Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 861: terrible time

Jian Wushen obviously didn't intend to give Shi Yu any time to react, and he drew his sword out of its sheath in an instant.

In an instant, all the swords and weapons in the hands of the surrounding demigods buzzed one after another, and immediately after that, a startling light flew out of Jian Wushen's scabbard.

Almost instantly, Jian Wushen was enveloped in sword energy, like a supreme sword god. The blade of the sword in his hand turned into dazzling rays of light, and from time to time, sword energy would scatter, tearing apart the space for hundreds of light years.

Seeing this scene, Yu's face changed slightly. He didn't expect Jian Wushen to be so decisive this time, but he didn't care. He saw that at the moment Jian Wushen drew his sword, there was a touch of Shi Yu that only he could see. The gray light quickly spread around him.

However, within the range of gray light radiation, it seems that time has been suppressed and stagnated. No matter how vertical and horizontal the sword energy is, how sharp it is, and how terrifying its penetrating power is, it will fall into an extremely slow state when it enters the range covered by gray light.

It's like the frame rate suddenly dropped from an ultra-high-speed frame rate to single digits, and the speed suddenly plummeted.

Right now, with the sword qi of Jian Wushen, not to mention the eighth-level demigod, even an ordinary middle-rank demigod can clearly distinguish the vertical and horizontal trajectory of the sword qi.

Jian Wushen seemed to have been aware of it a long time ago, and he didn't expect to be able to hit Shi Yu with the escaping sword energy. He saw his sword sharply stabbing, and the next moment a very slender sword energy shot towards Shiyu. go.

This time, after the sword energy entered the gray light domain, it also slowed down, but the speed remained extremely fast, as if there was a feeling of breaking through the constraints of time.

Seeing that Yu frowned slightly at this time, but still didn't take it seriously, he just stroked his sleeve lightly, and a thick gray light shot out and directly enveloped the sword light.

The next moment, the sword light was wrapped in gray light and quickly stagnated, and then the sword light began to dim rapidly as if it had gone through countless years in an instant.

But... Jian Wushen's attack is far from over!

"Senior Shi is worthy of being an eighth-level time dao demigod. Playing with time alone is enough to be invincible. However, when he was practicing swords with an ordinary master at the end of his life, he often told me a truth !"

"Reason? Heh, what reason can he say if he's just an ordinary old man?" Shi Yu snorted softly, laughing at Jian Wushen's words.

"The old man said that a swordsman should go forward without hesitation. If one sword can't break the road of life and death, then two swords should be used.

As soon as the words fell, Jian Wushen, who was already full of murderous aura, moved again. This time, phantoms scattered around him, overlapping and overlapping like thousands of phantoms of Jian Wushen.

"Pseudo-supernatural powers? Great law?"

Seeing this scene, Shi Yu couldn't help blurting out slightly moved.

"Hey, I didn't expect Senior Shi Yu to know such small ways, but don't worry, this method is a pseudo-supernatural power that is inconspicuous to others, but to me, it is an extremely powerful martial art far superior to supernatural powers!"

Jian Wushen chuckled, the countless phantoms around him were still moving, all of them were repeating the same movement but they were all different, that is, constantly drawing swords, drawing swords!

Countless phantoms are repeating a sword movement.

Shi Yu was a little confused, but soon he understood why this method was far more effective than magical powers for Jian Wushen.

Jitian Dafa doesn't know the effect of this pseudo-supernatural power just by looking at its name. Only those who have really learned this method know that this method is an extreme pseudo-supernatural power of movement.

It is also able to evolve tens of thousands of phantom remnants in a short period of time, each of which can explode nearly half of the body's power.

Of course, this method consumes a lot, but its power should not be underestimated.

Moreover, this method has indeed greatly benefited Jianwushen, who is practicing kendo himself.

Because for Jian Wushen, his realm is second to the growth of strength, what really makes him powerful is his swordsmanship.

However, the phantom and residual body of Jitian Dafa can only exert half of the power of the realm, but the swordsmanship can still be 100% exerted.

That is to say, at this moment, nearly 10,000 Sword Wushen drew their swords at the same time.

As those phantoms finally merged into one, Jian Wushen stabbed out with a sword, and in an instant nearly ten thousand terrifying sword qi rushed towards Shi Yu crazily.

Such a terrifying gale of swords directly slashed all the spaces along the way to pieces, and at the same time, the surrounding demigods retreated one after another and hurriedly used their strongest defense methods.

But Jian Wushen's move was too terrifying, even if he didn't attack these demigods at all, the aftermath alone directly killed seven or eight unlucky people who had no time to dodge.

Seeing this scene, even Shi Yu was a little moved.

I couldn't help cursing in my heart: "Didn't you say there are only three tricks? Why haven't I seen this trick last time!"

Shi Yu still remembered that Jian Wushen said before that he only had three swords, but Shi Yu had seen each of the three swords before. He thought that he would be sure to fight Jian Wushen this time, but he didn't expect this guy Still hiding one hand.

A series of sword auras equivalent to Jian Wushen's full-strength sword pierced into the gray light field. As before, these sword auras seemed to have a delay effect.

But these sword qis are really too much, one thousand to two thousand, as more and more sword qi penetrated into the gray light field, Shi Yu could clearly feel that the law of time in his body was rapidly consuming .

Seeing this situation, Yu couldn't help cursing again, but he didn't move too slowly, a gray-white halo quickly rose behind him, and the halo began to spin rapidly like a gyroscope.

This thing is more like a valve to manipulate time. As the light wheel turns faster and faster, Shi Yu's speed also soars exponentially.

It was as if he crossed the existing time so fast that even ordinary ninth-level demigods couldn't easily capture it. At this moment, the sword aura that filled the sky became extremely slow again.

His speed increased sharply, and the speed of the sword energy did not increase but decreased. He naturally dodged these sword energy easily.

After the sword qi passed by his side one by one, everything returned to calm again.

"It seems that Jian Wushen's move doesn't work!" Shi Yu carried a hint of aloofness, like a supreme **** despising a mediocre challenger.

"It looks like it is, the time is really mysterious and annoying, but you are still too happy!"

Jian Wushen yelled violently, and the blade in his hand quickly retracted into the scabbard: "Yan Fan!!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw that the sword energy that had been slashed by Shi Yu's side turned around and shot towards Shi Yu again, and this time their speed had soared several levels again.

Feeling the sword energy behind him, Shi Yu was not surprised, but he had to praise him in his heart.

"This Jian Wushen's current strength is enough to kill ordinary eighth-order demigods! It's a pity that such a strong person is not a member of my temples!"

Shi Yu shook his head slightly, and saw his back turning rapidly again, his figure soared up again and quickly disappeared in place.

Jian Wushen's eyes narrowed slightly, and his spiritual thoughts quickly converged to within a few hundred meters around him to maintain the accuracy of detection.

However, at some point, a hand suddenly appeared on his forehead.

Jian Wushen was startled and was about to raise his head when Shi Yu's voice sounded indifferently: "It's a pity that I am a fellow, so I have to let you fall!"

As soon as the words fell, the light wheel behind Shi Yu suddenly stopped, and immediately began to spin counterclockwise rapidly.

Waves of majestic gray light erupted from Shi Yu's hands and quickly enveloped Jian Wushen's whole body.


Jian Wushen's eyes were extremely sharp and he wanted to fight, but now he felt that the time around him seemed to have stagnated, and his physical body was actually becoming younger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"My lifespan is going backwards!"

Jian Wushen was startled when he felt that his physical body was returning rapidly.

I saw that Jian Wushen, who was originally burly and stern, began to change rapidly, and his temperament was constantly changing, which represented the changes in Jian Wushen's temperament in each previous period. At the same time, the hair and clothing on his body also changed.

This is also the appearance of Jian Wushen in the past. Time passed little by little, and after only ten breaths of effort, Jian Wushen felt that his age had regressed by 10,000 years.

The realm of the seventh level is constantly declining, and as time goes by, Jian Wushen can be sure that he will fall to the sixth level step by step, and the fifth level until he completely becomes a mortal or even a baby.

"Hehe, Jian Wushen, you have talent for success and failure, if you want to blame it, blame you for being too young!"

Shi Yu smiled lightly and said, if Jian Wushen is a seventh-order demigod who has lived for millions of years, then Shi Yu's hand may not be effective.

Because it is very time-consuming to revive the target's life, especially if the time span is millions of years.

But Jian Wushen is only 200,000 years old, so if Shi Yu doesn't directly return him to the embryonic state at such an age, then he will waste the power of this time in vain.

This is the horror of the demigod of time, playing with time and hands.

It is also extremely difficult to kill a time demigod. Once the time demigod's time is delayed or stagnated, even if the opponent wants to use the soul method, they will still be affected by time and move slowly.

Therefore, Shi Yu is really not worried about the possibility of Jian Wushen's comeback right now, only death!

At this moment, all the overlords and demigods around saw that Jian Wushen, who was still invincible before, was subdued by Shi Yu, the powerful envoy of the halls of the gods, and their hearts were relieved.

At the same time, he also praised Shi Yu's strength.

"It is worthy of being the envoy sent by the temple of the gods!"

"That's right! What's more, Master Shiyu is still a big shot in the Dao of Time, such a strong man who masters the laws of the top Dao, I'm afraid that even a single finger can crush this sword Wushen to death."

"Extremely extreme! In this way, it is really wise for the three masters to choose to seek refuge in the Temple of Gods."

"Exactly! And today, it looks like I can witness the fall of a great figure like a high-ranking demigod with my own eyes."

All the demigods were whispering, all with smiles on their faces. In particular, I feel that I can witness the fall of a big man like Jian Wushen with my own eyes, which is even more joyful.

"Still wanting to hold back?"

Shi Yu found that Jian Wushen's hand was still trembling slightly, and his eyeballs were struggling to move.

At this time, Yu just laughed it off. Now that the overall situation has been settled, the other party is already futile anyway.


Suddenly Shi Yu turned his head and shook his hands, and suddenly a gray light burst out and rushed towards a certain place in the void.

There was a burst of thunder over there, but soon the thunder stopped. Even the dazzling thunderbolts seemed to be frozen.

"There is still a helper?" Shi Yu looked around and found that there was indeed a guy who was pinned down and wrapped in thunder in the distance.

"It's just a sixth-order Lei Xing demigod, why is Jian Wushen your second hand?"

Shi Yu sneered, thinking that the other party had invited some important person from Sanshen Mountain, but it turned out to be such an unknown person.

"It's you! Didn't you betray all nations?"

After seeing clearly the appearance of the immobilized person not far away at this time, Kui Mie and other domineering demigods were a little surprised, because they all knew this person well!

Moreover, this guy was the leading party when they raided the Hundred Kingdoms in the hegemony, but he didn't expect that there would be a reversal today.

"He... is not the second hand! No... but... much... thanks... he... I... always...forget it.!"

Got it?

Hearing Jian Wushen's extremely slow words, Shi Yu was a little taken aback, because he thought it was someone from Sanshen Mountain who attacked just now, so he allocated most of the time law to control the opponent. As a result, this caused Jian Wushen to return to normal for a moment.

"What is that in your hand?"

Sure enough, Shi Yu found that there was an inexplicable thing in Jian Wushen's hand this time.

It was a small and exquisite box, the whole body of the box was dark red, with very strange carved patterns on the surface, and there were countless densely packed talisman papers pasted on the outside of the box.

Seeing that Yu couldn't help stretching out his hand to **** the object from the opponent's hand at this time, he snatched it easily without any accident.

"Hmph! So what if you have a hole card? When the time is suspended, you can only let me kill you!"

Shi Yu sneered and immediately began to look at the weird thing in his hand.

But he didn't notice that just after he snatched the box from Jian Wushen with his own hands, a sneer imperceptibly appeared on the corner of Jian Wushen's mouth.

Holding the small box in his hand, he kept looking at it.


Suddenly, an extremely small and sharp thorn sprang out from the surface of the The thorn was so fast that there was no way to hide without any preparation.

Seeing an extremely small hole poked out of his finger, Shi Yu frowned slightly. He vaguely felt that something was wrong. Since this thing is a trump card, the defense method is also very good. Could it be that he can still identify the owner? Will it trigger its internal stress response?

Shaking his head, he was about to put this thing away and ignore it, but soon Shi Yu realized that something was wrong.

Almost instantly, countless runes diffused from the surface of the box, and these runes drilled in along the blood hole that Shi Yu had poked out earlier.

The speed was so fast that Shi Yu, the demigod of time, couldn't react for a while.

"What the **** is this?" Shi Yu frowned and glared at Jian Wushen, he knew that the other party must know.

"Hey, Senior Shi, you are an old senior who has lived for so many years, don't you know what this is?"

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