Master of Marvel World

Chapter 353: : Shen He 3 Questions

The first impression of the menswear beauty in front of people is the word soldier.

Although it is a woman.

But his back was straight and his eyes were firm. Whether it was the movements of his hands and feet or the expression on his face, they all showed a solemn and solemn temperament.

Even in front of Shen He, who released the oppressive force like a giant dragon, there was no timidity or retreat in the slightest.

Not knowing why, Shen He suddenly thought of Altria.

Probably only such a person would not admire the dragon as much as ordinary people.

While Shen He was thinking, Kurxiu resisted the pressure and walked in front of him step by step.

Then sit on the sofa.

The moment she sat down, the pressure quickly faded like a tide.

"Not bad."

Shen He smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

He defined himself as a strong man with great strength and arrogance.

"I am the current head of the Karsten family and one of the candidates for King Grunica, Kurtseul Karsten."

This series of titles represents the importance Kuerxiu attaches to Shen He, and at the same time, it is also the meaning of letting Shen He report his origins.

"Shen He, traveler." Shen He was just two simple words.

"It's just a traveler?" Kurxiu stared at Shen He with a sharp gaze.

She has the protection of distinguishing wind direction, can see subtle changes, and its effect is to distinguish whether the other party is lying.

However, Shen He in front of him did not lie.

"Yes, traveler." Shen He nodded, "However, I am a close friend of Reinhardt. I am entrusted by him to look for the true king among the current candidates of the kingdom."

"...Contemporary Sword Master, Rein Harut." Kurxiu took a slow breath.

Because her protection told her that the words of the person in front of him also did not lie.

He really represented Reinhardt to find a candidate for the king to support.

This is also impossible to lie, because it is easy to verify.

However, the meaning of the name Reinhardt made it difficult for Kurt to calm down.

The strongest of the kingdom, the leader of the knights, and the contemporary sword master of the sword saint family.

Even an ordinary person without a foothold, with the support of Reinhardt, can become the most favorable candidate for the king’s election, and if it is her, the contemporary family of Karlsten, the hope of victory. You can crush any other candidates in an instant.

"I have a question." Kurxiu tried to calm himself down, and keenly discovered the biggest question, "Your Excellency, you are not from the Kingdom of Grunica."

As an outsider, participating in the election of kings in other countries is a very sensitive matter no matter which country you are in.

As the head of the Knights of the Kingdom, Reinhardt could not fail to understand this.

"Not bad." Shen He has no initial pressure on him, as if he is just an ordinary person, "but there is only one reason why I am here, and that is Reinhardt's trust and friendship."

"...I understand." Kurxiu nodded cautiously.

If this is the case, then the other party cannot actually be regarded as an outsider.

It should be counted as a member of the Reinhardt side.

Able to win over the strong from outside.

It is also a manifestation of the ability to be a king.

"So—" Shen He leaned forward slightly, narrowing his eyes, "If you really are a virtuous king, then prove it to me."


Kurxiu was silent for a while.

She has never seen this form.

Normally, if anyone chooses a king as a supporter, it must be through observation, contact, and then judgement in his own heart.

But now, the other party needs her own proof.

However, after only thinking about it for a while, Kursiu knew what to do, and Reinhardt’s support was definitely not easy to give up.

"The Kingdom of Grunica is nothing more than a false prosperity now." Kurxiu began to describe his ideas, "The contract with the dragon is both a guarantee and a constraint. After all, the kingdom of Grunica is not owned by the dragon, but I Waiting for the place..."

Kuerxiu's biggest idea is to be skeptical of the contract with Shenlong.

She even told that the day she became a king was when she broke her contract with the dragon.

Shen He listened carefully, but was a little disappointed.

This is the difference in the way of thinking.

So that before he finished listening, he couldn't help but raise his hand and interrupted Kurxiu's narration.

"Three questions." Shen He stretched out three fingers. "First, under the protection of the dragon's contract, the biggest drawback in the Kingdom of Grunica is; second, after the contract with the dragon is terminated, the kingdom of Grunica may be The dilemma that will be faced; third, assuming that the contract has been cancelled, how will you make the kingdom prosper."

Three questions point to the core.

Kurxiu couldn't help standing up suddenly, unable to control the turbulent emotions in his heart.

Shen He asked these things, she could not have thought about it.

But that's just messy thinking.

It is the first time that they are put together like this and set off against each other.

It even made her feel that if she can understand these three questions, she can correctly identify where the kingdom's future lies.

Shen He didn't speak any more and didn't have any serious expressions. He just sat on the sofa casually, watching Kurxiu stand up in front of him, watching her sit down again, and watching her sink into thought.

The scope of these three questions is very wide.

But similarly, Shen He did not ask Kurxiu to give a very detailed answer.

He just wanted an idea.

In other words, let Kurxiu think about it first, and then he will be more shocked when he pretends to be forced.

Time passed by a little bit.

Wilhelm, who was standing behind Kuer Xiu, looked at his Patriarch slightly worried.

after an hour.

Kurxiu finally replied from the long thoughts, as if he had already got the answer.

"The biggest drawback of Grunica today is that it relies too much on the covenant, and it can no longer solve any difficulties outside the covenant, just like the failure of the White Whale conquest fourteen years ago."

"After the termination of the contract between Yu Long, I think the biggest problem is the fragility of the country after losing the asylum."

"After the contract is terminated, I should make the people shoulder all the responsibilities that belonged to the dragon in the past, whether it is war, plague, or famine, only by passing all this by myself, the kingdom will attract real prosperity!"

Kurxiu summed up these three issues as self-blame, self-cleansing, and self-help.

Blame the country for its past weakness, be aware of its current fragility, and save the country's future.

Even Wilhelm, who stood behind her, couldn't help showing admiration and pride.

In this kingdom.

Only the Patriarch he chose could have such courage.

In fact, Shen He was also quite amazed.

Being able to see these three things clearly in this era is already considered to have a vision that transcends the era.

However, he still made no expression on the surface, and even lowered his sight.

"Three answers, none of them are what I want."

Shen He understood that Kuerxiu's ability was equivalent to a micro-expression polygraph.

Therefore he did not say "very disappointed".

It's a different way of meaning, but it's not a lie.

Unsurprisingly, Kurxiu showed an expression that was not very convincing. Even Wilhelm felt that Shen He was deliberately looking for it.

"Please enlighten me." Kurt has put in place the etiquette and assumed the posture of the educated.

"The first question, the biggest problem of contemporary kingdoms is that they don't want to make progress." Shen He did not continue to sell Guanzi. "The country is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat! The Kingdom of Grunica today is compared with the Grunica 400 years ago The kingdom, can there be obvious progress? Is the glory of the king today better than the glory of the Lion King?"

Kurxiu's expression was stunned.

Isn't it the exact question that she raised?

Excessive favors will produce stagnation, stagnation will lead to depravity, and depravity will sound the death knell.

That's why she said that the biggest problem with the kingdom now lies in its excessive reliance on dragons.

"The center of gravity is different." Shen He naturally understood what Kuerxiu was thinking, and he explained it unhurriedly, "Rely on the dragon, not enterprising, and the kingdom is weak. These three elements depend on each other, but at the same time they are relatively independent. ."

This is the advantage brought by the scientific way of thinking.

With the help of basic inverse logic, Kuerxiu attributed the cause of the “weakness of the kingdom” to the original “dependence on the dragon”.

But in fact, what really had a direct effect on the "weakness of the kingdom" was "not enterprising."

Even with further exploration, it is easy to find that "not enterprising" is the biggest source of thought that caused a series of problems in the kingdom.

"The most important thing in a country is its guiding ideology." Seeing that Kuerxiu didn't quite understand it, Shen He simply said directly, "For example, relying on the dragon will indeed lead to reluctance to make progress, but if the king List the word'enterprising' as the guiding ideology of the kingdom, and strive to make progress from top to bottom every week, every month, and every year, and to be more prosperous, and let this spirit take root in people's hearts Will the asylum of the people lead to reluctance to make progress?"

In modern society, the rule of the country must be established first.

Whether it is a free and equal capitalist system, or a socialist system that liberates the productive forces and eliminates polarization, the core spirit of the guiding ideology is indispensable.

It can be said that thought is a beacon to illuminate the country's progress. Without it, the country's development will lose its direction.

"This, is it possible?"

Kurxiu felt at this time that a new door seemed to appear in front of her.

But she dared not open it.

Because she doubted, or was afraid, whether behind the door was just a lie.

"Do you think that as long as the dragon's shelter still exists, it is impossible for people to be enterprising?" Shen He smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Isn't it?" Kurxiu clenched his fist slightly, just staring at Shen He.

Before she knew it, she had completely put herself in the position of a student, and even hoped to get the correct answer from Shen He.

"Gifts will cause stagnation." Shen He uttered the sentence Kuerxiu had just thought, but he immediately said, "Desire will push forward. If the people stop moving forward, it can only mean that the king did not let them see their desire. The desire that cannot be realized by the dragon."


Kurxiu only felt that a huge thunder was exploding in her mind.

She understands, she already understands!

The dragon will not help them fight the Beluga whales, so for more than ten years, those who survived the big crusade 14 years ago have ceased to sharpen themselves and strive to become stronger all the time.

Because they have the desire to attack the white whale again.

If you say, if you say! She can make the people desire not to rely on the dragon's strength and desire to be self-reliant, so even under the protection of the dragon, people will be completely new.

No more stagnation!

Kurxiu trembled all over.

She now feels that she was a bit naive when she wanted to release the contract with the dragon in the past, or rather, she just saw a vague river in the mist and rushed up, but she didn't find it hidden under the river. The covered bridge.


The essence of rescuing the contract to save the kingdom is still to force people's thinking to change by rescinding the contract.

thought! What really matters is not the contract, but the thought!

"It seems that you already understand a little bit." Shen He felt a little proud in his heart.

"Yes!" Kuerxiu stood up abruptly, looked at Shen He with piercing eyes, and then bowed ninety degrees, "Sir, please teach me!"

She knew it in her heart.

In front of him is definitely a great sage.

He is obviously an outsider, but he has such a thorough view of the status quo of Grunica's kingdom.

Even a few words gave her a sense of awakening.

Kurxiu had already understood at this time why the sword sage of the kingdom, Reinharut, would trust the other party so much, and even asked the other party to choose the true king.

"Not in a hurry." Shen He saw that success had received the attention of the other party, but was not so anxious. "Among the current king candidates, I have only seen you and Emilia."

"Emilia...that's how it is."

Kurxiu suddenly remembered that he had indeed heard of Emilia’s supporter, the Earl of Frontier Rozval, who had gone to the Knights to meet with Reinharut.

At that time, I thought I was seeking support from the Juggernaut for Emilia.

But now it seems that it is probably to confirm the authenticity of Shen He's identity.


Kursiu thought about the remaining two questions, feeling itchy.

What are the answers to those two questions?

Only saying that she was wrong, UU reading did not go on.

This made Kuerxiu's eyes look at Shen He very resentful.

"I also have a certain understanding of the four king candidates currently appearing." Shen He was a little bit uncomfortable when he was seen by such completely inconsistent eyes, so he said directly, "Whether it is vision or ability, you Not weaker than the others, but...I also need to understand more."

There is nothing wrong with needing further understanding.

But Shen He just didn't want to be so fast, so he clearly stood on Kurxiu's side.

That way, his identity on Emilia's side would become more embarrassing.

And the reason for finding it so quickly.

It is also to deepen the influence and strengthen the status here in Kuerxiu, and at the same time, to gain some reputation before the official start of the white whale and the witch's teaching level.

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