MCU Earth.

Seeing the image on the light screen, the audience on the Internet was first stunned, and then boiled.

“What’s going on? That statue… Or what multiverse slayer? ”

“In other words, what exactly is the multiverse? Can anyone explain it to me? ”

“Believe, believe, such an outrageous nonsense, do you really believe it? (*^▽^*)”

“I see, this is all that big lizard talking nonsense!”

“But this talking lizard is actually a race! It’s unbelievable. ”

“That is, are there other similar lizards out there?”

“Che, what about existence? This lizard can’t even beat a statue, it’s nothing remarkable at a glance…”

At this time, Karma Taj.

“Slaughter the demons of the multiverse?”

Ancient Mage’s brows furrowed slightly, and his face had become serious.

As the guardian of the earth, the Supreme Mage’s duty is to defend this world from invasion by demon gods from other dimensions!

In this sense, what Gu Yi wants to fight against is demons from other universes!

“According to the lizard, this ‘statue’ is not the body of the devil, but only a projection of ‘him’.”

The more Gu Yi thought about it, the more solemn his expression became:

“Those who see the statue cannot hurt ‘Him’, and those who do not look at the statue will be killed by the statue!” Isn’t that invincible? ”

“Even if it’s just a projection, this statue has near-invincible properties!”

Just as Gu Yi was thinking, an apprentice next to him suddenly asked

“Master, you know… What is ‘before the birth of the timeline’? ”

Furuichi pondered for a while, and finally let out a breath:

“If I’m not mistaken, this should refer to the universe before ‘iteration’.”


Upon hearing this, not to mention ordinary magic apprentices, even senior mages like Mordo and Wang were stunned.


Ignoring the surprised faces of the apprentices, Furuichi calmly continued:

“Before the birth of our current universe, the universe had been ‘iterated’ several times.”

“Like the Planet Devourer in the Five Gods of Creation, it is from the ‘previous’ universe to the present.”

Speaking of this, Gu Yi’s eyebrows suddenly showed a hint of worry.

If that lizard hadn’t lied, it and this “stone demon” were both from the universe before iteration!

The containment will be eager to kill such an existence, is it also because it sees danger in the “lizard”?

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen.


[When the harsh screams gradually disappeared, the asylum researchers in the observation room opened their eyes and saw the large lizard lying weakly in the execution room, and the bones under its body seemed to have been broken. ] 】

[“Huh? What’s going on? “】

[Current situation researchers are very surprised, because when the statue kills before, it often only breaks the neck bone. 】

[But this time, it launched an attack on the whole body of the immortal lizard! ] 】



[Lying weakly on the ground, the immortal lizard moaned while thinking, and at the same time his heart was like a mirror. ] 】

[It knew that the demon just wanted to torture itself and didn’t want to let himself die so easily. 】

[If “Koitern” wanted to kill him, he would have died a long time ago! ] 】

[After the immortal lizard’s injuries were reborn, the researchers couldn’t wait to throw it into the execution chamber again.] 】

[“Roar! “】

[And this time, “Uncle” immediately made the first move. ] 】


[I saw the immortal lizard roar, and countless eyes grew all over the body, staring at the little peanut in front of him without blinking. ] 】

[“Hmph! Shoot and blind these eyes! “】

[“Understood! “】

[After receiving the order, the sniper in the mobile task force immediately pulled the trigger again! ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! “】

[But surprisingly… All the bullets hit the eye of the immortal lizard, and then actually bounced off. 】

[It turns out that this big lizard not only grew eyes on its body, but also carried it outside its eyes… A carapace that is both hard and transparent is born! 】

[This time, the uncle has already absorbed the lesson and will never give the containment association any chance to blind himself. 】


Seeing this, all the audience in front of the light screen were shocked.


“This lizard is so much fun! How come I haven’t heard of it before? ”

The collector’s eyes shot with excitement, and he involuntarily clenched his fists.

In his collection, there are countless strange creatures.

But none of them can transform as much as they want, like the immortal lizard!

“This monster seems to have evolved its body into a form that can be perfectly ‘adapted’ according to the predicament it faces.”

Touching his chin, the collector suddenly shook his head with self-deprecation.

It took billions of years to “search” the universe, and the collector thought that there was nothing in the world that he did not know.

But now it seems….

He’s just a frog at the bottom of the well!

PS: There are two more.

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