Master Zhan, Calm Down!

Chapter 1186: High (chao)! ! !

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The flexible wings can also instigate, lifelike, like a divine bird. When the fans saw someone appeared, they suddenly shouted desperately, "sun! sun——!"

It's just that they all thought it was one person and called their group's name, until the moment they landed on the ground, the huge wings on both sides of that person suddenly turned into a human form and turned into three people. +++ Catino Novel Network

As soon as this scene came out, it even caused a burst, "Ahhh, Nissan!"

"Mimi! Mimi!!!"

"Harlan! Harlan--!"

That’s right, someone called another figure Harlan! Obviously knowing that he left the band due to illness, but in the face of this sudden "person", I have never heard Sun's notice, so many of Harlan's fans thought it was Harlan's return.

As soon as they landed, they waved at tens of thousands of fans, and then all turned around and jumped on the elevator platform, returning to their own musical instrument position.

It's just that, all appearances are projected onto the big screen, and it is immediately clearly presented-Harlan has become a masked man with chestnut (colored) hair in his original position, but he looks at his figure and (exposed) Half of the face is still extremely surprised (yan yan).

Suddenly, many people were agitated for this person.

Until Sang Xia sat on a high chair and slowly rose up from below, her singing calmed all the restlessness almost instantly, and fans began to cry for the coming chao!

After Sang Xia came up, she took off the microphone and walked to the edge of the front stage with her (sexual xg) stiletto heels. Her unique and charming voice continued to prepare to sing high (chao), "I was in your most desperate period. Stay by your side

I used to accompany you through your darkest night"

Gao (chao) greeted with excitement, and the whole group began their most exciting chorus, ‘butiwonderwherewereyouwheniwasatyworstdownonyknees

But now.

I want to know where you were when I was full of helplessness and pleading


And you said you would be by my side so I want to know where you were then"

A totally amazing (yan yan) song, whether it is a beautiful and light rhythm or a vice vocal, high (chao), every part is extremely in place, especially high (chao), exciting and exciting people are accompanied by the first During the second chao, I couldn't help but cried out!

Sang Xia's appearance led directly to the highest part of the song, and huge fireworks rose in the sky. The water belt surrounding the square of tens of thousands of people was also like a fountain, following the rhythm of the song. !

Everything is so beautiful this night! Everything is magnificent!

Sang Xia opened her eyes slowly at the place where she sang the highest (chao), and looked at the night sky. Her long eyes seemed to be infected by this song, and they appeared moist.

She continued to sing, but her eyes were looking into the distance, igniting the flames and the sea of ​​flowers, and it seemed that her eyes suddenly dangled.

It made her eyes seem to go back to the last time in an instant. The last concerts seemed to be in the environment, as if the first row of seats were sitting in the narrow and long eyes, watching with excitement and smile. Her Rong Zhan.

Sang Xia blinked a bit of moist eyes, and his gaze subconsciously fell on the position he looked at before in the first row.

A dark (color) figure, a familiar face looked at him like that, and his narrow eyes were as they used to be, with pride and a smile on her.

Sang Xia continued to sing and blinked.

She feels that she needs to be sober. This is the live concert in Australia. You can't have hallucinations because you miss Rong Zhan, and you can't always miss the previous two concerts with him.

But after she blinked her eyes, she found that Rong Zhan's figure seemed to be still there--

〔S1: Song "as", 2 lyrics have been dropped〕

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