Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 994: Teacher Shenxian, you can really play

So half an hour later, the "Super Brain Learning Ba" program team received this email, as well as a phone call from the Unnatural Administration.

Make a special Spring Festival, PK playoff!

Director Wang stared at the email and muttered: "Holy doctors, cure all diseases? With medical skills as the theme, go to the finals?"

The staff on the side patted Director Wang on the shoulder and eagerly said: "Director Wang, this medicine is always more serious than Xiuxian, right?"

The theme of cultivating immortals is really nonsense. If this trailer is broadcast, the possibility of being blocked is extremely high.

But medicine is different. As long as people eat whole grains, they will get sick, and everyone will pay attention to medicine.

Director Wang hesitated for a while, and when his gaze fell on the word "xiuxian", he gritted his teeth and patted his thigh, "I'll go to Haicheng and discuss with Teacher Shenxian."

That night, Director Wang came to Haicheng to meet with Bai Chuwei and quickly explained the whole story.

An intriguing smile appeared on Bai Chuwei's face: "Sacred Doctor of Shenxian Island."

What a great promise.

The ancestors really didn't expect that one day the island sect he created would be sent to challenge pk.

Bai Chuwei suddenly felt relieved, and finally one day the little boys could have the courage to challenge their ancestors.

Then she might as well play with these little boys.

Bai Chuwei smiled and nodded: "Yes, I promised, it's just to add some fun to the Spring Festival."

Director Wang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. As expected, Teacher Shenxian was not a stubborn person, and could still listen to others' opinions.

It's good to change Xiuxian to medicine, and this notice can finally be made.

Director Wang was about to speak, who knew that Bai Chuwei seemed to be gasping, and then lightly threw a sentence: "However, this period can only be a wild card match, and the theme of the finals remains unchanged."

There is no need to change what she has decided.

Words about to praise Teacher Shenxian rushed to his throat and almost choked him!

Director Wang: "???"

What the hell?

The theme of the finals remains the same, but... continue to cultivate immortals? ? ?

You are sober! ! !

Director Wang's face was suddenly colorful, as if he had overturned the color palette.

Bai Chuwei smiled slightly and asked, "How is it? Director Wang."

Director Wang showed a mysterious smile, "Very, very good. The resurrection match is also very good..."

As long as you don't do some kind of immortal cultivation now, it is good to be able to delay for half a month and a month. Maybe Bai Chuwei will change his mind by then?

The program of the lithography machine was seven-to-five. The two top school tyrants who were eliminated from the tear-spreading recording scene were earth-shaking crying. At that time, the audience was so infected that they cried.

In the later stages of the game, every player is top-notch, and his strength is only a tiny difference.

Just this time, the two schoolmasters eliminated this time have millions of fans on the Internet, and they have also had a blood book resurrection match.

If this time becomes a resurrection match, the audience should be very satisfied.

Director Wang handed Bai Chuwei a program plan prepared in advance, "Look at it."

Bai Chuwei glanced at ten lines, swept across quickly, and chuckled: "These diseases can't work."

Director Wang couldn't help but nodded and said: "Yes, I think the game is really a bit big. The holy doctor's voice is very loud, it can cure all diseases, and even give out any tumor plans."

Malignant tumor!

Is that going to be hospitalized? Dare to broadcast this in the recording room? The recording room is not a sterile room.

Besides, do any patients with malignant tumors dare to think of themselves as guinea pigs?

Bai Chuwei glanced at the snowball, Bai Mao Xiaozheng came over holding a small cardboard box, and said with a milky voice: "Hey, this is a disease prepared by our old...Shenxian teacher."

Dao Wang was curious. He stretched out his hand and grabbed a piece of paper from the cardboard box. When he opened it, his face suddenly changed, and he spouted saliva on the spot: "I'm going, cancer?"

Dao Wang shook his heart, this was even more terrifying than the plan given by the Holy Doctor!

cancer! ! This is so incurable!

It must be the wrong way of his lottery!

Director Wang was so frightened that he stretched his hand to grab the note in the box again. , The eyes are getting bigger and bigger——


"Gradually frostbite?"


Director Wang: "..."

His whole person is bad.

Teacher Shenxian, you can really play, one is more difficult than the other.

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