Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1026: Shock! Bai Chuwei is not a pirated copy, but an official copy?

Could it be that Bai Chuwei is...

Bai Chuwei is a sudden high, or...

Before Bai Wuyou had time to think about it, a bewildered cry came from the scene.

Several staff members screamed, chasing out from the backcourt, embarrassed. Looking closer, a small white beast with four hooves stepped on the red carpet, his head held high.

Although it was only a small beast, the Cloud Swallowing Beast ran so fast that the staff couldn't stop it.

The wind on the scene changed, except for the audience who had been diagnosed with severe illness by the four Xueba and screamed, "My god, it is a new national treasure, it is a cloud swallowing beast!"

"It's been a long time, I feel fattened a lot, so cute."

"Oh my god, it really made a lot of money this time. I came here to watch the show, did a free terminal checkup, and saw the Cloud Swallowing Beast with my own eyes. Isn't this money worth it?"

"The fairy beast in my dream finally has a look, I want to touch..."


Director Wang almost roared, what are the security and staff doing? !

The staff is also very innocent. Mr. Duan brought it to the backstage just now. Mr. Duan is the biggest money owner in the entertainment industry. Who dares to offend him?

And this little beast is a new national treasure. They are just hitting workers. Who dares to touch them?

One didn't pay attention, the little beast seemed to smell something, and rushed out along the passage.

The host found that the little beast was standing next to him, his heart was beating, and he was about to use the little beast to ease the atmosphere. The cloud swallowing beast tilted his head and looked at Bai Chuwei for a while, and Bai Wuyou for a while. In the confusion.

Cloud-swallowing beast suddenly walked towards Bai Wuyou, his wet nose sniffing her scent.

At first it looked quite docile, but suddenly the little beast neighed in grief and anger, opened his mouth and bit into Bai Wuyou's leg.

"Fuck! What are you doing?" Bai Wuyou broke out an swear word, and fell from the mentor seat in fright.

The cloud swallowing beast's eyes reddened anxiously, his nose was spraying hot air, his two forefoot hooves kept kicking the ground, and his uncompleted horns rushed toward Bai Wuyou.

Bai Wuyou screamed, he was chased by the cloud swallowing beast and ran around the entire recording studio, and only chased her and bit him.

Bite off most of the skirt to reveal the calf, and the sleeves are also bitten off and half pulled.

Bai Wuyou looked embarrassed, and shouted angrily: "Help me!"

The security guard is considering calling the police.

Bai Chuwei hooked the cloud swallowing beast: "Okay, I'll be back soon, she can't run."

The little beast in the past ignored Bai Chuwei 100%. At this time, he heard her speak, hesitated for a few seconds, suddenly stopped, and ran towards Bai Chuwei with his hoofs, and he happily nestled next to Bai Chuwei. Location, and playfully hooked her skirt with a small corner, as if playing.

Bai Chuwei sighed in her heart, this little thing now doesn't think she looks like a bad woman, she is too difficult.

Bai Wuyou was helped back by the staff, and her heart was raging. Her gaze fell on the little beast, seeing that it was hooking Bai Chuwei's skirt with her small horns. The skirt looked like waves in the sea, and the embroidery patterns on the skirt were even more moving.

The pattern on the skirt, the ink bamboo pattern on it...

She felt familiar before, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Reminiscent of the speculation that popped up in her mind just now, the attitude of this little cloud swallowing beast towards Bai Chuwei...

Bai Wuyou's face turned pale, she finally remembered where she had seen it.

On all the medicine bottles on the medicine shelf of the Shenxian Island owner she searched, there were these exactly the same patterns.

So... Bai Chuwei is not a pirated copy, but an official copy? ? ?

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