Master of Marvel World

Chapter 315: :New Year's Daily (3)

There are not many parts of the city in the sky garden.

Adding up the commercial area, experimental area, residential area, etc., it only occupies less than half of the distance.

The other parts, just like the sky garden city, lakes, gardens, forests, these places, plus some undeveloped areas, account for the other half.

Now Semiramis is pulling Shenhe to the edge of the sky garden.

Since she had a picnic on the edge last time, she deliberately separated a small floating island here. From a clear perspective, she just used a few thick thigh chain links to transmit magic and make this essence The small floating island that is completely separated from above becomes part of the treasure.

"No one is allowed to approach here."

Semiramis tapped his toe lightly and directly pulled Shen He onto the chain.

The feet are thousands of miles high in the sky, and the violent wind blows on them.

But including Shen He, everyone was not afraid of the slightest. With their ability, even if it was a tornado, they could step on the chain firmly. There was no difference in peace.

"I don't know there is such a place yet."

Shen He walked on the chain unhurriedly, looking up at the bright starry night sky.

Because of the height, you can basically see such a clean night sky in the sky garden at night, no matter how beautiful and mighty and mysterious, if you are not an astronomy lover, you will lose your original feeling after watching it for a long time.

"It's just built easily."

Semiramis didn't regard it as a surprise either.

It's good to come and play occasionally.

Although the chain is long, for Shen He and others, it takes a minute or two to speed up the pace. After stepping on this small floating island, the violent wind around it instantly quiets down because of the magic knot on it. The existence of the world.

Most of the land in the sky garden is like this, otherwise at such a high altitude, human beings would not be able to survive without a breathing mask.

"Master is here."

There was a cheerful voice not far away, and Zhendra trot over with Heizhen, and the others were basically in the middle of this small floating island.

The entire small floating island is full of flowers of various colors, and some very ornamental trees, only a small piece of grass in the middle.

"Wolverine and the others?"

Shen He walked over slowly holding the palm of Joan of Arc, and asked casually.

"This is a show hosted by a lonely host, how can they be eligible to participate?" Semiramis said in a proud tone without concealment.

"This is too." Shen He nodded in approval.

For him, the core people are only his own followers, whether it is Wolverine or Little Naughty, they can only be regarded as outsiders.

I am afraid that only Sakura's status is slightly higher.

"Not only that." Semiramis suddenly changed into a charming tone, "Didn't the master notice that there are only women here."


In this way, Shen He also noticed.

Lelouch and the other side were not there, because Chaldeans was severely overwhelmed by the sun, and he really didn't notice this at once.

and many more--

"What the **** are you making."

Shen He stopped suddenly, and even took a small step back, looking at Semiramis vigilantly.

Others don't know her, he still doesn't know.

The fickle woman and the fickle emperor are all occupied by herself, and coupled with the character that seems to like to see her master making a fool of herself, she is not allowed to do anything out of the ordinary.

"Is the master expecting something?" Semiramis showed a smile.

"No." Shen He directly vetoed it.

Although I don't know what Semiramis is referring to, it's good to deny it.

"Chuck." There was another series of signs of laughter. The empress seemed to be extremely happy. After a while, she gasped and smiled, "But the master may be disappointed. There is no such opportunity today. The reason for rejecting men, It's just because Gu doesn't want men other than the master to see Gu's dance."

"Do you want to dance?" Shen He's eyes lit up.

Taking another step, Semiramis is legendary but a talented, long-sleeved female emperor who is good at dancing.

"Of course, in the New Year, why don't you have less performance." Semiramis rolled his eyes for a while, and seemed to say inadvertently. I died before I finished it."

Shen He's footsteps stiffened suddenly, and the expression on his face was exceptional.

Although he seldom shows himself in front of him, Semiramis’s qualities as the oldest poisonous killer are not insignificant, and he can match or even surpass Hydra, even the great hero Hercules and the great sage Ka Rong was also unbearable poisonous, and more importantly, silently, even a small flame created with ordinary magic might carry the poison that can poison the gods.


Semiramis laughed again. This time, the waist of the smile was bent down, and it might even make people worry about whether her extremely slender and graceful waist might break because of such a smile.

Shen He didn't know that he had been molested again.

Angrily dragged Joan past Semiramis, he had already made up his mind. If her performance is not good for a while, he will come back unceremoniously.

"Master." Just as soon as he sat down, Hubby pulled the corner of his clothes, "Hubby is also preparing for a show."

"Really?" Shen He was a little surprised, "What kind of show is it?"

Since Xingyue World came back, Hubby seems to have become more and more like a normal girl.

"Yes..." Hubby hesitated, but told the truth, "False canon·Flower Burial."

"What is that?" Shen He asked with a smile.

In fact, he doesn't really care what kind of performances Hubie will perform. It is a very gratifying improvement that Hubby is able to choose the projects he will perform on his own.

"It is the analysis and copying of arcane magic from the elves, which can crush all the enemies within a certain range, super, super powerful." Hubby seemed to be encouraged, with obvious pride on her small face.

But Shen He's expression was a bit tangled.

What does it mean to crush the enemy? There are no enemies here.

But looking at Hubby’s expression, it seemed that he had prepared well for this show. He sighed in his heart and felt that he should not stop it.

Anyway, New Year, as long as it is happy.

"What about you guys? Are there any programs prepared?" Shen He looked at the others.

The Joan of Arc and the two ceremonies that came back with him are probably not prepared, but looking at the current situation, it seems that everyone else has been notified long ago.

"It's just a normal singing."

Misaka Mikoto seemed a little embarrassed.

Although she was told to perform on the New Year's Day, she knew what to do with this kind of thing, and finally combined with Misaka Mikoto Alter, who was also troubled, and decided to sing in a chorus just like those activities in school. Song.

Anyway, there are no strangers watching this kind of performance, so it's just like singing with friends in KTV.

"Sing?" Shen He's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard these words, "How about you sing when I teach a song?"

"It's not that kind of strange lyrics."

Misaka Mikoto suddenly became alert, but she knew that the lyrics of some songs were super inharmonious, and they were used to spoof others.

"No, no." Shen He waved his hand repeatedly, his eyes gleaming, "It's just a song from my hometown that is very famous in a certain circle. I want to give it to Misaka Mikoto to sing it. It must be super fun!"

"Then... okay." Although Misaka Mikoto was deeply skeptical, but considering that today is the New Year, if the Master wants to hear it so much, even if it is tricky, she can't help it, but her eyes rolled." Master, you should sing it to us first. We just can't learn it so quickly if we just compose the score."

Misaka Mikoto and Misaka Mikoto Alter looked at each other, and both felt that they were super witty.

If there is really a problem, then the master is the first to make a fool of himself.

"How embarrassing is this?"

Old Shen He blushed, and he seemed a little embarrassed.

Sure enough, there is a problem!

"Humph, we won't sing in this case."

Misaka Mikoto Alter held her beloved Kata Muppet and said straightforwardly.

"Master, just sing and see."

Joan next to him seemed to come over very interestingly, even Esders, who was approaching Joan, and Semiramis, who was setting up the venue, could not help but look over.

Suddenly everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Shen He felt super stressful.

However, although a little embarrassed, he does want to hear Misaka Mikoto sing the song himself. This is faith.

"Ahem, this is what you said."

Shen He cleared his throat, and then he had no choice but to sing in front of acquaintances.

And with the current control over the body and the clear memory in the mind, there is no possibility that the singing will be unpleasant, and it is enough to imitate the original tone completely.

【Flying the dream and the future engraved in my heart, even if the future is ignored.

I don't care about boundaries or anything that is meaningless.

This power turns the unattainable thoughts into dazzling light...]

As a song that every fan of the gun sister in the previous life has heard, this "onlymyrailgun" can be said to be a very good memory.

In the first few sentences, the two Misaka Mikoto hadn't noticed anything yet.

There were even some surprises.

This is not very beautiful, very nice lyrics.

Until I heard that sentence-[Only my super-electromagnetic gun can knock it down].

Both their expressions changed a little.

And I heard the following sentence [Flash it! The dazzling light awakens the true desire, only my super-electromagnetic gun can penetrate it], the thin-skinned Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but blush and screamed.

"Don't, don't sing! Don't sing!" She even reached out her hand to cover Shen He's mouth.

Hearing such lyrics from the master's mouth, still in front of so many people, this sense of shame made her wish that Heizi was next to her, and then she could just take her and disappear with a pop.

"How nice." Joan stopped her with a grin, "This is a song written just for you."

"Unexpectedly." Semiramis snorted twice, with a slightly dangerous look in his eyes, "In the world of the master, is this little girl the most popular?"

"Hehehe, personal singles or something, there is no meaning at all." Hei Zhen smiled dryly, but there seemed to be a sound of gritted teeth.

Asides did not change his expression.

People like them have long known that they have appeared in the form of fantasy works in Shen He's world.

Although I was a little uncomfortable at first, but now I can't return to the world of Shen He's past. After a long time, I can only passively accept this seemingly unbelievable thing.

Finally, Shen He sang the whole song again, still a little bit unfinished.

"Never sing or sing, I have never heard such a shameful song."

And Misaka Mikoto's face had become as red as an apple, and even covered her ears and shook her head desperately.

To the client’s sound, such lyrics are simply full of shame.

Not to mention the words "Tear the Darkness", "Only I Can Break Through" and other words that sound like a super second-tier. Normal people will feel ashamed when they hear others say such things in their own way. Not to mention that this is still singing.

"I'm done singing, don't you guys sing it."

Shen He moisturized his throat and continued to bewitching Misaka Mikoto who was extremely shameful.

"Don't even think about it! Right, alter."

With a blushing face, Misaka Mikoto grabbed the next Misaka Mikoto Alter, seemingly wanting to find a helper for herself.

However, Misaka Mikoto Alter didn't have much shame on his face.

She sang it silently in her heart.

Can only my super-electromagnetic gun be able to break through the dilemma?

"I think I like it." Misaka Mikoto Alter pursed her mouth slightly and turned to look at Misaka Mikoto, "Since I like it, you should also like it. Don't be arrogant in front of the master."


Misaka Mikoto screamed and jumped up as if she was stepped on her foot If you don't sing, then I will sing by myself. "

Misaka Mikoto Alter's face was as usual, and he stood up directly, and walked to the simple stage built by Semiramis, in the middle of a wreath surrounded by flowers.

With a slight smile on his face, he picked up his gothic dress and bent his knees slightly, and sang a cappella like this.

Then Semiramis clapped his hands and drilled out tentacle-like branches from the ground, driving a variety of musical instruments. For a time Misaka Mikoto Alter brought some passionate singing and wonderful accompaniment to complement each other. Seeing that the show had already started, Shen He did not forget to open the gate of the castle. He held Sakura, who had been waiting for a long time, in his arms, holding her little hand and gently following the beat.

Halfway through the singing, Misaka Mikoto, who has always been a bit competitive, gritted his teeth, and some unconvinced stood up. While being shy, he sang the song hard, and the atmosphere of the show suddenly became rich.

I could hear Sister Pao sing this song with her own ears. It was still two Pao sisters. This double happiness made Shen He's heart uncontrollable satisfaction.

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