May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 467: :Boss Maofang 1 article, finished.

   Looking at Xiaoyu who appeared at the door, Jiang Cheng was stunned, and then he couldn't help but laughed suddenly, and at the same time the murderous aura in the whole room disappeared.

   "Hahaha..." Jiang Cheng clutched his stomach and couldn't stop laughing, "I really served that old woman, and I sent another TAMA, and she really put one out, ahhahaha..."

   "Master Jiang Cheng just said that he would go back as long as he saw TAMA." Xiaoyu who was standing at the door continued, "So I can go back now."

   "Stop it, Jiang Zi." Xixiang's voice also came from the door, "Although I don't know what enemies you have with them, but I hope you can stop here. They are not hopeless guys."

   "Who is Jiang Zi?!" Jiang Cheng exclaimed with his blue veins and white eyes, "Kill you! My soul is light!"

   After that, after calming down, Jiang Cheng slowly got up and walked in the direction of the door, talking while walking.

"After all, I said that as long as I see TAMA, I will go back. Now that I see another TAMA (Xiaoyu), I can only go back. After all, as a man, I can’t break my promise. This is basic. Also, I didn’t expect it to be an old man. There are old ladies who are thinking about TAMA~ To be honest, it’s a bit surprised~"

With that said, Jiang Cheng stopped, raised his hand and waved it slightly, then continued without looking back: "The guy behind with a 37-open head, don’t you like 37-open? Then just accept it. Multiply seven-thirds of the reward for me to spit it out and use it on the wild cats in this street. And for one month and thirty days, you alone will take a bath for seven stray cats every day, drive away insects and feed something. Yes, if I do, I will not blame for the treatment of my friend this time. Ah, yes, the expression must be friendly~ You must show that kind of sweet and sweet smile~ Remember to supervise the old man over there. ~It’s a normal old age for an elderly person to lick a cat and bask in the sun~"

   "I really have a kid who talks to myself," Jiro snorted, "But... it sounds good. I agreed."

   "Head!" Kuroko Katsuo quickly said, "I hate it the most..."

   "Huh?" Jiang Cheng let out a puzzled cry.

  In an instant, Kuro Koma Katsuo closed his mouth obediently.

  At this time, Jiang Chengcai started to accompany Xiaoyu and slowly walked out of the door of the sulcus group, leaving only a group of sulcus group members looking at each other.

   "Jiangzi~ Long time no see, would you like to have a drink in someone else's club?" Xixiang, who was leaning outside the door, suggested with a thick arm.

   "Believe it or not, I'll kill you now?" Jiang Cheng spit out expressionlessly, but then couldn't help turning his head and holding on to the wall and spit it out.

   "Master Jiang Cheng, are you okay?" Xiaoyu gently patted Jiang Cheng's back and asked with concern.

   "What a duplicity man," Xixiang snorted, "I just can't help but vomit it when I see someone's face~"

   "Hey, let's talk about this kind of disgusting words, I will really tear down your shop!" Jiang Cheng wiped the saliva from his mouth and shouted with blank eyes.

   "Hey, he is a cute man~"

  Σ_(??????」∠) Nah... Jiang Cheng couldn't help but vomited again.


   A few days later, I boarded the pub.

   "Ah, is it?" The mother-in-law Dengshi who was smoking at the front desk said casually, "The wild cats were safely released from the embassy?"

"Yeah." The new eight chicks on the side replied, and then replied, "But in the end, they are still as dead as before. People in the town hall also said that they should be ligated better, and there are more. The strange thing is that this time, the guys in the ditch mouse group struggled to reject the proposal to ligate the wild cats at the town meeting meeting, and they also said that they would set a place for the wild cats. What a strange group of guys, Obviously they arrested wild cats and sold them to the Embassy of Polygonum Matsuma."

   "Isn't it good? Later leftovers can be sent directly there, and will never be littered to make this street smelly all day long." Mother Dengshi replied disapprovingly.

   "That's true..." Xin Baji scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

   "Then...Is that guy from Ginshi come back?" Mother-in-law Dengshi asked.

"Ah, yes." Xin Bahao nodded, "Not only Yinsang, but Jiang Chengsang and Guisang are back. But Yinsang and Jiang Chengsang didn't say what was going on. I originally wanted to ask Gui Sang, but it seems that the Zhen Xuan group chased me very badly."

As he said, Xin Ba Haw suddenly thought of something, smiled and then said, "Speaking of which, there is one more thing. Miss Yueyong’s cat has never come back since she ran out that day, although she said she won’t be paid Helped her find it, but she refused."

"Is it……"


   At the same time, in a restaurant in Edo, Jiang Cheng and Kagura were sitting at a table frantically destroying the food piled up like a hill in front of them.

   "Ah! It's delicious!" Jiang Cheng squeezed the food frantically, while being vague, "It feels like I haven't eaten this kind of normal food for a long time!"

   "Uncle, where did you and Yinjiang go in that period of time, Aru?" Kagura muttered while immersing himself in the pain.

   "Children don't ask so much..." Jiang Cheng replied casually, "Adults are also socialized by adults. There is no need to know about this kind of things when you hang out with friends and cats for two days."

   "Cut," Kagura wrinkled her nose and said with a look of disdain, "In the end, she just secretly played Aru by herself, what a terrible man."

   "Yes, so I hope you can find a man who is not as bad as ours in the future." Jiang Cheng said perfunctorily without raising his head.

"Of course!" Kagura said with a fist clenched, saliva and excitement, "I have decided on Alu! I want to marry Grandpa Ken Oki! That grandpa is Alu, the complete ruler of chickens! Whether it's egg rice bowl or fried chicken, you can eat all you can eat Aru!"

Jiang Cheng raised his head, twitching his eyes and looking at Kagura speechlessly. Although he wanted to make complaints, Jiang Cheng knew that he would become endless after making complaints. He abruptly stopped wanting to make complaints. .

   At this moment, the voice of the waiter sister suddenly came from Jiang Cheng's side.

   "Sir," the young lady was carrying a plate of omelet rice with ketchup that said "Thank you, friend" distortedly, "This is your friend invited you."

   "There really is him..." Jiang Cheng chuckled, then turned his head to look at Fang Yi's back who was walking swaying on the road outside the window, and gently raised his hand and waved.

   "Oh roar! Omurice Aru!" Kagura exclaimed and took the omelet from the waiter.

   "This won't work!" Jiang Cheng knocked Kagura's head and took the omelet over. "If you want to eat, order it yourself."

   "Stingy!" Kagura rubbed his head and said with an unhappy expression on his lips.

   "Who asked you to eat so many delicious foods?" Jiang Cheng vomited expressionlessly.

   "Successful Alu!" Kagura took advantage of Jiang Cheng's complaint for a while, stretched out his hand to pick up the omelet in front of Jiang Cheng and exclaimed at the same time.

   "Hey! It's too cunning!"

   "Uncle is an idiot! A idiot!" Kagura, who had a bite of omelet rice, stuck out his tongue very cutely.


   (Fang An-End.)

  ——Special dividing line for small theater——

   "Three years of group Z, Jiang Cheng (crossed out) Teacher Meow! 》The third time!

   In the classroom with the "Three Years Group Z" sign, the morning meeting is being held at this time. As for why the morning meeting is held at this time when the sun is about to set, this kind of thing does not really matter.

   But it is also possible that a certain teacher who has become a cat chooses to hold a morning meeting at this time because of the cat's habits. "Cats are nocturnal animals", um...yes, it should be said that.

   A cat with an orange-red coat, wearing pants, yes, that's a cat in pants and a shirt standing on the podium with two hind legs, constantly talking.

"To be honest, I'm really disappointed," Jiang Cheng held his forehead and shook his head helplessly. "This time the test was so bad. Except for the wig, there was not even a score higher than 20 points. How can I be worthy of your school’s monthly salary that is three times higher than your original head teacher? It’s really..."

   "Um, teacher," Sougo said, raising his hand, "I don't think the poor test this time has anything to do with us. It has something to do with the question of the test paper. It is impossible for anyone to get a high score on that question."

   "All nonsense!" Jiang Cheng sternly reprimanded, "All students put your hands on your chest and ask yourself..."

   "That, teacher," Ah Miao cried out, "put it on the chest. Putting it on the chest is considered a sexual harassment."

   "It doesn't matter!" Jiang Cheng continued, "But if I don't want to, I will put my hand in my heart, hold my heart and ask myself..."

   "Um, teacher, we will die when we plug in." Fourteen raised his hand and said.

   "Yes, sir." Sougo raised his hand and nodded and said, "Let the earthman put his hand in his heart and ask himself, we can just put it on the chest."

"Keep me quiet!" Jiang Chengbai shouted, "It's not the kind of indifferent question at all! The important thing is grades! Although I may be slightly different from your previous teacher Yinba , But I think my lectures are still very good.

   In the classes I brought before, whether it was a three-year student at Yoshiwara Commercial High School or a three-year student at Yatu Industrial High School, the average score in the class I took was no less than 80 points. What's the matter with you? Do you know that because of your reasons,, principal Ba Ga talked to me and asked me to deduct my salary?

   Although the prestige passed afterwards...No, it was a deal, and the salary was reduced by 20% to a salary increase of 200%, but it was unhappy! Really unhappy! I was almost deducted from my salary because of you! It is almost necessary to reduce the expenditure on games every month! Can you understand my mood? ! "

   "Um, teacher... can I take the liberty to ask?" Ah Miao asked weakly, raising his hand.

   "Ah, you say." Jiang Cheng nodded.

   "Which subject do you teach?"

   "Huh?" Jiang Cheng showed a weird expression, "Of course it is Mandarin. After such a long class of speaking, don't you know what I teach?"

"No, we know, we just want to reconfirm it." After saying that, A Miao took a deep breath, and then raised the 15-point test paper in his hand, "Can you please explain to the teacher? This test paper? Is this a mandarin test paper? It’s a cat language, right? Every question is an interpretation of "Miao Miao Miao"! We don’t understand! We don’t understand what the meaning is! "

"Then go and become a cat!" Jiang Cheng sternly said, "Become a cat and experience my mood! Become a cat like a wig and experience my mood! At that level, all members can reach 80 points. Up!"

   [Ok... so capricious...] Everyone thought at the same time.

   "In short, at least everyone must score 80 points in the next test!" Jiang Cheng shouted earnestly, "Otherwise, the following school trips will be cancelled for me!! Then, get out of class ends!"

   After all, before the students expressed their opposition, Jiang Cheng jumped off the platform and walked towards the classroom door.

"That, private Marseille." Yue Yong, a health room teacher in a black miniskirt and blue shirt with a white coat outside, knocked on the door of the classroom and opened the and glanced down at the ground. Jiang Cheng, "The vaccine for cats has arrived."

   "Who wants a cat vaccine?! Stinky woman!" Jiang Chengbai shouted angrily.

   "No... the cat still needs to be vaccinated, otherwise it will be very troublesome if you get sick." Yue Yong explained.

   "It will be back in the next chapter! It won't always be like this!"

   "But it is also possible that between this chapter and the next chapter, I might get a cat's disease." Yueyong said seriously.

   "How much do you want me to catch the cat virus?" Jiang Cheng vomited expressionlessly, "No need! I have to go home early to play games! Goodbye!!!"

   "No, it was the principal's order, so..." Yueyong lowered his head and raised Jiang Cheng, "I'm sorry."

   Looking at Yue Yong, who was holding Jiang Cheng without looking back, the students in the classroom were silent, except for a certain student who also became a cat.

   "Wait! Teacher!" Gui jumped off the table and ran in the direction where Yue Yong had left. "There is still me! Get the vaccine for me too! Please me!"

  A crowd of students:...

   The third episode of "Three Years Group Z, Teacher Jiang Cheng", finished!



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