Chapter 3015 Cosmic Bounty Order (Part 2)

"This matter is settled like this. With a reward of 100 billion, even if this kid can escape again, he will have nothing to hide!"

"Queen Ling, this son will definitely die in our hands. Just wait and see what kind of terrible revenge we will take on him!"

"He dares to stand on the opposite side of all of us at the same time. He is indeed the first person, but he is definitely the last person. He is dead!"

"There is no way for him to escape in heaven or on earth. Let's go..."

Terrifying sounds of murderous intent resounded throughout the world, shaking the sky, and then hundreds of strong men came to the Endless Lake and left in an instant.

To kill the Empress Ling was not a last resort. People like them really didn't dare to do it, even if the Empress Ling was Chen Xuan's woman.

The Queen of Spirits was able to enter the ranks of the top powerhouses in the Xuanhuang Universe. In addition to her own terrifying natural strength, it was also because there was a terrifying person standing behind her. If she offended this person, the consequences would be quite terrifying.

As these hundreds of strong men broke through the air and left the Endless Lake, Queen Ling, who had always maintained a calm expression, turned pale. Just now, she was alone in facing the oppression of hundreds of strong men. Even those who were as strong as her could not bear it. .

"The cosmic bounty order, I wonder how long he can hide it?" The Spirit Queen sighed. The five major overlord forces and the giant clan issued such a tempting bounty order at the same time, no matter who it was, they would be tempted.

Therefore, once someone discovers Chen Xuan's whereabouts and informs these overlords, can you imagine what kind of situation Chen Xuan will face?

"Leave, hundreds of powerful men have arrived. The scene just now was too terrifying. Fortunately, I didn't do anything, otherwise even the Queen of Spirits wouldn't be able to stop me!"

"However, these overlord forces actually issued such a huge reward order at the same time. Once the news gets out, no matter where Chen Xuan appears, he will be nowhere to be seen."

"With a reward order worth hundreds of billions, and it is for the entire Xuanhuang Universe, how many people will not move in the face of such a huge temptation?"

Heart? "

"There will definitely be no hiding place for Chen Xuan in the entire Xuanhuang Universe. As long as he is discovered, his location will definitely be spread to the ears of the major overlord forces immediately."

"With a reward of hundreds of billions, even if I admire this guy Chen Xuan, I still want to kill him!"


Many people have fiery eyes. They are undoubtedly tempted by the cosmic bounty orders issued by the major overlord forces, but no one knows where Chen Xuan is currently.

Of course, it can be seen from this that once the cosmic bounty order issued by the major overlord forces is spread, anyone who knows will definitely be tempted. As long as they discover Chen Xuan's whereabouts, they will definitely inform the major overlord forces.

"It has only been a short time, but he has grown to this extent!"

At the same time, in another star field, in a huge store, an ordinary-looking woman with nothing amazing about her frowned.

Listening to the chatter coming from around the store, there was a solemn look in his beautiful eyes.

But if Chen Xuan were here at this time, he would definitely see the identity of this woman. Although she had changed her face, Chen Xuan would never forget those unique eyes.

This woman is naturally Fengling who left Chen Xuan. Recently, she has been in retreat in a certain desolate star field, and now she has just come out of seclusion and came to the life star field.

"Facing the giants and the major overlord forces, Chen Xuan will definitely be unstoppable. Even if there is a spirit queen to support him, it will not help."

"Oh, what a pity. A peerless evildoer has just emerged and is about to be destroyed.

crisis! "

Listening to these words kept coming, Feng Lingdai frowned even more, even though she had made up her mind not to have anything to do with Chen Xuan when she left, and she was a stranger from then on.

But now that she heard that Chen Xuan was in danger, she felt a little worried.

"This kid dares to provoke these overlord forces at the same time. Isn't it his life?" Fengling calmly said to herself, "What does this kid's life and death have to do with me?" .??.

Having said that, the worry on his face became more serious.

Thinking that these overlord forces were about to attack Chen Xuan, and thinking of the desperate situation that Chen Xuan would face alone, she struggled internally, and then quickly left the store.

"Just help him this time, this is the last time!" Fengling thought in her heart.

On a sea of ​​​​stars, a huge battleship is quickly heading towards the sea of ​​​​stars farther away.

Looking closer, the blind man was drinking a drink in boredom on the deck of the battleship. In the cabin of the battleship, Chen Xuan and Chu Nuer were both practicing.

The Upper Temple of Taiyin is located in the distant Taiyin Star Territory. Chen Xuan and the others are still far away from this place. It will take at least several months to reach the Taiyin Star Territory.

"After thousands of years, I wonder if my old friend still remembers the blind man!" On the deck, the blind man drank strong wine and looked at the sea of ​​stars in the distance. He sighed, and a bitter smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth. smile.

Inside the ship's cabin, Chen Xuan was cultivating dark power at this time.

So far, the human power cultivated by Chen Xuan has completely surpassed the dark power. This transcendence is not only a transcendence in realm, but also in terms of combat power.

Now even if Chen Xuan exerts all his dark power and uses the idea of ​​​​demon vision, the power cannot catch up.

Chen Xuan's swordsmanship, so Chen Xuan naturally wants to gradually improve his dark power.

Chen Xuan will not give up on this kind of power. If the human power he cultivates can no longer progress, there is still dark power that can allow him to continue to progress.

In the ship cabin, as Chen Xuan continued to practice, he saw majestic dark power spreading out of the dark star in his hand, and was finally absorbed by Chen Xuan and entered his body. , constantly growing the dark power in his body.

Chen Xuan's dark power has been elevated to the realm of the Demon Infant, but naturally this realm is also divided into smaller realms.

They are the two realms of the Little Demon Infant and the Great Demon Infant!

And Chen Xuan is currently in the stage of little devil baby...

Time flies, and a few months pass in the blink of an eye, and Chen Xuan and the others are gradually approaching the Taiyin Star Territory.

But what Chen Xuan doesn't know yet is that in the past few months, the entire Xuanhuang Universe has become more and more boiling, and has not calmed down because of the passage of time.

Nowadays, not only the people from the five major overlord forces are looking for Chen Xuan, there are also countless practitioners in the entire Xuanhuang Universe who want to know the whereabouts of Chen Xuan.

The cause of all this is naturally the cosmic bounty order jointly issued by the major overlord forces.

Faced with such a reward of hundreds of billions, it is indeed difficult for anyone to be tempted. After all, as long as you discover Chen Xuan and inform the major overlords, you can easily obtain a reward of hundreds of billions. Who wants to miss it?

"We are almost reaching the Lunar Star Territory!" On the deck of the battleship, the expression on the blind man's face became more and more complicated.

At the same time, a powerful dark force spread from the ship's cabin.

"Breakthrough, after months of hard work, I finally advanced to the realm of the Great Demon Infant!"

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