May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 123: : If you don't have an opponent, it's better to train one by yourself!

"The game that went on sale at eight o'clock in the evening should be just right now." Jiang Cheng walked on the street and said to himself, "Although it was originally planned to give Kagura sauce pocket money, this game is only available today. Although the regular version has been cleared, but! I heard that the limited edition released today has a magazine for each character! So! I can only temporarily feel wronged by Kagura sauce!"

   "The handsome guy over there, can you come over?"

   Suddenly a man's voice came, and Jiang Cheng, who was walking on the road, looked over, and at the same time all the men on the road looked over.

   "No, not about you, but about you!" Kuang Si Lang walked straight towards Jiang Cheng.

   "Me?" Jiang Cheng was a little confused, "Do you know me?"

"No! Although I don't know him, but..." Kuang Shi Lang grasped Jiang Cheng's shoulder with both hands, and said seriously, "Would you like to come to work in my shop? I believe that if it is you, it will be able to surpass me. The Cowboy!"

"Ha? What's that?" Jiang Cheng looked puzzled, and then gently threw away Kuang Si Lang's hand, "Although I don't know what you are talking about, but I really have something! It delayed my time to buy the game, I You will be angry."

"Game?" Kuang Shi Lang was a little puzzled, but after taking a close look at Jiang Cheng's face, he said seriously again, "If I am troubled, I can ask the clerk to help you buy that game. Right now, we still have it. More important things!"

"The more important thing? What?" Jiang Cheng curled his lips and seemed to be a little impatient. "It's more practical to buy things like games by yourself. I originally asked others to buy alloy bullets but I bought things like Mario. I have been through it many times."

   "This kind of thing won't happen!" Kuang Shi Lang said vowedly, and then looked directly at Hachiro behind him and ordered, "Write down this gentleman's request!"

   "Hi!" As he said, Hachiro came forward and took out his notebook and pen from his arms.

"Is it really okay?" Jiang Cheng scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "Then be sure to remember clearly! "I'm on sale at Akihabara [Green Cave Flagship Store] tonight at eight o'clock, one shot in seconds, What's there to say?" Added a limited time-limited edition of the magazine! Don't make a mistake!"

   "I see!" Hachiro nodded, and then several employees gave two orders, and then several employees left quickly.

   "Then next, I think we can have a chat..." Kuang Si Lang said with a smile, "Anyway, let's go to the store first..."

   "The shop?" Jiang Chengcai finally looked up at the shop behind Kuang Si Lang. Just above the splendid store door【Gao Tianyuan】Three big characters are shining...


   "So, is Jiang Chengsang interested in coming to our Gao Tianyuan to find a job?"

   Kuang Si Lang sat on the deck with a nice smile, and asked softly.

   "Ah, after your explanation, I temporarily understand Niu Lang's work." Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "Although it sounds easy, but..."

   "But?" Looking at Jiang Cheng who was embarrassed, he was puzzled.

"Now I'm in a situation where I can't change jobs..." Jiang Cheng sighed and explained, "Anyway, those people will not allow me to change jobs, and even if they have this idea, they will torture me physically and mentally. !"

   "There is such a thing!" Kushiro's face also became a little heavy. "Although I know that Kabukicho is messy, I didn't expect it to be so messy."

   "No, it's not Kabukicho." Jiang Cheng corrected.

   "Really, if it looks like this, not only Kabukicho but also other places in Edo hide hidden darkness..." Kushiro said with emotion.

   "Hmm." Jiang Cheng nodded.

   "But, I have already determined that you are the next cowboy to surpass me! So, don't worry!" Kuang Shi Lang continued, "Go and fight again! Jiang Chengsang! We will help you too!"

   "King Shi Lang, you..." Hachiro hurriedly said, "We are already in bad condition, if we get involved in any strange things without authorization..."

"No, this is a kind of revolution!" Kuang Shi Lang shook his head, and said with a serious expression on his face. "Isn't this the responsibility of me, the best cowboy in Kabukicho, to cultivate a cowboy who surpasses himself by himself? Just thinking about it, I’m already so excited!"

   "This has nothing to do with Niu Lang's work, right!" Hachiro murmured, and then sighed softly, "We are in danger now, those people..."

   Before he finished speaking, Hachiro’s cell phone rang.

   Looking at Hachiro who skillfully took out his mobile phone from his hair, Jiang Cheng was also a little speechless, [So can the mobile phone be placed in that place? ! 】

   "Hey, I see, I'll go right now..." Hachiro hung up and leaned down and whispered a few words in Kuangsielang's ear.

After listening, Kuang Si Lang's face changed slightly and nodded, then he got up and looked at Jiang Cheng again with a smile on his face, "I still have something to do, so please let Jiang Chengsang get familiar with the working environment first. Continue to talk in detail..."

   After speaking, Kushiro and Hachiro walked to the door together. Jiang Cheng also heard something like [Kanji got into trouble again], but then Jiang Cheng suddenly realized that it is not the time to think about it.

   "Hey! I haven't said that I agree to work here!" Jiang Cheng shouted in the direction of Kuangshi Lang's departure, but the latter had already stepped out of the shop.


   "Hey? Crazy Langsang went out?" Several girls complained, "We simply look down on the rest of Cowboys, we want Langsang to die!"

   "I'm so sorry, the manager went out to deal with some things. I will be back soon." The waiter smiled apologetically, "There are still many free cowboys."

   While talking, the waiter took out a book of Cowherd and handed it to the headed girl. After the girl turned a few pages casually, the uncomfortable expression on her face became more intense, and then she threw the entire atlas to the ground, "What kind of crooked melons are these! We are going to name Langsang crazy!"

   After speaking, several girls are going to the door.

   Seeing this, the waiter couldn't say anything anymore, and could only smile a few awkwardly.

"Ah! Is this the new Cowherd? So handsome!" The girls saw Jiang Cheng sitting on the deck before they even reached the entrance of the store, and then said to the waiter, "We need to name The cowboy!"

   "No, this isn't..." Before the waiter finished speaking, several girls rushed towards Jiang Cheng.

   "This situation..." Jiang Cheng looked at the waiter on the side with a gloomy expression.

   "Anyway, I would like to ask you to temporarily help Madame Langsang, please!" The waiter whispered to Jiang Cheng's ear, "This shop is the painstaking effort of Madame Langsang. If anything happens..."

   Seeing the waiter's face full of embarrassment, Jiang Cheng had no choice but to respond and said, "Well, then I will help Mr. Kuangshilang, after all, he also sent someone to buy games for me."

   "Thank you so much!" The waiter quickly put on a grateful face.

   "Don't be too happy, this is my first time doing this kind of work." Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said softly.

   "Hey, what's your name?" A girl took the lead in hugging Jiang Cheng's arm and asked.

   "Name?" Jiang Cheng scratched his head, "Of course it is Jiang..."

   Before Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he was pulled by the waiter. The waiter whispered in Jiang Cheng’s ear, “It’s better not to tell your real name here, just use letters instead...”

   "Letters?" Jiang Cheng puzzled.

   "KOU (江)?" The young lady smiled, and then asked, "It turns out to be Lord KOU, are you a new cowboy?"

   (ps: The pronunciation of Jiang alone as a surname is KOU, such as the pronunciation of Jianghua in the original work (KOUKA), this pronunciation is not pinyin but Roman.)

   "It's just for a class!" Ignoring the veiled look of the waiter on the side, Jiang Geng replied decisively that some limits cannot be broken!

   "It turned out to be like this, so why don't we have something to drink?" The young lady looked at the waiter, "First, two bottles of winter paley~"

   "Qiaodou sack!" Jiang Chong cried out, "Winter Paley can't do anything, I'm a man who only drinks Chinese liquor!"

   "Hey?! Does Mrs. KOU like that kind of wine? It has a high degree!" The young lady was shocked.

   "Well, the rest are very annoying!" Jiang Cheng nodded and said.

   "As expected, Lord KOU, I actually like that kind of spirits, so masculine~" the young lady praised, then looked at the waiter aside and asked: "Are there any high-end Chinese liquor?"

   "Ah, yes. There are a few boxes in the warehouse, but no one orders..."

   "Take them all!" The young lady glanced at Jiang Cheng's flawless face, UU reading www.uukanshu. com then looked at the waiter and said fiercely, "No matter how many there are! We want them all!"

   "Hey?! I can drink..." Before the waiter was finished, the young lady stared at him and said, "I see!"

   After speaking, the waiter ran to the warehouse.


   Unconsciously, the time has come to the evening.

  Jiangcheng has changed the number of guests. Almost all the female guests when they learned that Jiangcheng only drank Chinese wine, they were all called boxes of white wine. Even the stock in the warehouse was emptied by Jiang Cheng, after which employees ran out to buy it in the store outside. But in the end... Jiang Cheng showed no signs of being drunk...

   is really annoying to these young ladies who look at Jiang Cheng. As for why they have changed several waves of customers, it is of course because Jiang Cheng has emptied their


   "Awesome! Half a day's performance has topped us for a month!" A kind of cowboy praised Jiang Cheng.

   "Moreover, I sold out all the Chinese high-grade liquors in Tun's that could not be sold!" Another Cowherd said with emotion.



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