the conjuration battle in the sky also came to fruition. The red cursive dragon of the Siri Yejia directly suppressed the red cursive dragons of Yuye. Although he fought desperately, it didn't help. The red cursive dragon directly extinguished the blue dragon and hit a group of wild congregants.

All the Yuno family's Onmyojis screamed and fainted on the spot after being overwhelmed, while the blue magic dragon bounced back to the high sky, and quickly rushed into the clouds and disappeared.

Just a few short seconds later, drop after drop of rain fell...

"Everyone!" After the new eight chirps yelled, they rushed toward the Yuye crowd who fell on the ground, and Kagura followed closely behind.

"Yes, all the disasters that befall Lord Kriste are due to a man's spell." As he said, Gatodomaru glanced into the thick smoke of the wall that was blasted down by the spell just now. The silhouette of the person, "The leader of the Siri Wilds, the ex-husband of Lord Kriste, and the Black Onmyoji Siri No Michiman."

As soon as Waidaomaru's voice fell, the smoke gradually dissipated, and the figures in it became clear. It was the group of people headed by Taoman.

"That's Yuno anchor..." Xinba Haw looked at Doman who appeared in the gap in the wall, and muttered.

"Ex-husband..." Kagura took the words.

"Yes, even though he was married, he never opened his heart. The man who was snatched away from his wife by the perfect cooperation of Jiang Sung and Qingming without even pulling his hand."

"Hey, don't talk about superfluous things!" Jiang Cheng reminded him expressionlessly, "It doesn't matter to me! So the idiot brother was going to get them divorced? So it doesn't matter if there is me or me!"

[No, not this man...] Jiang Cheng glanced at Dao Man, and thought.

"Dao...Daoman..." Qingming struggled to get up, gritted his teeth and looked at Daoman.

"Huh ha ha..." Dao Man, holding a small folding fan, couldn't help laughing, and laughed, "Ah ha ha ha... Seimei, it seems that I won again today! Your sister's weather forecast is wrong again! . I think it’s better to resign before being fired? People who can't even report the weather forecast are still on TV so leisurely. I think you two brothers and sisters only have thick-skinned faces. "

" bastard..." After gritted his teeth, Qingming pinched a few handprints, then quickly took out the circulation board from his sleeve and threw it at Doman. "The circulation board——!!! "

The circulation board blessed by the curse power flew to Daoman very quickly.

However, Daoman raised the folding fan without hurriedly, and a red checkerboard-shaped magic circle appeared in the air, easily blocking the circulation board, and the magic power on the circulation board also dissipated at the same time.

"What...what!" Qingming's eyes widened in disbelief, as if she didn't believe that her attack would be stopped so easily.

Immediately afterwards, Daoman gently stirred the stopped circulation board with a folding fan and lifted it into the air. He hummed and mocked: "Qingming, you who are struggling to become the strongest onmyoji. Conjuration..."

As he said, Daoman stretched out his right hand to catch the circulation board that had just fallen, "I can't even do a small scratch on me."

With that said, Daoman opened the circulation board and looked at it, and went on to say to himself, "Oh~ The Matsutake picking tour organized by the neighborhood committee? Do you want to participate~ I am no longer the one I used to be, just for Like your siblings and the man who got revenge and was born again~ Qingming, won't you go? Then I will help you go, deserve it~"

After all, Daoman picked up the ballpoint pen and drew a few strokes on the circulation board.

"You bastard..." Qingming gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

"Even if you want to fight against our squadrons, after a few failed spell battles, there is no one by your side who can fight!" Daoman glanced at Qingming and said lightly, "You are the only shield protecting my sister. The rain will not stop, Seimei, even if Krist is fired. Or you will die, the rain will not stop. This rain will continue until the wailing of your brothers and sisters is gone, and then there is nothing left. The only one left is... that man!"

"That..." Jiang Cheng's voice suddenly came from Dao Man's ears, "Your face has been pranked again~ Although the pattern is different from last time, it is definitely pranked again. You are in this way. After talking for so long in the state, they must have been holding back a smile from the beginning, so no one talked to you."

"You... why are you **** here?!" Dao Man took two steps to one side in an instant, gritted his teeth and looked at Twenty%.

"Hey, it's you, right? I remember you," Jiang Cheng pointed to a bald onmyoji in the Siri Yezhong, "It was you last time! It was you who admitted that you did the prank! This time it's you! No need! Pretend, I can tell at a glance!"

"Still like this..." Daoman clenched his fists, "I said that this is not a prank, it is a curse imprint! The curse imprint! It is a different curse imprint from the last time!"

"The Dashewan?" Jiang Cheng tilted his head.

"It's the curse seal of Onmyoji!"

"Aren't you afraid of embarrassment so you just found an excuse?" Jiang Cheng looked disbelief, and then sighed earnestly, "I said, can you accept the reality as soon as possible? Why are you so unwilling to accept that your face is being slapped? The reality of mischief? Are you still a man like this?"

"Asshole!" Dao Man gritted his teeth and cursed bitterly, "If it weren't for you, Kriste and I would be..."

"Wait! I hope to have a good chat with you about this!" Jiang Cheng raised his hand to interrupt and replied, "At least we must solve the misunderstanding between us! In short, now you need to understand a little bit. It's that the divorce between you and that sister-in-law's sister has nothing to do with me in the final analysis!"

"Want to escape guilt?!"

"Don't worry." Jiang Cheng shook his head, sighed and looked at Dao Man, and continued with earnest words, "You type is forced to divorce because you have no love experience. If you change it to me, you If you do, you will never get divorced, even the child has given birth to several litters."

"What are you doing as Kriste?! How can you give birth to several litters in such a short time?!" Qingming became anxious when he heard it.

"Shut up, too!" Jiang Cheng yelled angrily, "Brother who made the decision for his sister without authorization, and an ex-husband who didn't know anything about love. When things get to the point, it is entirely the responsibility of both of you and Japan. !"

"Ahem..." As he said, Jiang Cheng cleared his throat and said again, "I don't know what you two think. Since I found out that anchor Yuno is unhappy, why not let her do what she wants to do Things? You can’t continue to do what you like when you’re married? Who made it?"

"Hey, you," Jiang Cheng glanced at Daoman, "After getting married, did you discover that woman was gloomy all day, don't you really know the reason? If at that time you can support her to continue to be a weather forecaster sister Work, play the role of a caring and considerate husband who sends his wife to work every day. Do you think you two will get divorced? Absolutely not!"

"Hey?" Daoman said in disbelief, "Really...really?!"

"Ah, indeed, if you follow the character of the anchor Yuno, at that time, if you, as your husband, can support her to work normally after marriage, the two should not reach this point." Xinba Hao nodded.

"It's possible that even the relationship gets better and better." Kagura agreed.

"This is the lesson of the lack of love knowledge, and it has nothing to do with others." Jiang Cheng continued, "There is also the most important reason, and that is the problem in Japan. Basically, more than 80% of men feel that after marriage Why can't a woman go out to work? Why can't a woman go out to do what she likes to do? Why can she only work as a full-time wife at home, washing and cooking? This is discrimination!"

"It's going to start again..." Xin Ba Haw said in a low voice, expressionless.

"Ah, indeed, there shouldn't be many Aru in this world of uncle's foolishness..." Kagura echoed in a low voice.

"But... this is the consensus of Japan, right?" Doman raised an objection.

"It's the selfish consensus of you men! Women are also humans!" Jiang Cheng sternly criticized, "This is discrimination! So! In fact, no one is wrong. It is Japan who is wrong! It is this country. That kind of old thinking is right! It's that kind of old thinking that made you divorce!"

"Hey, stop for a while." Xin Ba Ha raised his hand expressionlessly and shouted, "Why did you dump all the pots on this country after the final conclusion?"

"Does any of you think what I said is wrong?" Jiang Cheng Some words were raised? "

"Perhaps what you said does make sense, but..." Daoman clenched his fists and his face was full of resentment, "It doesn't help anymore! Now I just want to avenge you!"

"Hey? Really?" Jiang Cheng squeezed his chin and pretended to be puzzled. "Actually, I have a way to recombine the two of you. Although you need to start pursuing her a little bit again, just follow My suggestion is that the probability that the two of you will become like glue is more than 90%. If you don't want to know, then just...Wow!!"

"Shut up for me!!" Qingming and Yinshi didn't know where their strength was, and at the same time they kicked over and kicked Jiang Cheng away.

"Didn't you two just still couldn't stand without any strength?!" Jiang Cheng scolded with blank eyes as he got up.

"I won't let Kriste hang himself on the same tree!" Qing understood and roared, "And your method is simply crooked! I still treat you as a benefactor!"

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