Seeing this, on the light screens across the multiverse, the barrage suddenly boiled.

“Good fellow! What is the blood of all peoples, and will this king become a vampire? ”

“It’s so outrageous, it’s all to this point, can’t he just order to die?”

“Oops! I finally figured it out, it turned out that in the previous image… The self-hanging of that king turned out to be a ritual of death! After he dies, he will be resurrected in three days! ”

“Is there any mistake, what kind of eastern god is this guy? Can you come back to life when you die? ”

“This country is really unlucky to meet such a ghostly king!”

“I don’t even understand, even the country has been destroyed, and now it is necessary to drink the blood of the people!” Even if this king is immortal, what is the point? ”

“An immortal king who rules a dead country with no living left! It’s really far from the original…”

And at the same time, in the hellish dimension outside the MCU universe.

“Hmph, the answer given to you for free by the Grim Reaper?”

Mephisto touched his chin, and a sly smile appeared on his crimson face.

“If that human king still has a little bit of sanity… He should know that he must not listen to such an answer. ”

“In this world, free things are always the most expensive!”


Mephisto sneered:

“If this fool still has sanity, how did he get to this point?”

At this time, deep in the universe, above Temple 1.

“The blood of all peoples… I understand! ”

Thanos sat on the throne and pondered for a while, narrowed his eyes and said coldly:

“Sure enough, no matter what universe they are in, these gods of death are all a virtue!”


Hearing this, the Dead Blade General, the head of the five obsidian generals, hurriedly stepped forward in small steps and asked in a respectful whisper:

“Lord Thanos, what have you seen through?”

“It’s simple.”

Thanos’s tone was extremely cold, mixed with a hint of disdain:

“In the previous image, the faceless messenger had proposed to the people of this human kingdom… Blood sacrifice! ”

“Give all your blood to the king!”

“This is the blood of all peoples!”

Thanos’ voice was like steel, cold and hard:

“In the beginning, those three gods of death did not intend to give anything to that king!”

“They just want to take all the lives of this country with the help of the stupidity of this king!”

“This is the duty of the God of Death!”

While saying this, Thanos also recalled irrepressibly… The “self” of other universes.

It seems that except for himself, all other Thanos are fascinated by “death”, desperate to slaughter other beings in the universe for the sake of this goddess who does not take him to heart at all.

But in the end, the goddess of death didn’t even bother to look at him!

This is the end of the creature who was deceived by death!

At this time, a new image also appeared on the light screen.

[After receiving the guidance of the “messenger of death”, in the face of the rebels who invaded the capital, the king of the Aga Kingdom did not resist and directly hanged himself in the court. 】

[“Hahaha, that comatose lord is finally dead! “】

[“Celebrate together! The era of the Dusk King is over! There is finally hope for our country. “】

[“Pull out the corpse of the unconscious king and whip the corpse! Then take it and feed the dog! “】

[Yes, it is because he is immoral and incompetent that he has caused such a terrible disaster! Now the whole country is dying, and it’s all his fault! “】

[“Don’t bother so much, hang the corpse!”] Let the birds and beasts eat it all! “】

[In this way, the king’s body was hung on a high pole, which soon attracted countless crows. 】

[“Quack! “】

[Endless crows, frantically pounced around the king’s corpse, and soon ate the corpse to pieces, and the blood and flesh were fragmented. 】

[However, on the 3rd day after the king hanged himself, an extremely strange disaster befell the entire capital. 】

[“Aaaa “】

[“Save… Save me…”

[Without any warning, everyone in the capital was hit by this invisible plague, and they didn’t even have time to react, so they all died! ] 】

[The most terrifying thing is that the mysterious dead person, the blood on the body… All flowed out of the five senses and seven tips! 】

[Until the blood dries and the corpse turns into a dry corpse!] 】


[Countless streams of blood gathered together, and a river of blood was formed in the capital! ] 】

[“Huh… It’s a spectacular sight. “】

[Dried corpses everywhere, rivers of blood rushed.] Faced with this strange and terrifying scene, the “faceless messenger” suddenly fell from the sky again. 】

[I saw that the “Faceless Messenger” took out a delicate jade cup from his sleeve robe, bent down and put the cup into the river of blood on the ground. 】

[“Hula! “】

[With a clear sound, the river of blood that ran through the entire capital city actually poured into the cup, and finally disappeared. ] 】

[At this time, not a drop of blood can be seen in the entire capital, but the smell of blood is disgusting and pungent! ] 】

At this time, the universe.

“Damn it, is this the blood of all peoples? It’s so evil! ”

Clark Kent clenched his fists, and his eyes actually lit up with an ominous red light.

This is the heat ray!

Too angry, Clark almost unintentionally released… This is enough ultraheat rays to penetrate the surface!


It took a while for him to suppress his anger, and his eyes returned to normal again.

“Why? Why is this? ”

Recalling the tragic death of tens of thousands of people and rivers of blood on the screen, Clark couldn’t help but close his eyes again.

Although he has super strength, Superman, who has a kind and gentle personality, has never seen civilians suffer, let alone such a large-scale population dying.

And in addition to the shock, Clark’s heart was also full of doubts.

Why? Why do the more high-ranking monarchs or gods ignore the suffering of ordinary people, and even try to profit from it?

At this time, in the light screen.

[“Hahaha! Your Majesty, long time no see. “】

[The faceless messenger came to the high pole that hoisted the king’s corpse, and with a wave of his hand, the corpse that had been gnawed to pieces by countless crows fell from the sky and fell to the ground. 】

[Next, the horror happened.] 】


[Just like a zombie, this corpse, which can hardly see the human form, is actually struggling… Stand up from the ground. 】

[“Your Majesty, this is the blood of all peoples, please drink it! “】

[The faceless messenger sent the jade cup in his hand to the king’s corpse. 】

[“Blood … Phoenix…… Immortal…”

[From the mouth of the “corpse of the king”, a vague voice came out. 】

[Obviously, his tongue has also been gnawed off a lot by the crow. 】

[Looking at the bright blood in the cup, the king hung in the broken eyeball outside the eye socket, and actually showed a trace of longing. ] 】

【”I want to drink…”】

[Struggling hard, the “King Corpse” stretched out its tattered right arm, wanting to pick up the jade cup from the Faceless Emissary’s hand and pour it into his throat. 】

[“Dang! “】

[But I didn’t expect that his fingers, and even the palms… All of them were pecked by crows, and they couldn’t grasp the cup at all, and this stretched out their hands, but knocked the jade cup to the ground! 】

[The “blood of all peoples” in the jade cup was immediately scattered. 】

[“Hula la! “】

[Immediately afterwards, this cup of “blood of ten thousand people”, which gathered the blood of all the people in the capital, suddenly turned into a “torrent of blood” again, roaring and flowing outside the city! ] 】

“Nope! It’s mine…… It’s mine…… Immortality…”]

[The “remnant of the king” trembled madly, and its arms waved weakly in the air. 】

[In desperation.] He looked at the faceless messenger next to him again and roared in a hoarse voice: ]

[“I want blood… Give it to me…”

[“Hey! “】

[The faceless messenger shook his head and sighed, and his body gradually turned into a bubble and dissipated in front of the “king’s corpse”. 】

[Immediately above the king, three black figures appeared. 】

[That was the figure of the “Three Brothers of Death” that he summoned from the abyss. 】

[“It’s a pity that I didn’t drink the blood of ten thousand people. “】

[One of the dead brothers, staring condescendingly at the corpse of the king, said in a mocking voice:]

“From now on, you will not be able to live or die! “】

“Nope! Don’t…”

[The “King’s Remnant” desperately wants to continue to beg for the mercy of the god of death, but all he can get. There was only a series of maniacal laughter :]

[“Hahaha! “】

[In the wild laughter that resounded through the heavens and the earth, the figures of the three gods of death suddenly collapsed, turned into countless black crows, and flew away without looking back! ] 】

【“!!! “】

[Looking at the crow in the air, the figure of the “King Remnant” instantly solidified, as if it was hit by thunder, and the whole person was completely petrified! ] 】

[At this time, the capital city was already full of dried corpses, and not even a single living mouth could be seen. ] 】

[The only one who is still standing is a “Han King” whose body is shattered and can hardly be seen in human form! ] 】

At this time, the underworld, Heim.

“This… Is this the means of the real Grim Reaper? ”

Hela sat on the bone throne, her eyes were bursting with small stars, and her face showed an uncontrollable look of envy.

In the previous impression, the three brothers of death seemed to behave a little “out of the ordinary”, even an ordinary human could not win, and even because they lost the treasure, they were angry and corrupted.

But now it seems that it is just a “special case”!

As the “ancient gods” that existed before the multiverse, the three brothers of death still have a super high level!

At the snap of your fingers, play the king of the world on top of applause! Control the life and death of countless mortals!

This is the Grim Reaper!

At this time, in the light screen.

[In the banished library, there is an ancient document recorded in the Chinese language. 】

[On the ancient books, the story that happened after that is recorded:] (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

【“…… When the Grim Reaper turned into a crow and left the city, the dried corpses in the capital stood up again, bending their bodies to imitate the appearance of living people. “】

“The dead walked through the twisted streets, covered their bloody faces with masks, and once again began to cheer, as they did on the day they occupied the palace. “】

“They started another carnival in the new city, as if this tragedy. It’s just a grand masquerade party. “】

“They laughed and laughed until the king began to cry, but it turned into silent sobs because his throat could not make a sound.”] “】

“‘Thus the king of Han rules the city forever, and the masked dead celebrate day after day. Until the body decays and cannot move. “】

“Even those who fled when the king hanged himself. Nor could they be at peace, for the warped city knew where they were hiding, and the whispers that emanated from the city haunted them, both awake and asleep. “】

“They dreamed of a masquerade full of fallen souls, dreamed of their journey through the labyrinth corridor to the magnificent court of King Han. They woke up trembling in fear, but could not forget what they had seen in their dreams, and the rotten ecstasy of the city seemed to have long been rooted in their hearts. “】

“Therefore. They recorded the cursed city in plays and poems, depicting the cursed king in songs and paintings. “】

[“Those works. Some are forgotten in the long river of history, but the remaining ones, each of which will eventually bring its readers to the Han King. “】

And outside the twisted streets of this kingdom, far from the throne of the Han King, the crows flew away laughing, but their eyes will always watch. “】

Seeing this, on the light screens across the multiverse, the barrage was also boiling instantly.

“It turns out that this queen king is really miserable, and he was pit from the beginning to the end by the god of death!”

“Huh? What the? What are you talking about? ”

“Don’t you understand yet? From the beginning, those three gods of death were “routine” this king, and they never intended to make him immortal! ”

“Good fellow, first deliberately lured the king to gamble with them, and won all the “lives” in his kingdom… Then he set up a serial scheme, killing all the remaining people, even turning the king into a monster that does not live or die, these god of death routines are so deep! ”

“It’s terrible, pecking the king’s hand to pieces, making him crow who can’t squeeze the cup … It’s actually all these deaths! It’s all a routine. ”

“Incredible, if the brother of death is so deep in his heart and the means are so ruthless, how can it be planted in the hands of that “old man”, and he won all three artifacts? ”

“Maybe it’s one thing down one thing… Otherwise, there is really no way to explain. ”

At this time, the eternal kingdom of God outside the multiverse.

“Uh-huh, this is the means that the God of Death should have!”

The goddess of death nodded slightly, and her face actually showed a hint of (Qian Wang Hao) pride, obviously praising the behavior of the three brothers of death.

Seeing this, the Eternal Body narrowed its eyes slightly, and there was already a calculation in his heart.

In the rest of the multiverse, he has seen the various actions of the goddess of death, countless doppelgangers.

The personalities of these doppelgangers and the means of acting are strange, but one thing is almost common…

That is to like to deceive!

For some reason, “death” and “deception” always seem to be inseparable, almost inseparable from each other!

Now it seems that even the “three brothers of death” who were born at the beginning of creation are not exempt from vulgarity!

Right at this moment. Above the light screen, the picture turned, and suddenly a new image appeared.


[There is nothing on the screen, only endless darkness, filling everything around.] 】

[In this darkness, there is no time or space, only absolute silence. 】


[“Ugh! “】

[A ray of light shone into the darkness, completely separating the chaos of darkness. 】

[Between darkness and light, between rising darkness and sinking darkness, all become clearly spaced.] 】

[Light shines in darkness, but darkness is not destroyed, but given the hierarchy of “up” and “down”. 】

[And in the darkness of the upper level, one of the oldest “Lord of the End” appeared.] 】

[He comes from darkness, belongs to darkness, is darkness!] 】

[He is the god of death! ] 】

[From this moment on, nothing that is born after that can surpass “Him”! 】

[In the ancient Chinese language, the eldest brother of the god of death has a real name: that is, “A11-Death.”! 】

[This is the birth of the dead brother! ] Rain】


[Looking at the first light that separated the chaos not far away and divided the yin and yang, the God of Death looked at it for a long time, and a smile even appeared at the corner of his mouth. ] 】

[Although he is the embodiment of death and darkness, surprisingly, “Both” actually likes light! ] 】。

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