Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 905: See the king

Seeing all this, Jiang Heng felt a little emotional, unknowingly thinking of the earth in his previous life.

"But Lord Futian?"

Just as the starship group is slowly approaching a fortress, this is one of the four fortresses erected on the outskirts of Tiannan City.

There are quite a lot of defenders in the fortress here, three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry, but from time to time there are domain masters who take a shuttle to patrol around the fort in pairs. And there seems to be many demigod breaths in the fortress.

Soon, a middle-aged man wearing a dark armor with an obvious blazing sun icon on his chest stopped outside the porthole on a shuttle.

He bowed his hands respectfully towards Futian inside.

Direct voice transmission: "My lord!"

"What's the matter?" Futian frowned. His car only needs to be scanned by the monitoring mechanism of the fortress itself, and there is no need for such a guarding general to come and check.

"That's right, the lord ordered you to take that Tianjiao directly to the palace!"

"To the palace? Okay, I see!"

After saying this, the guarding general hurriedly beckoned the defenders to let them go.

"Brother Jiang, it seems that the prince really values ​​you. The prince has always been cold on the outside and hot on the inside. He never shows his affection for a person. Don't be surprised when you see the prince later!"

Fu Tian explained carefully.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, although he didn't feel too much trouble in his heart, but when he thought of meeting a top powerhouse like one of the four kings of the empire, he still felt a little bit guilty.

"Although my aptitude is good, but with the existence of the prince, I don't think it would be so solemn when we meet for the first time, right? Is this trying to give me a blow?"

As the starship slowly entered the fortress, after landing at a huge space port not far from the Tiannan City mainland, it took a shuttle all the way to the center.

As he entered the city, Jiang Heng once again had a deep impression of the prosperity of the city.

All kinds of virtual projection advertisements are suspended everywhere, and using the word from the previous life to describe it is cyberpunk style.

From time to time, in the advertisements, there are huge projections of vivid and charming girls promoting a certain product, and Jiang Heng even saw the slogan of the Imperial Bank.

"Haha, brother, you will get used to the life here in the future. It is definitely a feast for the eyes, but at the beginning, my brother advises you to take it easy. The women here are all precious."

Seeing the surprise on Jiang Heng's face, Fu Tian thought that Jiang Heng had never seen such a bustling scene before laughing and joking.

"Could it be that there are female demigods in the city doing that kind of thing?" Jiang Heng keenly discovered the key.

Women like them who are demigods can't be satisfied, after all, once ordinary people have **** with demigods, it will be directly deformed.

"Of course, there's nothing strange about this. It's not uncommon in Tiannan City. Demigods are also human beings, especially some female demigods who are not qualified to join the legion or city guards. In order to make a living, the fastest and most convenient way to earn resources That's the way.

And don't think how pitiful they are, these **** are more ruthless than the other, one night's sleep at least costs 100,000 imperial coins, and a million imperial coins can buy a low-level first-order semi-divine weapon, think about it for yourself! "

When Futian said this, he had an angry expression on his face, obviously spending money on those women.

"This..." Jiang Heng was a little speechless.

"But there is absolutely nothing to say about the taste of these women, especially the technology that you never dared to think about before." Fu Tian immediately had a smile that only men could understand.

Jiang Heng curled his lips and chuckled lightly: "Brother, shouldn't everyone get tired of this man and woman thing before stepping into the demigod?"

He is not lying, after all, who can cultivate to a demigod does not have a lifespan of a million years, and demigods have tens of thousands of years before, no matter how anxious people are during that time, they are afraid that it will be so long Years to do that kind of thing also have to get tired of playing.

This is the difference between practitioners and ordinary people. Ordinary people only have a lifespan of a hundred years, but practitioners can live for tens of thousands of years at every turn. It is so long that many things, no matter how much you like at first, will become a little boring in the end.

"Hey! My brother, you don't know something now. What you said is just a mortal below the demigod. As for our demigod, the life span is more than a million years.

Wouldn't it be too much fun for such a long lifespan to practice hard all the time? And it is not a good thing to only know about cultivation all the time.

It is easy to go crazy, not to mention that it is easy to have the risk of distortion. In order to alleviate this kind of spiritual dullness and numbness, demigods often seek that need.

It's just that we do that kind of thing differently between demigods. Who said that kind of thing is just the blending of flesh and blood? Don't we demigods have souls? "

Forehead. . . .

Hearing that Jiang Heng was silent for a long time, isn't this the so-called divine friendship?

"Tsk tsk! Brother, if you haven't experienced it, you don't know that the fusion between the soul and the soul is more sensitive and wonderful than the physical body. It is really refreshing to the depths of the soul!"

Fu Tian's cheap smile, this appearance is completely different from the usual simple black and strong man.

"I'll take you to see it when I'm free, brother, I'll treat you to the first time!" Fu Tian smiled and patted Jiang Heng on the shoulder.

"Thank you for your kindness, brother, I have no time to be distracted when I just joined the lord!" Jiang Heng smiled helplessly.

Where is this going? How come Fu Tian, ​​who is usually serious, looks like a hungry ghost in color at this time.

"You just don't understand, but as long as you try it, you will understand!" Fu Tian shook his head with a smile on his face.

Jiang Heng smiled and said nothing.

Now, on the one hand, I have to face the assassination of assassins, on the other hand, I have just joined Nan Wang's command and my future is still unknown, so how can I have the heart to do such a thing.

The flying shuttle sailed slowly, and it took an hour before it arrived near a giant tower that reached the sky, and stopped on a small apron beside it.

"Let's go, this is Tiannan City's governing hall, which is also the highest governing hall in the southern region. Every order received and issued by the prince will pass through here."

Futian waved his hand and strode towards the giant tower on his own.

"Brother, aren't we going to the palace?" Jiang Heng hurriedly followed.

"The palace is naturally here. I didn't say that the palace is in this world."

Not in this world? Is that in the cave secret realm?

Jiang Heng understood.

Take the elevator all the way to the top floor of the giant tower. There is not much space on this floor. There is only a wide door that catches the eye. There are two demigods standing at the door. Jiang Heng does not know the exact state of the two without using his spiritual sense.

"Your Excellency, the two gatekeepers, I will bring Jiang Heng to meet the prince at the order of the prince!"

When Futian saw the two, he cupped his hands and smiled, with a rare humble attitude.

The two gatekeepers, whose bodies were almost covered by dark black armor, with three blazing sun patterns printed on their breastplates, shot a golden divine light from their eyes and scanned the two of Futian.

After a while, he nodded: "Go in!"

Hearing that Futian directly pulled Jiang Heng to walk in.

Entering it, the field of vision becomes clear and clear. It really is a secret cave, and Jiang Heng roughly estimated its capacity, which is roughly the size of a galaxy.

In the distance, there is a huge planet, and on the surface of that planet is a long corridor, which is actually directly connected to the entrance gate.

This strange scene that completely ignores the gravitational field of the vacuum environment is obviously blessed by some kind of formation to make it appear like this.

"Let's go, don't make the prince wait!"

When Futian stepped out of his body, he was instantly on the corridor tens of thousands of miles away.

Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, because he didn't feel that the other party just stepped out normally.

However, as he stepped out and came to Futian's side, he felt a little thoughtful.

"This corridor is blessed with a weak space formation! It's really a big hand!"

Jiang Heng was secretly startled, this method is actually just a small path in the small path for ordinary masters of the law of space.

But arranging this kind of formation on such a long corridor is a bit rich and powerful.

In fact, there is a more convenient way, that is to directly set up a teleportation formation at the gate, and directly teleport to the surface of the planet. But it is necessary to do such a thankless thing.

I secretly complained in my heart that this is just looking for trouble.

But soon Jiang Heng found that this road didn't seem to be easy, and as he went forward, he couldn't help but feel more and more uncomfortable.

Shenhun just felt as if there were countless sights around him spying on something, scanning something, as if they wanted to find out everything about the people walking in the corridor.

"Don't underestimate this corridor. If outsiders step into it without the permission of the gatekeeper, this corridor will detect it and start a lore battle."

Speaking of Futian, he pointed to some stars near the corridor.

Jiang Heng looked over immediately. He didn't pay much attention to it before, but he just thought that these were just some ordinary stars and planets in this cave.

But after careful observation, it became clear that these stars were connected to each other, and there was a faint trace of a huge formation.

It's just that this large formation is too high-end and cumbersome, and I can't see much clues with my current eyesight.

After walking through this corridor for about a stick of incense, they reached the surface of the planet, and this planet is the palace.

Stepping into this planet, Jiang Heng felt that there seemed to be many demigod-level powerhouses living in the planet. Before, it seemed that there was a large formation on the surface of the planet that isolated the atmosphere.

"Isn't this the palace? Why are there so many living creatures?" Jiang Heng asked puzzled.

"What's so strange about that?"

Futian looked as if you are rare and strange, but he still smiled and explained: "This is normal. The blood of the prince alone here is as many as trillions. There are also some housekeepers and servants who are responsible for guarding the palace. The total is nearly 10,000 A population of around 500 billion."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was a little dazed and took it for granted.

A high-ranking and powerful man like Nan Wang may be tens of millions of years old, and it is really rare to have only trillions of heirs after so many years.

"By the way, here are three things you must keep in mind. First, don't probe randomly. Second, don't float in the air at will. Third, don't use force with others!"

Suddenly, Fu Tian solemnly reminded him.

Jiang Heng nodded, and he understood after thinking about it.

This place is equivalent to the feet of half of the emperor, and there are blood relatives of the prince's heirs everywhere. Maybe anyone on the street is the grandson of the prince for many generations.

Simply put, low-key, many people here should not be provoked.

Along the way, there are cities and streets like Tiannan City here, but it doesn't look very lush here, and the overall atmosphere is solemn and solemn, until you come to a very large house, you can't see the surrounding area. There are a few people.

Even the nearby buildings are much less, it is completely a luxurious house surrounded by green water and green mountains.

Jiang Heng took a look, but it didn't have the iron and steel technology style in the city. It had the classical style of Huaguo in the previous life, but it was different. The whole made Jiang Heng look weird, not like any one in memory.

This is the real palace. The overall color of the building is still the same color as the armor on the soldiers. The bricks and tiles on the eaves are all black. Except for some red decorations, it looks more dull and solemn here.

There were no guards at the gate, but there were two statues of ferocious beasts in human form. As the two approached, the eyes of the statues slowly turned to look at them.


Just looking at Futian, one of the statues spit out a word, and then the gate of the house creaked open.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng hurriedly followed.

Walking all the way, the inside was even more oppressive and dull. What surprised Jiang Heng the most was that his martial arts cultivation base and martial arts will were oppressed by an invisible force.

Right now, he is only at the initial stage of the domain master level, and even the will of martial arts can only be huddled in the body and is extremely silent.

"Don't panic, it's just the oppression of the prince's martial arts will enveloping the palace."

Fu Tian explained that his cultivation was also suppressed to the realm of the domain master.

Jiang Heng nodded and didn't say much, but he was secretly startled.

From this move alone, it can be seen that the strength of this Southern King is definitely not simple.

To be able to directly oppress others with the will of martial This is definitely not something that can be done by ordinary high positions.

There are endless houses in the courtyard, and Futian obviously knows the road, and finally came to a main hall after twists and turns all the way.

As soon as he walked to the gate of the main hall, Fu Tian paused, and immediately said: "Go in, the prince is inside!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, took a deep breath and stepped straight into it.

There are not many decorative items in the hall, and the only thing that is more eye-catching may be a Fangtian painted halberd hanging on the innermost wall.

This Fang Tian painted halberd has an exaggerated and domineering shape, and the whole body has many reliefs of strange animals that Jiang Heng has never seen before. floating.

On the first seat below where Fang Tian's painted halberd hangs, sits cross-legged a tall figure about ten meters tall, who seems to be looking down at the report of the person in the projection screen.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng arched his hands slightly and stood still on the spot without making a sound to disturb the other party.

"Since the prince has guests, it is inconvenient for the subordinates to disturb you!"


However, Jiang Heng's appearance was still noticed by the person who was talking with each projection, and the conversation was terminated after a hasty explanation.

"In Xiajiang Heng, I have seen the prince!"

Seeing this, Jiang Heng opened his mouth and bowed.

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