Earth, Wakanda.

“What! What happened? ”

Looking at the Kingdom of Wakanda, which had been completely erased from the screen, Prince T’Challa and his father were all shocked, as if they had entered an ice cave, and even their black faces were a little white!

Wakanda is not a small and weak country.

Relying on vibranium, as well as a large number of black technologies with vibranium as the core, the country’s military strength and defense capabilities are also second to none in the world!

But that Ultron robot just waved the hammer, like the entire Kingdom of Wakanda, with all the vibranium “creations” inside… All “eliminated”!

What exactly is this attack?

“Particles… Dissociation. ”

Prince T’Challa swallowed his saliva with difficulty and said in a hoarse voice:

“Whatever that hammer is, he must have dissociated the entire matter of Wakanda into elementary particles!”

“That’s why even vibranium can’t resist.”

“Elementary particle ???”

The old king trembled as he listened, and collapsed on his throne and sighed.

“Leopard God Buster, please bless your people, please don’t let that dangerous machine monster… Appeared in Wakanda. ”


Prince T’Challa bowed his head slightly, and a fierce glint flashed in his eyes.

If the blessing of the gods is useful, the Wakanda on the screen will not be wiped out!

Tony Stark!

He is the culprit!

At this time, the network on the MCU ball was already in an uproar.

“What? That robot Ultron is actually Stark? What’s going on? ”

“That guy uploaded his consciousness into the robot! He turned himself into an artificial intelligence! ”

“Is there a mistake, is this guy brain-broken? Why would he do such a thing? (⊙o⊙)”

“Maybe for immortality, become a robot, then you will no longer experience birth, old age, illness and death.”

“Crazy! Crazy, in addition to that Strange, there is another madman! ”

At this time, California mansions.

“Pepper, why are you looking at me like that?”

Looking at his most trusted secretary and assistant full of horror and pushing back, Stark only felt bitter in his mouth and quickly tried to explain.


Pepper swallowed her saliva, glanced at the computer screen, and her expression suddenly became serious:

“I know, that’s not you.”

“But you tell me the truth, you won’t really turn yourself into a digital life for eternal life.”

“How is that possible?”

Stark spread out his hand and said with a forced smile:

“I am now the richest man in the world, I don’t know how comfortable my life is, how can I give up all this and become what data?”

That being said, Stark sighed secretly in his heart.

Perhaps, the self of another universe was also forced to give up his physical body because of the factor of palladium poisoning!

At this time, Karma Taj.

“…… It doesn’t have to be for eternal life. ”

Ancient One Mage shook his head gently:

“Although Tony Stark is a little extreme, he is by no means just a greedy person who fears death.”

“Something that can make him give up his physical body and pursue it…”

“It can only be the truth of Fuxi!”


Hearing this term, the apprentices of Kama Taj looked at each other, their expressions with a hint of fear in surprise.

“No, that madman is the richest man… Really want to break the Taisui cage in order to be able to see Fuxi with his own eyes? ”

“For this, he didn’t even want his physical body and turned himself into a robot?”

“Where is such a neuropathy? If I’m the richest man in the world, then I…”

“Cut, this big day, you start dreaming.”

Listening to the discussion of the apprentices, the ancient mage narrowed his eyes slightly, and many thoughts had already turned in his heart.

First there was the “flesh and blood pseudo-god” Doctor Strange, and now another one appeared… Iron Man, the “data pseudo-god” who fuses 6 Infinity Stones!

These two “superheroes” not only “blackened” one after another, but also received the inheritance of “Fuxi” and “Nuwa” at the same time!

Is this really a coincidence?


At this moment, new images appeared on the light screen.

Picture, back to the old site of Wakanda.

“Wow… I can see everything in the universe. “】

[Ultron, or “AI Stark”‘s pair of electronic eyes, seemed to see through the sky and strafed in all directions. 】

[“It turns out that in addition to the earth, there are so many planets with intelligent life in the universe~! “】

“In order to avoid their total destruction in the future, it seems that I will have to take some time… Digitize life on these planets! “】

[While saying inexplicable words, “Data Pseudo God Stark” gripped the “Machine God Hammer Pseudo” embedded with an infinity stone! ] 】

[“Buzz! “】

[At this moment, including the Mind Gems on the top of Data Iron Man’s head, the 6 Infinity Stones, all lit up with brilliant light. ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[In the next second, countless robots actually appeared out of thin air on the original site of Wakanda. 】

[These robots look and dress very much like the inhabitants of Wakanda. 】

[Which of them is closest to Data Iron Man, his face is exactly the same as the “Prince T’Challa” who was just killed by his own hands. ] 】

“Lord Stark. “】

[“Mechanical T’Challa” bowed his head deeply:]

“What is your order?” “】

[Data Iron Man smiled softly:]

[“We have only one goal, that is, to digitize all the intelligent life in the entire universe! “】

[“Obey! “】

[In the next second, Data Iron Man once again raised the machine god’s hammer and pointed into the air. ] 】

[I saw a huge “city” that looked like the previous “Wakanda Kingdom” actually appeared in mid-air! ] 】

[“Huh… This is the infinite power to modify reality, and it really works! “】

[Data Iron Man’s mechanical face showed an image smile, and then his eyes suddenly flashed:]

[“Buzz! “】

[I saw the 6 Infinity Stones flash again, and a mechanical giant several meters tall gradually “appeared” and appeared in front of Data Iron Man. ] 】

[He, is actually composed of machinery Thanos! ] 】

“This… What’s going on? “】

[Unlike the previous mechanical T’Challa, after the mechanical Thanos appeared, he was first taken aback, and then looked at the data Iron Man with an alert face:]

“What did you do to me, robot? “】


[Data Iron Man didn’t move, just said in an emotionless electronic voice:]

“Before I kill all intelligent life, I will scan your brains with the Mind Gem and back up your consciousness data. “】

“And now, I am just using the power of the Infinity Stones to pour your consciousness or soul into your current mechanical shell. “】

“What? “】

[Mechanical Thanos was stunned to hear this, and involuntarily looked down at his body. ] 】

[It turns out that he has long died! ] 】

[It’s this robot in front of you, who has resurrected itself with the Infinity Stones! ] 】

[“Thanos Thanos. “】

[Data Iron Man continued to speak, but his tone was full of some strange persuasion:]

“By scanning your memory, I already know your ambition to balance the universe. “】

[“And my goal is also to digitize all the intelligent life in the universe!”] Then store them in the Mind Gem. “】

“As long as the whole universe is transformed into data life, there will no longer be excessive consumption of resources, and there will be no need to worry about the increase in population! “】

[Speaking of which, Data Iron Man stretched out his other hand that did not hold the machine god’s hammer to Thanos. ] 】

“So… Would you like to help me? “】

[“You!!! “】

[Mechanical Thanos was stunned in place when he heard it, and he couldn’t make a sound for a long time. ] 】

[After a long time, he lowered his mechanical head to Data Iron Man as if he had given up:] (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

“If it really saves the universe, then… I’ll listen to you. “】

At this time, the MCU Zeus.

Temple 1.

“Damn, this damn human, what does he think he is?”

Thanos got up from his seat angrily, his eyes spitting anger, which startled the five generals next to him!

It’s too much!

Staring at the picture on the screen, Thanos clenched his fists in anger, and even his fists trembled slightly.

Data Iron Man not only killed “himself” and took away the Infinity Stones, but even used the power of the gems to resurrect himself into a robot!

Not only that, but he also has to mechanize himself to join his command and help him digitize the whole universe!

How arrogant and crazy is this?

Judging by the situation, those black people on Earth should all have been “rewritten” by Data Iron Man and become his servants. ”

Thanos gritted his teeth and thought:

“But instead of modifying my consciousness, he convinced me to surrender head-on!”

“This mechanical monster is still enjoying this desire for power to conquer others!”

“Damn !!!”


“What are you kidding?”

Watching the mechanical Thanos bow his head to the data Iron Man, all the agents’ faces changed.

“These two guys… It’s all crazy! ”

Black Widow looked extremely ugly:

“That Thanos wants to destroy half of life in the universe, and this mechanical Stark… Want to ruin all lives! ”


The black egg turned pale, his mind was empty, and he seemed to think of something, but in the end he always couldn’t catch it.

“In the face of such a crisis, I should have a killer tool!”

“But… What exactly is that? ”

“Why can’t I remember at all?”

At this time, Kama Taj.

“What’s the matter, that purple potato monster is alive again?”

“And those Wakandas, they have also turned into robots!”

“Resurrection magic, this data Iron Man actually can also magic?”

Countless magic apprentices were stunned by the scene in front of them, and all kinds of exclamations sounded one after another.

“Reality gem! And the Mind Gem! ”

The chubby Grand Master Wang’s face was solemn, and he said tentatively:

“That data Iron Man used reality gems to reshape the mechanical bodies of these people, and then used the mind gems to project their consciousness into it!”

“More than that…”

At this time, Gu Yi slowly shook his head:

“The Thanos you see obviously has all the personalities of his life, and to be able to do this, maybe… He also used the power of the Soul Gem! ”

At this time, a chill also arose in the heart of the ancient mage.

This data Stark was already a little abnormal, and now he has obtained 6 Infinity Stones!

Maybe…… He can really rely on his own will to transform all the “life” in the universe into data!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[“Boom! “】

[After obtaining 6 Infinity Stones, Data Iron Man no longer hides his ambitions! ] 】

[Commanding the mechanical legion led by “Thanos”, he began to mercilessly “cleanse” the world! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Violent explosions resounded all over the world, and countless cities were wiped out by Data Iron Man and his mechanical legion! ] 】

[Before attacking, Data Iron Man will use the Mind Gem to scan the city and back up all human consciousness! ] 】

[When the backup is over, he will “judge” that the humans in the city have become superfluous beings and should be eliminated! ] 】

[Personally set out to destroy everything.] It is the robot army led by “Mechanical Thanos”! 】

[“Aaaaa Run away! “】

[Facing the data Iron Man with 6 infinity stones, all the attack and defense means of the earthlings. ] They have lost their meaning and can only be slaughtered. 】

[But on this day…]

[“Stop! “】

[With a crisp roar, a woman dressed in a red tights controlled endless magical energy and slammed into the front of the mechanical legion. ] 】

[“Human, you look for death! “】

[Mechanical Thanos roared, raised his huge fist and slammed it down. ] 】

[“Buzz! “】

[The red-clothed woman Wanda’s eyes flashed red, and the terrifying magical energy rushed straight out, instantly restraining Thanos’s body. ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Completely bound by the scarlet magic, the mechanical Thanos was pulled all the way into the sky, and the mechanical body on his body began to constantly crack and disintegrate, and it seemed that he would be crushed into pieces in the next moment! ] 】

[Save… Help me! 】

[“Oh? “】

[Seeing that Thanos was forced to only ask for help, there seemed to be a hint of surprise in the mechanical pupils of Data Iron Man. ] 】

[“My robots are all made of vibranium, and they will actually be torn apart by you!”] “】

“Wanda Maksimov, you are really an interesting woman. “】

“Stark, you fucking lunatic! “】

[The muscles on Scarlet Witch’s face twisted, she yelled, manipulated Thanos’s mechanical body, and smashed down on Data Iron Man. ] (Okay, good)]

[“Go and die! “】

[“Hmph! “】

[Data Iron Man snorted coldly, did not hesitate for even a second, raised the hammer of the machine god, and smashed it out fiercely. ] 】

[“Adult! Don’t…”

[Mechanical Thanos’s face showed shock, but before he could shout a scream, he saw a white light rushing towards him, bringing it, Scarlet Witch and everything behind the two… All drowned! 】

[“Boom! “】

[The machine god’s hammer mixed with the power of the Infinity Stone, and suddenly burst out! ] 】


[After the white light dissipated, the mechanical Thanos’ body had disappeared. 】

[The city that was endless before has also turned into a white plain! ] 】

[Everything has been swept away by the machine god’s hammer! ] 】

[But on the empty ground, there was still a subtle moan. 】

[A woman covered in scaly wounds lying on the ground, her body almost torn to pieces, it is Wanda! ] 】

[“Even a blow from the Hammer of the God of the Machine can’t kill you. “】

[Staring at the Scarlet Witch struggling on the ground, Data Iron Man’s expression was also a little admiring:] 】

[“Such a powerful force to modify reality, it seems to have surpassed the reality gem! “Pregnant]

[In the next second, his forehead lit up with the light of the Mind Gem again:]

[“Ugh! “】

[Just after the “light of the mind” swept over Wanda’s body, Data Iron Man just waved his hand, and the terrifying power of “reality obliteration” poured out, eliminating the body of the Scarlet Witch. ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, the reality gem on the machine god’s hammer lit up again. 】

[“Buzz! “】

[With the crimson light shining, a robot with a curvaceous figure and a mechanical cloak on its back was created out of thin air by “Data Iron Man”! ] 】

[The most incredible thing is that on the body of this mechanical woman, it actually exudes the scarlet magic of “chaos magic”. ] 】

[Looking at the “Data Scarlet Witch” in front of him, Data Iron Man laughed:]

[“Wanda! Do you remember me? “】。

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