May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 150: : Discuss (Red Sakura Chapter 10)

   Kagura: "..."

   Silver hour: "……"

  New Eight: "……"

"What's the matter? Why are you all looking at me? Do I have eye feces on my face?" Jiang Cheng asked in doubt, and then tore off a kimono that had been ragged on his body and wiped his face. "How is it now? Has it been wiped off? ?"

  Everyone didn't speak for a long time. Even Okada, who was playing against Katsura, stopped.

   Finally, someone moved, and Kagura rushed to Jiang Cheng first.

   "What's wrong? Kagura sauce? Didn't you miss me for a few hours?" Jiang Cheng looked at Kagura who was standing in front of him with his head down.

   The next moment, Kagura clenched his fist and struck Jiang Cheng in the stomach with all his strength.

"Wow!" Jiang Cheng directly spit out a mouthful of blood, and slowly fell down, and then raised his head while holding his stomach, yelled: "What are you doing? I received a punch without eating, and I almost vomited my stomachache. It's..."

   "It's best to spit out all the internal organs! How can it be repaired!" Kagura scolded, "You are paying for the tears I shed for you, bastard!"

   "Great... Jiang Chengsang is still alive..." Xin Baji wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and replied.

   "Well, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, party or something, I will withdraw first when I wait for the next time." Yin Shi said and was about to turn around and leave.

   "Hey? I just ordered the fruit parfait's takeaway, Yin Shi, are you leaving now?" Jiang Cheng wondered.

   "Hey?! Really?! Did you really scream?!" Yin Shi rushed to Jiang Cheng in an instant, shaking Jiang Cheng's shoulder and shouting loudly, "What kind of flavor is it? Strawberry? Or cantaloupe?"

   "It's not the time to talk about this!" Xin Ba Hao spit out loudly, "No matter how you look at it, now is the time to prepare for battle!"

   "Xin Baji-kun is right," Gui came over, stood in front of Jiang Cheng and said, "Is it called soba noodles?"

   "Ah, of course." Jiang Cheng replied, squeezing his eyes with a thumbs up.

   Then, Jiang Cheng yelled at Okada Nizo, who was silent on the side, "Hey, can you wait for me to eat? Please, I will be very distressed if I just woke up and didn't eat enough."

   With a grin, Okada Nizura put away the red cherry tree, walked to the side and sat down. Of course, Gui Yi faction and the Guibing team did not put away their knives, and the two sides were still facing each other with swords.

   Without Katsura and Takasugi's orders, no one dared to do it first.

   Afterwards, everyone found that a car slowly flew over and landed slowly on the ship of the Ghost Corps.

   "Don't be so nervous, it's just the takeaway I ordered." Jiang Cheng said, and then walked straight to the car.

   When the door of the car was opened, an honest-looking little brother walked down. After taking a look at the uncomfortable people in front of him, he tremblingly walked to the trunk and opened the trunk and started to move food out.

   After ten minutes, the little brother emptied the food in the trunk.

   Jiangcheng stepped forward, took out a wad of banknotes from his arms and handed it to the little brother, and smiled and said thank you.

   "Ah, no thanks." After receiving the money, the little brother quickly opened the car door and got in, kicked the accelerator, and slipped away without looking back.


   Everyone looked at Jiang Cheng who was eating and drinking in the open space, Yin Shi, Gui and Kagura were speechless.

   "Hey, senpai, how could it be like this..." Then he asked in a low voice to the Takeshi Biantai on the side.

   "Isn't it common sense to add physical strength before the battle?" Takeshi Biantai replied.

   "I didn't mean that! I mean it shouldn't be the time for a big fight?! What's the matter with such a weird atmosphere?! Why didn't the Jinsuke-sama also stop it!"

   "Aren't you going to eat?" Jiang Cheng raised his head and glanced at the people around him, "I have called a lot, so don't worry about it being too big."

   "It's not time for dinner anyhow, even the location is wrong! We were still fighting before you showed up!" He scolded his neck again.

   "Hey? Fighting? Why?" Jiang Cheng asked curiously, and at the same time he kept his hands free and kept picking up food from the food pile in front of him and stuffing it into his mouth.

   "Even if you don't understand the cause and effect, you can show me the atmosphere, the atmosphere! It doesn't look like the atmosphere of gathering together for a party!" Yuzi shouted.

"This is papaya milk. It's specially called for you. Go on, Hirako!" Jiang Cheng picked up a carton of milk and threw it at Youzi, "Also, did you just say something? I didn't hear clearly. , Can you say it again?"

   "Senior, can I slaughter him? Can it?" The son screamed again with a burst of green veins. He just wanted to rush to Jiang Cheng but was stopped by Takeshi Bianping too deadly.

   "Calm down, Hirako! You don't want this ship to be buried for you, do you?" Takeshi Hentai said quickly.

   "Why did you even call you! I'm not flat at all!!!" The son became even more frantic, "Should you check it out! How can it be repaired!"

  In an instant, except for Takasugi and Jiangcheng, all the other men looked over.

  【Please do this! 】

   Elizabeth raised the wooden sign.

   "Don't worry, if we find that Jiang Cheng is slandering you after our inspection, we will definitely condemn him for you!" Gui said seriously, but the two lines of nosebleeds sold Gui.

   "You are too much, too!" Yuzi blushed and squatted down, covering his chest and cursed, "Only Jinsuke-sama can check for inspection!"

   "No, no, haven't you already said it? Gao Zi doesn't like yours." Jiang Cheng persuaded me with sincerity.

   was eating Parfait's silver and nodded when he heard the sound.

   "Then which type do you think Jinsuke-sama likes?!" Youzi just finished speaking, and the rest of the ghost soldiers also looked at Jiang Cheng.

   "Ahem!" Upon seeing this, Jiang Cheng stood up, cleared his throat, and was ready to talk about it.

   However, Takasugi didn't give Jiang Cheng the opportunity. He picked up a knife from the ground and threw it at Jiang Cheng's feet, sticking it straight into the wooden board beside Jiang Cheng's feet.

"It seems that your senior assistant assistant doesn't want me to say it. After all, you have to expose your habit in front of your subordinates. It is indeed a bit bad," Jiang Cheng scratched his head and smiled back. "Then it is better to give me the email address. Right, I'll secretly send it to you when I look back."

   "Really okay?" Youzi's eyes lit up, and he was about to rush to Jiang Cheng, but before he even left, Takasugi threw a sword over again, and he was piercing him in front of him.

   "Ahahaha, it seems that this method won't work anymore..." Jiang Cheng said with a smile, "but don't worry, I will write to you next time."


   "I'm full, I'm full." Jiang Cheng patted his stomach and said contentedly.

   At this time, the two warships of the Gui Faction in the air also returned under Gui's order. There was only one small house-shaped boat parked beside the ship of the Ghost Soldiers.

   "Oh the sea, I really miss it," Jiang Cheng looked at the endless sea and couldn't help feeling a little bit. "I still remember the last time when the four of them looked at the sea together or met the idiot Sakamoto."

   "Sa, it's time to do business." Jiang Cheng said and looked at Okada Sizou who stood up again, "Wig, please be a referee, please."

   "It's not a wig, it's the referee Changgui!" Gui replied, and at the same time took down his sword and handed it to Jiang Cheng. "Use this. If you treat the opponent as a samurai."

   Jiang Cheng thought for a while, and finally made up his mind to throw the umbrella in his hand to Kagura who was aside, and was ready to pick up the sword in Katsura's hand.

   But suddenly, Xin Ba Ji was pushed out by the iron on the side.

   "Let’s do this," Xin Baji handed the sword that Tiezi had given him to Jiang Cheng, "In the face of the sword forged by the brother, maybe only the sword forged by the younger sister can compete."

   "Although I don't understand what you mean, thank you." With that said, Jiang Cheng took the knife from Xin Ba Hao's hand.

   But after Jiang Cheng unwrapped the cloth that wrapped the sword, he couldn't laugh anymore, "What's the matter with the **** on the hilt of this sword?"

   "That's not poop! It's a dragon that is coiled up!" Tiezi couldn't help but retorted.

   "Uh... you are happy." Jiang Cheng could only say that, and turned his head to look at Okada, who was already impatient, and said, "I'm ready."

  In an instant, everyone took two steps back wisely, leaving an open space for the two of them.

   Jiang Cheng and Okada Nizo stand in opposition, while Katsura stands between the two and acts as a referee.

   Tiezi clenched his hands and looked at the two people in the clearing nervously, then glanced at Tie Shi standing on the top of the houseboat.

   "It's really unexpected One day there will be such an opportunity!" Okada Nizo's joking voice sounded, "I can fight with you personally, or if you are holding a sword."

   After that, there were countless mechanical tentacles drilled inside Okada Nizo. It tightly wrapped Okada's body, forming a thick layer of armor on Okada's body.

   "I don't feel bored after seeing it so many times, this man actually uses the red cherry tree to this point." Tetsuya looked at Okada Sizo below, almost intoxicated.

"After all, I don't want to always disappoint my [fans]. After all, your will is strong enough." Jiang Cheng replied, but Jiang Cheng still stood firmly there without posing any poses. , Once again reminded: "My swordsmanship belongs to my own swordsmanship, which is different from the one in the dojo. No one can use it except me, so be careful."

"That's really lucky. There is only one person using swordsmanship. I can't think I can see it. Then let me remind you a little bit. I am best at drawing swords. Killing with one blow is my strength. So, you Be careful too.” With that, Okada Nizo posed.

   "Then, start!" After Gui shouted, he quickly backed away.

   Okada Nizo rushed towards Jiang Cheng very quickly, but Jiang Cheng still stood still and did not move, still with a smile on his face.



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