Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 884: Accession to the WTO (on)

For warriors, the talent before the domain master is the most important, but after the domain master, the heart of martial arts is the most important. Even the heart of martial arts is the pass book for whether they can step into the demigod level in the future. If the heart of martial arts is not firm enough, then how to use resources It is also impossible to pile up a demigod.

Shen Mo joined the Canglang Gang, and he also got a place to live in Cangzhou.

Elder Wang valued him and rewarded him with a mansion located in Cangzhou City, which was not particularly large, but it was considered to be his home here.

Mo Mo asked someone to tidy up the house, and went out to do some shopping along the way, but when he was about to enter his house with big bags, he found that it was a coincidence that the opposite side of his house happened to be moved by a family.

Shen Mo's eyes couldn't help but look towards a carriage parked in front of the opposite house, and saw a very ordinary-looking couple getting out of the carriage.

There was nothing unusual about the couple at first glance, except that they had a kind face.

Men should be scholars and wear Confucian shirts, while women should be just ordinary women.

It's just that after watching Shen Mo for a long time, I feel that this couple is not simple. I can't tell the specific Mo Mo, but I always feel that the temperament of these two people is unusual.

"Maybe this couple used to be a wealthy family, but it's not certain that their family is in decline now."

Shen Shen shook his head and ignored it, he just felt that the temperament of this couple was quite unique, which was quite different from the numb temperament of many people in this world.

"Husband, do you really like this kid so much? He lives across from him!" Not long after Shen Mo entered the house, the woman looked at the closed door and smiled at Confucian beside her. Middle-aged man in shirt.

"Hehe, not really, the main thing is that I want to help you sort out martial arts recently, so I might just stay in Cangzhou City for a while." Jiang Heng shook his head.

Just talking, he looked at his wife's current appearance and couldn't help smiling, and Lin Yanwei also smiled when she looked at him.

The two of them are really different from their original appearance now. The temperament of the original warrior who looked down on the world disappeared without a trace, and what was replaced was calm and ordinary.

At this moment, Jiang Heng is like an ordinary scholar, while Lin Yanwei is like an ordinary woman.

The two even adjusted their looks, no longer handsome or beautiful, but mediocre.

For warriors like Jiang Heng and Lin Yanwei who are capable of destroying planets, it is extremely easy to adjust the body texture and face at will.

Time passed day by day, and the time in the Canglang Gang has been unknowingly a year, and Mo Mo has gradually adapted to the life in the Canglang Gang.

He is an orphan, and the drifting to Cangzhou this time is not all for the so-called dream of the rivers and lakes, but because Yangzhou, where he was before, suffered a flood.

I don't know how many people were drowned in a flood. There are still a few people who can drift to Cangzhou like Shen Mo. This world is not peaceful.

Today is the eight hundred and twenty-first year of the Dagan Dynasty, and the dynasty has shown signs of fatigue in the past ten years, and various natural disasters have occurred.

I heard that a war broke out on the border, and the northern barbarians tried to go south, and they have plundered Yunzhou several times. This year, I heard that a 100,000 elite imperial court on the border was wiped out under the iron cavalry of the barbarians.

Listening to these rumors circulating in the market or gangs, Shen Mo didn't feel much about it, he was still keen on martial arts.

Today is the day when he stepped into the eighth rank of martial arts.

Counting the time, this is the eighteenth year since he stepped into martial arts, and it took him eighteen years to step into the eighth rank, which cannot be called a genius.

Shen Mo walked with his head down, today he just took care of a group of unruly water bandits outside for the gang.

The Canglang Gang, as the largest river and lake force monopolizing the Canglang River, naturally cannot allow other forces to get involved in this water area. After all, merchant fleets passing through this water area will pay a toll to the Canglang Gang. If there are water bandits, they will be charged additionally. Isn't this slapping the Canglang Gang in the face?

Although the Canglang Gang is a power in the world, it is more reliable than the imperial court in terms of rules.

This is also the reason why the Canglang Gang can flourish so far.

Shen Mo silently thought that he had already arrived at the door of his house before he knew it.

"Brother Shen, how many days do you plan to stay this time?"

Just when Shen Mo was about to open the door, a familiar voice sounded from the opposite side.

"So Master Jiang is being polite!" Shen Mo turned his head and bowed respectfully to the kind middle-aged literati in front of him.

He was quite polite to Master Jiang in front of him, not because he was polite to all literati, but because the person in front of him occasionally taught him how to read.

"Back to Master, I think I will stay at home for a while when I come back this time. Master is going to set up a stall when you go out?"

He replied silently with a smile, he knew that Mr. Jiang in front of him had no other livelihood, mainly setting up a stall to sell calligraphy and paintings.

Shen Mo went to Jiang Fuzi's booth a few times to see it, and it was all made by him in his spare time.

Just speaking from the bottom of my heart, Mo Mo felt that Master Jiang might be talented, but definitely not in calligraphy and painting.

At least this year, Mo Mo has not seen the other party sell a few paintings,

As for those paintings, Mo Mo has also seen them before, they are all very inexplicable things, they look like random scribbles, pen and ink scratches, and it is impossible to see what the specific flowers are, so it is no wonder that such incomprehensible paintings cannot be sold.

"That's right. I'm here to support my family. If I don't hurry up and sell a few paintings, I'm afraid this year won't be easy!" Mrs. Jiang said helplessly, but there was not much sorrow on his face.

It was not surprising that he was silent about this, and he murmured to himself, looking for an opportunity to give something to Mrs. Jiang's family later, which could be considered as the previous tuition fee.

After exchanging pleasantries with Master Jiang, he shook his head silently and opened the door to enter the room.

He knew that Mrs. Jiang's family was both good and poor. If the whole family didn't rely on his mother-in-law's needlework, I'm afraid it would be difficult to cook.

Seeing Shen Mo leave, Jiang Heng stroked his chin but smiled slightly.

"This stinky boy actually complained about my bad drawing?"

Silently muttering to himself, he immediately took out a copy of the painting in his back basket and spread it out for a look.

This is a painting full of random drawings, at least in the eyes of those who don't understand.

But in Jiang Heng's view, there is a majestic martial arts will in it, and every horizontal and vertical line represents the true meaning of various martial arts that Jiang Heng knows.

This is how he sorted out his own martial arts recently, using paintings to record them bit by bit, which is both a review and a sorting out.

"It seems that it is not enough to only pay attention to the meaning. You have to practice the shape, otherwise you will really be laughed to death by this kid in the future."

Jiang Heng secretly slandered, what he was thinking in silence just now could not be concealed from his soul-searching.

"And you also said that I rely on my mother-in-law?"

Thinking of Jiang Heng being angry and funny here, after thinking about it, he decided to hone his painting skills, otherwise it is obviously unreasonable to fail to sell a single painting.

As time passed day by day, the relationship between Shen Mo and Mrs. Jiang gradually became better and better, and the two families often visited each other.

At the beginning, Shen Mo just wanted to bring some bought meals to Mrs. Jiang, but after sending the ingredients pork over again, he found that the meals made by his sister-in-law were very delicious.

Over time, Silence would go to Jiang Heng's house for a meal every time he came back from the gang, and of course he would bring ingredients and drinks every time, and would drink and chat with Jiang Heng every time, chatting about interesting things about the world and some of his troubles.

What surprised Shen Mo was that he found that Mrs. Jiang was also a very talkative person. After chatting frequently, Shen Mo found that Mrs. Jiang seemed to understand everything.

When talking about today's natural disasters, Master Jiang can always express some special insights.

For example, the current predicament of the imperial court, and the main reason for this situation is that the officials are not properly governed, and the higher-level officials often only issue orders but never come down to experience the people's conditions. Small officials are not tolerated.

However, the petty officials did not dare to disobey the instructions of their superiors, which also caused the decree to be completely inconsistent with the actual situation.

Listening to these silences, I still feel that this Mr. Jiang is rather bold, daring to criticize the decision of the court.

But Mr. Jiang not only criticized the court's decision-making, but also commented on the emperor's problems during a drink.

It is said that the main reason why the court is like this is that the emperor is incompetent. If the emperor is a hero, then everything will be solved naturally. But now this one is a fool.

After hearing this, Mo Mo felt that it was not unreasonable for Master Jiang to end up in this situation.

I wondered if this person was an official who once criticized Shangguan and was deprived of his official position.

There is a reason for thinking this way.

Because Mo Mo heard more than once from Master Jiang about the long-standing problems of the imperial court, such as redundant officials, chaotic military management, unclear distinction between superiors and subordinates, and easy confusion of orders when they go to the battlefield.

It's all right to talk about these problems, Mo Mo also heard this Mr. Jiang uttered solutions one by one.

At the beginning, he didn't care about this silence, thinking that this person was a madman, just talking nonsense after drinking.

But he still listened to some of Jiang Fuzi's theories. For example, he has now been promoted to the leader of the Canglang Gang, and there are hundreds of brothers under his command.

In the beginning, I was silent because I wanted to have a good relationship with everyone, so I always got along with my brothers.

But as time passed, he found that this method didn't work, because gradually he found that the brothers were very lax and sometimes half obeyed and half followed his orders.

But after listening to Master Jiang's suggestion, he started to seldom walk with his brothers, and set up a system of ten teams, with ten people as a pair, and each team had ten captains. And he only needs to give orders to the ten chiefs. If the subordinates fail to implement them, then he will severely punish the corresponding ten chiefs.

After rectifying a few people, Silence soon discovered that this method was really effective, and the brothers began to respect and fear him at the same time.

The efficiency of executing tasks is also far better than that of other sub-helms, and even because of this, the sub-helm under his management completed the task faster than others, and because of this, he received a verbal award from the old man of the gang leader.

Because of this, Mo Mo paid more attention to Jiang Fuzi's remarks, and no longer thought that the other party was just talking about it.

Today, as in the past, they are still dining at Jiang Fuzi's house, and the two big men clink glasses with a slightly drunk face.

"Master Jiang, I don't think you are an ordinary person. With your talents, why don't you work for the court or gangs? It's really a shame to stay here!"

It seems that he drank too much wine and spoke more casually, and these words have been hidden in Shen Mo's heart for a long time.

"What? You want me to be your military adviser?" Mo Mo said with a smile while holding a glass of wine.

"Don't dare! It would be too condescending for me to invite my master here!" Mo Mo waved his hands repeatedly, even if he was drunk, he knew what was going on with his own three-thirds of an acre of land.

"Then you just want me to join the imperial court, but the current imperial court is really meaningless!" Jiang Heng said casually while drinking wine.

He was just teasing Silence, he is busy sorting out martial arts for himself and Lin Yanwei now, so he has no intention of playing role-playing here.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. But you don't know it yet. Although I am a scholar, I can do things in martial arts. How about it? How about I give you some pointers!"

Jiang Heng pretended to be joking and smiled.

"Sir, do you know martial arts?" Hearing the words, he was silent and showed disbelief.

He looked at Mrs. Jiang's slender arms and legs with fair skin and shook his head.

Such Mr. Jiang felt that he could hit ten with one punch.

It's just that he was also interested in joking, so he couldn't help but joked: "Then I'll practice a set of marksmanship, master, can you see where I'm not doing it right?"

"Okay!" Jiang Heng also showed an interested look.

Seeing this silence, I couldn't stop laughing to myself, but it wasn't easy to dampen people's interest. After thinking about it, I got up and took a casual glance before picking up a clothes-drying pole in the yard.

Without the slightest hesitation, he used his drunken silence to rehearse his best marksmanship according to his body memory and mind memory.

This rehearsal lasted for half a quarter of an hour, and when he put away the clothes rail, he couldn't help but let out a long breath of foul air.

After rehearsing today, he feels that he is in a particularly good state, and the effect of the rehearsal is even far better than usual.

Not only combining the advantages of the previous marksmanship, but also combining the experience gained when joining the Canglang Gang and competing with other marksmanship masters.

Silence is a bit complacent, he feels that his pistol technique already has the momentum of many masters of marksmanship, and in time he may not become another famous marksmanship master in Cangzhou City.

Just when he was silent in his own joy, Master Jiang's voice came over.

"The marksmanship and moves are all but they are still too rigid."

Hearing this, Mo Mo frowned slightly, he didn't mind joking with Mrs. Jiang, but he quite repelled people who didn't understand pointing at his martial arts.

Just as he was about to refute, Master Jiang's words came again.

"How about this, you swap the positions of the third move and the tenth move, discard the fifth and seventh moves in the middle, and change the positions of the first move and the fourth move. So you try again!"

Jiang Fuzi's words were as kind as ever, he was silent and angry, but after thinking about it, he felt that why should he be angry with other scholars, just practice casually and just have fun with them.

Thinking of this, Mo Mo shook his head inwardly but practiced again, this time he disrupted the order of the moves and eliminated the fifth move and the seventh move according to what Jiang Heng said.

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