Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 888: give pointers

"I remember you are best at marksmanship, right?" Jiang Heng's seemingly casual question rang in Shen Mo's ear.

It would be a little dazed to be silent, but she still nodded subconsciously.

"Mr. Hui, my marksmanship is inherited from my family, but after learning from others' strengths, I can call myself the Wave Spear!"

Speaking of his marksmanship, Silence is more or less proud.

His martial arts realm may not be the strongest, but his marksmanship can definitely be called the best, and he has even been praised by some martial arts masters of the third rank.

"The usage of the gun mainly includes: piercing, stabbing, slamming, slamming, wrapping, circling, blocking, holding, pouncing, pointing, dialing, and dancing flowers. These constitute the essence and routines of his marksmanship."

Jiang Heng didn't care about the arrogant tone of silence at all, he just calmly described the basics of marksmanship, and then the words changed after a pause:

"You first demonstrate your marksmanship!"

Hearing the words, Shen Mo hesitated for a moment and looked around, but he didn't seem to see anything like a stick like a gun.

But at the next moment, he didn't know where Master Jiang took out a long gun and threw it over.

After taking the long spear, Silent's doubts dissipated instantly, only his own marksmanship was in his mind, and he immediately demonstrated the essence of his marksmanship one by one.

Because he had seen Jiang Heng teach him martial arts a long time ago, he was completely silent and showed everything he had learned.

After practicing a set of marksmanship for nearly ten minutes, Mo Mo finally made up his mind.

He was slightly out of breath. Firstly, it was because he was concentrating on what he had learned, and secondly, his physical strength was really declining at the moment, as he was getting old.

It's just that there was an unconcealable smile on his face, which was self-confidence. He felt that it would be difficult for him to point out any flaws, not to mention whether he would be praised by Mr. Jiang after practicing this set of marksmanship.

But the next moment Jiang Heng shook his head.

"I thought that your marksmanship must have improved greatly after so many years, but now it seems that the more you practice, the more you go back!"

Jiang Heng's tone was obviously not joking, and it was a bit heavy.

Silence was stunned, somewhat unconvinced in his heart, after all, this is what he has learned all his life, and it is inevitable that he feels a little unbalanced after being belittled by others.

Naturally, Jiang Heng couldn't hide the other party's expression and even what was in his heart.

Jiang Heng doesn't care about this, it's normal, after all, the environment limits the silence in front of him.

"Don't be unconvinced. Although your previous marksmanship was young, it was more streamlined and your moves were very practical. However, your current marksmanship is cumbersome and seems to be comprehensive, but you don't know that it is a little bit upside down.

Martial arts is not the more complicated the better, sometimes one force can break all laws, even if you are ever-changing, I can break it with one shot! "

Seeing that Shen Mo was still not convinced, Jiang Heng smiled and shook his hand, and suddenly there was another spear in his hand out of thin air.

This silence is very shocking, but it is not easy to ask more questions at the moment.

"Come on! Use your wave-stirring marksmanship to attack with all your might!" Jiang Heng said, holding a long spear.

Hearing the silence, he had already held his breath in his heart, and he was not polite. He gritted his teeth and flicked the spear in his hand, and instantly turned into dozens of spears to kill Jiang Heng.

The marksmanship in his hand is very delicate, this is the big heavy wave of the wave-wave marksmanship, and the essence of the wave-wave marksmanship. This move has a total of thirty-six stabs, which are enough to make the opponent have no room to fight back.

But in the next moment, Mo Mo felt a strong wind blowing in front of him, and in the next moment he froze and didn't dare to make any further movements, because his neck had been pressed against by a spear point at some point.

He stared blankly at the long spear in front of him and then at Jiang Heng who just slightly raised his hand and passed the gun forward.

The other party's grab was actually not fast, at least Shen Mo saw clearly the trajectory of the other party's spear just now, but until the other party stabbed with a long spear, Shen Mo felt that he could not avoid it no matter what, as if this stab almost predicted all his subsequent actions.

" is this possible?!"

The silence was unbelievable, and all his pride seemed to be showing signs of collapse at this moment.

"The gun is not the more moves, the better. Similarly, it is the same in all martial arts. You must know the truth of simplicity!"

Jiang Heng put down the spear in his hand and spoke softly.

Listening silently, he fell to his knees with a thump.

"Please teach me, sir! I beg you to accept me as an apprentice!" Silence knelt down and solemnly clasped his fists in begging.

Although the other party didn't show any power of a third-rank master, but just this casual display of marksmanship has already convinced him.

However, seeing this scene, Jiang Heng just shook his head slightly.

"It's a little bit too late for you to want to be my apprentice now, but I can help you with that sentence, and help you step into the third rank."

Hearing this, he was silent, he thought for a while and said nothing more.

He didn't know why Mrs. Jiang didn't accept him as his apprentice, and he didn't know why the other party was so sure that a person with declining vitality could step into the upper third rank.

It's just that he has no other choice right now, the only plan for now is to follow the mysterious Mr. Jiang in front of him, even if he can't step into the third rank, at least he can make his martial arts path go further.

"Your marksmanship is too cumbersome now, but you're right, your qi and blood have dropped drastically. If you want to get you into the upper third rank, just doing ordinary martial arts routines will easily damage your body. How about you Practice the basics of marksmanship with me first."

Jiang Heng paused for a while before saying: "Those who practice spears pay attention to the internal and external three-in-one, the inner three-in-one: heart, qi, gallbladder, and the outer three-in-one: hands, feet, eyes, eyes and heart, qi and strength. , step and move together."

"Heart, Qi, Courage, Hands, Steps, and Eyes" are the skills and essence of fighting for marksmanship. After learning this, maybe you can break through the shackles and step into the third rank! "

What Jiang Heng said is of course not as simple as the essence of ordinary marksmanship, but to let the opponent understand the heart of martial arts.

This set of marksmanship theory is actually the essence theory of the big gun in the previous life.

This is also Jiang Heng's realization recently. He found that many traditional martial arts in his previous life may not be as good as this world in refining martial arts.

But those experience and essence can especially play a role in tempering the will of martial arts and awakening the heart of martial arts.

After all, in passing on martial arts in the previous life, besides the moves, the most important thing is the state of mind and artistic conception.

Practicing martial arts first trains the mind, this is the same truth through the ages.

And many martial arts in the previous life are both.

Just like a gun, it pays attention to the inner and outer three-in-one, and the inner three-in-one: heart, qi, and gallbladder.

These three points are the key to tempering the heart of martial arts.

These three points directly name the key to the heart of martial arts. The heart is the mentality, the qi is the momentum, and the gall is the courage and bravery.

Didn't it mean that a famous general once said that to practice guns, you must first practice courage.

Just like during the Three Kingdoms period, Zhao Zilong was a good gunman, and some people even praised Zilong for his courage.

The facts are indeed the same. In Jiang Heng's view, marksmanship is more important to the heart of martial arts. The more daring to fight and kill, the more indomitable the person who learns marksmanship is often the more effective.

After telling these formulas to Shen Mo, he thought that Jiang Heng would personally teach him some marksmanship routines, but he waved his hand and let him go back to experience it.

When he walked out of the yard, he was dumbfounded. Didn't he say he wanted to teach him marksmanship? Why only teach one set of formulas?

Silence is very incomprehensible, isn't this just playing tricks on him?

"If you're just kidding me, then why waste your time talking so much with me?"

Shaking his head silently, he always felt that things were not that simple.

But just when he was lost in thought, a person came riding a horse from afar.

The person who came was the brother of the Canglang Gang who had summoned them.

The person stood in front of Shen Mo and immediately got off his horse and said, "The vice-leader is in trouble, the rebels are attacking again, and the leader has already led his brothers to the city wall to defend against the enemy when he sees that you are not here!"


Mo Mo thought about it without thinking, "Why don't you stop me, the main reason is that if something happens to the gangster, I won't punish you severely!"

Mo Mo didn't dare to be negligent, so he grabbed the man's horse and turned up and galloped towards the city wall.

The old gang leader had cared for him at the end of his life, and he had also received a lot of favors when the old gang leader was still there.

Silence is a kind and righteous one.

It didn't take long for him to come to the edge of the city wall, and he could hear the screams of killing above the city wall from a long distance away, accompanied by waves of whistling from time to time.

The whistling sound was the rebels outside the city throwing stones. Huge boulders continued to fall into the city, and when they hit nearby houses, they created a big hole.

The situation was critical, Mo Mo slapped the horse's back with his big hand, jumped up, and then borrowed strength several times on the city wall. Within a few breaths, he lay his hands on the edge of the female wall, and jumped over again and entered the wall.

It's just that the scene of blood and blood fighting just entered the eyes of the city wall.

The city walls are full of rebels and brothers from various gangs in the city wearing armor issued by the government.

The government of Cangzhou City has long ordered people from all corners of the country to defend against the rebels. Now the proportion of defenders on the city wall is half of the gang members and half of the officers and soldiers.

It has to be said that Cangzhou Chengfu Zun is very cunning.

At the beginning, when the rebels outside the city only appeared a little bit, they let the forces of the rivers and lakes go out to fight, and then held a banquet in the city to entertain the many gang leaders in the city.

And that banquet was also a conspiracy of the Fu Zun, he had already ambushed the swordsman and the strong.

It was during that banquet that the lords of the government either coerced or lured them into signing a letter of extermination against the rebels, which directly forced these Jianghu forces to side with the government.

In this way, even if the gangs in the city intend to collude with the rebels, they have to weigh whether the rebels will believe it. After all, they threatened to exterminate them before.

Of course, if there was still hope for the rebellion at that time, but as the war continued, after the gang forces and the rebels killed the red eyes, the strategy of the Fu Zun was already extremely stable.

Now even if the gang wants to rebel, the rebels will be held accountable afterward.

With such speculation, many gang leaders can only go the same way as the officers and soldiers.

Looking at the chaotic scene of fighting, Shen Mo frowned, because he couldn't find the gang leader because of such chaos.


At this moment, a strong wind hit, and a rebel armed with a spear stabbed at Silence.

Mo Mo moved quickly, twisted his figure, put his big hand directly on the barrel of the gun, and immediately made a clever move, which directly made the opponent's tiger's mouth go numb, and he couldn't hold the spear immediately.

Dodging and grabbing the gun, the silent set is extremely fast.

With the spear in his hand, he was silent and unceremoniously dealt with several rebels who were close to him.

It's just that this section of the city wall has some signs of falling, and all you see along the way are rebels.

At this time, seeing more people like Silence on the city wall, a group of rebels immediately formed a gun formation and rushed towards him.

The rebel soldiers who formed the gun formation were advancing rapidly like a human wall full of hedgehogs.

Seeing this, Shen Mo was not afraid, and charged away with a flick of the spear in his hand.

With a flick of the spear, he directly deflected the three spears facing him. At the same time, he used the inertia of the spears to send the two of them flying. With a leap, he counted points one after another, and directly pierced the chests of several people.

Holding a spear, Mo Mo pushed forward along the aisle on the city wall like a killing god, and people kept being picked up by him and fell off the city wall.

It's just that the rebels who were able to rush to the city wall and kill the gang brothers and officers and soldiers in the first time are definitely the elite of the rebel army, and every one of them is a ninth-rank martial artist.

These people are obviously much stronger than ordinary people. Even if their silence skills and martial arts realm are superb, they are still out of breath after beheading dozens of people one after another.

Shen Mo was secretly annoyed, if he was younger than ten years old, he would definitely not be like this.

It can be said that Wu Fu's peak period and his old age are completely two different concepts.

Silence is very clear, if it was him when he was young, not to mention that he was in the midst of thousands of troops, he would definitely not be in a situation where he would not be able to support just a few dozen people, at least he could kill hundreds of people.

Of course, this is a city defense battle. If it is riding a horse, Shen Mo feels that he will be even more powerful.

As time passed, Shen Mo felt that he was struggling more and more, his breathing became extremely short, and the spear in his hand became so heavy that it was difficult to support it.


With a whistling sound, a burly armored man with two axes was seen chopping towards Silence's head.

This is a general of the rebel army, and his cultivation base is probably in the sixth-rank realm.

But right now, in the face of this mere sixth grade, the silence of the fourth grade only feels like a feeling of suffocation.

A wave of fear rose from his heart, perhaps because of various reasons he gave an excuse for silence, he took a few steps back for the first time to avoid the blow.

Tiredness and old age made Shen Mo dare not fight with the **** young rebel general in front of him.

"Haha! I didn't expect there to be a fourth-ranker! Today, the general will kill a fourth-rank master!" The rebel general also noticed the weakness of this man in front of In fact, he had long been eyeing Shen Mo, The reason why he took the shot now was just to let his subordinates consume first, and now it seems that the effect is very good.

After all, the other party is an old man, and it is well known that Wufu's vitality will continue to decline after he is forty years old. This person in front of him is probably over fifty years old.

Compared with the peak strength, the strength may be only five or six out of ten, and now that the physical strength is consumed so much, I am afraid that even one out of ten is almost gone.

Thinking that he could behead a fourth-rank enemy general, the big man was excited. Going back, this would be his battle to become famous.

Feeling the opponent's increasingly violent and fierce attack, Shen Mo blocked and backed up, cursing secretly in his heart.

"If I were younger, even if I was only ten years old, why would I be here!"

Roaring in my heart, I was very unwilling to be silent.


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