Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 941: newcomer

Jiang Heng was even more embarrassed this time. This time, he was afraid that Liu Que would bombard him with messages again.

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng decided to return to Tiannan City in person.

After discussing with the museum owner Hong, Jiang Heng finally left 800,000 imperial coins as a reward for the 500-year lease.

This also directly cost Jiang Heng all the money he earned from working in the Eye of Tianyu, and even because he didn't have enough cash, he had to use some semi-artifact fragments he had collected to fill the vacancy.

The value of the imperial currency is strong, and Jiang Heng really doesn't have much. But if he wants money, Jiang Heng can easily exchange millions of imperial coins if he sells the corpses and artifact fragments he collected in Tianhe Fortress.

In the end, Hong Haitao really sent Jiang Heng away in tears.

It took two days for Jiang Heng to arrive at the headquarters of the Eye of the Sky Territory. As soon as he returned to the team dormitory, he was shocked by the scene inside the team.

The interior layout is still the same, but there seems to be more people in the room!

"Old Shen, you are still alive. Where did you say you have been all these years? Do you know that we are dying of anxiety all these years!"

Seeing Jiang Heng, Liu Que rushed forward and chattered endlessly.

"Ahem! I just realized something, and I've been in retreat for a while!" Jiang Heng rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

"Hey! You have stepped into the second low rank?!"

Liu Que's beautiful eyes widened, and only then did she realize that Jiang Heng's cultivation had already reached a low second-order level at some point, and his breath was obscure, obviously his foundation was extremely solid.

"I haven't seen you for five hundred years, and you finally made a breakthrough, but it's not easy for you to make a breakthrough at such an age!"

Looking at Jiang Heng, Liu Que was filled with emotion.

This is a relatively rare thing. After all, Jiang Heng's disguised age is nearly a million years old, and such an old age is already considered middle-aged and elderly at the lower level.

At this age, there is almost no possibility of advancing again, but such a breakthrough is simply a miracle in Liu Que's eyes.

And it wasn't just Liu Que who was surprised, there was another person who looked at Jiang Heng with a look of surprise and uncertainty, and more curiosity in his eyes.

Jiang Heng noticed this person when he first came in, and immediately looked over.

This is a female demigod with a very young face. It can't be said that she looks very good-looking, but it can only be said to be very ordinary. She has flaxen hair and is dressed in a more conventional female combat uniform.

On the contrary, this attire highlights the woman's very graceful figure.

I thought Liu Que's figure was hot enough, but I never thought that this woman was even hotter.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce, this is our newly recruited player in the last hundred years, and he was finally assigned to our team."

Liu Que looked excited, as if the introduction was more exciting than self-introduction.

"Her name is Ke! But she is different from us. She is not from the regular army. She was just a general of the standing division before. Old Shen, don't look down on her because of this!"

Faced with Liu Que's smiling reminder, Jiang Heng was secretly surprised.

Fortunately, Liu Que quickly answered the doubts in Jiang Heng's mind.

"It seems that the frontline battles are too frequent. Most of the major legions have already arrived in the frontline area. It is unrealistic to transfer temporary members to our Eye of Heaven. But it doesn't matter. Ke's realm is stronger than Lao Shen and me. Combat strength is considered the strongest besides the captain!"

"I've seen Shen..."

"You can call me Old Shen just like them."

"Hello, Brother Shen! I'm Ke, and I'll be part of the team from now on!" Ke's voice was nice, and it felt a bit out of tune with her appearance.

It matches the figure quite well. If you don't look at the appearance and only listen to the voice and figure, you will definitely think that this is a peerless beauty.


Jiang Heng smiled and nodded to the other party, the other party should be relatively quiet, he seemed not good at talking with others, and after saying a few words, he shrank to the side and felt at a loss what to do.

"By the way, Old Shen, you haven't told us where you have been these days. You didn't even know that you greeted us in advance and disappeared for so long without saying a word. I don't know that the members of our Eye of the Sky team have been away for a long time. Will it be easy to be judged as a deserter if the report is made?"

Liu Que complained faintly, but she was also kind.

Because of the special nature of the Eye of the Sky organization, every member needs to go through strict screening and reporting of their whereabouts, in case someone is suddenly instigated by an enemy force or defected and escaped.

"It's okay, as long as Lao Shen goes to register the itinerary later, everything is correct and everything will be fine."

Captain Fu Gang spoke at this moment. He wiped the sweat off his body, as if he had just come out of the training room.

Although the training room in the dormitory of the Eye of Tianyu is average, it is still Fu Gang's unshakable cultivation method, and he will always use it for cultivation to the maximum extent.

After all, many body martial arts practitioners rely on absorbing cosmic energy, which can also temper the body. The two-pronged cultivation method like Jiang Heng's is still too extravagant, especially the higher the level, the more terrifying the gravity chamber needed, and the consumption of money will be superfluous.

Jiang Heng nodded, and then told about his going to Wanxing City to use the gravity room there to practice. There is nothing to hide.

Very short and quickly finished.

"Ten Thousand Stars City! This is a good choice. There is only a high-intensity gravity room inside our Eye of the Heavenly Territory. Everyone is rushing to use it, and it is difficult for ordinary players to get the turn. Even I need to make a long-term appointment before I have the opportunity to enter once.

But that's a lot of money, right? "

Fu Gang nodded. He is naturally a master when it comes to cultivation. In his early years, he also considered the cultivation method of two-pronged approach. After all, if you can improve some cultivation effects, you can improve some.

But the financial resources told him that the reality simply didn't allow it.

"Yes, I spent a lot of money. But I have successfully broken through now, haven't I?" Jiang Heng smiled indifferently.

Being able to break through to the second level is his biggest achievement this time.

In fact, it's not just the breakthrough of the physical body, but also the breakthrough of the air.

Although this time it is said that the cultivation of the physical body is the main thing, but I am the one who opened the way of Qi Dao, and the progress of my own Qi Dao is higher than that of the physical body without much cultivation.

This practice can be regarded as breaking through the two Taos at the same time, but the limited law of the Space Tao has never been able to achieve a demigod.

It is too difficult to collect the power of this kind of top law.

"By the way, what major events have happened in the southern border in the past five hundred years, and what is the situation on the front line?"

Jiang Heng is more concerned about this. From what they said earlier, it seems that this war is still in a stalemate. This is obviously just a war that seems to be resolved quickly. He never thought that it could be dragged on for so long.

"Let's talk about it, Captain. I don't even have the time to deal with these things now. What's going on in the southern border? Sigh."

Liu Que pursed her lips, as if she didn't want to talk about it in detail.

Seeing this, Fu just rubbed the center of his brows, organized his language a little bit, and then explained the events of the last five hundred years.

What Fu Gang said was relatively straightforward, without too many rhetorical embellishments, and he was just stating the results of some things.

Rao still talked about it for nearly a day before finishing a general idea.

Generally speaking, the war has been going on, and the two sides are still fighting more and more fiercely.

Originally, a few legions encircled and suppressed this ultra-dimensional omnic legion, but now, after five hundred years, it has gradually evolved into a situation where ten legions, countless standing divisions and the omnic legion see each other.

High-level combat power began to appear frequently on the battlefield, and high-level wars have broken out nearly a hundred times in the past five hundred years.

Almost all the great princes in the southern border, including Ji Yuanhou, have all come to an end, and six god-level powerhouses have successively descended on the Chaowei Kingdom.

After a lapse of five hundred years, the super-dimensional kingdom of God has almost occupied thousands of super galaxy clusters centered on the Kingdom of Rosyth on the periphery of the southern border.

It is already equivalent to including all the peripheral affiliated forces in the southern border.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that a bigger event broke out two hundred years ago.

One of the twelfth palaces of the pantheon, a ninth-rank palace lord made a move, leading a main force of 50,000 people to surprise the southern flank.

Then, Ji Yuanhou, who had been relatively silent all this time, finally made a move.

I thought that the master of one of the twelfth palaces of the temple of the gods would be unable to stop Ji Yuanhou, but he not only blocked it, but also killed the main force of his 50,000 legion with only more than ten thousand troops, and sent the flanks to the ground in one fell swoop. Strong and solid.

It is said that although not many enemies were killed in that battle, the palace lord retained an arm.

That battle was regarded as the prestige of the southern border. I thought that there was such a fierce man as Ji Yuanhou in the southern border, and it was just a wave of hands to wipe out these omnic legions in the southern border.

As a result, Ji Yuanhou never appeared on the battlefield again after taking it again. To this day, there are many rumors and rumors in and outside the South, and people's hearts are already unstable.

The key is that with the attack of one of the Zodiac two hundred years ago, this is also a signal, which means that the Temple of the Gods is over.

The two great powers of the universe are all hunting in the southern border. How can this news not make people daydream, not to mention that there has been no news from the central imperial capital of the empire for five hundred years.

Even the attitude of the other three kings was indifferent to this, as if nothing happened, just watching the show quietly.

This situation makes the southern border like an isolated island.

"That's pretty much the way it is. Now our Eye of the Heavenly Territory is also busy." Fu Gang spread out his hands. It was the first time for a guy like him who usually likes to boost morale to show a helpless look.

"Isn't that right? I've heard about it. The higher ups seem to want to unite all the teams to form a brand new legion, and when the time comes, the new legion will go to the front line.

I don't know how it happened, none of us have experienced large-scale battle training. And unlike other legions, each of our squads has different rules, and it is difficult to form a more suitable legion battle formation like other legions.

I see, when the formation of the legion is completed, the actual combat power of the legion may be worse than that of the standing division. "

Liu Que is even more pessimistic about this.

She belongs to that kind of lazy character, and it would be nice to be able to receive a salary every hundred years, not to mention how comfortable it is to live her own little life.

Even if the Tianyu Eye team is on a mission, although it is dangerous, Liu Que thinks it is good, at least there are not so many rules.

The legion is different, there are systems and constraints everywhere, which makes Liu Que, who is used to the team system, very conflicted.

"The situation is not yet true, so don't speculate on this matter. It is difficult for our Eye of the Heavens organization to form a legion. I think the higher-ups should also know.

Of course, if it is really a last resort, I think I am also willing to fight for the southern border! "

Fu Gang squeezed his fist, his tone was extremely firm.

Jiang Heng and the others don't know about Fu Gang's past. Although they can't imagine Fu Gang's emotions, they are understandable.

In fact, there are relatively few demigods like Fu Gang.

Because after breaking through to a demigod, many feelings are mostly faded, whether it is family or friendship, or even the relationship between monarch and minister, etc. are not as good as those born with longevity.

During this period, the team chatted for a while, and Jiang Heng also had a clear understanding of what happened inside the Eye of Tianyu recently.

In fact, the entire Five Thousand Squad has performed no more than fifty missions in five hundred years, and most of them are responsible for transporting and escorting supplies, or training casual repairs for the front line.

"Training casual cultivators? You said that you were instructors some time ago?"

"That's right! What's the matter? Our Tianyu Eye team originally came from the regular army. We have experienced very orthodox studies, and there are many people from famous families. How can knowledge be compared with casual cultivators? Teaching and teaching casual cultivators is still possible. Yes." Liu Que looked indifferent.

"I heard that all casual cultivators in the entire southern border are being summoned by the military. Is this true?" Jiang Heng asked again.

I remember that the military deliberately concealed this matter five hundred years ago.

"It's true. We didn't know that the military would take such a big action before. After the Temple of the Gods ended two hundred years ago, the superiors gave all our teams the task of instructors. Each person is responsible for teaching a hundred students. The mission lasts for a hundred years.

Originally you were going too, but you were not there at the time, so you put it on hold for a But you come back this time and guess that there will be an instructor task for you soon, so you have to teach students! "

Fu Gang couldn't help showing a weird smile as he spoke.

"Is it dangerous to be an instructor?" Captain Fu Gang's strange expression made Jiang Heng suspicious.

"It's not dangerous! It's just that there are a lot of troubles, casual cultivators, there are a lot of thorns. By the way, Lao Shen, I know that you can do it in actual combat. How about your knowledge of formations, inscriptions, and martial arts theory?"

"Do you still want to teach these?" Jiang Heng raised his brows slightly, his knowledge of formation inscriptions is not bad, but only at the low-level demigod level.

The main reason is that the time for me to break through to a demigod is still short, and I don't have so much time for accumulation.

Jiang Heng is still somewhat self-aware of himself.

"It's not all, it mainly depends on what you are good at. If you are good at actual combat, then I will let you be the instructor of the actual combat class. It's just that there are too many people who are good at actual combat, but there are very few people who are good at formations, inscriptions, martial arts and other knowledge. So now you Good at actual combat, assigning tasks also depends on how they are deployed.

If you are assigned to be an instructor for courses such as formation inscriptions, alchemy, weapon refining, martial arts theory, etc., then you will be out of luck. "

"What if you are really not good at these?"

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