Master of Marvel World

Chapter 333: :riot

The sign read:

"Mutants are also American citizens."

Everyone understood at once, what is to be done.

They were puzzled and excited.

But the next mutant rushed out, and then the second, third, and everyone rushed to the steps.

When alone, they dare not make their own voices and dare not contend with the world.

But now they gather to declare their status and fight for their rights.

Magneto watched this scene with a smile, and then a tall metal throne appeared under his feet, sitting on it like a real king, and suspended.

He took the lead and flew out.

The mutants behind him, one after another, excited, holding banners and signs, and walking along the spiral steps from the dark underground to the bright street.

For the people of New York, this day is destined to be unforgettable.

Because an unprecedented parade marching in front of them, looks ugly, but possesses various abilities like a monster in mythology.


This is the first time that so many mutants have appeared in front of the world, and the number has exceeded everyone's imagination.

Although many people have known about the existence of mutants in the past, the government, including the government, thought that they were still a minority, and even the focus was mostly on those mutants who showed threatening power, especially Charles. At school.

And now, they knew that the number of mutants had reached a point where they could not be ignored.

This is a riot.

On the surface, it is a demonstration, fighting for status and rights, but in fact it is a riot that declares its existence and threatens the whole world.

When Shen He got the news from Tony, the riot had already occurred for two days, and it was radiating toward the whole world at an extremely fast speed.

A considerable number of mutants live on the dark side of society.

Including all kinds of gangs and illegal organizations.

They now smell the breath of profit.

Magneto stood in the front endorsement, most of the mutants chose to stand up, even venting their dissatisfaction with violence.

They robbed shops, burned cars, destroyed public facilities, and felt the fearful gaze of others with excitement.

From the beginning of this massive parade, Magneto had never thought that it could proceed peacefully and steadily. Rather, it was his intention to do this now.

Does Shen He want to eliminate the war between mutants and humans?

No, in this war, only mutants are the only victor.

Magneto never wanted to compromise with humans. He planned to use this method to completely push the mutants on the opposite side of humans, to force Shen He to stand on their side, because the mutants are a vulnerable group.

Shen He also understood these goals.

"How is the situation now?" Shen He came to the world of X-Men and summoned Coleson.

Tony spent a day mobilizing thousands of industrial robots to build a steel base the size of a football field in the Pacific Ocean, on which some basic buildings have been built.

And now, Tony, Coleson, and Shen He are in the conference room.

"The format is terrible." Coleson gathered videos and news from all over the world on a virtual projection in front of everyone. "Some cities and even countries have begun to use the military to suppress mutants because of the number of victims and the economy caused by this riot. The loss is constantly magnifying every moment. According to the information we monitor, the hardliners within the US government have gradually gained an advantage."

Judging from the picture, the word "riot" used by Coleson is undoubtedly quite accurate.

This is not a parade at all.

In other words, in this social environment, the vast majority of mutants do not have any qualities, and all they think is just taking the opportunity to vent their dissatisfaction.

"Why don't you see so many eastern countries?" Shen He looked at the many videos in front of him, but discovered this problem.

Most of these news reports are white faces. Even if there are a few oriental faces, they are all in Japanese and Korean, but they have not even seen a single Chinese.

Although the theme of this world is on the American side.

But as a complete world, there should also be a lot of mutant talents on Huaxia.

"Essentially." Coleson has also investigated this aspect. "China is the only one who survived this riot. We have done a basic investigation. Once the mutants on their side are discovered, they will be called by the government to conduct investigations. This policy of unifying education and management has been secretly continued for decades."


Shen He could only respond like this in the end.

This is very much in line with the style of his hometown. The so-called mutant world is not a world with superpowers.

Presumably, the dragon team, the wolf fangs, and the special service team already have it.

And most importantly.

Shen He is very confident in Huaxia's parents. Huaxia in this world also has a population control policy. Even if the children are mutants, as long as they are not dangerous, most parents will treat these children as treasures.

However, according to the theme of this world, there must be no very powerful mutants there, and if there is no riot, it can basically be ignored.

"According to the current situation, do you have any ideas?" Shen He continued to ask.

"Very troublesome." Coleson also showed a helpless expression. "If the noise goes on, people's panic about mutants will increase sharply. I am afraid that it will not be long before the government will classify all mutants as thugs and carry out the whole Suppression from the side."

I have to say that if Shen He and others let go, Magneto’s move would be a super bad move.

He knew it very well himself.

Most mutants are wastes that can't be supported by mud. Even if they are assembled to fight humans, they can only be cannon fodder.

And now, this riot is constantly consuming the sympathy of ordinary humans towards mutants.

Once all mutants are classified as thugs.

That may be the beginning of a full-scale war.

Catching mutants will become a public act.

Shen He didn't know what to say, because Magneto's behavior completely exceeded his calculations.

He has a new understanding of Magneto.

This person is not only cruel to humans, but also cruel to mutants, or that he really has a certain heroic nature, and it is no wonder that so many people follow him in the original book.

However, things like war are not what Shen He wants to see.

"What would happen if we jumped out now?" Shen He asked.

"I'm afraid that people's attention will be focused on us." Tony shrugged, "I am familiar with this kind of thing, this is also a way."

Suppress other news with more shocking news.

In fact, without any hard-line measures, this kind of riot would be difficult to suppress.

"What I am more worried about now is the quality of these mutants." Shen He looked at the video, "There are too many people who hate the world. In this case, even if they are gathered together, the city built is not It will be as we imagined it to be."

The style of a city is not only determined by the management, but also affected by the residents.

The original mutants are difficult to manage.

Even in the Academy City of the Demon Forbidden World, where most of them are children, and where moderate education is conducted, there are a large number of gangsters and superpower crimes that are difficult to contain.

Not to mention this world.

Affected by the overall environment of the world, many mutants with a little strength have been in the gang for a long time, even murderous, psychologically distorted.

With the help of this riot, the shortcomings in this regard have been fully highlighted.

When Shen He was thinking, Tony and Coulson were just silent.

They are all smart people.

How to solve this situation, or how it can only be solved, is already clear at a glance, but in the end it can only be decided by Shen He.

"Sure enough." Shen He finally sighed, "I can only take high-pressure actions."

In this situation, it is impossible to build a city in a harmonious and free way, and let the mutants live a stable and happy life.

Originally, Shen He planned to use a beautiful city to attract mutants.

But now, it seems that a considerable number of mutants may not be willing to stay in a city. Their ambitions may be the whole world, or they may be looking for excitement in a lawless life.

"You can call Steve," Tony said. "Maybe it's time to use Guardian."

"Okay." Shen He nodded, "Besides, I haven't learned much about the Guardian Company today. How are those robot mercenaries now?"

The current Guardian team is already regarded as a world-class mercenary organization.

Enrolled veterans from all over the world.

The task now is not only to cooperate with the police in various cities, but also to protect the people in small countries in war.

Plus the manager is Steve.

It can be said that in protecting freedom, equality, and justice, the Guardian Company is already well-known and deeply loved by people all over the world.

Of course, this is also because the World Council has basically abandoned Chaldea as an enemy.

At least they gave up on the surface.

"You should ask Steve about this kind of thing." Tony said he didn't know it. "Our Captain America is the person in charge of the Guardian Company."

"Okay." Shen He said no more.

He thought about it in his mind for a moment, the questions to ask after Steve came over.

The headquarters of the Guardian Company is not in Sky City, but in the suburbs of New York, the former site of the virtual reality company.

This is mainly because those robot factories, large machinery factories, and even large weapon factories such as aircraft carriers would occupy too much space if they were placed on Sky City.

However, even on the ground, there is nothing to worry about.

Because at this stage, all weapons are inseparable from virtual reality, and the only server in the world for virtual reality is on the sky garden and is connected to the world through satellites to maintain the operation of the Guardian Company.

"He, I have a question, I am more curious." Tony said suddenly.

"If you have any questions, just ask directly, so that mothers-in-laws are not like you at all." Shen He rolled his eyes.

"Well, because I did hesitate for a while." Tony's face was slightly solemn, "If you report the crisis of Parallel Universe Two, what would you do in your Chaldean style?"


Shen He did not expect Tony would ask such words.

Regarding the conflict between the original Chaldean setting and some of his own behaviors, he has long given a reasonable excuse.

It is his personal desire to make some changes.

The Chaldean Headquarters method to solve the world crisis is usually to send some powerful teams to come to the world before the crisis can be reversed, and then rescue, and then leave.

Do not interfere with the natural development of human civilization.

But with the improvement of Shen He's strength, he wanted to try some different methods, for example, with the help of Chaldean's strength, artificially promote the development of human civilization.

Some of these behaviors were acquiesced by the top Chaldeans, and some were not reported at all. Instead, they relied on a loophole in the guidelines called "flexible behavior".

In the process of saving the world, all the principles put saving the world as the highest priority, and can act flexibly.

The above is the excuse Shen He came up with.

Although there may be some loopholes, no one knows the true situation of Chaldea, and Shen He is indeed restricted in some respects.

Therefore, the past can be explained.

Even in order to avoid further expansion of the loopholes, Shen He usually assumes an attitude of reluctance to talk about the Chaldean headquarters.

This is probably why Tony hesitated.

"This question...even if I don't answer it, you should be able to guess it." Shen He sighed, "The war between mutants and humans belongs to internal fighting and is not within the scope of Chaldean intervention. If we observe that this war will lead to the destruction of human nature, then we will intervene at the right time."

"In other words, as long as people don't destroy it, it doesn't matter even if billions of people die?" Tony's eyes were a little bit cold.

"It doesn't matter, it can't be He shook his head, "This is just a criterion for maximizing human efficiency. Once you decide to intervene, it is natural to save as many people as possible... Why do you suddenly ask about this? "

"...I'm a little worried." Tony hesitated again, but finally told the truth, "Is it okay for you to borrow Chaldean's strength and name to do such non-compliant things?"

Although Shen He didn't tell much about the Chaldean headquarters, what he learned alone was too tyrannical.

The strength of Shen He and others is increasing almost every day.

Compared to the beginning, this was only a short time of less than a year. Everyone, especially Shen He and Qi Mu Nanxiong, had grown to such a terrifying level.

What should the real Chaldean headquarters look like?

"In other words, your victimized delusions have started again?" Shen He breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought he was seen as famous.

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