Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 845: real brat

Remember [New] in a second! "How could it be?" Tianying demigod in the state of mind and soul was full of disbelief, which was simply beyond his comprehension.

There are many things that he doesn't understand, such as why the opponent can survive a blow from his divine soul secret technique, for example, why the opponent can dodge this almost locked blow, obviously even freezing the space.

All kinds of incomprehensions caused Tianying demigod to fall into a deep self-doubt and denial. He felt whether he was a demigod now, and how could he be forced into this situation by a peak domain master.

Jiang Heng has no time to pay attention to Tianying's thoughts at this moment. His eyes are dim and his breath is weak at the moment. His body surface is not only **** but also scorched black. , In many places, the flesh and blood on the surface were broken, revealing the golden bones deep inside.

The phenomenon that the original powerful physical body exuded faint divine light no longer exists, and now the divine light is dim, like a gray-white scorched withered body, but one can feel a powerful heart inside the body still violently heaving, thump, thump, thump!

It's like a big drum rising and falling, faster and faster, thicker and more magnificent.

The frightening physical body quickly eliminates the remaining Thunder Law in the body, but after all, it is a demigod's method. Even Jiang Heng's physical body is enough to rival the low-ranking demigods, and his recovery is extremely slow at this moment.

The real trouble is the soul. There are many cracks on the surface of the soul. If Jiang Heng didn't quickly blew up some avatars and gathered some soul essence to glue these cracks, Jiang Heng's soul is probably on the verge of collapse at this moment.

"The demigod is still too strong. Even if the body is not there, even just the means of the soul are enough to kill." Jiang Heng was secretly startled, but his mind became more and more chaotic. The exhaustion of the soul made him want to fall into a deep coma middle.

And at this moment, the two sides were confronting each other, and at this moment, the barbarian king suddenly slapped Jiang Heng with his big hand.

He wants to take this opportunity to shoot Jiang Heng to death to avoid future troubles!


The star picker of the same demigod Xingyun has already slapped the barbarian king again, and at the same time quickly took Jiang Heng into his hand with a quick move.

"The barbarian king is really an insidious villain. Since my apprentice has won, it is really shameful for the barbarian king to do such indiscreet tricks!" Xing Yun sarcastically sneered.

Hearing that the barbarian king didn't change his face, he just looked at Jiang Heng and narrowed his eyes slightly, his killing intent almost forming a thread.

"Hand over this son and I can report to the headquarters to revoke this formation and let everyone leave this place. If you don't hand it over, then you will be buried with this son!"

When the barbarian king said this, everyone was in an uproar.

What is everyone fighting to the death here? It's not for the sake of obtaining a hegemony that can spare the survivors of their hundred kingdoms.

Now that such a great opportunity is right in front of you, how can you not let everyone's heart beat.

For a moment, several demigods from the Eastern District cast their eyes on Jiang Heng, who was dying next to the demigod Xingyun.

It would be a lie to say that they are not moved, after all, as long as Jiang Heng is handed over, all of them can hope to survive.

Who doesn't want to live?

These demigods want to live, after all, as long as they become demigods, they will have a lifespan of millions of years, and such a long lifespan is enough to make them crazy.

"Everyone, don't pay attention to my apprentice, go back and discuss if you have something to do, don't fall into this person's tricks!" The demigod Xingyun saw the expressions of these people and couldn't help but sound transmission. .

It is said that the demigods of the Eastern District were all silent. At this time, they looked calm on the surface, but it was unknown what they were thinking in their hearts.

"Why? You might as well think about it!" The barbarian king couldn't help laughing when he saw the calmness of the people in the eastern district.

"Perhaps you may think that this king is trying to sow discord, but this king has always said one thing, and the status of this king in the Broken Gold Empire is needless to say, this king can directly represent the opinions of the hegemony, as long as you hand over this son , that hegemony will revoke the formation and let you leave!"

The Man Wang's confident and solemn expression showed the sincerity and credibility of his words.

"The barbarian king is not that we don't believe you. After all, we are not fools. You have spent so much energy and now you can represent the entire hegemony with your light words. If I remember correctly, the Broken Gold Empire can only represent the hegemony." One-third of the right to speak, right? What's more, you are not the real talker of the Broken Gold Empire."

The demigod Siji spoke first at this moment, he was already closer to the demigod Xingyun, and this time he was showing his attitude.

Hearing this, the barbarian king looked at the other demigods in the eastern district with playful smiles, which obviously meant to force other people to make a statement.

"That's right! Although you are the Lord of Broken Gold, Barbarian King, your words are still not trustworthy." The demigod Xi Ke also spoke, but he was smarter and didn't express anything clearly.

Shuangsheng and Tianshuang Patriarch shook their heads one after another.

"The barbarian king should not waste his time talking. It's really impossible to treat this old man as a three-year-old child. Although this kid is just a junior like me, he is not something you can send away with a word. Not to mention that you haven't come up with the actual situation. Sexual sincerity, even if you take it out, you really think I will agree later?" Patriarch Tianshuang suddenly began to condemn the barbarian king with righteous words: "And the old man will tell you today, don't say that you came here to say this It’s the same even if the three major powers of your hegemony come here, it’s absolutely impossible. As a demigod patriarch, any one of our hundred kingdoms will never hand it over to outsiders!”

Regardless of whether the words of ancestor Tianshuang were a performance or not, it must be said that many domain owners were moved inexplicably, and felt that the ancestor was still the patron saint of each of them.

"Yes! The demigod will never abandon us, the ancestor of the demigod, we will follow to the death!" All the domain masters seemed to have been beaten.

Seeing this scene, Xingyun's demigod eyes narrowed slightly. If he didn't know the character of Tianshuang's ancestor, he would definitely think that this guy is not bad. Now, he is still performing well.

"Very good, but I still say that if you hand over this son, I promise to let you go!"

The barbarian king said with a smile, but at this moment he suddenly moved. Almost at the same time, all the demigods of the hegemony area seemed to be ordered to rush towards the fortress in unison. go.

This scene happened suddenly, as if they had planned it long ago, and in an instant, the entire fortress formation was punched out with a big hole. The huge hole continued to expand under the continuous attack of the demigod powerhouse. The demigod Xi Ke, who was in charge of the formation, was also powerless at this moment. It would be useless for all the middle-rankers and demigods to act together and rely on him alone to preside over the formation.

"Everyone retreats to the second layer of formation, Siji and Tianshuang, both of you, help Xike to preside over the formation!" The demigod Xingyun quickly issued an order.

Gu Jian heard that the demigods did not dare to be negligent, and if they don't act quickly now, the three-layer formation will be broken in an instant, and at that time, they really thought that a few demigods would be able to stop the opponent's nine and a half gods God can't be achieved, and there is another one who is a half-god even though he is a god-soul body, and there is also the variable of the barbarian king.

Needless to say, the strength of the barbarian king is definitely the biggest enemy in this battle.

"All the main guns are firing, today I'm going to break the turtle's shell!" The barbarian king said harshly, he didn't like wasting words, so if he could fight, he would go straight to it. This is also in line with his style.

"This person's brute force is astonishing. If he can't be restrained, I'm afraid the formation won't last long!" Tianshuang's ancestor Chuan Xingyun demigod looked particularly dignified.

Hearing how Xingyun demigod didn't know about this matter, he was also anxious now, he knew what other people were thinking, they just wanted him to block that reckless man, but if he could really block it, he would not shirk it, the problem I can't stop it!

"Master Hou! Can you block this beast?" After thinking about it, Demigod Xingyun still asked Tongtianhou hidden in his body, wanting him to use his star picker to compete with this person.

"I'm carrying you, son of a bitch, do you really think my arm is invincible? In his heyday, Lord Ben didn't want to face this kind of reckless man head-on. This guy must have an artifact that increases the power of his body, as well as his giant arm before him. There is definitely something wrong with the ax!"

Tong Tianhou scolded Hua Hua directly, his star picker is powerful, but he ignores the obstacles of the law, and directly attacks the body and soul, but in terms of strength, how can he compete with such a reckless man.

In his heyday, he was a sixth-level demigod, but now he is just a broken arm. It is wishful thinking to want to compete with this kind of pure strength, which is not inferior to ordinary sixth-level physical powerhouses.

"That's going to be troublesome!" Xingyun half-god frowned and felt that this matter had become extremely difficult, and if he didn't restrict this person's formation now, it would be sooner or later.

Brute force may not be very good sometimes, but it can still break through all methods at critical times.

"Master...Master...If I may be able to help Master!" At this moment, Jiang Heng, who had been held in the hands of Xingyun demigod, woke up and turned around.

The soul is still in great pain, but it feels better.

Perhaps it is because of the nine mysteries and nine transformations and many times of severe pain and devastation of the soul, the resilience of the soul is beyond imagination.

"You? Disciple, you can't be brave at this time!" Hearing this, Xingyun half-smiles helplessly. I'm afraid that my apprentice is a little out of his mind because of the trauma to his soul in the battle just now.

The demigod Xingyun is very clear about how strong this enemy is at the moment, and his pure strength is definitely comparable to the level of the sixth-order demigod in the physical body.

Demigod Xingyun can rely on Tongtianhou's support to resist a few tricks, and he will definitely lose if it lasts for a long time!

"Master has precious medicine, this disciple wants to recover from his injuries first!"

Hearing this, the corner of Xingyun's mouth twitched involuntarily, he felt that his apprentice was becoming more and more proficient at eating him.

"Take it, besides recovering the body, there are also some soul-healing pills." Xing Yun shook his head half-god, thinking that although his apprentice was worry-free, it was too much of a waste of pills, and he had to consume a lot of precious pills every time he fought. precious medicine.

This is also the fact that Xingyun demigod, as a demigod, has a rich family background, with nearly hundreds of thousands of years of foundation, and in his early years, he served under the king of Nan and gave many precious medicines to the empire. Rao, he really dare not let Jiang Heng spend so much .

Jiang Heng quickly took a few elixirs and began to operate the star body to adjust his breath. At the same time, his soul was quickly healed under a elixir that nourished the soul.

"Don't you say maybe this kid really has a way!" Tong Tianhou was the demigod of Sound Transmission Nebula.

"Oh? How did Hou Ye start this matter?" Xing Yun was a little puzzled.

"It's because of this kid's law of space, maybe if you turn over the precious ax in this barbarian's hand, then this barbarian's strength will be greatly reduced!"

"Master Hou, are you sure? Most of this person's strength comes from that precious axe?" Demigod Xingyun still hesitated.

"It's almost the same. I thought this ax looked familiar before, but now that I think about it, it looks familiar. You may not have seen this thing, but you have definitely heard of it!"

The demigod Xingyun, who spoke of Tongtianhou's mysterious words, couldn't help feeling a little suspicious.

"I haven't seen it but heard of it?"

"Hehe, this thing was used to behead a real god!" Tong Tianhou reminded.

Hearing this, Xingyun half-god's eyes widened as if he remembered something, but he blurted out: "You mean, this precious ax is the weapon used when the **** of war first rose up, and it was the sky-opening ax that killed the true **** in the old Zhou Dynasty?! "

But then he frowned again, "Although Valkyrie did use an axe-bladed weapon in his early years, it is said that his sky-opening ax was a long-shafted axe, so the one in front of him seems to be a small hatchet, right? "

"Heh, haven't you ever thought that this thing is broken? Rumor has it that when the God of War beheaded a few true gods descended from the ancient true gods in the old Zhou period, the sky-opening ax in his hand was shattered, and the fragments were scattered all over the universe. I don't know where to go.

Right now this may be one of the fragments, otherwise I can't guess what kind of equipment can be so powerful, it already has the characteristics of some high-ranking semi-sacred weapons, and can even be regarded as a high-ranking semi-sacred weapon.

And you can see if there are some differences in many areas of this This means that only this short ax was repaired later, maybe there are only a small piece of the real sky-opening axe, Just relying on such a small piece can make this person's strength soar so much, it seems that this ax is one of the fragments of the sky-opening axe, and there is no doubt about it! "

Tong Tianhou became more and more convinced that this ax was the Sky-Opening Ax used by the God of War when he beheaded several descendants of the ancient gods in the Old Zhou Dynasty.

"But it's not easy to get this ax from this person. This guy is very vigilant. I think my apprentice is very good at the law of space, but the level of law of space is still too low. It's okay to escape and dodge normally. It is still too difficult to detect with the divine sense of a middle-level demigod. He will notice any fluctuations in the space." The demigod Xingyun shook his head and disagreed with this method, thinking that it would not work.

"Hey, don't we two old guys need to make a move at this time!" Tong Tianhou chuckled.

"Master Hou, I'm still young, you can just talk about yourself."

"You're not young, a guy who has hundreds of thousands of years is still an old man in front of this little boy like Jiang Heng?" Wen Yantongtian shouted angrily.



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