May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 473: :Onmyoji chapter: 5

   "I was stabbed!" Kagura hurriedly analyzed, "I accidentally stabbed Okasan Aru while arguing with a knife!"

   "Huh?!" Yin Shi's whole body is not good.

   "Hey! What are you guys doing!" shouted the enemy God.

   "I don't know!" Yin Shi quickly retorted, "I have no fault at all! It has nothing to do with me!"

   "Don't be daunting! Call her out to help her heal!" the enemy method **** shouted.

   "Hey?! Are you referring to that?!" Xin Baji couldn't help but complain.

   "But maybe it's already being treated over there." Gin Shizuo retorted loudly, "It's better not to interfere with them?"

   "Don't be long-winded, hurry up!" The way God urged.

   gritted his teeth, Yin Shi started to press the five-pointed star on the belly of the paper man crazily, and at the same time he cried out a little, "Please! Anyone! Come out!"

   "It's me, Shijin." A very young female voice came out.

"Here! Shikigami finally appeared!" Gin Shiki yelled, and then hurriedly continued, "Hey, it seems something is not good now. It seems bad on your side? Come out quickly, bring Come out with your Okasan!"

"I know."

As soon as   Shikigami's voice fell, the paper man in Yin Shi's hand turned into a cloud of blue smoke like the kind of psychic technique performed next door.

   "Great! This will solve it all!" Yin Shi was overjoyed, and there was a hint of joy on his face. He squinted and looked at the dark smoke that appeared in front of him.

   "Let you wait a long time, Shishijin Waidomaru, please join me here." Said Waidomaru, who was carrying a huge mace and holding a foreign land in his arms, facing the three people of Gintoki.

   Looking at the portrait in Wai Daomaru's arms, Gin Shi and Xin Ba Hao were all ill in an instant. The two twitched their eyes, their faces were dark, cold sweat spread out on their faces, and the eyes were also covered with black lines.

   [Serving... in mourning! ! 】Yin Shi and Xin Ba Hao thought at the same time.

   "Hey! It's good that Shikini came out, but the timing of calling it out is too subtle!" Xin Ba Hao spit out wildly, "And unexpectedly familiar! It seems to have appeared in the Amnesia chapter too!"

"Funeral? Did you call you out when you were attending the funeral?" Gin Shiki asked Wai Daomaru, full of sweat on his face, "Does that portrait look like you Okasan? That... Is it your Oka Is Sang dead?"

   "I have learned about the matter from Lord Kriste," Waidaomaru slowly said, "With the contract of blood, I will be the servant of Lord Ginto from now on. Please call me at will."

   After that, Wai Daomaru lowered his head and looked at the portrait in his hand, with a hint of sadness on his face.

   "That, it feels difficult to call it," Yin Shizuku said with a wry smile, "I am absent-minded at all, I am still missing your Okasan..."

   "You don't have to feel guilty about Okasan, I don't care." Wai Daomaru's expression became more sad.

   "What does it mean not to be guilty? How do you feel that it's all my fault..."

"It's okay." Wai Daomaru shook his head slightly, and when he raised his head to look at Xiang Yin, although his face was uncomfortable, he still said softly: "Even if it is to kill the mother and the enemy, it is the responsibility of the master to obey the master's order ."

   "Don't say such bad things!" Gin Shiki retorted angrily with his fist clenched, "I am not your enemy! I have done nothing!"

   "It's okay," Wai Daomaru's expression softened slightly, "I have a clear distinction between work and personal grievances."

   "It's not the problem, right!" Yin Shishi screamed frantically.

"It's really okay, come on, please call me as much as you want..." As he said, Wai Daomaru turned over the portrait in his hand with a gentle expression of relief, and then whispered at the portrait, "Oka Sang, I'm going to you soon."

   "Send a ghost!" Gin Shizuo cried out in discomfort.

   "Hey? Is it easy for you?" Wai Daomaru raised his head and tilted his head, looking at Gin Shih with some doubts.

   "No, as expected, it's still..." Gin Shiki whispered, "Those portrait battles are very inconvenient, right? Besides, that, it's hard to use..."

   "It's also difficult for us to fight," the enemy gods looked at each other, "Even if it is an enemy, I feel a little sad..."

  Gai Michimaru turned his head and raised his face to look at the enemy Shiki.

   "Anyway, let's put that down first," the enemy style **** continued, "It doesn't matter if you put it down first in the battle, right?"

  Gai Domaru turned to look at the shikigami headed by him, with a sad expression on his face, and replied, "You want me to throw Okasan on the ground...I can't do this kind of thing."

   "Then I will hold it for you first," the headed Shikigami suggested, "it will help you enshrine it in a more decent place."

  Gai Michimaru couldn't help but opened her mouth wide and showed a touch of emotion, and then started slowly walking towards the headed Shikigami, "I'm very sorry, Okasan will please."

"No need, it's an enemy, but it's rare now?" Shikigami shook his head, then reached out to catch the portrait of Outidomaru with both hands, and praised: "Although it is an enemy, it is rare now. Ah, a girl who is filial to her parents like you. It would be nice if my daughter also treated you like this."


   But at this moment, Wai Daomaru held the handle of the huge mace behind his right hand, and said these two words softly at the same time.

   "Huh?" The headed Shikigami looked unfamiliar.

   "There is a flaw!!" Wai Daomaru jumped up and waved his mace, splitting the shikigami in front of him into two from his abdomen.

   "Hey——?!!!" Yin Shi and Xin Ba Ji opened their mouths at the same time, making a voice of doubting life.

   The shikigami that was divided into two packages was like ashes left over from burning paper, slowly disappearing.

   " fellow!"

   "Are you counting us?!"

   "Using such a despicable technique!"

   The remaining Shikigami reacted, and they expressed their indignation and dissatisfaction.

"Despicable?" Said Wai Daomaru, who was standing with his head down and holding a mace without expression, and while bending his legs, he put the mace on his shoulders and put the mace in a eager posture, "May I ask you. Who are you talking to?"

   As soon as the voice of Waidomaru fell, the remaining four Shikigami directly surrounded Waidomaru and rushed towards Waidomaru.

   It was just a few simple, quick and powerful slashes, and with the wind brought by the mace, all the four shikigami turned into incense ash and dissipated a little bit.

   "I am the ghost of the ultimate and evil way, my name is Wai Daomaru!" Wai Daomaru didn't even look at the shikigami that hadn't completely fallen down around him, "The surrender is complete."

   " handsome!" Kagura exclaimed and clapped his hands.

"Shun... Instant kill!" Xin Ba Haw's eyes widened, his pupils were still vibrating slightly, his mouth grew wide, his face covered with cold sweat, he received the mace back from his back and looked sideways. Wai Daomaru on his side continued, incredulously, "A weak woman actually killed those powerful Shijines instantly! It's more vicious than in the Amnesia chapter! She looks so cute, but she uses it. Such a despicable technique!"

   "Don't be too slow, let's go quickly."

   Wai Daomaru's expressionless reminder, then raised his foot and walked forward, stepping on the portrait on the ground without hesitation or hesitation.

   "Stepped on! I smashed Okasan's portrait! There is no hesitation!" Xin Ba Hao spit out frantically with his eyes blank.

   "Okasan?" Wai Daomaru turned his head and explained faintly, "That kind of thing died a thousand years ago, and everything is just bad acting."

   "The acting? Does it start from the moment of the walkie-talkie? Does one person play three roles?" Xin Ba Ji began to doubt his life.

"This is really surprising." Wai Daomaru turned around and stared at Gintoki and the others with godless eyes, and continued in a flat tone, "I thought it was to deceive the enemy to cooperate with me in acting. I really believe it. Lord Yinshi, here’s a piece of advice. In the shikigami protector, there are servants who are completely obedient created by the caster, and there are servants who were surrendered and obeyed by the caster who were originally evil spirits like Rakshasa. . I am the latter."

"In the Heian period, I have served the Yuno family since I was subdued by the Yuno crowd during the turmoil in the Oeyama Mountains. But I am a monster after all." As he said, the expression of Waidomaru suddenly changed, staring into godless eyes. While staring at Silver closely, "Once I believe that the master has lost his power, I can't guarantee that I won't face each other with fangs again! Please don't forget that, I have been looking at you..."

   After that, Wai Daomaru turned around again, and at the same time he raised the corners of his mouth and made a terrifying laughter, and then walked forward again.

   Looking at Wai Daomaru's back ~ After a long silence, Yin Shi turned his head and looked at Shinbachi and Kagura. His face was completely dark with cold sweat, and the corners of his eyes were also full of black lines.

   "Um... anyone... swap my master's position with me?"

   After listening, Kagura and Shin Baji turned around at the same time, and turned their backs to Gintoki without saying a word.

   "Hey! I said, it's scary, that girl is really scary!"

As soon as Gintoki's voice fell, a somewhat serious male voice suddenly pierced directly in front of Wai Daomaru, "Wai Daomaru. You serve Yuye people. But you broke through the Shigami, and forcibly wanted to break in. Even if you are Ke Liszt’s spirit can never forgive!"

  Ginshi and the three at the same time looked at the cats wearing onmyoji costumes that appeared not far in front of Waidaomaru at some unknown time.

   "Is that Yueno?!" Xin Baji exclaimed.

   "I am not Kriste's servant, but this man's." Waidaomaru continued on his own, "What the master wants to do is not something I should know."

   "Are you from the Shilino clan?!"

   A group of Onmyojis from the Yuno family suddenly looked uncomfortable, and one after another took out the talisman paper from their arms...



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