"You are not a man's wife, you are just too capable!" Qin Feng said lightly: "If you have the heart, just fight and support yourself. If your father only needs 80,000 yuan, you can redeem yourself! When he sold it to you!"

Xiao Jing gritted her teeth and nodded.

"Yeah, I want to make money, the big deal is death, if I go back alive, I'll be free!"

Of course, this momentum didn't last long before Xiao Jing sighed.

It's so easy to make money.

80,000 yuan, if it is in the gathering place, she will not be able to earn even if she is a lady in the red light district in a month.

What's more, her appearance is probably the kind that no one cares about!

However, her eyes fell on Qin Feng, but she regained hope.

It's not that he wants to rely on Qin Feng, but Qin Feng's change is too great.

"Qin Feng, what have you been doing these days? It feels like a big change. You seem to have gained a lot of weight!"

"What I'm doing now is what you want to do, isn't it?" Qin Feng replied, as for Xiao Jing's fatness, it is better to say that she is strong.

"You've been hunting these days? You... have you awakened your abilities?"

"No!" Qin Feng continued to deny.

"Qin Feng, you are really amazing!" Xiao Jing admired sincerely, "Maybe this is the reason why you are always the first in your grade. If I knew it earlier, I would have taken more fighting classes!"

However, the fighting class is very exhausting. Xiao Jing once fainted after exercising in the fighting class, and she seldom exercises after that.

"Learn now, it's still too late!"

Qin Feng didn't know what Xiao Jing went through before he was reborn, but she was able to achieve success, I'm afraid she was honed between life and death.

"嘤嘤嘤!" It seemed that he stayed in the backpack for too long, and Xiaobai couldn't help showing his head from the backpack.

Xiao Jing was immediately attracted by the extra little white.

"What is this? It's so cute!" Xiao Jing couldn't help but want to touch it.

"Squeak!" Xiaobai's tender teeth were exposed, showing strong hostility towards Xiao Jing.

Qin Feng was also a little surprised, but he still stretched out his hand to comfort him.

"It's okay, she's a companion!"

Xiaobai stared at Xiao Jing with dark eyes, and seemed very unhappy that he had such a weak companion.

But it soon got out of hand.

"Hey!" Xiaobai looked vigilant and looked in one direction.

Qin Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xiao Bai's vigilance to be so strong.

Xiaobai jumped up and jumped out of the combat backpack at a very fast speed. He only felt a white light flashing, and ordinary people's eyes couldn't catch its figure.

"Xiao Bai!" Qin Feng suddenly became nervous, raised his hand, took out the energy gun, and aimed at that position.

There's a thread snake there!

With a thin wrist and a length of three meters, a small thing like Xiaobai can be swallowed by the other party in one bite.

"Whoosh!" The line snake attacked with its head, biting towards Xiaobai.

Without hesitation, Qin Feng raised his hand and shot.


The bullet with strong energy burst silently, almost like a ray of light, instantly piercing the head of the snake.

But before that, Xiaobai had already disappeared.

"Teleport!" Qin Feng watched helplessly as Xiao Bai used such an ability. The white fur had a silver light, and he thought that this was the symbol of the space element rune.

The space system is only possessed by special alien beasts, and even among the abilities of human awakening, the space system is not included, so it is particularly precious.

Unexpectedly, Xiaobai actually awakened such an ability.

But thinking of the space channel when Xiaobai appeared, maybe this itself is the ability of Xiaobai's mother.

Is Xiaobai actually a space beast?

Qin Feng was really surprised.

"Squeak!" Xiaobai emerged from the space, and when he saw the death of the snake, he immediately became dissatisfied. It jumped around the snake a few times, but it seemed that he didn't find anything he liked, or the snake was too big, causing Xiaobai couldn't speak at all.

"It's too dangerous!" Qin Feng rebuked, his tone was not very good, Xiaobai's black and lulu glazed eyes were misty, and he lowered his head in grievance.

"Alright, alright!" Qin Feng couldn't help but touched Xiaobai's forehead, then picked up the dagger and went to disassemble the thread snake.

This time he brought a lot of packages, disassembled the fangs, put the snake gall in a jar, peeled off the snake skin and collected it.

"Are you afraid of snakes?" Qin Feng said.

Xiao Jing's legs actually trembled, but when Qin Feng said so, Xiao Jing gritted her teeth almost subconsciously and said, "Don't be afraid!"

Qin Feng nodded, looked around, and walked in another direction with the snake's body.

Xiao Jing followed him, not knowing what Qin Feng was going to do.

Qin Feng chopped off the snake's body, threaded a string of arrows through it, and lit a charcoal directly.

The charcoal suddenly burst into flames the size of a washbasin. Qin Feng took a tree branch and set it up beside him, and roasted the snake meat.

Soon, the aroma of snake meat spread out.


Xiao Jing swallowed hard, she hadn't eaten in the morning.

"Eat some!" Qin Feng gave Xiao Jing a bunch, and grilled another piece of snake meat. Anyway, the snake was big enough for one person to eat enough.

"Thank you!" Xiao Jing was not polite, and brought it over to eat.

"Eat more. This can improve the system. If you want to fight, you can't do it without physical strength."

"En!" Xiao Jing ate harder.

The meat of the snake is delicious and warm in the stomach. I don't know if it is a psychological effect. Xiao Jing really feels that she is full of strength.

She is still in the awakening stage. Not only has she not exercised in the past few days, but she has also not eaten very well. As soon as the snake meat enters her stomach, it is immediately decomposed into energy, as if to make up for what she has lost over the years.

"Squeak!" Xiaobai called out again.

"Be quiet!" Qin Feng picked up the hand crossbow, clicked it, and brought the crossbow arrow.

Xiao Jing looked around with wide eyes, three snakes were circling and moving towards them.

"By the way, when you are alone in the future, don't roast snakes in the wild!"

Qin Feng was reminding, Xiao Jing swallowed another mouthful of meat with difficulty, holding the steel bar in her hand.

She suddenly remembered that there was one when she was learning about wild survival in the middle school. No matter how delicious the snake meat is, don't roast it in the wild.

How many thread snakes are there in one kilometer around the planting field?

Thinking of this, Xiao Jing felt horrified. She looked at Qin Feng and felt that the other party was crazy.

Qin Feng was naturally not crazy.

The wilderness near Chengyang City is considered to be half a safe area. Hunting in such a place is more difficult than fighting to find prey. In this case, it is not better to use the simplest method directly.

What's more, he was about to try to absorb the power of Star Jue.

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