May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 143: : Combat instinct (Red Sakura chapter change: 3)

   Silver Time: Then it's better to come to Rock Paper Scissors!

   Jiang Cheng: Don’t be fooled!

   The next moment, the two separated from each other, and at the same time assumed a boxing pose.

   "What the **** are these two people doing?" Xin Baji spit out expressionlessly.

   [Guest guessing determines the opponent’s ownership, just like fighting for spouse rights between lions]

   wrote on the wooden sign that Elizabeth held up.

   "No, I always think that's not the case..."

   "Scissors, rock, cloth!" Yin Shi and Jiang Cheng shouted at the same time, and stretched out their hands.

   "Yo Xi! I won!" Jiang Cheng who stretched out the scissors said casually, and then turned to leave.

   "Don't be kidding! The rule is not who wins and who stays behind?!" Yin Shi yelled, and put his hand on Jiang Cheng's shoulder at the same time.

   "You are the one! There was no such rule just now, right?" Jiang Cheng scolded with blank eyes.

   "Then re-enact it now! Whoever wins will stay behind!" Yin Shizuo shouted through gritted teeth, and at the same time looked at the new Bajiao who was aside, "New Bajiao, you will be the referee!"

   "Hey? Me?"

   "Then come again!" Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth and looked at Okada Sizo who was hanging aside, "Don't worry, let us decide the outcome!"

   "Scissors, rock, cloth!"

   This time, Jiang Cheng still produced scissors, while Yin Shi produced rocks.

   "Yo Xi!" Jiang Cheng himself gave a thumbs up, and then patted Yinshi on the shoulder, "Then please!"

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Chengzhen was ready to slip away.

   Yinshi lowered his head and darkened his face, and said again: "Three...two wins in three rounds!"

   "Have you been done forever?!" Jiang Cheng turned his head and cursed.

   "You two are the same!" Xin Baji couldn't help but roar, and then pointed at Okada Shizou, who was left on the side. "The other party is also very embarrassed! You guys are just fine, OK!"

   "Then you say, who do you want to fight with!"

   Gintoki and Jiang Cheng, who were pinching each other, turned their heads at the same time, and shouted at Okada Nizo.

   "In my opinion, they are all the same~ all are so delicious~"

   "Hey, Yin Shi, do you think that person is getting more and more perverted? More and more like a clown **** next door!" Jiang Cheng leaned in Yin Shi's ear and whispered.

   Yin Shi nodded in agreement.

   "Then it's better to go together, I also just want to test how far my equipment is from the legendary two of you..."

   "Well, [Qianliang] Isn't this kind of thing inappropriate now?" Jiang Cheng raised his hand and asked.

   "I also think that although there are no pedestrians on the road now, I still feel a little bad..." Gin Shiki murmured while supporting his chin.

   "How could it be inappropriate?" Okada Nizo's expression began to become ferocious, "This kind of night without anyone is perfect!"

   "Since you have said so, then..." Jiang Cheng looked at Yin Shi.

   Yin Shi thought for two seconds, then nodded.

   Then, Jiang Cheng and Yin Shi stretched their hands to the zipper of their trousers at the same time.

   "What are you doing?!" Xinba Hao got up and kicked the two men to the ground one by one, while shouting loudly, "What do you want to expose here!"

   "He said it should compare [quantity]." Jiang Cheng got up and explained helplessly.

   "He didn't mean that at all!!" Xin Ba Chi spit out loudly.

   "Does the man's [tool] mean [BEEP——]? Shouldn't the so-called [quantity] be length?" Gin Shiki explained while getting up.

   "It doesn't mean that at all! After your explanation like this, I can't look directly at the decree pattern in NARUTO anymore!" Xin Baji cursed with a burst of green veins.

"Xin Ba Hao makes sense!" Jiang Cheng nodded, and at the same time, he looked to the side and suggested to Okada Sizou: "Well, let's go to the public toilet and try it. It's really not better than this in this kind of place. it is good."

   "I didn't mean that at all!" Xin Ba Hao said frantically, "It's not a question of changing places at all!"

   "Wow! What do you think should be done?!" Yin Shi said impatiently.

   "Why don't you two go together~" Okada Nizo's face has turned pale. Of course, whoever encounters these two critics will be angry enough to look like Okada Nizo.

Later, Jiang Cheng and Ginshi saw that Okada Nizo's body trembled slightly. Then, countless wire-like tentacles came out of Okada Nizo's body and were tightly wound around Okada. Every part of Zang's body, limbs, and body seemed to be put on a layer of armor, and the whole person was a bit taller than before.

   The knife in Okada Nizo's hand also widened a bit, and the whole was a strange pink.

   "That's..." Gintoki murmured.

"Actually, you are right. I really can't compare to Katsura alone, but... haven't you said it? It's [us]!" With that, Okada Nizo, who had already turned into a monster, rushed over. This kind of speed has broken through the limits of mankind.

   "Wow!" Gin Shih had no time to dodge, so he could only hold his hands against Lake Toya to resist the impact.

   And Jiang Cheng chose to send Xin Ba Ji and Elizabeth off the battlefield at the moment when Okada Nizo rushed. Of course, the method of sending off was very simple and rude. One person kicked the two of them.

   "What is this?" Gin Shiki asked as he gritted his teeth to resist.

   "Ahhhhhhhhh, I thought you knew it," Okada was pretending to be puzzled, and then replied, "This is Hongzakura~ I just borrowed my body."

   "This...Is this the truth about Red Sakura?!" Gintoki murmured through gritted teeth.

   "Yin Shi, do you want to help?" Jiang Cheng said, standing by.

   "Stop kidding! Of course..."

  Yinshi hadn't finished speaking, Jiang Cheng nodded and said to himself, "So it's not necessary, then you said it earlier, which made me stand here during the day."

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng stepped back wisely and stood in front of Xin Ba Hao and Elizabeth who had just gotten up from the ground. Of course, this is also an invisible protection.

   "Don't misunderstand other people's meanings!" Gintoki shouted and tried his best to push Okada Sizo back a small step.

   is also this small step, gaining enough space and time for Yin Shi, without hesitation, Yin Shi immediately rushed towards Okada Nizo's left side.

   The position just now is too dangerous, there is not enough room for movement. If you still stay in place, you will definitely lose! Before Ginshi finished thinking about it, his body had already attacked first, and the wooden sword in his hand pierced straight into Okada's left chest.

   Click! !

   Okada Nizo's arm was instantly swung down in a twisted posture that ordinary people couldn't do, and Hong Ying's sword just touched the tip of the wooden sword.

"Is it aimed at my heart just now? It would be really dangerous if you succeeded it~ Are you angry? Because I killed Gui, are you angry? No need to explain, your murderous aura is completely by me I caught..." Okada Sizo muttered to himself.

   "I have said it many times, the wig will never be defeated by people like you!"

   missed a hit, Yin Shi did not hesitate, and instantly retreated a few steps.

   However, when Okada Nizo didn't plan to let Ginshi off just like that, his left hand stretched out, and countless things like tentacles instantly followed Gintoki.

So fast! Yin Shi thought to himself, when it was too late to think about Yin Shi, he swung a few knives and cut off the tentacles that were approaching him.

   "So didn't you say it? It's [us]!" Okada Nizo's voice sounded behind Gintoki, and then...

   Boom! ! !

   "Yin Sang!" Xin Ba Ji shouted loudly.

   "Be quiet, you will only distract him." Jiang Cheng glanced at Xin Ba Hao and said, "Besides, don't underestimate him."

   "But..." Before Xin Baji finished speaking, he saw the dust receding, and Yin Shi was still standing still.

   At the last moment, Yin Shi had no time to turn around and could only stab him behind with a wooden knife.

   Lake Toya and the tip of Red Sakura's sword face each other, and both swords are trembling.

   "It's amazing, even this speed can keep up...but..." Okada Nizo's playful voice sounded, and countless tentacles quickly rushed towards Gintoki.


  Ginshi did not hesitate, and instantly jumped to the top of Okada Nizo's head, holding Lake Toya with one hand, and the other hand against the top of the knife handle of Lake Toya, and pierced straight down.

   But, still not able to do what he wanted, Okada Nizura's hand holding Hongzakura stretched out! And still stretched at a very fast speed, when Hong Ying faced the silver, it was a sweep.

   Fortunately, Yin Shi had reacted, and jumped down instantly, retreated a few steps back to the wooden bridge aside. Otherwise, the cut just now will definitely cut Silver Time in two.

"It seems that your fighting instincts have not been fully aroused yet~" Okada Nizo said, and once again rushed to the Ginseng who had just Although it is a pity, I still ask you to die. Right! "

So fast! ! Even Gintoki, who had already grasped this speed, felt his tongue slap, and he pressed his hands against Lake Toya before he had time to think.

   In the next instant, the two soldiers met.

   Boom! ! !

   The entire wooden bridge was blasted into a big hole by the power of Red Sakura, and Yin Shi also fell down.

"It's weird. Hey, shouldn't you be stronger?" Okada Shizo, who stood at the entrance of the cave like a monster, pretended to be suspicious. "You have gone through a lot of tricks. The fighting instincts hidden in your body are real. Have you forgotten everything?"

   "It's weird, hello, is your thing really a sword?" Gintoki looked at Okada Shizura above his head and sarcastically said, "And that kind of weird power and speed, and that kind of random swordsmanship..."

"Aren't you familiar?" Okada Shizo interrupted Gintoki's words and continued, "How does it compare to the beast that discarded the sword? I really want to hear your comments. I also invited Katsura at the time. It’s a comment, but he doesn’t seem to have a chance to speak~"

"Huh? Ahahahaha, I get it," Yin Shi couldn't help laughing, "Are you imitating Jiang Cheng? Strange power plus that kind of random swordsmanship, hey, Jiang Cheng, this person is your fan Oh! I like to imitate you!"



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