May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 155: : Sagaru Yamazaki “♀” is here!

  【Ah, this is the first time I've been to this kind of place, I was really nervous. Yamazaki thought to himself, [especially the uncle security guard at the door, his eyes are too fierce! It was really scared into a cold sweat. 】

   "Hey, newcomer, don't be stunned there, hurry up and follow." A Baihua member looked at Yamazaki who was standing around behind, it was a retreat, and shouted.


   is wearing a pink kimono, a double ponytail wig, thick powder on her face, and red lipstick on her lips. At this time, Yamazaki is dressed like this.

   [Search, readers are not mistaken, I am Yamazaki Retreat. At this time, he was disguised as Yamazaki Yuko, lurking in Yoshihara. The purpose is to secretly investigate the relationship between Jiang Chengsang and Yi Zhishi. 】

   "Quit your son... can you call it that way?" the Baihua member asked.

   "Ah, that's okay." Yamazaki replied, pinching his throat, with a...the girl's sweet smile.

   "Don't look, hurry up, the leader's time is very tight," another Baihua member replied, "You only have one chance. The interviews for Baihua members are very strict."

   said, this Baihua member turned his head and left, but Yamazaki hurriedly followed after seeing this.

   "Hey, why do you want to join Baihua?" the Baihua member asked.

   "Ah, I heard that Baihua was here to protect those unarmed wanderers, so I came here admiringly." Yamazaki replied with a smile.

   "That's it."


   "It's here, hurry in." When he came to a house, the Baihua member opened the door and said to Yamazaki who was on the side, "The leader is here, and I need to go for the interview."

   "Hi, thank you." Yamazaki replied, and then walked straight in.

   [I didn’t expect to sneak into Yoshihara so easily, and I don’t know if it is a blessing or a curse...]

   Just as Yamazaki was thinking about it, Yueyong's voice came.

   "Hey, stop thinking about it, come here quickly." Yueyong yelled at Yamazaki, sitting at a table with a cigarette stick in his mouth.

   "Hey!" Upon hearing the sound, Yamazaki hurriedly walked to Yueyong, bent down and shouted: "I am Yamazaki's retired son! This time I came here to apply for a member of the Yoshihara Self-Defense Force Baihua."

   "I see, you sit down first, did you bring your resume?" Yue Yong asked.

   "Yeah, I brought it," Yamazaki said quickly, and took out a stack of A4 paper from his arms. Doing a full set of the show, not to mention, Yamazaki is quite well prepared.

   After receiving Yamazaki's resume, Yueyong glanced carefully, then raised his head, "Yamzaki retires, right?"


   "You can't see anything in this kind of resume, I'll just ask, are you..." As he said, a fierce light appeared in Yue Yong's eyes.

   [What's the matter with that look! terrible! It's terrible! Did you see that I was a spy? ! ] At this time, Yamazaki was sweating coldly.

   "Did you apply for the job because of a man in Yoshihara? Tell me the truth!" Yueyong spit out the second half.

   Actually, Yue Yong is not to blame. Although Jiang Cheng rarely goes out, he always attracts bees and butterflies every time he goes out. No, I just posted a recruitment notice, and dozens of superficial women who were convinced by Jiang Cheng's face and wanted to enter Baihua to get close to Jiang Cheng. But there is no doubt that they were all brushed away by Yue Yong.

"Huh?" Yamazaki asked in confusion, but then shook his head quickly, "No, I just heard that Baihua is to protect the existence of the unarmed wandering girls at the bottom, and with a heart of reverence, I came to Baihua. Hiring."

"Ah, that's it," Yueyong replied casually, but his eyes were staring at Yamazaki, and his face was full of disbelief. Then Yueyong sighed heavily, "I advise you better not to be wrong. That kind of man has illusions, and that kind of man who doesn't look good will only be a woman's nightmare."

   "Uh...what are you talking about?" Yamazaki was puzzled.

"I said, even if you pretend to be like this, it's useless," Yueyong replied, "Today you are already the 78th. Baihua's work is not a joke. I came here for that kind of man. This kind of place, really... go back soon."

   "I don't even know what you are talking about! What kind of man, I don't know at all!" Yamazaki exclaimed.

   "Really?" Yue Yong still looked suspicious.

   "Really, I can't understand what you said at all." Yamazaki replied earnestly.

   "Well, since you said that..."

   "Did I pass?" Yamazaki asked in surprise.

"No, it's just that the first interview passed, and then there will be a second interview," Yueyong stood up, "Come with me, if the second interview passes, I can give you a seven-day During the probation period, food and housing are included. Even if you are dismissed after the probation period, you will get a reward."

   "Is it so good? Are you paid even after the trial period?!" Yamazaki surprised.

   "Of course, women are no better than men," Yue Yong replied as expected. "Also, for high-risk jobs like Baihua, proper subsidies are also necessary."

"high risk?"

   "You'll understand this after you wait." Yueyong replied, and then stepped out of the room first.

   And Yamazaki hurriedly followed after seeing this.


   Yamazaki followed Yue Yong to a roof.

   Yueyong pointed to a house tens of meters away, "Did you see it? On the second floor of that house, through the window, you can see a man with orange hair with ponytails?"

   "Well, I can see it." Yamazaki replied, [That's not Yoshihara's, but is that? Why do you want me to come to this place? ] Yamazaki was puzzled.

   At this time, Jiang Cheng was happily playing his newly bought game in front of the computer, and there were two young ladies from Baihua who were feeding Jiang Cheng with oranges.

   [I really envy this boss, this kind of life is so comfortable...] Yamazaki thought.

But immediately afterwards, Yue Yong took out a few kunai, and handed it to Yamazaki's hand, saying: "Throw these kunai from here, if you can accurately pierce that man's head, you will be qualified. "

   "What kind of assessment is this! This should be regarded as an assassination!" Yamazaki spit out frantically.

   "No, this is just a simple assessment, and don't underestimate that man, this kind of attack..." Yue Yong said, and stopped.

   "Oh, you mean this kind of attack, will he avoid it?"

   "No," Yue Yong took out two kunai from his arms again, and threw them directly at Jiang Cheng. Ku was extremely precise and stuck on Jiang Cheng's head, and blood was sprayed instantly.

   However, Jiang Cheng didn't care at all. He pulled out the kunai from his head with an okay person, put on two band-aids, and then continued his gaming career. And the two Baihua sisters on the side are not surprised, as if they hadn't seen them.

   "Did you see it? For that man, this kind of attack is nothing." Yueyong explained aloud.

   [Blood was spurted just now, OK! ! ] Yamazaki roared wildly in his heart.

"Baihua’s job is basically to deal with men who are entangled with wandering girls, and men who fight against wandering girls because they are consumers." Yueyong continued, "So at the beginning, it was still It’s better to practice your hands with that man."

  【Is there anyone practicing this way? ! Isn’t it okay to practice hands with puppets? ! ] Yamazaki spit out frantically in his heart.

   "Do you also think it is more appropriate to practice hands with puppets?" Yue Yong said and looked at Yamazaki again.

   "Hey? No, I didn't think so." Yamazaki quickly denied, but there was already a storm in his heart: [What's the matter? ! How did this woman see what was thinking in my heart? Can she see all the things on my mind? Saying that... Am I already exposed? ! ! 】

   Thinking of this, Yamazaki showed regret. Now Yamazaki just wants to escape here quickly.

"You don't have to look at me like that. Many people have asked this question, but..." With that, Yue Yong looked at Jiang Cheng in the distance again, gritted his teeth and said, "That kind of man is useless! All day long. Knowing that he is staying in the house and playing games, he has to be brought into the house even for meals recently. This kind of man is no longer good for society! So, at least being a target is kind of useful!"

   [No, your explanation will only make me feel that you are simply looking at him upset. Yamazaki murmured silently in his heart, but he replied with a serious look on his face: "I see!"

   Then, Yamazaki, who knelt down to Jiang Cheng and apologized several times in his heart, finally lifted his hand to hold Kunai.

  " Enough Yueyue chants.

  【Ah, it really is like this, it really is just a test! Yamazaki, you are so smart! ] Yamazaki gave himself a thumbs up in his heart, [Think about it, how could there be such a random recruitment method. 】

   Just as Yamazaki breathed a sigh of relief, Yue Yong took out a few kunai from his arms again, and said to Yamazaki: "Did you not see clearly just now? Kunai should be taken like this!"

  【Is this what you are talking about? ! ! ! 】

   Yamazaki spit out frantically in his heart.


   In the end, Yamazaki passed the test. After hundreds of misery, he finally got into Jiang Cheng's head once.

   "It's already pretty good, you have worked very hard." Yue Yong said with a gratified expression, "Congratulations, you successfully passed Baihua's entry assessment."

   Looking at Yueyong’s gratified expression, Yamazaki only felt that it seemed like a smile of the Virgin. He was moved at a loss and replied with tears streaming down his face: "Thank you!"

   "No, you can do it all by yourself," Yueyong replied, "Also, don't be too proud. The next trial period will be the focus."

   "I see!" Yamazaki replied vowedly.

   In this way, Yamazaki sneaked into Yoshihara the first step and succeeded!


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