May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 159: :Turnip greens, all have love

   The fence of the new Bajiao's house.

   "You guys, do you remember the content of the task?" the headed young lady Baihua asked aloud.

   "Silver hair with natural curls!"

   "Ask Jiang Cheng Sama's ideal type!"

   "Yo Xi, I seem to remember it very clearly! Then, let's go!" The young lady in the lead yelled and jumped into the yard first.

   "Qiaodou sack! This is not the plan, right?" Yamazaki shouted, "Isn't it about asking? How come it has become a forced question!"

   "No, this is because the other party may not answer honestly..." Miss Baihua explained.

   "This is just kidnapping, right?" Yamazaki exclaimed.

   "Don't be dingy, hurry up!" With that, the headed Miss Baihua rushed in with the rest of her sisters.

   Only Yamazaki, who is still on the fence, remains.

   [I am the only one left, so... I can only escape now! When Yamazaki thought of this, he couldn't help feeling happy, and then turned around, ready to escape.

   But just after turning around, Yamazaki heard a somewhat familiar cry for help. It was...


   When Yamazaki came to the courtyard, he saw a group of Baihua members whispering around a trap hole.

   "Is that a gorilla?"

   "Obviously it's just an orangutan, right?"

   "Why is there an orangutan in the trap?"

   "This must be that one, it's a trap set up to prevent orangutans from entering."

"Orangutan?" Yamazaki asked suspiciously. He squeezed in and took a look toward the entrance of the cave. At the bottom of the five-meter-deep cave, there were densely sharpened bamboos. Ten centimeters above the bamboo were trying to support Kondo who let himself fall.

   [Why are you! ! ] Yamazaki roared wildly in his heart.

   "Don't worry about it, don't worry about it, just assume that you haven't seen this kind of thing." Miss Baihua said.

   "That's right, don't care, it's not within the scope of our mission."

   "Speaking of which, the current world is really uneasy, and there are wild orangutans breaking into the house at will."

   A group of Baihua members said and prepared to leave.

"Qiaodou sack! Please help me!" Kondo shouted and said, Kondo looked at the two bags of Haagen-Dazs that had become corpses. "If this continues, my fate will be the same as those of Hagen. Darth is exactly the same!"

   "Ah, the orangutan has spoken!"

   "It's terrible! Is it genetic mutation?!"

   "Leave it alone, do our serious business quickly, right?"

   said, a kind of Baihua member was about to get up and leave.

   "I beg you to pull me up!" Kondo yelled, "Oh, my hands and feet are beginning to tremble, just like a newborn chimpanzee."

   "It should be a pony!" A Baihua member vomited.

   "No, no, I didn't make a mistake just now, I was talking about the mental aspect! No matter who was born, I will feel uneasy!" Kondo shouted.

   "It's been nearly thirty years since you were born!" Yamazaki couldn't help but vomit.

   "That voice... is it Aqi?!" Kondo exclaimed, "Yamazaki, hurry up and help me!"

   "No, you heard me wrong, I am a member of Baihua reserve, Yamazaki retired!" Yamazaki quickly squeezed his throat and replied.

   "It doesn't matter who it is! Hurry up and help me!"

   Kondo had just finished shouting, suddenly, a female voice came from behind the members of Baihua.

"Hmph, it's so naive! Do you think this kind of trap can cut off my heart for Yinsang? Miss A Miao." Xiao Yuan said with a grin, "If you think about it the other way round, it means you are afraid of me, right? Are you afraid that I will steal Yinsang? Yes, it must be like this."

As he said, the little ape looked at the glasses that fell on the bamboo, "Be optimistic, think optimistically, little ape! In this situation, even if there is a moment of negative thoughts, the little ape will be like the glasses. One end! Little ape!"

   At this time, a group of Baihua members finally found the location of the sound.

   Not far from the trap that Kondo fell, there was another five-meter-deep trap. The overall layout was exactly the same as Kondo's trap, except that the person who fell into it was different.

   "Is that a sow?"

   "It's obviously a sow, right?"

   "Why is there a sow in the trap?"

   "This must be that one, it's a trap set up to prevent the sow from entering."

   A group of Baihua members stood outside the cave and whispered.

   "Obviously not!" Yamazaki exclaimed, "Obviously he is also a stalker! Obviously it is a trap set up for the stalker!"

"Is that voice Yinsang?!" The little ape dressed in nurse costume exclaimed with excitement, "Are you here to save me? Ah, I'm sorry, I wanted to sneak in and greet Yinsang by the way. Mirror, I didn’t expect it to be like this."

   "No! You idiot! Can't you hear your ears even if you drop your glasses?!" Yamazaki cursed.

   "Ah! It really is Yinsang! The only kind of madness that can make me happy is Yinsang you!" The little ape shouted excitedly again, "I won't be fooled by you! Yinsang!"

   "What the hell! Why are all the idiots who fall into the trap are irritating idiots!" Yamazaki spit out frantically.

   "Leave them alone, quit the child, this is not in our mission, just pretend not to see it." Miss Baihua persuaded.

   "I mean..." Yamazaki replied with a twitching corner of his mouth.


   "Retire, why do you want to save these two people?" The leading lady Baihua asked softly beside Yamazaki's ear, and then looked at the two ape and Kondo who were arguing.

   "I just think it might be helpful to our mission." Yamazaki replied quietly, "And..."

  【No matter how you say it, you can't die without saving it. Although it is an ape, it is also the property of Zhenseng Group. Yamazaki silently added the second half sentence in his heart.

"What?! You said that the **** in the house of all things sleeps under the same roof as Miss A Miao?!" Kondo, who heard the news from the little monkey's mouth, instantly became calm, and then Kondo shouted with a look of lovelessness. "Don't be kidding! That's too cunning, right? I tried so many times, and I still sleep in the bamboo gun room!"

   "What, are you shrinking like this?" Xiao Yuan replied with a disdainful face, "Are you still a stalker?"

   "What did you say! Stinky woman!" Kondo was unhappy when he heard it.

"Hey, I have already admitted that I'm a stalker, these two." Miss Baihua huddled up to Yamazaki's ear and whispered, "Is this situation really okay? Has it become a stalker debate? No? Will it affect our plan?"

"You should be thankful for the existence of that person in this world. I think your M is not hot enough," the little ape sneered, and then continued with a fanatical expression, "I'm just hearing that Yinsang has I was fine when I got a child! On the contrary, I got even more excited!"

"I've been stalking stalkers since just now, it's really super rude!" Kondo retorted, "Don't confuse me with you! I just don't know how to fall in love as others do. It's a little bit difficult, and the ghost stays alive A little bit."

   "That's called a stalker." Miss Baihua led by raised her hand and interjected.

"But then again, who are you guys?" Xiao Yuan's expression changed, he took out Kuwu from his arms, and looked at a group of Baihua members with a vigilant expression, "Could it be that Yinsang came here because of Yinsang." Is it?! But you have no chance!"

   "What are you talking about?! How could it be possible to come here for such a man!" The headed Miss Baihua also took out Kuunai and cursed, "All our hearts belong to Jiang Cheng Sama!"

"Huh, I have some skill," Xiao Yuan said with a grin, "but, your love is no better than my love! My love with Yinsang has long surpassed that between you and that dead otaku. !"

   "What are you talking about?! You sow!" A group of young ladies from Baihua took out kunai and cursed fiercely.

   "Sows can only be called by Yinsang! I am Yinsang's exclusive sow!" Xiao Yuan said with a proud face, "You might not understand? This is Yinsang's nickname for me!"

   "How is it possible! You are just mad!" a Baihua lady scolded with blank eyes.

   "What's wrong with shaking M?! What's wrong with shaking M for love?!" Xiao Yuan retorted, "It's sad for you. So many people are fighting for a man, but there is no response."

"What do you know about Jiang Chengsama!" a Baihua lady scolded, and then teased, "Are you more pathetic? We have never been treated tenderly by our sweetheart, but we are treated every day. Jiang Cheng sama treated it gently!"

"What are you talking about?!" Little Ape was unhappy, and retorted with his neck, "That's also love! It's the most intuitive expression of Yinsang's love! Every verbal abuse is an expression of love between us. It's a formality! I want to ask because every verbal abuse makes me very excited!"

   "You are just a pure M, right?"

   "Well, everyone's goals don't conflict with each other, let's get along well." Yamazaki hurriedly came out to make a round. After all, if you let it go, you really will have to fight.

   "You..." Kondo came to Yamazaki to look carefully, and muttered, "I always think you are familiar..."

   "No, no, I'm just the face of the public." Yamazaki quickly replied, after all, if they were recognized in this situation, those Baihua members would certainly not spare themselves lightly.

"Forget it, just like the retreat said, our mission does not conflict with them," the headed Miss Baihua finally put away Kuuna, and then shouted at the rest of the Baihua members, "It's better to finish quickly. Our mission is the business! Do you remember the content of the mission?!"

   "Silver hair with natural curls!"

   "Ask Jiang Cheng Sama's ideal type!"

   "Yo Xi! Go!" The Miss Baihua led a group of Baihua members and rushed towards the main house as she shouted.

   "Qiaodou sack!" The little monkey heard something wrong, "What is the natural curling of silver hair? Is it still necessary to deal with Yinsang in the end?! I will never allow it!"

While    shouted, the little monkey rushed over.


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