Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 847: great harvest

Now Jiang Heng can't move even if he wants to.

Because Yuanpan seemed to restrict his movements and fix all the range of activities, as if Jiang Heng's keeping his body still was of great benefit to the communication between Yuanpan and the treasure axe.

Wisps of air flow continuously circulated in the body, and finally outlined a cumbersome diagram of the acupoints of the human body that Jiang Heng had never seen before, but this acupoint diagram was different from any one Jiang Heng had seen before, it was more like a starry sky Projected, those acupoints are like stars twinkling in the sky.

The projection of the starry sky seemed to be constantly reflecting Jiang Heng's physical body, and at this moment Yuanpan seemed to sense that the danger was approaching.

Immediately afterwards, the stars and spots in Jiang Heng's body were all shining brightly. Countless laws of the physical body were brewing in the treasure ax at this moment. It was impossible to use its power at all with the treasure ax in hand, but at this moment the treasure ax seemed to be untied. Some kind of restriction, and began to communicate with Jiang Heng.

The next moment, Jiang Heng raised his big hand violently, and lifted the precious ax high above his head like a full moon dancing, and a terrible gravitational force formed around the precious axe.

It's like accumulating a terrifying mighty force.

This scene shocked the barbarian king who was about to **** the treasured ax with one palm. This kind of situation never happened when he was holding the treasured axe.

In the past, the reason why he was able to use the precious ax with his hand was more driven by the physical Taoism of his own divine life body. Even if he wanted to drive the precious ax like this, he needed to constantly consume physical energy, and he did not rely entirely on the precious axe.

However, at this moment, a domain master swung the treasured ax like this, and even burst into a more terrifying explosion than when he was holding the treasured axe.

When the ax was struck, it was like a black hole formed, and a terrible gravitational vortex made the surrounding space still for a while. The barbarian king was frightened and wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

The gravitational field directly fixed him firmly in place, and the terrifying ax fell directly on his head.


The ax and ax slashed across, without any hesitation at all.

This scene was too sudden, when Jiang Heng was panting and pale, dragging his axe and staggeringly suspended in the void, everyone just reacted.

Looking at the barbarian king again, he found a line of blood directly drawn from the top of his head to the end of his tailbone, and then he saw a terrifying force erupting from his body, and the powerful fourth-order flesh body Dao Demigod burst into a ball A pure mist of blood, a wisp of soul is howling.

But everyone can find that there is also a bloodstain on the surface of the soul, and the bloodstain soon collapsed into a mass of pure soul power and disappeared without a trace after being twisted for a while.

At the same time, some of the waves of Law, as bright as fireworks, quickly returned to the long river, and some were quickly intercepted by Xingyun Demigod and others.

This scene made all the overlords and demigods' attack frequency stagnate one after another. No one thought that the mighty Barbarian King of the Broken Gold Empire would be slaughtered by a domain master.

It happened so suddenly that they were not prepared for it.

When everyone reacted, they all looked at each other, unconsciously retreating.

"What should you do now? My lord...he..."

"What else? Withdraw!"

"If you want to beat you, go for it, even His Highness the Barbarian King will fall. If you want to die, go there!"

After saying that, a domineering demigod fled back without looking back.


Even if there are half gods who are unwilling, they can only grit their teeth and turn around and leave at this moment.

Now the situation is unknown, they were also chopped to death by the terrible domain master with an axe, and it will not be worthwhile to practice for tens of millions of years and destroy them all.

The hegemonic side retreated very simply, and the Eastern District wanted to pursue it, but it was also powerless.

Right now, all the demigods in the Eastern District are already at their limit, and the power of law is consumed enormously. They can only rely on pills and perseverance to survive until now.

As the hegemonic troops retreated completely, the fortress formation suddenly shattered, and the demigod domain masters began to quickly adjust their breath and retreat.

Although many people did not directly confront Ba Yu this time, there were also many people who were seriously injured because they couldn't hold on.

Demigod Xingyun was also very tired and weak, but when he thought of Jiang Heng, he endured his injury and stepped forward to watch.

"How? Can you still hold on?" The demigod Xingyun came to the front and asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just that I'm a little bit out of strength." Jiang Heng shook his head, his heart was still pounding at the moment, and he actually beheaded a fourth-order demigod with a physical body with one axe.

This also means that in this battle alone, he killed two demigods of the hegemony. If you count the vampire demigod who was indirectly killed before, there are three.

It can be said that Jiang Heng has unknowingly surpassed all the demigods in the record.

"Master, this is for you!" Jiang Heng prepared to give the treasured ax to his master without even thinking about it.

"I think you can use this thing more quickly than the barbarian king, so you might as well hold it yourself!" The demigod Xingyun didn't think about Tan Mo's extremely powerful treasure.

However, Xingyun was interested but Jiang Heng was really powerless. He scratched his head a little embarrassed and said: "Master, you have also seen that this ax takes too much effort. I will collapse with one swing of the ax. If I cut more I'm afraid the ax will be sucked dry by it!"

Hearing that Xingyun hesitated again and again, he still nodded. Although the treasure ax is strong, it is also a problem that Jiang Heng can't use it now.

"Well, I will use this thing as a teacher for the time being, and I will return it to you if you become a demigod in the future!"

Demigod Xingyun really didn't want this axe. He was all about his fists and feet. Although using this axe could improve his combat power a lot, it was far from the improvement that the barbarian king used this axe to improve.

Of course, Jiang Heng can improve even more with this thing, but he can't use it now.

"Let's go back first. You have done a lot of service in this battle. Now I have to knock on the bamboo poles of these comrades. Such a great service will not be rewarded!" Xing Yun said with a smile, and at the same time held the collapsed body in one hand. Jiang Heng flew towards the fortress.

But halfway through the flight, he paused.

"Disciple, can you perceive the location of the barbarian king's personal storage space here?" Xing Yun pointed to the place where the barbarian king fell in the void.

When Jiang Heng heard it, he immediately regained his spirits.

Although the barbarian king died without any scum left, and even the storage ring burst, the storage ring is actually a portal to the portable space. In fact, as long as you find the opponent's portable space location, you can also obtain treasure.

This is also a small trick for the space to make a fortune, especially if you go to some demigods or the ruins of the ancient gods after the war. If you investigate carefully, you may find the demigod's portable treasure house, or the huge wealth left by the ancient gods at that time. .

Jiang Heng closed his eyes and tried to perceive it. This kind of positioning without an anchor point is very difficult. It requires the consciousness to perceive each area inch by inch, and can only use this time-consuming and laborious method for repositioning.

However, Jiang Heng saw it when the barbarian king fell, so he only needed to search carefully in the area where the barbarian king stood before.

"found it!"

About ten minutes later, Jiang Heng opened his eyes with a look of surprise, and then the power of space wrapped his whole body and moved into a strange space with the demigod Nebula.

This is an independent space with an area nearly the size of an asteroid, and it should be said to be a secret cave.

Because Jiang Heng also saw a glorious country not far from the land, and there seemed to be many creatures living there.

"It's from the Broken Gold Empire! It's likely to be a member of the barbarian king's direct lineage." Xing Yun's demigod eyes burst into divine light to instantly see through the situation in the distant country.

In fact, it is not uncommon for a demigod to use the cave to carry his direct blood relatives. The main purpose is to prevent his heirs from being killed outside, and it is safer to carry them with him.

Of course, this is also a manifestation of the barbarian king's self-confidence, but he never thought that one day he would fall, or even be killed by the domain master with an axe.

"They found us. Ten domain masters!"

Jiang Heng slightly sensed and said softly.

In the distance, ten figures were approaching at high speed, all of them were full of murderous aura, obviously they had sensed the intrusion of foreign objects and came here one after another.

"The offender will be killed without mercy!"

Seeing that Jiang Heng and Xingyun demigod were very strange, the leader couldn't help shouting, with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, his figure froze in place, and the next moment his burly body exploded into blood mist.

Frightened by this scene, the domain owners in the back stood there dumbfounded and tried to escape, but soon they followed in the footsteps of the former, and blew themselves up into blood mist one by one.

"It's all very strong physical principles. It seems that the barbarian king takes good care of these offspring, but it's a pity that his brain is not working well." Xingyun smiled half-godly.

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, stepped forward slightly, and brought the demigod Xingyun directly to this country, standing right in the center of the imperial city.

At the same time, an old man seemed to have sensed something and rushed out of the palace to the square to look at the two people in the distance. One of them stood there like a scorching sun, and the other couldn't look directly at it, as if a glance at his body would make him feel sick. There are countless consciousnesses that are restless.

Seeing this scene, the old man was trembling, as if he had thought of something, he knelt down on the ground and dared not look up.

"Seniors! The little old man dares to ask, but my ancestor died?" The old man asked loudly.

"The two of us are standing here, what do you think?" Xing Yun said with a half-smile.

Hearing the exact answer, the old man was completely powerless and felt like the sky was falling.

Their lineage is the lineage of the barbarian king, with hundreds of millions of people. This entire country is of the bloodline of the barbarian king. Of course, some foreigners are introduced every year to avoid inbreeding.

"Seniors, all the treasures here can be handed over, but please let me go!" the old man cried and begged, he knew that the gods were irresistible, even the lowest first-order demigods were not them can contend.

"Do you think you have any capital to meet the conditions of this forum? I want you to live and you can live only if I want to. I don't want you to die!"

The demigod Xingyun was not polite, the fight between demigods was like this, there was no possibility of holding back, because once the blood was left, it was very likely that a demigod would be born in many years.

Don't doubt the potential of the demigod's bloodline. The probability of a demigod being born from the bloodline of a demigod's offspring is much higher than that of a grassroots rising generation.

After all, the former has the resources and qualifications, which can save many grassroots powerhouses the time of penance.

"I know! I know what senior means, but please let me go. I don't want to let go of all of them. I just want to let go of the juniors below the domain master, even if it's just some high-level warriors."

The old man begged again, he knew that everything could only be based on the other party's wishes, and he was even ready to die for it.

"For this reason, I hope to exchange a secret for the juniors of the clan to have a chance to live, and I ask the seniors to agree!"

"What secret can you have? Tell me, or the family will be wiped out!" The demigod Xingyun had no intention of negotiating conditions with the other party.

The old man hesitated again and then sighed softly: "I heard from the ancestor that the location of the other piece of the sky-opening axe is located. This object is in a relic of a high-level demigod. When the ancestor discovered it because of his low strength, he did not dare to take it lightly. Get involved, these are the coordinates of the star map drawn by his old man! Please accept it, senior!"

As he spoke, the old man turned over a small piece of technological equipment and appeared in his palm.

The next moment, the object in his hand disappeared, and it had already fallen into the hands of Xingyun demigod.

After turning on the device, the coordinates of a starry sky were quickly projected, and Xingyun's demigod eyes narrowed slightly, inspected it slightly, and nodded slightly.

"Okay, this thing can be exchanged for the lives of a hundred of your clansmen. After a stick of incense, you will pick out those one hundred people and gather here, and I will let them leave this place."

Regarding this decision, the old man didn't have the slightest opinion. It should be said that he knew very well that he didn't have the capital to negotiate terms.

As for the possibility of saving the treasures that already existed in this secret cave in exchange for the possibility of survival, that is nonsense, because this has long belonged to the winners, and the Nebula demigod will not allow them to use this as a condition in exchange for a chance of survival.

Soon a hundred people were selected, all of them were men and women under the age of a hundred. These people seemed to have good talents, and the ones with the highest cultivation bases were all already in the realm of the Lord of the Galaxy.

The demigod Nebula didn't even bother to take a look at this. Even if some of these people rise in the future, it will be many years later, not to mention that these people seem to have good talents now, but they are also piled up with resources.

The real difficulty is the domain master level and demigod level, these two levels are enough to block 99% of geniuses.

Only geniuses with true perseverance, opportunity and qualifications have the opportunity to step into the realm of demigods.

Seeing that Xingyun demigod nodded slightly, Jiang Heng used the law to move these people out directly.

Seeing this scene, the old man finally breathed a sigh of There was also a relieved smile on his face, his eyes closed as if waiting for death quietly.

In this regard, the demigod Xingyun did not hesitate at all, and his breath quickly escaped, and all the creatures in this country exploded and turned into blood mist in an instant.

A large piece of rich body Dao Law partly merged into the long river, partly ingested and kept in the hands of Nebula demigods, and put into meat **** for sealing.

These can be used in the future for Jiang Heng to solidify and strengthen his physical body after stepping into the demigod and cannot be wasted.

At the same time, the two of them also began to quickly sweep up the treasures in the entire cave. In fact, there was no need to spend a lot of time searching, because the treasures were all stored in the palace treasury by the barbarian king.

It has to be said that the barbarian king's family property is extremely rich. There are countless domain master-level weapons and dozens of semi-sacred weapons, but most of them are weapons of the temple system.

Perhaps this barbarian king killed many demigods of the temple system by relying on the power of the treasure axe, and even had a fifth-level demigod, which was obviously used by a fifth-level demigod during his lifetime.

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