Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 892: Crossing robbery (middle)

"Check the integrity of each starship."

As soon as the spirit was relaxed, the elder waved his hand and ordered to sit aside and close his eyes to rest for a while.

However, before closing his eyes, a series of harsh sirens resounded throughout the command room.

"What happened again?"

The elder felt that he was about to have a nervous breakdown.

"Elder... yes... yes... a high-energy reaction, just... within one light-year, there is a rapidly rising high-energy reaction!"

The disciple was about to cry. He pointed to the display on the other side of the screen that was specially used to detect nearby energy reactions, with a look on his face like he had seen a ghost.

"how come?"

The elder was also shocked, this is a starless belt.

Not to mention stars with energy in this ghost place, there are not even barren meteorites without energy. Where does this high-energy reaction pop up.

It's impossible for strong people to cultivate in such a ghostly place, right?

But what the **** is this a joke? The energy here is already thin, and there are no shops in front of the village or back. Which brain-dead strong would choose to practice here?

But when he took a closer look, the sharply rising number actually told him that it was true.

"What the **** is going on? This energy level reaction has exceeded the detection limit of existing equipment!"

The elders were shocked. The detection equipment installed in their starship was only at the peak domain master level. As for the equipment to detect demigod-level powerhouses, it is not that there is no such equipment, but it is not necessary.

After all, is it really necessary to detect if there is a demigod strong nearby? If the other party really has bad intentions, there is no need to resist.

"All enter the highest alert state, and send a reconnaissance plane to investigate nearby. I need to know what happened here!" The elder issued a series of instructions, and the tone of the words was unquestionable.

Soon, reconnaissance planes like locusts flew out.

Guo Ming is an outer disciple of the Water Moon Sect, and he has always been proud of being selected as a member of the Zongmen Chamber of Commerce this time, because joining the Zongmen Caravan is a lucrative job.

It was only after entering that he felt a little depressed, because the department he was in was an armed department, and he had no access to the well-oiled logistics department at all.

During this period of time, he was diligent and conscientious all the way. After a long time, Guo Ming looked away and regarded it as going out to practice.

Being able to go out to a place so far away from the Zongmen is also a very unforgettable experience.

However, this trip was not very pleasant on the return journey, because the elders in charge had already issued the highest alert order, and Guo Ming, as an armed man, was also very depressed to be selected as a member of the investigation team.

Followed by a group of brothers and sisters driving their respective shuttles to investigate in all directions.

"Hey, Guo Ming, don't pee your pants in fright. If someone big or a terrifying starry sky monster is practicing here, if everyone dies together, you won't be the only one."

Brothers laughed in the team channel. Hearing this, Guo Ming was very helpless and depressed. His timidity seemed to have been known by everyone.

Temporarily blocking those irrelevant voice channels, Guo Ming pressed the auto cruise control while making tea by himself. This is destined to be a boring task, it is better to enjoy it while performing the task.

Just like what these brothers said, if there are really big people around here, it must be that if they die together, whoever can survive.

With the unique music of Shuiyue Sect playing in the cabin, Guo Ming was busy humming along with the music.

However, at this moment, a piercing siren sounded from the console.

"Hey! How did the track deviate so much from the course?"

Looking at the established trajectory on the star map, a scarlet bifurcation has clearly appeared, and Guo Ming is a little confused and puzzled.

The automatic cruise of the shuttle is designed to avoid other shuttles, so as to avoid the possibility of overlapping patrols in one place.

"It shouldn't be, the shuttle will have strict inspections, and there will be no mistakes."

While talking, Guo Ming was shocked by the scene outside the porthole just as he was thinking about it.

"This...what the **** happened here?"

I saw many meteorites and barren planets appearing in the field of vision, and these stars all flew towards a certain direction at an extremely fast speed. Not to mention these things, even his shuttle is sailing towards that unknown area.

"Is there a black hole in front? But why didn't there be a prompt? There was no black hole mark here before!"

Guo Ming was shocked and turned on the voice channel, and the overwhelming words came over immediately.

"An unknown attraction has appeared in the a13 area, and the attraction has exceeded the limit of ordinary small black holes and is still expanding rapidly!"

"All the brothers responsible for the detection of Area A evacuate as soon as possible!"

A series of hasty voices resounded through the voice from the elder brother of the outer sect.

However, it was too late for Guo Ming to say his words, because the shuttle was flying towards that direction uncontrollably at this moment, even if the power was fully turned on, it could not get rid of this suction force.

"It's over!"

Guo Ming's forehead was covered with cold sweat unknowingly, and he felt that everything was over.

He looked at the dark area in the distance. He didn't know what was there, but he knew that if the shuttle was really sucked in, it might never come out again.

All kinds of terrifying thoughts popped up in my mind for a while, imagining that there was a huge starry sky behemoth in the dark place that was devouring everything.

Time passed little by little, and finally he saw the planets and meteorites submerged in a black curtain, an area as black as ink.

Soon, the shuttle was inevitably submerged in it.

Guo Ming closed his eyes as if quietly waiting for the arrival of death.

However, tens of seconds passed, and the expected death did not seem to appear. He opened his eyes in a daze, and when they opened, they widened.

What imprinted into the eyes was not the imaginary dark world, but a world of radiant light.

There are many planets and meteorites being sucked in all around, and at the core of these things there is... a sun?

Guo Ming rubbed his eyes and wondered if his vision was wrong.

How could there be such a sun emitting terrifying light and heat in this black thing?

His eyes were a little wandering, and he couldn't help but feel anxious and wanted to leave here. His eyes even looked around, observing the surrounding situation.

"How is this possible?!"

Just one glance at Guo Ming was shocked again, because not far from his flying shuttle was a beautiful and elegant woman with fair skin like snow wearing a gorgeous cheongsam.

The woman's graceful and luxurious temperament and her incomparably delicate face let Guo Ming clearly know that she is definitely the most beautiful woman in the world, and she is a treasure bred by the world.

But how could such a living person appear here.

And still standing on one of the meteorites, the other party seemed to be standing quietly looking at the light in the distant core area.

There was a worried look on the woman's face, but Guo Ming didn't dare to think about it at all. He just wanted to leave here now, and he didn't even want to say hello to her.

To be able to exist in such a terrifying and unknown environment, this woman definitely has a big problem.

At this moment, Guo Ming noticed that the situation had changed, because an old man in gray robe flew over from a distance. The old man seemed to be talking about something when he landed beside the woman. Seems to be getting better.

But at this moment, the old man who said this rolled his eyes and looked at Guo Ming for a second.

In just a second, the hairs on Guo Ming's body stood on end, and his body's instinctive reaction told him that the other party was definitely a terrifying creature, a terrifying existence that could make his body most alert. .

"What happened to senior?" Lin Yanwei asked softly.

"It's okay, even if some little guys bumped in by mistake, it's also strange that there are still people so unlucky when they are far away from the life zone."

Xuan Guizi shook his head.


Hearing that Lin Yanwei followed Xuan Guizi's gaze, she saw the shuttle that Guo Ming was driving.

"Since there are some people who entered unintentionally, it is better to let them leave safely. I am afraid that my husband's breakthrough will be quite powerful next time."

"Simple, the old man will reinforce an isolation formation later."

Xuan Guizi didn't take it seriously either. For such a powerful life like him, it was difficult for some weak people to cause him any ripples. After all, a planet can be wiped out in one breath, and those weak and ants are naturally ignored by him. in the eyes.

At the same time, the fluctuations in the core area of ​​the light became more terrifying, and circles of air waves began to sweep in all directions like tides.

Terrible shock waves erupted in this large formation as if they had opened up the world.

Guo Ming only felt that everything in his field of vision suddenly became irritable, especially the star at the core seemed to burst out with terrifying power.

Just when he thought he was going to die, his vision flickered, and he saw that he had escaped from that terrifying world again, and what appeared in his eyes turned into the starry sky again.

"I came out? But what was that place just now?"

He was puzzled, but Guo Ming didn't dare to investigate any further. After making the return order, he turned the shuttle and returned directly to the fleet.

However, before he could fly far, there seemed to be a terrifying light blooming behind him, and he saw a dazzling light burst out from the core in a dark light curtain, and then this light quickly spread. Fill the entire black light curtain.

The black light curtain is naturally the large array arranged by Xuan Guizi, but at this moment, the large array seems to be difficult to stop the leakage of this terrifying aura.

Almost instantly, at the same time, in the Xiaoyue Empire, Xiaoyue, who was sitting on the throne and listening to her subordinates' report, suddenly looked somewhere.

"Is it finally going to start? But it's reasonable, I hope everything goes well!"

A sliver of rare appreciation and unpredictability flashed in Xiaoyue's demigod eyes.

On the other side, here is a pointed cone-shaped building, the top of which seems to lead to the starry sky and is extremely towering.

The strange thing is that there are many strange inscriptions engraved on the surface of this building. These scarlet inscriptions do not seem to be anything at first glance, but after a long time of viewing, there is a feeling of rage, as if an unknown flame is rising in the heart.

This is the tower of the four poles and demigods, and it is also a demigod that radiates the power of his laws.

This is not only his palace but also his base camp, and it is also the biggest hole card in his hand. As long as he sits in it, his strength will not only increase several times!

It's just that he is rarely suspended above the planet, looking at a certain place with a hearty smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The master level of this little sub-domain is so scary. If you step into the demigod, it will be another disaster. But fortunately, I have a little friendship with him. Let others have a headache."

Almost all the demigods of the hundred kingdoms who were related to Jiang Heng looked at Jiang Heng's location, and even the Supreme Elder of the Shuiyue Sect couldn't help but be attracted by this terrifying fluctuation.


The former Hundred Nations Council Hall has now become the seat of the Imperial Government Affairs Office that governs the original hegemony and many super galaxy clusters of the Hundred Nations.

Ms. Eva, the consul, was ordering something to her secretaries.

She is still as capable as ever and has a strong sense of swiftness and efficiency in handling affairs, and she still looks indifferent when facing her own people. This extreme rationality makes her every instruction extremely appropriate.

Just then a young lady trotted in.

This is a tall young lady with a big weapon, wearing a pair of the most advanced assistive brain in the empire, like a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the eye sockets, adding a bit of rationality to her cute appearance.

"How can my subordinate be so reckless? Tell me, if there is no urgent matter, I don't mind changing someone!" Eva looked indifferent, although her tone was unhappy, she was still extremely rational.

"Sir,'s the news from the Ministry of Supervision, and there's an unusual high-energy reaction." The young consul said with an anxious expression on his face, but he still spoke in a very calm tone.

"Unusual?" Eva raised her brows slightly, the news did surprise her rationally.

"This is just a fringe area, what is unusual? Could it be that the casual cultivators nearby don't have eyes to attack us? Don't they know that this place has been taken over by the empire?"

"'s not like this! It's the high-energy response of our local powerhouse!"


"The target is suspected to be Jiang Heng, the star master of the empire, and the star field where the target is located is a no-man's land in the silver field!"

"It's him!"

Some astonishment finally appeared in Eva's eyes now!

She had seen this young man before, and her first impression was not good.

Although the data shows that the other party has made outstanding contributions in conquering hundreds of countries and hegemony, in Eva's view, the other party has worshiped Xing Yun, a member of the former Imperial Army, as his teacher.

Therefore, Eva judged that there was a problem with Jiang Heng's credit, which should be caused by the sharing of credit by his master.

Eva doesn't care about this. This kind of thing is very common in the empire. It's normal for the elders to seek a title for the younger But it's only for star masters, not for subsequent earls. The empire will strictly censored.

"I need an energy level assessment analysis report!" Eva said quickly.

"I have already brought it, please take a look!"

Speaking of which, the young lady lightly pressed the wrist strap, and then a virtual projection popped up.

It was a series of data analysis, among which a series of numbers stood out.

"The energy level fluctuates from one million to three million?"

Eva frowned again, the empire's energy level assessment was different from that of the Luohui Empire.

According to the data of the Great Zhou Empire's data chemical warriors, the master of the galaxy is 10,000, the master of the domain is 50,000, and the demigod is a million.

True God is 100 million!


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