Master of Marvel World

Chapter 304: : Shen He's intervention

For some reason, after getting off the car, the two rituals did not release Shen He's palm.

Charles noticed the clasped hands of the two.

The joy of seeing the deceased gradually dissipated.

He couldn't help but glanced at Shen He seriously.

More than forty years ago, the mystery and power of the two rituals gave them a deep impression, but the bigger impression was her unusually indifferent heart under her seemingly innocent behavior.

She has never regarded her group as friends.

Even if they saved their lives, it was more like a choice made under her "limited common sense" that she didn't know who was instilled.

But her power is so powerful.

It can even easily "deprive" mutants of their abilities, if this power is tempted by evil-hearted people...

Charles thought of the consequences, his heart sank.

He didn't know where the two ceremonies had been in the past 40 years, why there was no trace, why they appeared at this moment, and why there was someone who seemed to be closely related to him.


The power of telepathy spread towards Shen He.

Qi Mu Nanxiong frowned imperceptibly, he seemed to have discovered something, and he didn't seem to have noticed anything.

Suddenly, Charles's complexion changed slightly.

Because the sound of the two rituals exploded directly in his mind.

"Such a thing is not allowed to be done a second time!"

Even when these words were being said, the mysterious icy blue brilliant double pupils quietly emerged.

"......I'm very sorry."

Charles quickly recovered his strength.

The same as in the past.

Shen He certainly didn't know that Charles had thought of so many things in this short period of time, and he had tried to get into his mind. He just felt that the strength of the two rituals holding his palm suddenly tightened.

how to say.

The small hand of Shishi feels completely different from that of Joan of Arc. The palm of Joan of Arc is soft, probably related to the body of the heroic spirit. The palm of Shishi is slender and advantageous. You can clearly feel the tiger’s mouth because of the sword practice since childhood. The resulting shallow cocoon.

It's not awkward at all, but very comfortable.

"It's been so long, and you haven't changed a bit in some respects." The expressions of the two ceremonies were obviously unhappy. "He is my most important person. Forty years ago, now, in the future, both will not change."

"Forty years ago..." Charles gave a wry smile, "That's why you changed without saying a word? I don't know how these two... are called?"

The following sentence was spoken by Qimu and Shen He.

The Storm Girl and Laser Eye standing next to them were already unable to restrain the surprise on their faces.

Because these three people look very young.

Especially the two ceremonies, they are exactly like girls.

Are they all the characters at least forty years ago?

Mutants may indeed have a long life.

But three at once...

"Just call me Shen He." Shen He smiled on his face, and he seemed to be in a good mood. He also pointed to Qi Mu Nanxiong and introduced, "He is Qi Mu. As you know, we already have I haven't been out for a long time. I wanted to find a place to live temporarily. Shishi recommended you to me."

Of course he was in a good mood. This was the first time that the two ceremonies admitted that he was her most important person.

"That's it."

Charles noticed that Shen He's "come out" was three words.

This means that they have probably just stayed in a certain place without communicating with the outside world for more than 40 years.

It can explain why there is no trace of the two rituals in these years.

"Of course it's okay. Miss Liangyi has saved me and many mutant lives." Charles pushed the wheelchair and let everyone into the office. "You can live as long as you want. Actually speaking, we have another thing here now. A guest."

"Another guest?" Shen He seemed to have thought of something.

"Yes..." After Charles asked the Storm Girl to greet Shen He and the others sitting down on the sofa, he seemed to glance at the two ceremony with emotion, "A lot of things happened after Miss Liangyi left. There was a serious disagreement between Eric and I."

Charles probably talked about what happened in these years.

What surprised Shen He was that it was similar to the plot.

The appearance of the two rituals did not bring much change to the plot, but there were differences in some places with little impact.

For example, the Red Devil was also killed by the two rituals.

The White Queen has become an ordinary person, and is also dead of old age.

Even if these two people will not have any impact on the next plot, after all, two important characters are missing.

Could it be said that the Marvel Universe has the inertia to keep the story pushed? Not so easy to change?

Forget it.

Although he didn't understand why, Shen He could only accept the facts before him.

"Eric is not your opponent." The two rituals frowned slightly, "If you want, there are many ways to kill him."

"..." Charles dumbly, "Miss Liangyi really hasn't changed at all."

But at this moment, he seemed to suddenly find something, and looked up in the direction of the door.

Even Shen He turned his head subconsciously.

The door was pushed open hard, and a white man with a thick beard strode open the door and walked in, questioning loudly.

"where is she?"

"Who are you talking about?" Scott took two steps forward. "You can't come in. The professor is entertaining guests..."

"Get out of the way!" Logan roughly pushed Scott aside, slammed the table, and stared at Charles, "Little naughty is gone, you said she's fine here."

"Little naughty..." Shen He uttered these English words.

Then I realized who it was referring to.

In this way, the current plot should be when Little Naughty was cheated away by the Devil Girl. Logan Wolverine came to this school only yesterday.

"Logan, don't be impulsive."

A woman in a red sweater hurriedly walked behind the door.


Logan looked back at her, then at Charles, then suddenly turned and left.

"Where are you going?" Charles raised his voice.

"Go and find her." Logan said without looking back. "If she left because of what happened last night, that's my responsibility."

"Don't be impulsive, Magneto is chasing you." Charles rolled his wheelchair, "I'm here to find a little mischief, and we will bring her back."

"Do you want to use that instrument?"

The two rituals asked, then looked at Shen He, as if wanting to explain.

Shen He raised his palm to stop her, and then said:

"If it's just looking for someone, I think I have a way."

"..." Charles stopped his wheelchair and turned around, "I'm sorry, you are obviously guests."

It's not that he can't find the little mischief through the brain wave enhancer, but if he can see the abilities of these people brought by the two rituals, it is naturally better.

Logan also looked at Shen He.

For him, as long as he can find a little mischief, it doesn't matter who comes.

"Little things."

Shen He raised his hand and snapped his fingers crisply.

Suddenly, the stream of light overflowed.

A gate that looked magnificent from the outside appeared abruptly in the open area of ​​this office. When it was opened, a dozen graceful maids knelt on both sides of the door respectfully, and the red gold silk carpet spread all the way to the distance with a magnificent imposing manner. Huge castle.

"Go, call Joan of Arc." Shen He commanded casually.

"Yes, master."

After the two maids saluted slowly, they got up and flew towards the low altitude of the castle.

"This is..." Scott swallowed hard. "A hallucination?"

"No, they are real."

Qin couldn't help but stretched out her hand. Just now, she tried to reach in with her mind and power.

As a result, whether it is the door, the carpet, or even the maids, they can touch it.

The castle in the distance is also very likely to be real.

Who are they?

Shen He looked at the incredibly surprised appearance of these people with satisfaction.

Although he can directly summon Joan to his side.

But the castle is a weapon wherever it goes.

How can you insert the plot without showing some strength?

In just a moment, Jeanne's figure appeared with brilliance at the door.

Although it was a little strange that Shen He didn't call her directly, she rushed over because she was worried that the situation was urgent.


Just as soon as he appeared, Jeanne's eyes stared directly at Shen He's palm.

Still holding it with the two rituals.


Shen He only reacted at this time, twitching, but not twitching.

This is a bit embarrassing.

"That, Jeanne." As if to hide his embarrassment, Shen He waved his hand and closed the door, and said quickly, "I hope you can help find someone, called a little naughty."

"Okay, Master!"

Jeanne emphasized the last two words, closed her eyes a little puffed, and after a while, she raised her finger to point in one direction.

"At that position, I saw a place that seemed to be a train station."

"This is west, there is indeed a train station a few miles away." Qin exclaimed.

Charles was also surprised.

It's just a nickname that can't even be named, and there is nothing else, but the other party can accurately "see" the location of the little naughty.

But now is not the time to be surprised.

"Scott, you, Jyn, and Orolo are going to bring her back. Logan can't go." Charles finished the order and looked at Logan again. "Although I don't know why Magneto is looking for you, but you The metal skeleton of the whole body has absolutely no ability to resist after seeing him."

"She left because of my business." Logan knew what it was like to be afraid, "I must go."

"Don't do this, we have agreed in advance." Charles refused to give in.

The scene was deadlocked.

But just when Scott was about to set off, Shen He said again.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, Qi Mu."

"give it to me."

Qi Mu Nanxiong's figure disappeared in an instant, but for a mere ten seconds, when these people hadn't reacted, he appeared again, with a girl with a bewildered face beside him.

It's just a little naughty.

Is the space shuttle capable?

Charles was surprised secretly that the last Red Devil with this ability had already died at the edge of the two rituals.

And he naturally understood that what this ability meant, coming and going freely, meant that it was extremely difficult to defend and track down.


After recovering from her senses, the little mischief shrank back in fear.

"You are very scared of this place." Shen He seemed to be very interested and asked, "Why is this? Can you tell me?"


The little naughty glanced at the unfamiliar Shen He, then secretly glanced at the professor on the side, feeling a little at a loss.

"It's okay." Jeanne has understood Shen He's attitude. This little girl is not an enemy, so she stretched out her hand to hold the girl's palm and said softly, "No one here..."

"Do not touch me!"

The little mischievous screamed and drew his palms back in horror, but Joan still held it tightly and did not let go.

She has experience with such a sensitive girl.

In the past war period, we often encountered it.

"Wait—" But the little naughty opened his mouth and stared at the extremely beautiful and gentle woman in front of him, "Why are you okay?"

"Of course nothing will happen to me."

Joan was dumbfounded, and then also noticed, a rush of suction was coming from the opponent's palm.

It seems to want to absorb her magic.

But it is the heroic spirit with the manifestation of magic power, how powerful is the control of magic power.

Only in this way, she immediately understood the reason for the girl's panic.

"Can't you touch other people?" A trace of distress emerged in her heart, and Jeanne reached out her hand and hugged Little Naughty in her arms, "Nothing will happen, everything will be okay..."

Feeling the tender embrace that I have never had before, the little mischief was at a loss from the beginning, to the surprise at the back, and finally, it was finally confirmed that someone could really touch her without being hurt.

The accumulated emotions burst out suddenly.

She lay directly in Jean's arms and howled.

Cannot touch anyone.

Feared by everyone.

This ability led to her incomparable hope to be cared for and accepted.

"It looks like it's all right." Shen He was a little proud.

As a lover of Joan of Arc, he naturally knows how attractive Joan is to those who lack love.

Just looking at Master Saint's sincere and kind smile, the heart will be filled with warmth.

Of course, that's because Little Naughty is a pretty cute girl.

For a man, Shen He will let him roll as far as he can.


And this time on the other side.

Magneto and the three men who were already on the way to the train station suddenly stopped.

The locator installed on Little Naughty by the witch shows that she has returned to Charles' school.

"How is this going!?"

Magneto's expression is a little dark.

In the last second, the target girl was clearly at the train station, and he had already taken some people, and he was even ready to have a fight with Charles.

As a result, it took only a that people ran away?

However, in the face of his anger, no one around him can answer him, because these two are of average strength, and their heads are not good mutants.

So Magneto notified the magic girl who was still lurking in the school.

Just one sentence.

"The target is back, find out the reason."

Then go back the same way.

Of course there is no need to go to the railway station anymore.

Magneto felt that things were not going well today. The congressman who was finally caught was transformed into a mutant and ran away, and the girl who was crucial to the plan was not caught either.

In the dark, he suddenly felt a very bad feeling.


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