Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 856: Sky Steel Meteor

Jiang Heng's eyes seemed to be jumping and flickering with divine fire, and the circle of fiery red flames behind him was more like hot soul flames exuding terrifying pressure.

At the same time, the demigod Tiangang, who had gotten rid of the suppression of Jiang Heng's physical body and gradually fully recovered his ability to move, also grinned grinningly and rushed towards Jiang Heng who was in a sluggish state.

Naturally, he would not let go of this great opportunity. Now that the boy in front of him is suppressed by the demigod soul of Tianhuo, the soul can't control the body at all. If he doesn't do it now, when will he wait?

Thinking of this, I saw that the metal muscles on the surface of Tiangang Demigod's body collapsed inward layer by layer, but after the collapse, they quickly covered another layer, as if they were constantly superimposing their own golden law at an extremely incredible speed. force.

This layer upon layer made the metallic luster on his body emit a colder gleam, and a strong and domineering aura erupted from his body.

Immediately afterwards, Tiangang demigod trembled all over, and the next moment countless fine metal elements erupted from his body like countless fine and indestructible bullets, shooting in all directions.

The golden law has never been the main law of defense, but Tiangang demigod first comprehended the defensive attribute of the golden law when he became a god, so he is better at defense, but this does not mean that he is not good at attacking and killing.

In fact, the golden law itself is better at attacking and breaking defenses. Invincibility and sharpness have always been the evaluation of the golden law by many powerful people in the universe.

Among the five regular rules of the Five Elements, in most cases, the Earth Element is evaluated as defense-based, the Metal Element is attack-based, the Wood Element is recovery and healing, and the Fire Element is evaluated as Treacherous impermanence and tyrannical attack and killing are the main ones, while the law of water movement is mainly comprehensive.

It can be said that the laws of the five elements have their own characteristics except the law of the water, and the law of the water is more like the glue in the five elements, which can complement any of the five elements of any method, except of course the law of the fire.

Tiangang Demigod is going to show off his attacking methods today, and he intends to use his rare killing method to deal with the domain lord in front of him.

In the next moment, those countless golden elements shot out by Tiangang demigod quickly condensed into a pair of sharp spikes behind him.

They are fierce and domineering and possess the sharpness of the Golden Rule, which makes them often have miraculous effects in breaking defenses.

Spikes were formed one after the other, and each one contained the defense-breaking ability to easily pierce through the flesh body of a low-level first-order demigod.

This is also because the Tiangang demigod is not good at fighting. If it is a golden law demigod who is extremely good at attacking and killing rather than defending, then he can completely condense a more terrifying and penetrating spike!

Buzz buzz!

As these spikes were fully formed, densely covering the sky and covering the sky, Tiangang demigod at this moment was like a peerless sword fairy, with billions of flying swords behind him.


The next moment, these spikes made a buzzing sound like a hail of bullets and shot towards Jiang Heng overwhelmingly.

If this kind of indiscriminate and intensive bombardment is exhausted, even the lower third level of the general physical body will be pierced and riddled with holes.

clang clang clang!

Immediately dense sound of gold and iron clashing came out when the awl thorn collided with Jiang Heng's body, and the dense sound was endless.

Fortunately, even if Jiang Heng has no consciousness at this moment and completely loses control of his physical body, his own physical body is strong enough to compare with ordinary low-ranking first- and second-order physical bodies and Dao demigods.

But even so, the power of the physical law in Jiang Heng's body was also constantly being consumed by the collisions of these terrifying spikes with the anti-puncture effect.

The law reserve is like opening a huge gap and is being consumed rapidly.

And the overwhelming thorns are just beginning, and there are still many thorns coming one after another.

Seeing this scene, Tiangang demigod grinned a cruel smile, no accident, the little doll of the domain master in front of him would undoubtedly die.

Even if this wave can't kill the opponent, the Tiangang demigod can still pull the long river, and use the power of the long river to recover and continuously gather a large number of spike storms,

"Hey, mortals are mortals, even if I consume energy, I can kill you!"

Although the words were very contemptuous, Tiangang Demigod had unknowingly put Jiang Qiu on the same level as himself deep in his heart.

Of course, he is not ashamed at all that he has to consume a domain lord Tiangang demigod as a demigod, but he feels that he is a demigod of the temple system, and he should be like this when dealing with other people's flesh and blood Dao warriors.

Boom boom boom!

Wave after wave of piercing storms kept pressing towards Jiang Heng. From a distance at this moment, Jiang Heng was like an inconspicuous dust in the storm, which might be blown away at any time.


However, at this moment, Jiang Heng, who was still standing there without making any movement, suddenly discovered that the other party had disappeared.

"Space shifting! How could this be..."

Tiangang's demigod realized it almost instantly, but he couldn't believe it in his heart.

Just now he saw with his own eyes the soul of Tianhuo's demigod escape into the opponent's body, and it was not a random kneading of the soul of killing a district of mortals with a divine soul.

If the opponent can resume action, then there is only one possibility, and the demigod soul of Tianhuo will also fall.

"It really hurts!" A young and cold voice sounded behind Tiangang Demigod, this voice was too familiar.

"You! How is it possible!"

Tiangang demigod turned around quickly, looking at the face in front of him in disbelief that made him gnash his teeth.

He couldn't believe it at all, how could the soul of a mortal kill the soul of a god? Even if it's just a demigod, it's not on the same level at all.

What's more, Tiangang demigod knows very well that for Tianhuo demigod, he may be very scary when he has a physical body, but his strength will not drop too much after losing his physical body. And because of its soul fire, Tianhuo demigod can crush demigods of the same level with one-handed soul fire in the state of soul.

For example, although the demigod Tiangang looked down on the demigod Tianhuo in his heart, he was extremely afraid of the opponent's soul fire methods, which was why he prepared soul armor early.

"You seem to have a tortoise shell in your body, and I don't know if the tortoise shell can block the flames!"

Just when Tiangang wondered what Jiang Heng meant by this, he saw the other party open his mouth and spit out, and suddenly a surge of invisible flames spewed out from his mouth.

This flame is invisible and substanceless, but it gives the soul a hot feeling.

Jiang Heng's sudden movement was beyond Tiangang's demigod's expectation, so when he reacted, the flame had already enveloped him.

Almost instantly, a tortoise shell floated out of Tiangang Demigod's head, and a layer of light golden light quickly enveloped Tiangang Demigod.

This made Tiangang demigod let out a sigh of relief. But immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

"This is Tianhuo's soul fire method, how can you..."

As soon as the words fell, he couldn't help frowning for a while, because although the turtle shell can block the substantial soul fire, it can't block the high temperature carried by the soul fire that makes the soul feel extremely hot.

Even though the temperature in the surrounding space is normal, Tiangang Demigod can't stop sweating. This is some stress response caused by Shenshun being subjected to extreme heat.

"Although I don't know how you killed Tianhuo, you should die!"

As soon as the words fell, the Tiangang demigod was about to control the awl to sweep towards Jiangheng again.

However, Jiang Heng's movements were faster, a space teleportation directly came to the top of Tiangang demigod's head, and then he threw out a very ordinary punch.

This punch didn't seem to have much strength at all, at least Tiangang Demigod didn't feel any physical discomfort.

But soon he discovered what Jiang Heng's move was for.

Because with that punch, the entire tortoise shell suspended above the head completely collapsed under a slight shake,

Originally, the soul fire of the demigod Tianhuo made this turtle-shell defensive soul weapon at the critical point that it could bear, but with Jiang Heng's slap from the heart orifice, it was like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel. The entire tortoise shell exploded immediately and fell apart and could no longer be used.

"It's time to end!"

This sentence made Tiangang half-god confused again, but he soon knew what happened.

Because his soul consciousness immediately turned into a sea of ​​flames, which was exactly the same as when the demigod Tianhuo dealt with Jiang Heng before.

The terrifying flames ignored Tiangang demigod's indestructible Jinxing body and directly burned his soul.

Tiangang demigod always felt the feeling of being targeted, his soul was melting a little bit, like a snowman melting from ice and snow.

It's just that after seeing this scene, Tiangang Demigod has no power to resist. Under the roasting of this terrifying flame, the soul of Tiangang demigod only howled miserably, and there was no way to resist at all.

The soul has always been his weak point, and that turtle shell is what he intends to protect the soul. Unfortunately, spiritual armor and equipment are very rare. With his wealth, he can get such a low-level demigod first-level defensive soul. weapons.

"The tortoise's shell is finally broken. I didn't expect you to have prepared enough. This is the mother-child formation. It looks like the formation is equivalent to a sixth-order formation."

At the same time, Kui Gang, who had already broken through the defensive formation arranged by the ancestor Tianshuang, sneered. He had never considered whether the opponent had a sixth-order demigod, but anyway, the defense line of several people in the formation was completely broken. Killing these people is only a matter of time.

This scene also made the few people who were constantly inputting laws and energy into the formation disk full of despair and bitterness.

The previously arranged means were completely out of control, not only did not hold these people back, but now some people even betrayed!

That is the demigod named Beitian in the Southern District who looks like an old farmer.

This person turned out to be the second-five boy who had already taken refuge in the hegemonic side. Before that, he had been holding back. Seeing that the situation was completely irreversible, he simply turned his back and beheaded the Shan surname from the southern district of his own side. The low-ranking demigod can be regarded as handing over a certificate to Ba Yu.

With the occurrence of this sudden change, the demigods of a hundred nations who were already unable to hold back the demigods of the hegemony are even more powerless. Naturally, it is impossible to restrict the middle demigods like Kui Gang from attacking and killing the ancestor Tianshuang and others .

"You'd better wait obediently to be refined into a blood pill, and I may give you a happy one!" Kui Gang held a knife in one hand with a look of aloofness and sarcasm on his face.

The overall situation has been decided, of course he was relieved, but at the same time couldn't help but sigh.

It is said that Tianshuang Patriarch and his party were silent, and the development of the matter did not seem to surprise everyone at this point.

After all, they all knew that among the ten demigods of a hundred kingdoms, there must be betrayers. In the past, everyone was lucky and wanted to give it a go, maybe everyone was of the same mind.

But the result still happened. Of course, even if no one betrayed, the high-end combat power of them was limited to breaking the formation, and they were powerless.

Unless Tianshuang Patriarch, the sixth-order demigod, can get away and kill Kui Gang and others, but obviously he doesn't have such conditions at all.

"Hmph! Kui Gang, aren't you looking for death by doing this? Have you ever thought that if you people stay here, you are also waiting for death? I'm afraid they want to refine into a blood pill together with you!"

"Hey, girl, you're still thinking of alienating people at this moment!" Kui Gang sneered and looked at Xiaoyue demigod who was trying to say something more.

Hearing this, Xiaoyue's expression changed slightly, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Okay, then I will send you back to the West!"

Kui Gang smiled indifferently, and immediately tightened his grip on the big knife in his hand, raising his arms slightly, and the big knife in his hand was raised above his head like a galaxy. With just a slight wave of his hand, the surging shattering law in his body would shatter the whole thing. The array broke the last fantasy of the demigods and others.


And at this moment, a roar resounded throughout the battlefield.

Interrupted by the voice, Kui Gang's eyes slightly followed the voice, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Because not far away, the previous metal sphere built by Tiangang demigod has been collapsing inwards.

As the ball shattered completely, a burst of fireworks instantly caught everyone's attention.

At the same time as the fireworks exploded, everyone felt a surging power of the golden law escaping. Half of the power of the golden law returned directly to the long river, and half of it was still floating in the void.

The demigods in Bayu were a little dazed, and they saw a figure moving rapidly at the core of the fireworks, constantly collecting the power of the golden law. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com

"Tiangang, all the skyfires have fallen?"

At this moment, this idea first appeared in Qui Gang's mind, but soon he felt it was absurd, but the scene in front of him really happened again.

"Tiangang Tianhuo is dead?" At this time, it was not the Bayu demigod who was also belatedly exclaiming in disbelief.

"Kill him! I want him to die now!!"

Kui Gang came back to his senses almost instantly, pointing at Jiang Heng's location and roaring hysterically.

Tiangang Tianhuo is a subsidiary force of his Suijin lineage, especially these two are middle-level demigods, and they are a force that cannot be ignored for the Suijin Empire.

Now he has fallen into the hands of a younger generation of domain masters one after another. At this moment, Kui Gang can think that even if he completes the task of assisting the base camp to refine the gods of a hundred nations, even if the base camp does not embarrass him when he returns, the Broken Gold Empire will Make him look good!


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