May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 119: : Only children can say [all] arbitrarily...

"Because it's a family matter, so I don't want to make a big deal..." Father Hashita explained.

"It's all this way, and I still say such things." Granny Dengshi sighed.

At this moment, Yue Yong noticed that a woman who looked exactly like the woman in the photo was about to walk out of the side alley.

When it was said that it was too late, Yue Yong directly placed her hands behind her to reveal two kunai, and turned her head to the woman, beckoning the woman not to make a sound or come out.

The strange woman's expression changed when she saw Father Hashida through Yueyong.

"If you see this woman, please contact me immediately!" Old Hashida said, and handed another photo to Grandma Dengshi. "This is a photo of my grandson."

Finally, after watching the old man leave in a car, Xin Ba Hao finally discovered that the grandson of Mr. Hashida in the photo looks exactly the same as Xiao Yinshi!

"this is……"

"Hey, you can come out now." After Yue Yong finished speaking, the woman walked out from the alley next to her.

"Huh——!!!" Xin Ba Haw was shocked, "Why is she here?!!!"

"It seems that I'm not the only one who noticed something wrong." Granny Dengshi sighed softly, "but it seems to be involved in strange things again. Anyway, let's talk about something in the house."


In the Dengshi shop, after listening to the young woman's story about her own experience, Xin Ba Ha was a little unbelievable.

"Do you mean that the kind old grandfather is the bad guy?!"

"So the experience of a child is far from enough." Mother-in-law Dengshi continued, "From the very beginning, the old man was lying."

"Is that so?!" Xin Ba Hao murmured, "But it's really unexpected, such a kind old man... But thanks to Miss Yue Yong, she noticed something wrong and hid Miss A Fang."

"It's just a simple judgment. In a place like Yoshihara, I have seen too many spies and disguise, and the old man's lies are so easy to see through." Yue Yong continued.

"But...that's what I said," Xin Ba Haw's expression was a little embarrassed. "That old grandfather also loves his grandson? Why is it so troublesome..."

"There is a reason..." Afang, Kenshichiro's mother, explained with her head down, "Actually..."

Finally, after Afang’s explanation, everyone finally learned that Afang fell in love with Kantaro, the son of the Hashida Group, and was opposed by his father Hashida. After that, the two ran away, but Kanshichiro's grandfather found him again and forcibly took Kantaro away. At this time, Afang was pregnant, and Kanshiro was born.

After Kantaro died in critical condition, Hashida's father found Afang again and forcibly regained his grandson Kenzachiro.

"This kind of thing is too..." Xinba Haw didn't know what to say anymore.

"So what are you going to do next? Take the kids and run away?" Mother-in-law Dengshi asked.

"I don't know... I originally wanted to escape, but now..." Fang muttered, lowering his head.

"Anyway, let's notify those two fools first." Yue Yong said.

"Where is my child?" A Fang asked, raising his head.

"Don't worry about this for now. Although the two people are idiots, they are very reliable in the face of this situation." Xin Ba Hao promised, patted his chest.

"Well, don't worry! I have already sent a message to Uncle Aru!" Kagura said confidently.

"Are you sure you have described the whole thing completely?" Xin Ba Hao was a little disbelief, "Take out the phone and let us take a look at the message you sent!"

"Are you underestimating me Alu?!" Kagura cursed and took out his cell phone.

"It's unclear at all! Jiang Chengsang can't understand it at all! Hurry up and send it to me!" As he said, Xin Ba Hao grabbed the phone, re-edited one and sent it to Jiang Cheng.

……Fuge Novel Network

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Jiang Cheng muttered while looking at the text message re-sent by Xinba Hao, and looked at Yin Shi who was surrounded by a crowd of ronin.

"Hey, Yin Shi, do you want to help?" Jiang Cheng stood on the roof and squinted his eyes. "This time seems to be my responsibility. I'll help you out of it~"

As he said, Jiang Cheng was about to jump off, but at this moment, a man's voice came, "Stop it, facing the two of them, there is not enough life to pay."

"You are..." Jiang Cheng looked at the incoming person and asked in confusion, "Who are you?"

Okada Shizo smiled slightly, "Although I think I'm strong enough, I don't seem to be enough to look at you two adults."

"You opened your eyes and took a look at me. Who are you anyway?" Jiang Chengcou continued in front of Okada Sizou.

"I'll see each other again someday," Okada said with a smile, "The beast sleeping in the body and...a real beast. It's really exciting...hahahaha"

"Yin Shi, is this person sick?" Jiang Cheng whispered to Yin Shi on the side, "It's not mentally sick, right?"

"I heard that a lot of patients ran out of the mental hospital recently, and it must be of that kind!" Yin Shi whispered back.

"It's really dangerous, do you want to call the mental hospital?" Jiang Cheng frowned and said.

"Don't worry, this kind of person with a problem in the head is very fragile, and finally got his freedom again. He will go crazy when you call! Maybe he will perform an abdomen cut on the spot for us! Then we will It's a murderer!" Yin Shi reminded in a low voice.

No matter how good Okada's temper is, he still feels a little uncomfortable when he hears the quiet discussion between the two, but he is even more excited when he thinks that there will always be a chance to fight with these two men...

"Hey, why is he getting more and more excited?!" Jiang Cheng continued to ask in a low voice, "Is he not a pervert?!!!"

"What are you **** talking about?!" A ronin couldn't help but said.

boom! ! !

The wall beside the ronin was directly blasted by the umbrella that Jiang Cheng threw out.

"Hey, be careful when you speak." Jiang Cheng drew his ears and didn't care about the ronin who had been scared to pee his pants. He walked to the ruins and picked up his umbrella. "Don't be so scared all day. With a broken sword, wouldn’t it be okay to find an honest girl to start a family earlier? Isn’t your mother in your hometown so hopeful? If you know you’re doing this kind of thing now, she’s sure to cry and scold you for being an unfilial son. Right?"

"What are you talking nonsense!" The rest of the ronin also gathered around.

"Huh? Am I right?" Jiang Cheng glanced around and asked in confusion, but the aura of those eyes was so strong that they scared all the ronin into motion.

"No! His mother has passed away!" a Ronin retorted with courage.

"It turned out to be like this," Jiang Cheng nodded with regret, "I'm really sorry just now. I said that before I figured out the situation. However, I believe that your old mother who was sleeping in the old family was also before his death. I hope so. Do you think I am right?"

The ronin nodded like chickens pecking rice. Jiang Cheng's momentum is really terrifying.

"Then go find a girl to get married! What are you doing here in a daze?!" Jiang Cheng roared, and a crowd of ronin instantly scattered like birds and beasts.

"It's really too strong~" Okada Sizou licked his lips, "Then goodbye, Lord Shirayasha and... Lord Jiang Cheng."

After speaking, Okada Nizo turned around and left.

"Wait..." Ginshi wanted to stop Okada Mizou, but the latter had disappeared.

"That person should be Gaozai." Jiang Cheng said softly.

"You knew it from the beginning?" Yin Shi was puzzled.

"Almost..." Jiang Cheng said casually, and then looked at Kanshiro in the stroller aside, "Boy, do you like mom or grandpa? Or do you like both?"

"Mom? Grandpa?" Yin Shi was puzzled. "What are you talking about?"

"Look at it for yourself." As he said, Jiang Cheng handed the phone to Yin Shi.

Ginshi finally understood after reading the message, but the first sentence he said was not about this, but...

", you shouldn't be able to kill people anymore..." Yin Shi returned the phone to Jiang Cheng and said at the same time.

Jiang Cheng was poking Kenshichiro's hand for a moment, and then still smiled, "What are you talking about? Gin Shi?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid, I can see it. Your... your hands can no longer contaminate your life." Gin Shiki replied, "It's been so long, even if it's dull, I can see..."

"Perhaps..." Jiang Cheng stood up, "but don't underestimate me, Yin Shi, I can destroy one without killing one person. So, don't worry..."

After finishing talking, Jiang Cheng has already reached the alley, "By the way, the things behind that child will be left to you. I believe that if it is you, it will be properly settled."

After that, Jiang Chengcheng left, leaving only one silver time left in place thoughtfully.

"It may be the same as the wig said, you...really the person most like a teacher..." Gintoki murmured, and then chuckled softly.


"I almost forgot you were there," Gintoki leaned down and looked at Kanshiro in the stroller. "Then I will ask you the same question, do you like grandpa or mom? Don't tell me you want both. That would be too capricious."

"Eh, oh, oh."

"Do you really want two?" Yin Shi curled his lips, "You are too greedy, kid."

"Eh, oh, oh."

"It's up to you to decide," Yin Shi smiled and said, "Then I will accept your commission! When you grow up, remember to come to the House of Everything to pay your commission."

After that, Gintoki extended his little finger, and Kanshichiro also stretched out his little hand to hold Gintoki's fingers...

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