May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 450: : Not all wild cats reject domestic cats!

On the open space in front of the shrine, Jiang Cheng lay on the ground, propped his head with one paw, and had a straw in his mouth. He was drinking Coke while rubbing his stomach and he was looking bored and he was not far away. I don’t know because What is doing Yoshiichi and Yinshi.

It is worth mentioning that there are more than a dozen bags of eaten up burgers and dozens of wild cats eating burgers in the open area around Jiang Cheng.

"What are they...what are they doing?" Jiang Cheng murmured, "Scramble for the site?"

"No..." After eating the hamburger, an orange cat squatted to Jiang Cheng's side, looking at Fangyi who was still attacking and Yinshi who was dodging in a panic, then said, "If that wild cat doesn't show now If you are spine, you will be driven out of the street."

"Oh—" Jiang Cheng responded casually, "Awesome, this kind of rule."

"It's up to you to talk about it for a while? Why are you still so leisurely?" The orange cat asked again.

"Ah, I don't want to fight that kind of soft frame," Jiang Cheng said disdainfully, shaking his claws, "it won't do me any good."

"Then you can't stay here!" Orange Cat said in surprise.

"Yes, yes," another yellow-striped cat said with a serious expression on his face. "You can't be afraid! If you are afraid, you will be driven out!"

"We brought us this kind of meeting gift when we met for the first time. We won't just sit back and watch!" A cat with a scar on the corner of its eye surrounded him, "Fight! Fight for yourself!"

Immediately afterwards, all the wild cats gathered around, and you cheered Jiang Cheng with each sentence.

Jiang Cheng, who was a little impatient when he heard it, just wanted to refute something, but suddenly there was something in the corner of his eye. He pointed his paw in Fangyi and Yinshi's direction and reminded him: "Hey, look over there!"

After listening, all the wild cats turned their heads and looked in the direction of Jiang Chengzhi.

I saw that Yin Shi stood on both legs, and his two front paws strongly resisted Fang Yi's attack!

"Stand...stop?!" The wild cats exclaimed in disbelief.

"That guy actually stopped with his legs?!"

"Teach me the rules here? Don't be kidding! The history of my living here, and the history of eating canned cats..." Ginshi pushed away Fangyi's paws hard and pressed towards Fangyi's belly. Kicked up, "It's all several times yours!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Fang Yi screamed, and his entire cat was kicked out. After turning upside down in the air, he landed firmly on the ground with four palms again.

"What...what's your name?" Fang Yi asked slowly while looking at Yin.

"Sakata...Gin Shi," Yin Shi replied.

On the side, Jiang Cheng's whole cat is not good, twitching his eyes and thinking frantically, "Is that ugly cat Silver Time?" ! 】

"It's too long, just call it "Silver"," Fang Yi slowly turned around, "You just live carefully to keep your gold fucking." "

"Hey...hey, wait..."

Yin Shi just wanted to say something but was surrounded by a crowd of excited wild cats.

"Awesome! You are so amazing!"

The wild cats who came up with Jiang Cheng behind them all praised.

"Fangichi is no big deal."

"Silver! It's not a dream if you replace Fangyi as the boss cat!"

"I've had enough of his tyranny!"

"Why are you guys arrogant! Why are you so familiar with each one?!" Yin Shi yelled. After just finished speaking, Yin Shi suddenly felt something, and quickly covered Ji's buttocks and pointed to the one behind him. A black cat yelled, "Hey! Don't smell my butt!"

"Silver! Help this kid!" Orange Cat pointed to Jiang Cheng who was still in a sluggish state and said, "This kid doesn't dare to fight Fangyi at all!"

"Yes! Help him!" the other cat echoed, "This kid is too courageous, but he is also a cat!"

Looking at Jiang Cheng's Coke with his front legs bent, Yin Shi suddenly became expressionless, and at the same time he thought to himself, "Is this guy Jiang Cheng?" ! 】

"Jiang need," Fangyi's voice came over, " a house cat."

At this moment, Jiang Chengcai calmed down and shouted, "Hey! Who is the domestic cat?!"

"Awesome! It turned out to be a domestic cat!"

"It's the house cat who came to find a friend to play with! No wonder the body is so clean."

"Did you bring us gifts because you wanted to play with us?"

"Isn't it okay to say this kind of thing earlier?"

"Come on, don't be shy, we will play with you, how about the ball of yarn?"

"Of course not! This child must only be accompanied by a ball of yarn at home. Now he comes here and needs to play some new and strange games!"

Listening to your suggestions from the wild cats, Jiang Cheng’s face oozes a few black lines, and he silently complains: "Although it sounds like domestic cats are better than wild cats, why do I feel a little bit in my heart? The fire is big?"

"Hey, look over there." Suddenly he noticed something silver, and pointed to Jiang Cheng in a certain direction and reminded him.

Jiang Cheng looked in a certain direction that Yin Shi was pointing, and saw a black cat with a blue silk scarf around his neck standing on two feet, holding his hands and leaning on a tree, his eyes were staring here.

After noticing the gaze of Jiang Cheng and Yinshi, the black cat turned and left, and at the same time raised his right paw and swung it, signaling Jiang Cheng and Yinshi to follow.

In the forest not far in front of the shrine, beside a small mound, the black cat stood on both legs, looking squarely at Gintoki and Esunari in front of him.

"I won't go around in circles, you... aren't you cats?"

"I don't want to be said by a guy who walks on two legs!" Yin Shi spit out.

"No, I also walk on two legs." Jiang Cheng took a sip of Coke and raised his other hand to remind.

Silver hour:...

"Did you do anything here?" The black cat turned his face to the side and looked at the small mound that looked like a small grave, and then asked.

"Ah? What if you did something?" Yin Shi replied disapprovingly.

"No, no impression." Jiang Cheng shook his head.

"The owner here is a good person who can feed no matter what kind of cats are there," the black cat went on to explain. "There are so many cats here because they have food to eat. The kind owner here does not care for those who die. A grave built by cats. Hundreds of cats’ souls are sleeping under this mound..."

As he said, the black cat glanced at Yin Shi and Jiang Cheng again, and asked seriously, "I'll ask again, what did you two do here?"

"Standing... I was urinating while standing." Yin Shi replied with sweat on his face.

Jiang Cheng also held his chest with one hand, with the other paw supporting his chin and began to think carefully.

After listening, the black cat dropped his head and sighed.

"Hey! Is it because of the cat's curse that I became like this?!" Yin Shi's whole cat was not good, and his voice trembled, "Impossible! That kind of thing!"

"That impossible thing has happened to us?" The black cat raised his head and replied.

"We?!" Yin Shi suddenly caught a key word and looked at the black cat in disbelief, "Did you urinate here too?!"

"It's not pee," the black cat turned to correct it. "It's poop."

When Yin was silent for a long while tilting his head, he suddenly stood up on his two legs, holding his furry head in two paws and spit out frantically: "You are a wig! Have you defecated here?! Consider yourself a little bit too. Your image! You are too strong! Are you so fearless?!"

"As a samurai, you must be determined to solve your physical needs no matter where you are." Gui replied.

"It's no longer a samurai who can open a large size on the grave!" Gin Shiro shouted loudly.

"No, I didn't do anything." Jiang Cheng, who recovered from his thoughtful state, squinted Doudou's eyes and said expressionlessly, "I am different from people like you who urinate and urinate casually on the grave. Yes, I might just steal Master Carlin's fairy beans and be punished by Master Carlin."

"Suga, what else can I say, then it's not because of my defecation," Gui nodded, and then continued, "Then I just stole Master Karin's fairy beans, and... diarrhea."

"There is no difference at all!" Yin Shibai spit out, "the most important part has not changed at all!"

"I was attracted to this place by the smell of the meat ball," Gui continued, holding a paw intolerably, "I didn't expect it to be such a trap..."

"It's just that you were driven here by the will!" Yin Shih shouted.

"But thanks to this, I was lucky to escape the chase of Zhensengumi. It is worthy of poop." Gui said with some emotion.

(Stool is pronounced the same as a lucky kid.)

"Hey! Who will stuff the explosives into this guy's chrysanthemum!" Yin Shi screamed frantically, but then he noticed something, "Hey, Jiang Cheng, what are you thinking about?"

"It's a little bit distressed," Jiang Cheng squeezed his chin and replied, "You two clearly remember what you did at the time, but my memory began to blur after I came here, and when the memory became clear again It has become this body..."

"Less garlic! You must have opened a large size here too, right?!"

"No, that kind of thing is impossible." Jiang Cheng shook his head and replied with a serious face: "I'm serious. At that time, I just passed by after buying the game. I lost consciousness in an instant and waited for me. When I woke up again, my body had become like this. If you two are cursed by the cat, then what about me? What is it?"

"Are you true?" Yin Shi still didn't believe, that's true. "

Jiang Cheng nodded in response, then lowered his head and took the last sip of Coke with a straw, and then he threw the empty Coke can on the grave.

"I probably know why..."

Seeing Jiang Cheng's extremely skillful movements, Yin Shi silently covered his face.

"Hey?! Really?!" Jiang Cheng said in surprise.

"Ah, really." Yin Shi raised his head and took a deep breath and exclaimed, "Can you not notice yourself?! Why throw that kind of trash on the grave?! Saying that your movements are too skillful Right?! How many times have you thrown it? Dozens of times have been!"

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